The World of Darkness MMO


September 2, 2011
Europe's Boot
Here's some news about this MMORPG:

I've heard of this game years ago, and I knew nothing about....until now. What do you think guys? Btw, the setting is the same of Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
The ideas seem very interesting, ofc we should see how they will be implemented...
Sep 2, 2011
Europe's Boot
"There will be final death for both mortals and kindred."

It better be extremely hard to get. If the character I've been playing for months gets killed off because of a lag spike…

Death penalties are always a tricky thing. If you make it too weak, there won't be any incentive for players to improve their tactics or even bother to assess the situation. They'll just keep doing the Leroy Jenkins thing over and over until it works. If you make it too strong, though, the players won't take on challenges at all. They'll just take on the weakest things that give a reward - which will quickly get booring.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I agree with you: the concept of permanent death it's always intriguing, the problem is the integration in-game, as you pointed out.
Maybe there will be something to counter the permanent death of your character introducing, for example, a storage where you can store the items you have gained and use them for your next character (e.g. something like Ultima Online).
I'll keep looking for it, anyway.
Sep 2, 2011
Europe's Boot
Permadeath that's not so rare as to not really exist and the mainstream audience are mutually exclusive. You either don't have it, or you live with a tiny audience.
Permadeath that's not so rare as to not really exist and the mainstream audience are mutually exclusive. You either don't have it, or you live with a tiny audience.

I think you under estimate the slice of the pie that represents gamers who want something a bit more hard core then wait 15sec and instant re-spawn as a 'penalty'. If there is no risk like most MMO's out there then really what is the point?

Games like UO and EVE there is real risk for real rewards. But failure IS a option and that makes it exciting, at least IMO.

And speaking of EVE, 300K active accounts say they like, in essence, playing a spreadsheet MMO where you CAN loose most of your work. So thinking most all gamers are new school that want everything handed to them for instant gratification is in error.
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
The problem with perma death in an mmo is that most mmo deaths outside a raid/dungeon enviroment are eather due to a technical failure or griefers
(something a permadeath mmo will attract by the truckload).
I find neither option an acceptable method for loosing god knows how many hours of work so i for one will be skipping this if final death is implimented.
Shame really as i was looking forward to this one.
Sep 30, 2010
The problem with perma death in an mmo is that most mmo deaths outside a raid/dungeon enviroment are eather due to a technical failure or griefers
(something a permadeath mmo will attract by the truckload).
I find neither option an acceptable method for loosing god knows how many hours of work so i for one will be skipping this if final death is implimented.
Shame really as i was looking forward to this one.

They have not clarified HOW one dies perm, in fact they hinted you will have x amount of 'lives' (hence the use of torpor) once used up them you get final death. None the less all they HAVE stated as fact is perm death is in, the specifics are not known. A little early to toss in the towel just yet IMO.
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
There are not alot of ways to do this really as in the end they either have permadeath or they dont.
If they give you a set of "lives" and presumably some option for earning more why even bother with permadeath at all? (unless running a scam by including an ingame store with lives for cash)
An unreplenishable safetey net of say 10 lives will still deter the people not willing spend huge amounts of time on something they can loose while still attract the very vocal griefers you usually see advocating permadeath in every new mmo's forum so in the end would not change anything.
I for one will not invest the time usually accorded an mmo when there is a chance i could accidentally loose it all or have it taken away (or be forced to pay extra).
Raiding/instancing would also not work well in a permadeath enviroment as the encounters would either have to be very easy or perm death would have to be disabled or somehow negated for the duration of the raid.
Hate to say it but we are living in an age where mindless, risk free and instant gratification is what gets you customers so i doubt permadeath will allow for anything other then a very small niche game.
Due to budget restraints small niche games usually do not get the amount of updates and expantions nessesary to keep an mmo alive more then a few years.
Last edited:
Sep 30, 2010
Errr, I thought the plug got pulled on this MMO?
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Some really good info today, Senior Producer Chris tweeted he saw a demo today of avatar jumping and climbing (which is pretty amazing considering most CRPG's have no z-axis at all). Also a new interview by the Marketing Chief of CCP states there are still 60 dedicated developmers working on the World of Darkness MMO. So the news of this games death certainly seems to be greatly exaggerated. ;)
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
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