The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

I made another attempt to TR my warforged paladin into a fighter with 2 levels of paladin.

This time I selected the race half elf and dilettante in favored soul. That means my fighter will have 90% of casting heal scrolls and have +20% healing amp compared to the dwarf. The constitution will be slightly lower and some saves too, but with the improved saves from 2 paladin levels it means the saves will be good anyway.

This fighter will be quite self-sufficient since he can heal himself with scrolls. He can buff himself with other scrolls as well and even use wands.

I think that is a good alternative to the dwarf fighter.

I added cleave a bit earlier (at level 9). The other feats taken at lower level are so important I felt I had no room for cleave before level 9.

[u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.14.02[/b][/u]
[url=]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

[B][U]Karl Peter Aspenstein - Halfelf[/U][/B]
Level 20 Lawful Good Half-Elf Male
(18 Fighter \ 2 Paladin) 
Hit Points: 412
Spell Points: 0 
BAB: 20\20\25\30\30
Fortitude: 23
Reflex: 13
Will: 10

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
[U](36 Point)[/U]       [U](Level 1)[/U]             [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]Strength             17                    29
Dexterity            13                    16
Constitution         16                    20
Intelligence         11                    14
Wisdom                8                    11
Charisma             13                    17[/COLOR]

[B][U]Tomes Used[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 11
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 11
+3 Tome of Constitution used at level 11
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
+3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 11
+3 Tome of Charisma used at level 11
[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
[U]Skills[/U]           [U](Level 1)[/U]            [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]Balance               1                    11
Bluff                 1                     3
Concentration         3                     5
Diplomacy             1                     3
Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
Haggle                1                     3
Heal                 -1                     2
Hide                  1                     3
Intimidate            5                    35
Jump                  3                    20
Listen               -1                     0
Move Silently         1                     3
Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
Perform               n/a                   n/a
Repair                0                     2
Search                0                     2
Spot                 -1                     0
Swim                  3                     9
Tumble                n/a                   n/a
Use Magic Device      3                    14
[B][U]Level 1 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Favored Soul[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Past Life) Past Life: Paladin[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Past Life) Past Life: Paladin[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Toughness[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Armor Class Boost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Haste Boost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Intimidate I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Toughness I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 2 (Paladin)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Improved Recovery I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Versatility I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Paladin Extra Smite Evil I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 3 (Paladin)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Power Attack[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Paladin Charisma I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 4 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Cleave[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Strength I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 5 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Tower Shield Mastery I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Favored Soul Dilettante I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Adaptability Constitution I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 6 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Shield Mastery[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Improved Recovery II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 7 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Intimidate II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Toughness II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 8 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Stalwart Defender I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 9 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Great Cleave[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Strength II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 10 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Stunning Blow[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Armor Class Boost II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Greatsword Specialization I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Favored Soul Dilettante II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 11 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 12 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Past Life: Soldier of the Faith[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Item Defense I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Toughness III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 13 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Greater Adaptability Strength I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 14 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Stalwart Defender II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 15 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Two Handed Fighting[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Favored Soul Dilettante III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Toughness IV[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 16 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Combat Expertise[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Armor Mastery I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Improved Intimidate III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 17 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Armor Class Boost III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 18 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Improved Shield Mastery[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Strength III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 19 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Greatsword Specialization II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Human Versatility II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 20 (Fighter)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Fighter Bonus) Improved Sunder[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Stalwart Defender III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Fighter Item Defense II[/COLOR]
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Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Most fighters I know of take Great Cleave as well since it's devastating.
Aug 31, 2006
Yep. Plus, when in Legendary Dreadnaught, it also has a chance to reset the cooldown on some of the strikes.

Two Handed Fighting, and the rest of the tree, only increases damage of glancing blows by a small percentage. Small damage being increased by small percentages. I would not consider it remotely critical to take early, and something I'd push back until after Cleave, Great Cleave, and other more useful feats.

When Rachail was originally a THF-specced Paladin, I took them, then ditched them with an LR because the differences in damage was so minimal, that on a feat-starved Paladin, I found them worthless.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I always have taken great cleave on my pointy stick toons that can get it, but he's actually a little tight on feats (rather amazing, for a fighter) so something has to give. Doing 2-handed plus shields plus bastard swords plus the improved past life is going to require some compromises.

Seems like a reasonable build to me, but the jack-of-all-master-of-none might turn him into a professional soul stone. Hard to tell without playing it. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
'Professional Souls Stone'....... I like that expression, but I thought that was your description of ME!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Rachail has the full TWF line, Khopesh, Cleave, Great Cleave, both weapon specializations, both Shield Masteries, Stunning Blow, Improved Critical, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Toughness, and the Paladin past life.

Not to mention, G. Cleave is a pre-req for Overwhelming Critical. Which Rachail took at 21.

