The TV Series discussion thread

yep. Plus I also go in cycles. Right now my gaming is maybe half an hour a day at most a day. While I veg and catch up on some Roku/Netflix.

I can easily spend a significant amount of time just checking out all the Roku stations.

I think when Dishonored comes out I will get back to my regular gaming schedule.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Janeway annoying? Bah.

The only utterly annoying character in ST:Voyager is Naomi Wildman. Poor girl who played her is not guilty for that, it's just that the character writing about her sucks.
When I remembered the worst Voyager episodes I've ever watched, that poor girl was in each of them.

Sure, some other characters can be annoying too, but sporadically. Naomi beats them all.
Apr 12, 2009
Janeway annoying? Bah.

The only utterly annoying character in ST:Voyager is Naomi Wildman. Poor girl who played her is not guilty for that, it's just that the character writing about her sucks.
When I remembered the worst Voyager episodes I've ever watched, that poor girl was in each of them.

Sure, some other characters can be annoying too, but sporadically. Naomi beats them all.

oh not even close by 1 million miles. The most annoying character in Voyager was Neelix. I hated that character with a passion!
Sep 23, 2008
I had such a good time I watched a few more episodes.

One was about a sentient bomb - really good acting by the holo doctor. (Picardo?)

the other was about a 7of9 mission where she had to travel in time to defuse a bomb planted on Voyager.

The stories still held up even though they are between 15 to 20 years old. One thing about these shows is that they are driven by an idea and carried by the characters. This seems to be different than the Sci fi that is on now, that seems to mostly center on character drama. The sci fi of today seems for the most part like a soap opera.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
The stories still held up even though they are between 15 to 20 years old. One thing about these shows is that they are driven by an idea and carried by the characters. This seems to be different than the Sci fi that is on now, that seems to mostly center on character drama. The sci fi of today seems for the most part like a soap opera.

Totally agree. It's not only sci-fi but fantasy as well. I recently abandoned The Shanara Chronicles and The Magicians for that same thing. Shanara's pilot episode looked good enough, but after that they destroyed any semblance of plot or remotely following the book story and just degraded to teen drama. The Magicians I was hoping to get a 'Hogwarts as a college' show, instead I got some sort of 90210 with spells, every episode is just drama and attitude clashing.
Sep 23, 2008
This is why I rarely watch television these days. No, really, it is the biggest reason I don't bother - everything is written to play out like a soap opera. The last show I earnestly watched weekly was Jericho... and, omg, was that bad; a bunch of happy go-lucky, clueless extras driving around in shiny new trucks, wasting gasoline, complaining about the most trifling things... AFTER THE GDAMN BOMBS FELL!

Bleh. So, now I just give a pass altogether to TV and if there's enough gushing about a series (such as Breaking Bad), I'll just download, rent, or buy it.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Totally agree. It's not only sci-fi but fantasy as well. I recently abandoned The Shanara Chronicles and The Magicians for that same thing. Shanara's pilot episode looked good enough, but after that they destroyed any semblance of plot or remotely following the book story and just degraded to teen drama. The Magicians I was hoping to get a 'Hogwarts as a college' show, instead I got some sort of 90210 with spells, every episode is just drama and attitude clashing.

I actually tried the Magician Books a couple years back but they were so filled with "drama and attitude." I just couldn't go forward with the trilogy. Flash forward to a couple months ago and I saved up all the Magician TV episodes and found they were filled with even more "drama and attitude" then the books. But I'm stuck with it and barely finished the first season. I can't recall wasting any time doing a summary of the series and reporting back here. Wait . . .
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Books are completely gone from my life. I'm ashamed because of that, in my youth I was practically a bookworm, but a time came when reader's passion inside me couldn't click for years, something happened with my emotions I guess or new books are just too crappy.
If you want a kick-start, try reading anything by Brandon Sanderson. He writes page-turners, e.g. Mistborn for general fantasy or Steelheart for superheroes.

I had the same "problem". Used to read lots of books back in school, then after a while it just stopped. Same with watching animes (those lasted longer into my University years) or TV series. I rediscovered them though and now I'm loosely dividing my recreational time between watching movies, series, animes, reading books (mostly to wind down before going to sleep) and gaming. And yeah, as soon as something feels like a slog, I put it away.

Speaking of series, I'm now into Doctor Who again. Also tried the first episode of Daredevil -- was fun enough and I might continue with the rest.

I recently abandoned The Shanara Chronicles and The Magicians for that same thing. (..) just degraded to teen drama.
Aw, that's such a shame to hear. Those two were actually on my want-to-watch list.
There's too much drama in the world as it is.
Aug 30, 2006
The Path:

I downloaded the first four episodes because I liked Aaron Paul in breaking bad.

Not bad I guess, reminds me of Celestine Prophecy books that I read back in the 1990's. I am not one for cults at all but will watch a couple more to see what happens.
Apr 2, 2011
So are we excited about the Game of Thrones season 6 starting Sunday?

Perhaps not... :)

Apparently there will be at least one more season after this. Can you here the milking coming from HBO corporate headquarters?

And still no news on the next book. :( sigh…
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Yeah, with Martin writing [for TV] as he goes now, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot less detail and complexity put into further seasons. Writing a screenplay is a lot different than writing a book, much less books that you drag your feet on and release 1-2 per decade.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
They can milk the series as much as they want as long as they keep it as entertaining as it's been. Can't wait for season 6!
Sep 23, 2008
One of my frustrations with Thrones is that the first season laid down a mile of story, but subsequent series proceeded in inches. I fear this will continue if they keep producing seasons without more source material.
Nov 8, 2014
They can milk the series as much as they want as long as they keep it as entertaining as it's been.
I wish that "rule" worked with games too.
But instead of quality sequels, we got pay2win microtransactions.
Apr 12, 2009
Can't wait for GoT tonight. The teaser trailers for this season has got me excited. I am an optimist and hoping that the TV series will be even better now that they just have an outline of the story. For us fantasy fans what else comes close that is on TV? Never thought I would see the day that a fantasy series like this would be so popular. Hoping that GoT and Martin are inspiring the next generation of fantasy writers.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
I'd really much rather have the next book, but I'll watch and enjoy the show for what it is. My hope is that one day some tv channel will pick up the Wild Card book series and do a true super-powered show the right way, because those books are utterly fantastic.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I think the SyFy channel has the rights to Wild Cards. This does not fill me with joy.
Nov 8, 2014
Anyone watching The Catch? Has some similarities to White Collar.
Aug 31, 2006
Just finished watching the first episode of the Expanse. Liking what I see so far! Gritty and smart; hoping they don't ham it up in subsequent episodes.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
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