The Witcher 2 - Enhanced Edition Released

As far as I can tell, the controls are the same as they were on release.
Aug 16, 2008
As far as I can tell, the controls are the same as they were on release.

So there's still the issue of keys\buttons briefly not responding at times? I would have thought that would be a priority for them. As much as I enjoyed TW2, I'm not going to replay it until that's fixed.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
So there's still the issue of keys\buttons briefly not responding at times? I would have thought that would be a priority for them. As much as I enjoyed TW2, I'm not going to replay it until that's fixed.

I only played about 10 hours in and then quit and haven't played since. I was waiting for and looking forward to this update. Then.......

JDR13 reminded me of why I stopped playing in the first place.:(
I hadn't touched the game since before 2.0 (1.35 I think was the only version I played long enough to reach and explore Flotsam) but from what little I remember the responsiveness does not have the issues it did. I'm sure the patch tweak that stopped opponent attacks from interrupting your own played its part but I know that now I simply block, attack and roll when I want.

The only time when that does not apply is when I need to wait for a long attack animation to stop before being able to block but that I think is normal since the game is not a hack-and-slash.

I remember being very annoyed by the targeting which seems also improved but still is not quite perfect.

The install directory now weights at 18.2 Gigs with just the English voice-overs installed.
Last edited:
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
So there's still the issue of keys\buttons briefly not responding at times? I would have thought that would be a priority for them. As much as I enjoyed TW2, I'm not going to replay it until that's fixed.

There was no input lag in version 1.3x that I played (iirc reported fixes in several issues like that was what finally started me playing).

There were a couple of serious (audio bug when saving inside the compound in Flotsam) and very annoying (controls becoming stuck after throwing bombs iirc and remaining unresponsive until Geralt getting hit) bugs left that I believe were already fixed before the EE came out (together with the Dark edition update?)…
Oct 18, 2006
Why would they not use the Xbox 360 controls for the PC gamepad controls? That makes no sense to me.
The responsiveness mentioned before was patched ages ago - it was all about a bug that was occuring while doubletapping keys or something.
Apr 12, 2009
Hmmm curious... we have 3 people getting their knickers in a twist over something fixed a while ago while stating that they haven't played the game to check if what they are complaining about is still there?
Jan 10, 2008
I have not download the EE yet , can someone tell me if it is stable to update or it will cause problems with the current installation ?
i am too lazy to d/l and install all over again .

By launching the game, the auto patcher downloaded the EE patch and everything went smoothly. As a check, I started a new game without problems so I concluded that the installation was done correctly.

I think The Witcher 2 is a great game and I appreciate all the new free content but if I understand correctly, the combat mechanics haven't been improved, which I find very disappointing. I really hoped that they would improve the combat by adjusting the parry and roll mechanics.
Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
Hmmm curious… we have 3 people getting their knickers in a twist over something fixed a while ago while stating that they haven't played the game to check if what they are complaining about is still there?

Well if you read the thread you'll see that someone asked if it was fixed, and then someone posted a response which can very easily be read to say that they haven't fixed it. So the reason people were upset is because of bad information in this very thread. Luckily people have since posted more complete and accurate descriptions of the current controls compared to their state at launch - so I think the confusion was probably resolved well before you spotted it.
Nov 20, 2006
Hmmm curious… we have 3 people getting their knickers in a twist over something fixed a while ago while stating that they haven't played the game to check if what they are complaining about is still there?

Hmmm curious… we have 1 person getting his knickers in a twist over people asking questions about something fixed a while ago while stating that they haven't played the game to check if what they are complaining about is still there?
Well if you read the thread you'll see that someone asked if it was fixed, and then someone posted a response which can very easily be read to say that they haven't fixed it. So the reason people were upset is because of bad information in this very thread. Luckily people have since posted more complete and accurate descriptions of the current controls compared to their state at launch - so I think the confusion was probably resolved well before you spotted it.

I have no idea what was fixed in the in-between patches but I will say that I find the controls to be just about equally as clunky and unresponsive as I did when I first played the game.
Aug 16, 2008
I have no idea what was fixed in the in-between patches but I will say that I find the controls to be just about equally as clunky and unresponsive as I did when I first played the game.

Strange, I have never experienced any problem with the controls as they have always been very responsive.
Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
I have no idea what was fixed in the in-between patches but I will say that I find the controls to be just about equally as clunky and unresponsive as I did when I first played the game.

Oh ok well the problem they were referring to was probably more accurately described as intermittent total non-responsiveness. That has long been fixed as far as I can tell. But yeah if you were talking more about your perception that the controls were generally clunky then you and they were thinking about very different things and a more nuanced and subjective one (see post above for comparable differing opinion). So that was a misinterpretation of what you meant, but it's easy to see how they could have seen it that way.
Nov 20, 2006
Clunky and unresponsive controls are still very bad for an action game like this. I wouldn't give it a pass.

Yeah so if the controls bothered you, even after they fixed the clear glitches, that's still a valid issue. The working controls though weren't nearly as universal a problem as the glitched controls at launch - but if they bother you they bother you and its not something I'd try to change someone's mind on. If they don't bother you then it's definitely worth giving the game a shot if you were initially turned off by the glitches.
Nov 20, 2006
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