The TV Series discussion thread

If you want sex, violence and intrigue, then Covert Affairs is worth a try, this year's series was FULL of all 3!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Can anyone recommend me some really good Sci-Fi TV show?Last Good one I watched was Battlestar:Galactica and I haven't found good one since.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
Can anyone recommend me some really good Sci-Fi TV show?Last Good one I watched was Battlestar:Galactica and I haven't found good one since.
Firefly, naturally. ;)

I really liked Space Above and Beyond (which sought to capitalize on the popularity of Starship Troopers back in the day) as well, but it only lasted a season before getting the axe.

Don't know that there's any current shows that I'd recommend, to be honest.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I already watched Firefly…several times:).I love it, very witty writing.

I am going to take look at Space above and beyond thanks for recommendation.
That show wasn't going to win any awards, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Obviously, I was in the minority. ;) It really did draw heavily on Starship Troopers, so if you liked that movie, there's a decent chance you'd like the show.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
A good Sci Fi show is Stargate (10 seasons of SG1, 2 direct2DVD movies, 5 seasons of Atlantis, sorry but didn't watch 2 seasons of Universe so can't say if theose are worth it). You can get boxsets just anywhere and IIRC SyFy is currently rerunning both SG1 and Atlantis.


Someone mentioned Burn Notice and watching it because of Sam character. It's (Evil Dead) Bruce Campbell and if possible, make sure you get your claws on:
1. Jack of all trades (
2. Adventures of Brisco County Jr (

Both are available on Amazon (complete series) and for whatever reason, both were cancelled too soon for only god knows what reason (you'll hear that from both critics and fans).
Why am I putting them here… Brisco is mix of western+sci fi. Yes, wild wild west was not the unique series out there! :) Also in Jack of all trades there in fact is some rudimentary sci fi involved. But both series are fun, hilarious in fact and why they film soap operas and cancel stuff like this is beyond me.


But the real gem, masterpiece, possibly soon to be added in the list of cult series I saved for last.

It is This is not my life (
It comes from New Zealand and trust me the series is not yet another Peter Jackson's bullshit!
I don't know where you can buy DVD set. I wanted to have it myself and I've checked all over internet and seems it's sold out everywhere, even on australian greenfish or whateverfish site. :(

It's only one season long after which it got cancelled and rights sold to american ABC - I really recommend you to watch the original before they do a silly remake. The series were broadcasted all over Europe a few months ago on Fox Crime, dunno if and when they'll rerun it.

The story is about a man who starts to find clues that his identity is forged, that he's probably brainwashed and that he is in fact someone else. Not only that, soon he discovers that many ppl have a same fate, that he can't leave the town he's living in and that some ppl know more what's going on and are trying to hide it at any costs which includes murders.

This sci-fi thriller drama is one of the best stuff I've ever watched on TV and honestly I can't believe tvnz decided to cancel it and sell rights on remake/sequels to another network.
Apr 12, 2009
My top 5:

1. Matador (Danish historical drama - being primarily about human nature and is quite spot on. As close to perfection as anything is likely to get.)

2. The Wire (Best crime show by a wide margin. Definitely the most realistic of them all.)

3. Babylon 5/TNG (Tied for best sci-fi - both with fantastic characters.)

4. Dexter (One of the more daring and unique shows out there - but S1-S4 are the best and the latter seasons are not of the same quality. Also, it's pure entertainment for the most part.)

5. Beck (Swedish crime show - very very good, and I do love Gunvald)

A lot of other great shows out there, like The Shield and most of Battlestar Galactica. I like Breaking Bad - but I'm not as impressed with it as most people seem to be. It's missing something to keep me fully enthralled. Game of Thrones is also really good - but seems to be very much a one-trick pony. Well, it's focused on being harsh, with lots of sex and gore. Sounds great? I don't know. Good characters - but Tyrion is way too much "for effect" for my tastes. He's like a Bioware character.
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Top 5 without Forbrydelsen, from some who definetly had a chance to see that one, I'm really disappointed. But since I've numbered a few sci fi ones, again, a pause from me a day or two then I'll return with probably crime series and Forbrydelsen will definetly be one of them if not the #1 one.
Apr 12, 2009
Top 5 without Forbrydelsen, from some who definetly had a chance to see that one, I'm really disappointed. But since I've numbered a few sci fi ones, again, a pause from me a day or two then I'll return with probably crime series and Forbrydelsen will definetly be one of them if not the #1 one.

Forbrydelsen is good fiction, but it's not in the same realm of quality as the five shows mentioned. Especially not the 2nd and 3rd season. Again, if you want to experience the best Denmark has to offer - Matador (Monopoly) is the ticket. Naturally, it's not a show focused entirely on entertainment - and it deals with reality to a much greater degree. Some people probably won't find that very interesting.
Yea, right, whatever you say, in the meantime I can't wait to watch the third season (our national TV broadcasted first two, the third one is coming soon). Original ones, not hollywood remake (although I've read elsewhere that hollywood remake is great too, but somehow I want to see the original).