Both Cleave and Great Cleave were upgraded recently. Both had the animation times shortened, cooldowns cut to a reasonable length, and now give +1[w] and +2[w] respectively on use. With her GS Greataxe, Fireflash cuts down GH mobs in packs spamming these. Her main weakness is the lack of FoM naturally. I need to start farming VoN, as the Kundarak boots fill that need nicely.

IMO, I'd ditch the Bastard Swords. The damage increase is minimal (.5, yes half a point higher) over a Longsword, and the glancing blows don't add near enough to justify a feat slot. That would fit in G. Cleave without ditching the two levels of Paladin, which IMO are questionable anyway.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Basically, if I was creating another Fighter, Fireflash's build would be it. On her, ditch Khopesh, and TWF feats, add THF feats, and ditch the Paladin PL for Ranger (Barkskin, not as useful these days, but still, I'm too lazy to swap it out). Cleric dilettante, but I'm not bumping CHA to make use of a splash either.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I altered my build by scrapping the bastard sword feat and introducing cleave at level 4 (taking power attack at level 3). Then great cleave at level 9. I didn't know cleave had been improved and greater cleave a prerequisite for overwhelming critical.

I managed to squeeze in stunning blow at level 10. I've taken 2 of the 3 two hand weapon feats, but might scrap them for e. g. 2x toughness or something else.

At level 21 I hope to take overwhelming critical and and level 24 I hope to take bulwark of defense.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I don't think my fighter build should be a wandering soul stone. From playing with you all I've seen that the major weakness of a fighter is the poor saves. The has been the main reason I didn't want to play one before.

Another weakness is poor self healing ability.

I figured out that I can remedy both by going half-elf for heal and buff scrolls and 2 levels of paladin for much better saves plus 1 lay on hands. By taking the paladin levels early it means the charisma modifier can help considerably with the saves. If it turns out to not work well I can always LR into a pure fighter.

Another reason for taking paladin levels is that at epic levels I can swap to my unyielding sentinel for 3 extra lay on hands and lots of bonus abilities. I chose the abilites so I need some paladin abilities like smite evil and lay on hands to activate these. I think about twisting them in when on legendary dreadnought.

What I'm losing is the fighter capstone (a rather good one), but I think I gain more by doing so. I still get tier 3 of the prestige enhancement (stalwart defender).

At least it will be fun to try this build and then see how it goes. I focus on mauls and greatswords since I have so many good such weapons in my inventory. The same regarding other items boosting charisma, strength and constitution.

I think this toon will have higher dps than a paladin and only slightly lower than a pure fighter while having much better saves than a fighter and some self healing capability, at least between battles.

I don't think casting heal scrolls in battle is easy due to having very low concentration. So fight and then retreat for healing seems to be the way to do it.

Which scrolls do you think this fighter can benefit from getting from the vendors besides the healing and raise scrolls?
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Basically, if I was creating another Fighter, Fireflash's build would be it. On her, ditch Khopesh, and TWF feats, add THF feats, and ditch the Paladin PL for Ranger (Barkskin, not as useful these days, but still, I'm too lazy to swap it out). Cleric dilettante, but I'm not bumping CHA to make use of a splash either.

The paladin past life is quite good because it gives divine favor (+3 to hit and damage) 3 times per rest.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
As a side-note, I doubt that I'll be on on Friday - I've just discovered SWTOR for me ! ;)
It looks very good (although the character's faces look a bit too much polished and bland to me, imho, and I like the class story of my "Diplomat" (that's not his name, but the "profession" of him, in my words), too. ;)
He currently is on the German-language server called … something like … V… Chain … I have a terrible name memory ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Played that a little when it first came out. It's not bad, but becomes very much the same after awhile. I found it fine as a solo game, but not great for group play since the story line is strong and individual.
Aug 31, 2006
I played SWTOR too and got a Jedi consular up to level 50. Then I lost interest in it. The main story was over and it wasn't much else to do. The biggest problem I had with the game was the poor system for getting groups together. DDO is much better there. It could be SWTOR has got better regarding forming groups and more end game quests.

I agree with Corwin that the quests got very samey after some time. In many of the quests you had to kill a certain number of monsters of each category. I missed longer quests like in DDO. Most dungeon areas were very quick to complete.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I used the free LR to respec Susan into a Wolfy Healer build.

STR 16 (10) + level ups
CON 16 (10)
INT 10
WIS 16 (10)

Monk dilettante, though I think Fighter would still work, for issues described later.

To goal is to fight in melee in Wolf form when not main healing, supplementing the current main healer as much as possible. I'm still working on Druid healing timing, which is far different than Cleric/FvS due to lacking a spike mass heal. I stand by Druids being as capable, with their HoTs, but needing a modified skill set.

