The TV Series discussion thread

I can't wait until this fad with excessive violence, soft porn and constant harshness with death of main characters every other episode passes - so we can have some interesting stories again :)
I can't wait until this fad with excessive violence, soft porn and constant harshness with death of main characters every other episode passes - so we can have some interesting stories again :)

I actually like the death of main characters, makes the stories much more interesting as you can't metadata that something can't happen. It used to lower my enjoyment of a movie or TV series knowing that no matter what was happening in it, I knew that the character wouldn't die. I prefer movies or shows that remove that safety net.
Sep 23, 2008
I actually like the death of main characters, makes the stories much more interesting as you can't metadata that something can't happen. It used to lower my enjoyment of a movie or TV series knowing that no matter what was happening in it, I knew that the character wouldn't die. I prefer movies or shows that remove that safety net.

Yes, I thought it was great at first - when it was novel.

But then came Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, and on and on.

It's no longer about plausible writing and engaging story arcs. It's about excess and about shocking the audience because it's so cool to build characters only to have them killed off in some meaningless way. So deep and realistic!

Sorry, that no longer works - and as always, when you overdo something - it loses its edge. Same goes for showing tits and dicks - which has already become dull and tiresome.

It's the new black and I'm already sick of it. When you watch shows, especially from HBO - try to take note of how common it has become, where it used to be very rare.

Can't be much fun for the actors either.
Let's get cynical for a moment if you will. ;) There's an underhanded driver for killing main characters--money. I don't know if the Friends cast started it, but they were famous for holding the network hostage to their astronomical salary demands. The entire show revolved around the main characters with no viable exit strategy, so the networks had no choice but to pay whatever it took to keep the cast intact. These days, if an actor gets too greedy, the character gets a case of the deads and the show goes on.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I think it's good that people can die in shows that are about violence. GoT makes sense and Boardwalk Empire (which I only watched for a bit) makes sense too.

Otherwise it feels too much like a fairy tale to me.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Of course ppl can die in shows with violence. In some shows "most important" roles however cannot die or the show stops with their death. That isn't something negative.

Fairy tale(s) is a poor comparision. There a death is the reason that stirred the pot or is a mandatory ending. Take snowhite as an example, her mother pops her clogs at the start and that makes the things evolve in a way they did. Hansel&Gretel do the witch in just because poor sod wanted some meat. And the clever wolf gets sadistically played with and then drowned in a well.

Instead, please say no death feels too much like a slimey teenage romance movie.
Apr 12, 2009
I wish someone kidnaps you and locks with only TV and series channels.
No, not PC and Netflix, you'd still neglect it and play solitaire!

Move away from games for a few days! :D
Apr 12, 2009
Cl. Orange is not TV series. :p

Maybe I should delete that sentence though. We're in era of unnecessary, silly and crappy reboots and remakes…
Apr 12, 2009
The Bletchley Circle

Too much of WW2 would mean not really my type of a show, not to mention some oddities, fastforwarding the most interesting (brainstorming, puzzle) parts, etc etc.

But those bloody Brits made another very interesting and unorthodox crime drama. How do they manage do make things like this so good?!

Watched season 1 (3 episodes) and I know season 2 is ongoing so it should be aired here in a month or two and I can't wait. It's not a masterpiece, but is above average stuff.
So if crime/thriller show meets your taste, give this a try if you see it airing somewhere.
Apr 12, 2009
I watched Bletchley Circle right before Christmas, we really enjoyed it. Smart, funny, and dangerous at the same time, it sort of reminded me of the Sherlock show. But with ladies.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Watching X-Files…. Never actually saw more than the first season, and I don't even remember why I stopped.

So far, it's obviously very old and quaint - but also somewhat nostalgically entertaining. I skipped a few episodes from season one, simply because they were incredibly bad - but there are some interesting ones among them. I'm just starting season two, and it's going to be interesting to see if I keep watching.
We joined X-Files almost by accident late in the first season (we were cleaning and re-arranging living room in new house and turned on TV and it was on), and got hooked pretty well for a few years.

A few months ago I watched a couple of episodes on Amazon Prime streaming ... and especially the very first few episodes have aged terribly, with Gillian Anderson in particular looking really locked in a time warp (but that is normal - women's fashions generally are more time-based, whereas dress or even 'business casual' clothes for men can be more generic and 'timeless').

Agree on how some of it is cringingly bad, but still cute and quaint in its own way - like watching Twin Peaks now. Because TV shows tend to get consumed and regurgitated, what was once innovative or edgy becomes outdated rather quickly.
Oct 18, 2006
Being a fan of stuff like Star Trek TOS and Babylon 5 gives you thick skin when it comes to things looking old or people having bad hair ;)

Some of the stories are truly awful and uninspired, which is a bit surprising. But I guess when it comes to the paranormal - the X-Files was relatively novel even if it resembles the Twilight Zones in many ways. There was an episode about an AI in some large corporate bulding that was going crazy - and oh MY - it sucked bad. I'm not a fan of 2001, personally - but the HAL stuff is brilliant compared to that episode.

I'm hoping things shape up in Season 2 - or I'll probably give up. It's just that I'm looking for a new show to keep my brain warm during these cold times - and I'm pretty picky.

I wonder what else I could check out…. Supernatural was not that bad, but it felt like watching the same episode 10 times in a row with slight variations on a theme. Gave up on that too… Boardwalk Empire didn't work out either…

Oh well….
I've been rewatching all of the X-Files for the past year or so… truly wonderful chemistry between Duchovny and Anderson. My favorite episode thus far: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose (Season 3, Episode 4).

Enjoy seasons 1-5 for what they are because the show really does change remarkably (for ill in my opinion) with the start of season 6 and the show's move to L.A..
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I watched first season of Falling skies and it's safe to say I won't be getting second season.Characters are boring and story is uninteresting.Very disappointing.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
Falling skies is a classic Spielberg family crap. Kids with IQ 500 with a "twist" that here got superpowers as a bonus to their "superiority".
Will someone explain to that man already that a 15 year old kid can't have thoughts like a 50 years of experience old man? Kids are irrational, illogical, revolutionary and against everything just because. Someone should forbid him making anything with children ASAP.
Okay, I went too extreme here, but you understand what I wanted to say.

That aside. The story contains overblown (melo)drama that doesn't fit at all into a postapocalyptic world, moreover it tries to show what kind of society survivors could evolve into and totally forgets that you can't avoid butchering, mutilation and other attrocities in any war (Schindler's List director should know better). I mean everything is destroyed, there is no food, and we don't have at least one case of cannibalism? Right… Oh and you can get fuel just about anywhere. Flying an airplane was never easier since you can fill it at any corner. Add to all that pathetic and cheaplooking CGI, I don't see anything original with sixlegged aliens and those bots need a completely new designer if you ask me.

I've watched all seasons (2 or 3?) and the show doesn't improve! Why did I continue to watch it? I've expected it'll grow better. But since it didn't happen, won't continue with the next season.
NOT recommended.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2009
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