Btw, you gave the imdb link to Matador. ;)
Apr 12, 2009
Yea, right, whatever you say, in the meantime I can't wait to watch the third season (our national TV broadcasted first two, the third one is coming soon).

Btw, you gave the imdb link to Matador. ;)

Yeah, that was the intention. Why would I link to something else?
Dunno, maybe because The Wire is definetly one of the best crime series out there, maybe because Dexter is Titanic/Hobbit masshysteria type and I refuse to watch it, or maybe because Beck is something I've never heard of before and I adore anyone who shows me an underrated/unknown gem that got hidden under agressive commercials from crap stuff.
Apr 12, 2009
Dunno, maybe because The Wire is definetly one of the best crime series out there, maybe because Dexter is Titanic/Hobbit masshysteria type and I refuse to watch it, or maybe because Beck is something I've never heard of before and I adore anyone who shows me an underrated gem that got hidden under agressive commercials from crap stuff.

You haven't watched Dexter and yet you know exactly what it is? :)

You don't have to adore me, but check out Beck or Matador - when you're in the mood for true quality - instead of spectacle entertainment like Forbrydelsen. Dexter, by the way, is also spectacle entertainment - but it's also more original than most shows :)
I should have posted "I refuse to continue to watch more of that bullshit". Sorry.
I did try.
Which doesn't mean I won't go for Beck. I promise I'll try to get that one ASAP.
Not Matador though, hystory series are something I'm not fond of, sorry, unless packed with any other genre that isn't drama (so I won't watch HBO's famous drama series Rome which is probably awsome, but can't wait for the final season of action-adventure Spartacus).
Going for spectacle entertainment? Me? Me who spits on Titanic? Who won't watch Hobbit? And you're putting Forbrydelsen into that category? Get serious. :)

Anyway… Beck… IMDB… - dutch movie - severalcountries movie played by Derek Jacobi
etc many movies in fact about that character… - swedish series
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Apr 12, 2009
A good Sci Fi show is Stargate (10 seasons of SG1, 2 direct2DVD movies, 5 seasons of Atlantis, sorry but didn't watch 2 seasons of Universe so can't say if theose are worth it). You can get boxsets just anywhere and IIRC SyFy is currently rerunning both SG1 and Atlantis.

I watched SG1 I found it good enough to watch all 10 seasons,I never watched Atlanttis I might do that in future.
But the real gem, masterpiece, possibly soon to be added in the list of cult series I saved for last.
It is This is not my life (
It comes from New Zealand and trust me the series is not yet another Peter Jackson's bullshit!
I don't know where you can buy DVD set. I wanted to have it myself and I've checked all over internet and seems it's sold out everywhere, even on australian greenfish or whateverfish site. :(

It's only one season long after which it got cancelled and rights sold to american ABC - I really recommend you to watch the original before they do a silly remake. The series were broadcasted all over Europe a few months ago on Fox Crime, dunno if and when they'll rerun it.

The story is about a man who starts to find clues that his identity is forged, that he's probably brainwashed and that he is in fact someone else. Not only that, soon he discovers that many ppl have a same fate, that he can't leave the town he's living in and that some ppl know more what's going on and are trying to hide it at any costs which includes murders.

This sci-fi thriller drama is one of the best stuff I've ever watched on TV and honestly I can't believe tvnz decided to cancel it and sell rights on remake/sequels to another network.
This looks very interesting too bad I can't buy it anywhere:(.I guess I am going to wait for remake and hope for best.
Dunno, maybe because The Wire is definetly one of the best crime series out there, maybe because Dexter is Titanic/Hobbit masshysteria type and I refuse to watch it, or maybe because Beck is something I've never heard of before and I adore anyone who shows me an underrated/unknown gem that got hidden under agressive commercials from crap stuff.
Comparing Dexter to crap like Titanic is heresy..BURN HIM!!!!:)
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
LOL okay…

In the meantime I actually remembered more sci fi series I've watched, some good and some bad. Also I didn't want to repeat those already mentioned, but then again, why not make a sentence or two, right? So here goes (hopefully I won't forget some again, but even if I do, I'll post it later) a list of sci fi series (not?) worth your time.

Already mentioned and why, corresponding links are in the post above:
- Stargate: SG1, direct2dvd movies, Atlantis and Universe
- Jack of all trades
- Brisco County Junior
- This is not my life

Others mentioned:
- Space above and beyond - cancelled after one season and I wasn't impressed, as it wasn't really connected to Verhoeven's "massacre hollywood perfect plastics" ST masterpiece, can't recommend it sorry
- Firefly+Serenity - one of Fox' biggest sins was cancelling it as it's one of the best series ever made not just in sci fi genre, the movie tries to close all arcs left open (some like the priest arc however remained a mystery), there are also three comics (to my knowledge) not a masterpiece but still good, this series is a must have
- Babylon5 - I had a chance to watch it but for several reasons I'm constantly skipping it, however everyone recommends it so I guess it's good
- Star Trek: Original series, cartoons, books, comics, movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, fan made series - do please watch at least something from that franchise, Star Trek is perhaps a huge soap opera, but many things you can see in it were (are?) revolutionary, while dartagnan marked TNG as the best part IMO it's DS9 that is the best, but well…

