The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

Excuse me, but I'm just thinking of making the list of quests a tiny bit more interesting ... We haven't done several freeHouse J quests in ages, I just noticed, for example "From Beyond The Grave" , "Dead Predators" and "Mirra's Sleepless Nights". Unfortunately they are no sagas, so their amount of xp would be singular.
We didn't do "Caged Trolls" in a while, either.
While "Black & Blue" has lots of jumping, I'm not so much against the other one, apart from its elevator puzzles, which I hated when I soloed it, especially due to massive lag I had at that time, then.

There are a few more quests which we didn't do in a while, but I think, with reason. Especially the two Wild Hunt Court quests are too complex for my personal taste.

I never actually did Threnal to the end. I once soloed its beginning, but I never went completely through it.

And Restless Isles ... Please, just no. I would even rather play Slavers that THAT.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
We've already passed most of those.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Now that was a little bit exhausting, confusing because of the ... map ... but fun. :) Astonishingly, I had no deaths on my side ! ;) And I think Corwin neither, didn't he ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Good night for everyone except me... I thought the dragon one-shotted you, though. Either way, call it a good session.

We bailed after "Hiding". It appears I was the only one that didn't have an XP pot handy for VON5 so I think I'm now bringing up the rear on XP with just over a rank to go to 13. That's fine since we'll get a couple ranks out of Barovia1. We've got Barovia pt1 and pt2 up next. Since I'm skipping the Desert this time around, 11 content is going to be a little thin. Unless we punish ourselves with Necro3, I think Alrik will get his wish and we'll have to pick up a few bar quests to get us to the lvl12 content.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Sorry on the Daylight Saving thing.

Next session will start with bar quests for Alrik. Dead Shall Rise (lich tower), Beyond the Grave (light the graveyard fires) and Spawn of Whisperdoom. Then we'll take 14 (Corwin is iikely to be a bit short still but that's to be expected). Wrap it up with Borovia3 and call it a night.

We'll bank the Borovia saga since there's a shit-ton of 12 content to run but a surprising lack of 13s since I'm trying to skip Gianthold this life for some variety.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Thank you, I like variety ! ;) Very much appreciated ! :)

Our group had a relatively good run, we had a few several unpleasant deaths, except Peter, of course. ;)
It was going very fast, but we didn't have great problems. So to say, Peter more or less pulled us through. ;)
And yes, I still do hate Amber Temple.
However, I was finally remninded of something where the inspiration for it might have come from (and then i just wondered : "why didn't come this to my mind earlier ???) :
The legendary "Amber Room" :
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
At least we got some nice items for Alrik and Corwin. That can come in handy for quite a few levels. The most important was probably the Mist Laden Vestments light armor for Corwin's bard. That's one of the best armors until level 15 when the Sharn gear can be phased in.

We only focused on the main objectives and that seemed to work pretty well. We got some optional stuff we had to get past, but we didn't take detours to find a junk chest etc. We spent about 1 hour per chapter (4 quests) and that was pretty impressive. We even had time for all of us to get a level and find some bank gear.

The main issue we had was that my toon has a striding 30% item and Alrik's and Corwin's toons don't. Maybe we should look into for future lives where nice striding items drop so we can farm those items. I think it's too late for Corwin and Alrik to get the gear needed to get striding 30% on the quiver. That means we need to run a lot of Necro 4 and even the Abbot raid. I can't remember if we have ever run the Abbot raid.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
The obvious one is to farm Mire sets out of Red Fens. Boots and the ring combined give you 30% striding, feather fall, underwater action, and a jump bonus (plus a couple other things). Both items are lvl7 minimum and bound to account, meaning they can be passed across toons. We had run Fens twice with the last group, heroic and epic, so I skipped that pack this life.

