The Witcher 2 - Preview @ Eurogamer

Yup…Not being able to jump (seriously?) is probably the most nit-picky reason I've ever heard as to why someone is going to completely pass on a game. To each his own I guess, but man…it's hard to shake the feeling that one should at least come up with a more substantive reason to not like a game than that.

it is nothing new. It was funny reading posts of people who said that Guild Wars crap, because they logged in for 3 seconds, quit, then uninstalled- Why, because there was no jumping.
Nov 25, 2006
He would be better off in an wheel chair imo, at least that would make some sense ;)

Drithius: "Jumping around like an ape"? If that's all you'd do if you had a climb/jump function at your disposal then i'd have to question your intelligence a bit.
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Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
The ability to jump around in games is just another kind of freedom to be enjoyed. Being acrobatic, like I totally am not in real life. When i can jump in game, I'm climbing and jumping on big rocks and boulders, jumping down big inclines because it's faster than running, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, finding secret places and such by jumping where people think you wont, jump into the battle w/ sword held high above my head for a nice dramatic overhead strike. Climb up to the highest point in the game and jump headfirst to my doom, just because I want to. It's about the freedom to play how you wanna play, and some of us are just monkeys at heart when it comes to games.

If Geralt is anything, he's a lithe, acrobatic fighter. He should be jumping, I should be jumping, WE should be jumping as much as we want if you ask me. This shouldnt be a landlocked character. I realize this aint going to happen, and it doesnt break my heart all THAT much - but it would be nice.

BTW - Ironically, I do loathe the Van Halen song "Jump"
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Its a minor problem to me I just want a good story with choices and it must have decent combat for once. That is all I want.
Oct 1, 2010
Jumping and climbing are vital aspects of a freeform CRPG - which is another reason I never got into The Witcher. It was too rigid and linear in structure.
Revealing. Nitpicking? How? The capacity to jump around is required to RP an agile character. It shows why this genre is slowly dying as people do not care about such an important element of RP.

While supposedly, the technological advancement would help to deliver better support to RP, well, back to 2D days, when heroes could not jump (and yet, not all of them)

Maybe an issue with AI programming as adding one or more Z levels can confuse heavily AI. Maybe a contextualized jump capacity though.

I feel it will be the same for Skyrim (hope I am wrong) After watching the screens, trailer, I found no terrain elements that could suggest you can jump. Cleverly enough, the trailer shows the Nord running onto a rock (rocks for most of them have a slope to climb on them, solve path finding issues) and changes view angle at the precise moment the Nord starts to run onto the rock (still but no structures like in Oblivion showing that you might want to jump from one rock to another to access a certain height.
Mar 29, 2011
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I really thought I had seen it all when it came to nit-picking great games. I was wrong.
Jan 28, 2011
Mmm yes that jump whining is rather ridiculous. So guys for which it's so important, so you never played The Witcher more than 5mn because there's no jump in it? Don't answer yes I know you would lie then.

Mmm not to mention Baldur's Gate series, Fallout 1&2, and ton more with no jump. Not action game? Yeah The Witcher isn't an action game it's a RPG with action fights.
Oct 14, 2007
Hey yurt,

CDPR will be releasing a tool set, to modify the game, sometime after it goes retail. The FaQ says that there is, at least, a rudimentary ability to jump in the game. Maybe you could add it back in with one of your amazing mods. That would be great.
Oct 29, 2009
Happy Valley
I avoid playing games like The Witcher for matter of tastes. They feature a fictional character who is already formed, with a defined personality, life experience, aspirations and all...

The bottom line of this type of games becomes such to react accordingly with what the fictional character would do in the similar situation and not what the character you created would do in a similar situation. Different kinds of game. I would not mind playing a witcher though in The Witcher universe.

Never read a The Witcher book. Increases the difficulty of playing that game.

Instead of name calling, it might be better to enlighten people on the how. Is this guy agile? I never read a book, deduced that from the pictures showing him in light armour only. Maybe he is the dreadnought type, slow, unmanoeuverable, built to endure. At this point, a no jump option has sense.

If not, that would add much more to the discussion, to read how RPGamers manage to RP a nimble, swift, agile character moving around in light armour without the ability of jumping.

