Witcher 3 Things we like instead of......

The Witcher 3
I also stumbled upon a great black bear, and it tore me to shreds. I didn't stand a chance, even with Yrden. But I liked the random encounter.

That's how it should be in an RPG. :)
Nov 8, 2014
Last fewgames I have played to completion are D:OS, Risen 1, POE and Skyrim. All good to great games they don't hold a candle to this game.

I liked Skyrim, Stream has me at around 150ish hours. Anyone that wants to try and compare TW3 to Skyrim well they just don't!!!!

I just have never played anything like this....loss of words.
Apr 2, 2011
Sometimes I wish W3 is has straight forward black and white morality! Some quest give me heartache :lol:

"The Bloody Baron, I feel sorry for the guy on one level but hate him on another. Arg!"]
Oct 8, 2009
Well similar story the quest "Woodland Beast" needed half an hour to make a decision...
Jan 10, 2008
Sometimes I wish W3 is has straight forward black and white morality! Some quest give me heartache :lol:

"The Bloody Baron, I feel sorry for the guy on one level but hate him on another. Arg!"]

The guy is a total jerk and I want to smash his head, but what good will that do? In fact, isn't he the lesser evil in that war? And wasn't him who helped a certain person?

But I don't want black/white things! I adore this writing (still on that quest so dunno how it'll end).
Apr 12, 2009
Look at it this way, the baron is a drop of misery in an ocean full of misery. Problem is he is such a well fleshed out character that his tale evokes emotion. Luckily witchers dont have emotions.
Apr 19, 2013
South Africa
The guy is a total jerk and I want to smash his head, but what good will that do? In fact, isn't he the lesser evil in that war? And wasn't him who helped a certain person?

But I don't want black/white things! I adore this writing (still on that quest so dunno how it'll end).

If you do the quest the way I did....

He hangs himself at the end of the quest.
Apr 2, 2011
I think the people behind this game have thought of everything. I am swimming around and boom an underwater cave shows up.
Apr 2, 2011
If you do the quest the way I did….

He hangs himself at the end of the quest.

Damn now you spoiled my fun. Or maybe not. We'll see. Perhaps there are other options that will happen in my game. Maybe I can get him remarried with Triss so she teaches him a lesson. :D
Apr 12, 2009
I think that there’s so much about this game that works, and it’s all been deftly sewn together somehow into a really cohesive and interesting experience. I was dubious about the open world aspect of it after the first 2 games, but they’ve done a wonderful job.

I know some people don’t like the “dumbing down” of modern games but I really appreciate how user friendly this game is – quest tracking, suggested areas of interest, etc. I don’t have time for random exploration anymore so love the balance here b/w open world and focussed game-play.

And most importantly perhaps, I like Geralt. His character has been written very thoughtfully this time around, and I like being placed into his shoes. Combat has also been carefully implemented and is involved enough to keep things interesting, but not complicated.

For me this is Gothic 3 done right – exactly the game I’ve been waiting for.
May 29, 2010
I know some people don’t like the “dumbing down” of modern games but I really appreciate how user friendly this game is – quest tracking, suggested areas of interest, etc. I don’t have time for random exploration anymore so love the balance here b/w open world and focussed game-play.


I see nothing dumbed down in this game. If anything they have played their best Qwent Card and said beat this in 10 years if you can.

RPGing since 1984
Apr 2, 2011
For me this is Gothic 3 done right – exactly the game I’ve been waiting for.
My initial impression is like that.
But not completely.

TW3 is also soloist's DA3 done right.
- No grinding and endless bearspawning on top of your arse.
- Sidecontent is not Blizzard/MMO crap but is on the same quality level as the main story.
- Side boardgame is not phonegames timemanagement clone wartable but a fully evolved trading card game.
- There are no stupid iOS/android rolling clocks as inventory, wasd is not used to emulate joysticks in (tacticview) fights.
- Save and load times are measured in seconds, not in minutes.
- There is no retarded DX crash in cutscenes.
- No multiplayer mode that would take funds away from singleplayer part, no pay2win content, no pay2win DLC!
Apr 12, 2009
I think the people behind this game have thought of everything. I am swimming around and boom an underwater cave shows up.

Don't tell me where exactly, but in which region? I know their is one underwater cave in WO, but it ties to a quest.

There are a whole bunch of treasure areas not listed on your map. I found a military camp on my replay of WO that was full of good weapons and the guards would occasionally walk far enough away that you could loot them. Tons of stumps and logs and small ruined buildings that have good treasure stored within. The peasants and deserters are hiding their goods everywhere to stop looters :) There are many buildings that can only be entered by climbing adjacent buildings and jumping over or climbing down from there.

There is a well in someone's private garden, in the Velen area, that has a nice cave complex if you take the ladder down or jump in.
Oct 18, 2006
I miss having companions on my journeys. I miss mining ore. I miss bards in the inns. I miss having more that 5 spells. I miss bows, the crossbows in this game are a joke. What a horrible implementation. I miss being able to craft myself. I miss having a home base and storage. I miss foliage that looks like foliage. I miss non-windy days. I miss walls being around most towns. I miss modding out anything I don't like :)

Even with all those things that Skyrim does better, this is an amazing game. If the mod tools are anywhere nearly as powerful as the creation kit, this game will be even more amazing and have just as long as a play cycle.