The Quiver of Alacrity drops in Ascension Chamber but is bound to character. Between everyone needing a completed frame to even get in and lack of experience with the raid, I've never put it on the agenda. I've got one on Phuury but I think I grabbed that on one of their "choose your raid gear item" give-aways. If I've ever stepped foot in Ascension, I don't remember any of it.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Might be worth it to put Abbot on the agenda; the seals are now permanent, and we all probably have a completed one except Alrik. Which with the four quests and dozen or so rares and everyone able to pass them, shouldn't take long.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Yes, I don't remember having done Abbott at all ... However, I need to look which toon of mine is actually flagged ...
Regarding the last session : I've never seen so many reapers in one run ... In the end, I even got an item with reaper enhancement on it ... I think it was +1 CON during reaper mode, but I'm not sure anymore ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm not 100% that I've run Abbot; I got my quiver off a raider's box. You can get the upgrade token from one of the explorer turn ins. I want to say tapestry shreds, which we all have a billion of.

The pre-raid is a huge chunk of XP (the quests and explorer aren't bad) too, though you have to run it 4 times. It's tedious and few people do it.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
pop quiz - is there any trapper gear between the Keylock Ring (lvl10) and the Experimenter's Goggles (lvl17)? Surprisingly, there's no trapper item in Sharn.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Disable: Gloves of Forgotten Craft drop in Tor, L12/13/14 Normal/Hard/Elite. Disable Device Only though. Gloves of Gnoll Hide are 13, out of Fleshmaker's With Open Lock and Disable. Skullduggery Kits out of Through a mirror Darkly, which we aren't running, has exceptional INT and DEX skills, plus has a random chance to have disable or OL. Also 14/15/16 N/H/E. Bracers of Twisting Shade from Stay at the Inn has Search and Disable, 16/17/18 N/H/E. Spare Hand belt can be crafted at various levels from the Artificers challenges, OL and Disable.

Spot: Sandstorm Glasses out of Zawabi's Revenge has Search and Spot, L11. Intricate Field Optics for spot only out of Tor, Lenses of the Dead out of Litany is 13 and has Search and Spot, Dream Visor out of Prison of the Planes has spot, both 12/13/14 N/H/E. Tharne's out of Vision of Destruction is 15, spot and search. The Stolen Necklace out of Friends in Low Places can have search or spot, if you hate yourself to run Whelloon alone. Eagle's Eye out of Subversion (devil's gambit pack), There's also the Treasure Hunter's Spyglass at various levels from Cove.

Search: Other than mentioned, Giantcraft Syberis Compass out of Tor (12/13/14), Pendant of Hidden Tools from Tethymar, Strike Back, at 15, and the various Prismatic Cloaks from Tracker's Trap can pop either Spot or Search.

Open Lock: only other thing I see is the Nether Grasp out of End of the Road. L 16.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Have you considered Cannith crafting?

The best slots for rogue skills are: trinket, goggles, ring and gloves. The latter 2 only for open locks and disable device.

if you craft level 14 items you get +15 to the skill. Level 15 items gives +16 to the skill. You can even get insightful bonus to some skills if you e. g. craft 2 items. Each item has 3 slots. So you can get 4x +15 or +16 to the skills and 2x +8 insightful bonus.

Personally I think gloves + trinket would be a good combination since there are few other great named items in those slots.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I was aiming for an "all in one" item like the keylock and experimenter's. Having now flushed an hour scouring the wiki, I can confirm that ain't be nuttin. Appreciate everyone's efforts, though. If I had a double-slot item and the appropriate clear augments, I could craft something up, but I don't have any (plus with the augment tiers at 8, 12, and 16 it doesn't really work right anyway) and they never show up on the auction house. First world problems...

The real issue is that I've planned poorly and I'm running Phurry as an evil ranger (so ranged and trapping) at the same time as Shadohe is running arty with the group (ranged and trapping) and right now they're both in line for a lot of the same Barovia gear at the same time. I'm trying to work around the overlap, but the 2-toon gear tetris puts a strain on available slots meaning that stupid keylock ring, of which I have exactly one, becomes pretty critical and now there's a decent chance it won't get checked back into the library for Phuury to use until Shadohe makes 17 which is obviously a ways away.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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