More on the matter:
- X files - not really sci fi, but then again partially is sci fi thus I'm putting it, not bad, but also not as near good as could have been, a must watch if you smoke (and I do)
- Fringe - also not bad but in the case you skip it, don't worry you didn't miss much
- SyFy cheap crap series: Warehouse13, Haven, Eureka, Sanctuary, later seasons of Sliders etc - watch this junk only if someone pays you to or if your boyfriend/girlfriend would appreciate if you watch those with them, otherwise stay the hell miles away from those
- Cancelled before finished anything but very promising series: Jericho, 4400, Total Recall 2070, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Terra Nova, Painkiller Jane, The Invisible Man, etc - do not and please do not give those a try as you'll get frustrated when you find out they will never have an ending, it's in most cases very good stuff but it feels like not being able to finish a buggy game that will never get patched due to evil managers' decision
- V - watch the original series with Robert Englund, it's so silly that is actually fun, the remake is an utter crap
- Blake's 7 - ( ) a genuine masterpiece, I don't have it, watched it ages ago on TV and I still remember many stuff from it, today it's special effects can't compare to modern CGI, it was not series about effects but a series with brilliant story
- Doctor Who
—— old series before 2005 - if you can get episodes with Tom Baker, don't miss them
—— The Curse of Fatal Death - do not miss this parody even if you're not fan, it's unbelievably hilarious
—— 2005… - a must see stuff, targetted audience is family so there is no excuse not to watch it, don't miss cartoons, special episodes, webisodes, documentaries, concerts (yup!) and comics (there is a crossover comic TNG/doctor who)
- Sarah Jane Adventures - an utter crap, can't believe ppl watched that stuff, I couldn't be arsed to bare more than a few episodes of that
- Wizards vs Aliens - currently very close to an utter crap, but possibly gets better in the next season
- Torchwood ( ) - sci fi with sex and violence, IMO a masterpiece of it's own (first three seasons) that got tainted in season 4
- Misfits ( ) - again one that is not really sci fi, but partially it is, brilliant first three seasons about "misfits" that got superpowers but instead of becoming heroes they really do not know what to do with those powers, current (fourth) season is below expectations
- Heroes, Alphas and other similar stuff about ppl with powers who's IQ is 87356834763845 and they *knew* what to do with those powers since they were born… get serious, it's bullshit, don't watch that crap
- Lexx ( ) - I've seen only the first (pilot) episode and never got the rest of it, it's so bizzare that I can't describe in just one sentence what's going on in it except it's about "perfect" future, but I do say it's a masterpiece of it's own (the pilot episode), so do please watch at least that one, there were four seasons made
- Red Dwarf ( ) - if you didn't watch this, I don't know what you did watch, unique humor, bizarre stuff that actually doesn't feel that bizarre while you're watching it, completely mad characters, decades old but still ongoing and still great
- Farscape + The Peacekeeper Wars ( , ) - 4 seasons and a two part TV movie, not a masterpiece but so much fun that I couldn't believe it was cancelled, a mix of all series above (yes, I believe I've described it correctly) that actually respects them all and still works, get it if you can, there are a few boring episodes but the rest of it is worth watching
- Galactica (1980), Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, The Plan, Blood & Chrome, Razor - just as in the case of Star Trek series I must recommend watching at least one part of the franchise, most of it is enjoyable and good
- Automan ( ) - skip it, if it was comedy as promised it would be great, but humor was so bad noone laughed so it got cancelled fast
- Andromeda ( ) - almost forgot about this one, I must admit I got hooked in the start, but series got worse and worse so I dropped it and never actually saw how it ends :(
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Apr 12, 2009
Dunno, maybe because The Wire is definetly one of the best crime series out there

I agree, together with The Shield and Southland.. Dexter is well.. maybe not crap but doesnt play in the same league by a long shot.

It's too bad there arent any good and fairly recent sci-fi shows except for BSG. Don't really get what people see in Firefly, very mediocre show, same with Stargate which is even worse.
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Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Yea, right, whatever you say, in the meantime I can't wait to watch the third season (our national TV broadcasted first two, the third one is coming soon). Original ones, not hollywood remake (although I've read elsewhere that hollywood remake is great too, but somehow I want to see the original).

I watched the remake of Forbrydelsen (The Killing) which consisted of one story told over 2 seasons.

Eh… it was ok. Entertaining, but nothing extraordinarily memorable.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
- Doctor Who
—— old series before 2005 - if you can get episodes with Tom Baker, don't miss them

Indeed, the Tom Baker years were a masterpiece imo.

- Lexx ( ) - I've seen only the first (pilot) episode and never got the rest of it, it's so bizzare that I can't describe in just one sentence what's going on in it except it's about "perfect" future, but I do say it's a masterpiece of it's own (the pilot episode), so do please watch at least that one, there were four seasons made

I only saw a handful of episodes, but that was enough to forever ingrain the image of Xenia Seeberg in my mind.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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