W3's writing is so much better than Skyrim's it isn't even on the same plane. While the main quest to track down Yen and then Ciri, is horrible and boring as hell; the rest of the quest writing has been masterful. The Bloody Baron quest might be my favorite quest of all time, unless it gets beaten later on by another W3 sidequest. The only negative in the BB quest has to do with bits involving Ciri, as it breaks immersion imho. Even tiny side quests such as the pan quest in the first area, are very well written and believable. Love it.

Another vast improvement over Skyrim is the hidden object mini game. W3 is just chock full of hidden goodies, much like Risen 3. There are hundreds of places hidden and it takes observation to notice a crack in the wall that might be broken with Aard, or a trapdoor hidden by clutter that only reveals with active perception checks, etc. Jumping up a series of small ledges in WO leads to a very nice recipe, etc.
Oct 18, 2006
Oct 13, 2007
I think the game looks fantastic (I run ultra minus hairworks on an R9 290) and looks fantastic without needing 150 mods to replace every asset, animation, etc in the game years after release.

Loving the content - even the most seemingly trivial side quest is often highly detailed and deep and very enjoyable.

Definitely exploring is awesome - visiting every ? on the map but more, since there's plenty of stuff out there to find that's not marked already. Definitely pays to explore both for fun stuff to find and for great views.

Huge variety of content types and out of all the stuff I've done so far very, very few quests felt like a "kill ten" or "collect ten" type of quest and even those were well disguised and usually spiced up. One example is when you're clearing up rats with a certain friend and you have to mark 3 nests - kind of a collect X quest - but there's dialog thru it and it's a quick and painless thing that morphs into something more important so it doesn't feel like routine nonsense (as quests almost always feel like in DAI, for ex).

Almost no quests have felt contrived or unfun to do, even ones where when I look at the description or start them I'm thinking, oh no, this is going to be cheesy, then it's far from that. Just an amazing job on content. You may start a "oh help me my son/daughter/wife went into the woods and is missing" quest and think, here we go again, but there's usually some twist or interesting element that makes even such a routine type of quest be very enjoyable and different.

The horse riding is very well done. The water/swimming element is very well done, a bit silly to be able to one shot mobs with the xbow while underwater when it does no noticeable damage on land to those mobs but it's better than having underwater sword fighting.

Gwent rocks - one can easily get absorbed into that.

I like that the boxing is more like regular combat and not random key spam nonsense. I've yet to see ANY of the key spam nonsense like there is in Witcher 2 and I'm glad for that, big time.

Nice varieity of mini games (Gwent, horse racing, boxing) that fit in well enough with the overall game atmosphere and give you something different to do on top of the huge variety of quest/event/exploration/main story content.

The combat feels a little more fluid than in Witcher 2. I didn't finish Witcher 2 or even get that far into it (finally got into it at all after numerous attempts shortly before 3 released) so it's hard to compare, but I like the mob behaviors and animations in Witcher 3 - blows away so many other games.

I'm up in the air over changes to how potions and oils work - I like being able to use them during combat as the prep was a bit clunky for me in 2, but, the UI is so horrible for managing potions and oils that it's no less tedious dealing with them in 3. I'm hoping they clean this up a bit.

I like how the revamped talent/skill system works.

I like the freedom, which isn't unique to this game and its open world approach but it's still worth mentioning, since as with Skyrim, or Dying Light, or other games with lots of fun stuff to do, you can easily spend hours having a blast without every touching the main story quest or even doing anything "serious" content-wise at all. Sometimes I just ride around checking out landmarks and doing whatever comes via exploring. Love it!

This game eats time in a big way. It's so easy to get wrapped up in whatever you're doing and endless distractions. Or if that doesn't suit you then you could always pound the main quest or whatever. Freedom and lotsa choice.
Apr 22, 2013
Well, I like that it's the best game I've ever played, more or less.
It's quite unbelievable they managed this project so well. For the past couple of hours I keep wondering around Novigrad, and am just amazed at how well it's designed, how well it feels like a bustling medieval city. And all the chatter between people is a nice touch. I loved that in the city square, where the two people were burned at the stake, two npcs just started talking about how revolted one of them was that people have the nerve to dance/have fun near where just some time ago people were executed.

The only issue that kind of spoils my immersion is the bug with the glichy NPCs where they slide. I try to play and just ignore them, but it's so distracting. I'm surprised at how distracting it is.

Anyway, hopefully they'll fix it fast enough. But it still doesn't take away from the amazing job CDPR have done. You can just see the love and attention to detail they put into it. Just look at every common merchant, and how they each have their own little intro into getting you to open their wares. (one small problem I do have with merchants, and that's with the list of options you have when talking with them. I always like to use the keyboard when selecting dialogue options, and for the n-th time I selected "let's play some gwent", and I always loose the bit of money I am force to wager and then abandon the game, just because I can't get out of selecting that option. Anyway, it's just a minor thing)
Jul 31, 2007
Well, I like that it's the best game I've ever played, more or less.

TW3 is definitely the best game I ever played. The more I play it the more I like it and I've clocked over 130 hours already. I'm level 17, still haven't set foot to Skellige, still haven't explored Velen 100% and still have plenty of quests to do. I love the fact that when you return to some already explored areas new quests and events pop out and I am yet to finish a quest that felt even close to repetitive or boring. The story is engaging, characters are even better (Dijkstra being my favorite so far), music is amazing and the combat holds up very well. The only thing I dislike is the potion mechanic. I don't mind the refill part but the alcohol should be either much harder to find or/and much more expensive. Oh and gwent should be made into a separate game (small tip-don't play the high stake game without the Ciri card).
Oct 19, 2014
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