1 - Toughness
1 - Monk Dilettante (May swap back to Fighter)
2 - Wolf Form
3 - Power Attack (may also consider dumping, as the effect is not noticable. Better to move up other feats and make room for a metamagic I think).
5 - Bear Form
6 - Quicken Spell
8 - Winter Wolf Form
9 - Natural Fighting
11(?) - Dire Bear Form
12 - Improved Critical: Bludgeoning (Per Devs, Natural Attacks are technically classified as Unarmed attacks, which falls under this feat's umbrella)
13 - Fire Elemental Form
15 - Natural Fighting (?)
18 - Empower Healing/Maximize (?)

With Water Elemental being taken whenever I get it, too tired to remember right now when that comes into play.

Druids are exceptionally feat-starved in melee wolf/bear builds. You need the usual suspects for dps, plus as many Natural Fighting feats as you can muster. Plus, you'd also want Max and Empower for your AoE DoTs and Creeping Cold spells. In the end, once I hit Vale I'll probably decide for or against Emp Heal.

Spell changes were minimal, adding in a few form-specific buffs and attacks instead of some unused spells.

One minor issue is that even in form, you get hit with a 25% non-proficiency penalty to-hit if you're using a non-proficient weapon (even though your current weapon type is technically natural attacks instead). Thus, Fighter dilettante may be better, at this stage, than Monk, though it shouldn't be an issue to stack up a decent sickle or scimitar.

Another issue is that the new effects do not work under form, or at least Heartseeker does not. It's possible that Ribcracker (bludgeoning equivalent) does however. Got to test that.

One good thing though, is that you do not get a penalty for TWF without the feats when in form, so you can equip a caster stick to your offhand. Spell power still works, though I didn't test enough to see if the lore did as well. So you can equip a shield or caster stick with a decent casting combo on it, and use that to back up a solid melee stick in the main hand, which will have it's damage effects added to your own melee.

Tactically, I've traded offensive spell strength for melee strength. On the field I operate in much the same manner as I have; fight inside Sleet Storm/Ice Storm or Firewall/Entangle combos. I may also try Call Lightning Storm again, with little hope that it's worthwhile. Maybe against bosses, where they keep standing long enough for it to matter.

Damage is not much higher on a regular hit, even with PA (not sure that's working at all), but on crits Winter Wolf shows it's strength. It's stronger than a Khopesh. With the doublestrike from NA feats, and arty/druid buffs, it's not too shabby.

This build basically requires pure Druid, and the wild-shape capstone which reduces spell cooldowns. Given the weakness in regular Wolf form, you're not likely to get any use of of this until you get Winter Wolf.

I'm still researching the build, but a quick jaunt was much more fun on Susan than her prior setup. 250+ crits tend to do that (Doublestrike + 6[w] on Jaws of Winter). DC based casting will be more limited, so things like Call Lightning will become less than useful. So much of her spell dps will be from Ice Storm and Firewall, and maybe Call Lightning Storm (doubt it). Later Storm of Vengeance.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Interesting, I tried running my Druid is Water Elemental form last week and found it had both pro's and con's. I definitely preferred it to standard wolf form, but I haven't tried winter wolf yet.
Aug 31, 2006
I have found out that Digital River, the company Turbine uses for their DDO Markt underlying billing software, has a builing in Cologne.

Since I have a meeting in Cologne on Wednesday, I do plan to go there and complain - if they let me through, that is.

If they don't, I'll write them a bitter e-mail.

I know the area where the building is; the local group of HSPs had been holding meetings not far from there for a short time.

Edit : On a more lighthearted side, I found this very interesting :
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Alrik, I had the same trouble getting them to take my card for the VIP charges. Took several emails to get it straightened out. And I do mean SEVERAL! But they did finally sort it for me. Just keep after them til you get to the right people.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Well, the MOTU sale is now over anyway.

I'll just wait for the next one. :D

From the "100 TP off 1 item" I FINALLY bought myself a "cosmetic armor set" for my dreadily-looking "Duellist Learthers" ! Ha ! Finally ! I won't have to endure this rubber-costume-like look anymore ! Now it looks much more like something I'd call "Duellist's Leathers". ;)

The new DDO Store sale :

1. November 30th to Decenber 6th (German : Nikolaus ;) ) : Limited sale of +4 stat tomes & appropriate upgrade tomes :

2. November 30th to December 6th : "Adopt a Pet" :

Means : 20 % off

- Gargoyle
- Bat
- Rat
- Mini-Kobold
- Pet Gear
- Name Changes
- and this includes not only the ownership certificates, but treats as well.

If you hold the mouse pointer over the little word "Info" there, then you get an description - which says, by the way, that the "Top Hats" give +5 bonus to both "perform" and to "diplomacy" ! I didn't know that !

3. A new series called "Winter Weekend Specials" :

This weekend ( = November 30th to December 2nd) this means :

20 % off : Druid's Deep, Raid Timer Bypass
30 % off : Character Slots, 32 Point Builds

Edit : "Stuff" :
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
You should still work on getting it sorted with them, so when the sale does hit that you want you won't miss out again.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
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