The TV Series discussion thread

Tried watching the latest GoT episode, but gave up after 20 minutes. All the things I have a problem with was repeated, once again, inside of those 20 minutes.

Let's see… Superfluous sex scene, check. People being excessively cruel to one another, check. Super bad-ass warrior type person introduced that's even more bad-ass than the last bad-ass, check. Noble dwarven comic relief with a bad accent doing things that would get any other character brutally slaughtered for shock value, check.

Show started out so, so good - but I expected it to evolve and have a real plot.

Yawn. I just can't stay interested....
It has a plot, but it's a LONG term plodding plot, with "short" (ha!) story vignettes along the way that usually end in the character's death. Of course, we may never read Martin's long term plot if he never finishes it. Nothing is certain, no one is safe, especially from those with money and power. Welcome to the modern world echoed in this fantasy world. ;)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Dunno what plans were, but yes. The second movie is a prequel. Doesn't mean you should watch the second one first. In fact you shouldn't watch it first.

That's not what I said or what I meant. Did you watch the original before or after the 2nd & 3rd parts were made? If before, you didn't know it wasn't the whole story. If after, you already know the whole story anyway, so why not watch what many consider better than the original?

Of course, if you just hate re-makes in general & refuse to watch ANY of them, that's a different issue.
I'm amazed there has been no discussions about what I consider the 3 beast shows on TV, all of which are in their 3rd season; Continuum, Suits, and Person of Interest. I also like the Mentalist!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Tried watching the latest GoT episode, but gave up after 20 minutes. All the things I have a problem with was repeated, once again, inside of those 20 minutes.

Let's see… Superfluous sex scene, check. People being excessively cruel to one another, check. Super bad-ass warrior type person introduced that's even more bad-ass than the last bad-ass, check. Noble dwarven comic relief with a bad accent doing things that would get any other character brutally slaughtered for shock value, check.

Show started out so, so good - but I expected it to evolve and have a real plot.

Yawn. I just can't stay interested….

Which was the bad-ass warrior? The Hound? He's been in the series for quite some time now and has been "bad-ass" from the very begining..

Hmmm i dont see the imp as comic relief at all, most of what he is involved in is rather depressing.

I thought the episode was ok, a good start. The main problem is that it revolves around too many characters so there's often very little in terms of progress.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I'm with Joxer on Spartacus. Apart from that and the occasional GoT episode, I really like Blacklist and NCIS. And like Corwin I also like Person of Interest.
Aug 31, 2006
I quite enjoy Blacklist too. Jaz, who's your favourite PoI character? I like Shaw, but Root is growing on me!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I'm cheap, so for me it's Finch all the way.
Aug 31, 2006
I watched continuum but the story didn't really move I thought.

I do enjoy person of interest.
I liked the dead cop...

Suits was great at first but they kept playing the same things over and over u thought.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Which was the bad-ass warrior? The Hound? He's been in the series for quite some time now and has been "bad-ass" from the very begining..

No, that Prince Oberon super smooth hot ninja warrior.
I winced at the tale of what was done to his family - because it's so predictably extreme. Especially that Mountain bit about cleaving the sister with his sword. I GET IT - it's so extreme. Oh yeah - nice.

Hmmm i dont see the imp as comic relief at all, most of what he is involved in is rather depressing.

Seriously? Come on now.

I thought the episode was ok, a good start. The main problem is that it revolves around too many characters so there's often very little in terms of progress.

It all comes down to personal preferences. Personally, I can't get past how it moves from one extreme to the next in some desperate struggle to outdo itself.

It would be so much better with a less obsessive desire to shock and make an impact every five minutes.

The quiet moments are quite good - and the extreme moments would have a much bigger impact if they were few and far between.

At first, I was impressed with the way main characters were being killed off - but now it's clearly a gimmick and it's boring.

To each his own.
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That's not what I said or what I meant. Did you watch the original before or after the 2nd & 3rd parts were made? If before, you didn't know it wasn't the whole story. If after, you already know the whole story anyway, so why not watch what many consider better than the original?
The second movie, although prequel, contains storyruiner spoilers for the first movie. You simply can't enjoy those OMG, WTF and WOW moments if you watch the prequel first.

It's like reading the digital comic you get as a bonus with ME2 before playing the game. During the game you discover how a certain agency got your corpse and it's like, OMG I love you or OMG you bitch! moment.
If you read the comic first, which is crap anyway, you'll kill your emotion on this moment in the game.

I'm amazed there has been no discussions about what I consider the 3 beast shows on TV, all of which are in their 3rd season; Continuum, Suits, and Person of Interest. I also like the Mentalist!! :)
No, I'm currently onto exploring australian series!!
That means I don't have time for more US shows, I'm watching more than enough of those.

A few mentioned, and I'm too still watching The Blacklist. And I don't plan to stop, it's one of those let's try and see if it's any good shows that turns into hell what are they waiting with airing the next episode, I can't wait!

Also, Game of Thrones… What to say? New season, crap writer who'll die before the story gets done, but we get to see more boobs so how can one refuse to watch it? :)
Apr 12, 2009
I never base my opinions of a tv series (or movie) from the book it was made from. To me they are completely separate. If I like the TV series (or movie), I like it. I never compare it to 'oh, the book was so much better!'. So, I read the first 3 books of GoT but I enjoy the series completely. If it diverges from the books, even better!
Sep 23, 2008
As for GoT, there is LOT more sex in the TV show than in the books...
Oct 8, 2009
Sorry I'll disagree. There is plenty of it in books, only it's not as "descriptive" as on the screen. ;)
Apr 12, 2009
Sorry I'll disagree. There is plenty of it in books, only it's not as "descriptive" as on the screen. ;)

there are indeed aplenty in the book but tv is still greater than books :)
Oct 8, 2009
At last, I finally get to agree with DArtagnan about something. Totally underwhelmed by the first episode of GoT. The first two series really felt like you were going somewhere, this one didn't have anything going anywhere as far as I can tell. And yet another episode with no undead, I'm beginning to think I imagined all that talk of 'undead on the march' plot-line. I dunno, maybe I did?
Feb 10, 2014
Do any mythical creatures, undead, etc, ever appear onscreen in GoT, or do they only talk about stuff like that?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Do any mythical creatures, undead, etc, ever appear onscreen in GoT, or do they only talk about stuff like that?

Undeads, dragons, giants, shapeshifters, black swirly demonic things, yep, all there.
By the way, today's episode, wow, I didn't see that coming (which happens a lot in this series)
Sep 23, 2008
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