People calling it as it is are not whiners. People in denial neither. But they are still in denial.
Mar 29, 2011
Well, The Witcher was one of the best games in recent memory for me, regardless of the running around or the lack of jumping. However, I did notice it, and I remember thinking "god another game where my superhero fails at jumping a 40 cm fence!" It's a small thing admittedly, and not a big detractor, but still, I hate it every time, and particularly if the designeres insist on using a lot of low fences and small boulders all around the gameworld to add insult to injury.
However, IF they in fact make specific objects jumpable on a "makes sense" basis, than this may be entirely satisfactory for me. The main draw of the Witcher was the excellent "feel" of the world, the convincing choices, and the multiple solutions to quests. That certainly seems intact, maybe even improved.

Still I think its a bit unfair to accuse people who are pointing this out as a weakness of nitpicking, especially if they explain quite clearly why they feel this way. Posting lulzy pictures isn't really an adequate response to that.
Oct 18, 2006
Since when is jumping in a Witcher style RPG important? I never heard to complaint about let's say Neverwinter Nights or Dragon Age (both games feature the same over-the-shoulder perspective used in The Witcher). Now I do agree that not being able to jump in Risen or Oblivion (or games such as those - i.e. directly controlled, very open games) would be bloody annoying. But in other RPGs? I honestly don't care.

And yes, not being able to jump in Guild Wars was annoying.
Oct 24, 2006
Since when is jumping in a Witcher style RPG important? I never heard to complaint about let's say Neverwinter Nights or Dragon Age (both games feature the same over-the-shoulder perspective used in The Witcher). Now I do agree that not being able to jump in Risen or Oblivion (or games such as those - i.e. directly controlled, very open games) would be bloody annoying. But in other RPGs? I honestly don't care.

And yes, not being able to jump in Guild Wars was annoying.

Obviously, it's important if you like the freedom of movement and the ability to go where you want to go. It's pretty frustrating that you have to go all the way around a tiny obstacle and spend 5 minutes running, when you could have just climbed for a second and been there in a fraction of the time. No one would do that in real life - and since I'm rather impatient, it bothers me that I have to waste so much time doing things that I would never do if I had the choice.

The Witcher struck me as a relatively open game once I got to the first chapter, and I was pretty annoyed at having to follow linear and rigid paths around the landscape.

But, it's not a huge problem. It's an annoyance that didn't really have to be there.

It's a matter of personal taste, and obviously - you didn't have a problem with it.

Sometimes, to understand where people are coming from, you have to go beyond yourself and explore what matters to other people.

It must be said, though, that I'm a great fan of freeform and open world CRPGs - and it's true that The Witcher wasn't about that. Also, I think it was more about the engine than anything else.

I understand if you're attached to the game, and you consider it a great game - it can seem like nitpicking. But I think it's key to understand that we don't all think it's a great game - and sometimes even the greatest games have flaws that may be significant.

All my favorite games have significant flaws, including System Shock. It wouldn't sit well with me to call people nitpickers for pointing them out - regardless of how I personally feel about the game.

It doesn't have to be wrong when people don't like something you enjoy or don't mind.
I wouldn't say jumping is important, but it is a nice to have. It just reminds me of the Elder Scrolls complex where dynamics of a game are reduced to either accommodate an engine, mass audience or to save costs.

Granted that The Witcher, which is one of my favorite games of all time, doesn't include jumping to begin with. It doesn't necessarily fit with the Elder Scrolls complex either. Both are very different focuses of an ARPG. In that sense, I couldn't say The Witcher 2 is flawed because of the lack of jumping.
Jan 28, 2010
Let's put things in perspective here: Swimming is a minor issue compared to jumping, yet the lack of swimming in various games is mentioned quite often as a disappointment around here.

I don't like the lack of jumping myself. It works in top-down tactical RPGs, but 3rd person over-the-shoulder style RPGs really should have jumping. It adds a lot in terms of exploration.

In any case, I'll still buy it, no sweat.
Oct 18, 2006
Hey yurt,

CDPR will be releasing a tool set, to modify the game, sometime after it goes retail. The FaQ says that there is, at least, a rudimentary ability to jump in the game. Maybe you could add it back in with one of your amazing mods. That would be great.

There is no freeform jumping at all - you can't bunny-hop around. The FAQ is presumably referring to the predetermined interactive "hotspots" - like Alpha Protocol - where you can right-click and the game will automatically climb or drop as appropriate.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Hope it won't be like the witcher..... oops there is a little fence I have to run for 10 minutes to get to the other side.... that's not a minor nitpick that is plain out boring, almost as boring as the combat.

If they made hot spots to for example jump over such a fence... in that case no biggy for me.
Oct 25, 2006
I fully expected climbing/jumping in the sequel, given what I've seen of the engine. It looks very flexible and freeform.

Are we certain it's not in?
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