PoE Thoughts/discussion/first impressions of Pillars of Eternity!

Pillars of Eternity
Well, if we're split down the middle between PoE and W3, then that will mean everyone wins because it was an awesome year for RPG's, right? :)

I remember last fall how divided everyone was between D:OS and Wasteland 2.
Dec 16, 2013
Well, if we're split down the middle between PoE and W3, then that will mean everyone wins because it was an awesome year for RPG's, right? :)

I remember last fall how divided everyone was between D:OS and Wasteland 2.

Those two didn't really do it for me, but PoE and W3 look like almost perfect RPGs for my taste. I'm very excited for W3, but I do have some lingering concerns that it might be over ambitious.
Nov 8, 2014
Far as my Game of the Year goes, it could be January first and I'd still be picking Pillars. I've played long enough to know what thrills me, and the game that dethrones Pillars for me this year will have to be something fabulous. I'm not saying it can't happen, simply that is quite unlikely, and I'm likely to be far too giddy/happy to complain anyways. =p
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Those two didn't really do it for me, but PoE and W3 look like almost perfect RPGs for my taste. I'm very excited for W3, but I do have some lingering concerns that it might be over ambitious.

I'll go more with over-hyped. Lots of people take a dev's comment about a feature and make a mountain out of a molehill in their mind. The Witcher 3 has a lots of molehills that people see as mountains.

That doesn't mean the game won't be enjoyable though.
Oct 13, 2007
Don't forget wasteland 2 GoTY. It says so, must be true
Jun 5, 2009
I learned that about sneak in probably the first 10 minutes of the game. It will also let you do a ridiculous amount of damage in your first strike, if you are careful.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Well, I couldn't resist, and created a rogue at an inn. Mainly, this was because of my main character's cipher power of "Phantom Foes," which makes enemies believe they are flanked. Unfortunately, no one in my party could take advantage of this! I was planning on avoiding having a rogue, trying to stick with my goal of having a non-traditional party, but my created female elf rogue is quite useful and fun. By comparison, I never liked rogues very much in the IE games.

I was a little disappointed that (very minor spoiler)
There are no story-based rogue companions in the game. Part of the appeal of this type of game is the depth of companion personalities written into the story. Oh well, it's just one slot out of 5.

I've certainly got a much better understanding of combat than before, and I am having a blast.
Nov 18, 2010
Don't forget wasteland 2 GoTY. It says so, must be true
WL2 GotY might actually get to be worth around 90 score but still (at least for me) it will not be better than PoE (especially when they fix bugs).
Oct 3, 2014
Nothing to steal, no....but you could gauge reactions from members of the caravan and the bandits nearby very quickly. A quirk of mine, I prefer an assassin type character so the first thing I do is stress test the stealth mechanics, if a game has them.

Later, that sneak is basically overpowering. I imagine it might see a nerf this upcoming week when the first patch hits.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
You mean because of the backstab opening?
I doubt that. While an opening with a Arbalest or Gun can be extremely deadly, the backstab ability only plays a mediocre roll in that.

And it was already known in Beta ^^
Jun 2, 2012
Alright, so I've only been exposed to the blunderbuss so far in terms of firearms. Without any major spoilers, when will I see other firearms possibilities?
Nov 18, 2010
I guess you can buy them in the very first shop outside of the prologue. But I actually didn't check. There is a Pistol, a Blunderbuss (~Shotgun) and a Arquebus (~Sniper Rifle).
Of course the fastest way to get them would be by the background selection on creating a character.
Jun 2, 2012
As far as I know, armor and weapons don't need repair. That anvil icon you see on them represents how much total enchantment they can hold. :thumbsup:
Like many of you, I've been unable to resist the call to adventure after this game became available in Steam. I've now spent around 12 hours with it at the start of my Easter holidays already and am quite impressed. It's been a blast not only reading these impressions, but experiencing the same situations as well. I'm doing my best to play slowly to really soak up the immersion factor that the game brings in spades. There is definitely an accompanying giddy feeling of excitement coupled with the sensation of one being reunited with a long lost friend, something I'm certainly not ashamed to express. :)

I went against my initial inkling to play a wizard and instead recalled my very first character in Baldurs Gate from way back in 2001 or so, which was dwarven fighter, and being a general fan of dwarves, felt inspired to revisit that space. I went with a humble laborer background and tried to resist the more outlandish options for my first character. It's going to be interesting to see how the game offers role-playing opportunities for my class/race, as I do very much like the stat checks on offer in dialogue, which is a signature Obsidian theme. (New Vegas, Alpha Protocol…)

The atmospheric, ominous gloom of first entering Gilded Vale for the first time was quite fantastic. I've managed to complete most of the available early quests and visit most sections one compass point in vicinity. Returning to the bear cave with a larger group after being soundly dealt with the first time was also quite satisfying!

Well, I couldn't resist, and created a rogue at an inn.
After what occurred before arriving in Gilded Vale, I felt the urge to do exactly the same thing Nev! Combat with a rogue around is quite compelling as they are definitely quite the melee power-houses when used intelligently. With a defensive oriented tank, this combination proved to be a winner until I eventually met Eder (like you missed him at first too - did the entire underground temple section without him) and then Aloth and most recently Durance.

Favorite character so far: Durance (Priest) His voice acting has been great; plus his fanatically charged, poetic, symbolic, fire and brimstone speeches have been most entertaining.

Shortly I'll play a bit more and head towards Caed Nua with a party of 5 at around level 4:
PC Mountain Dwarf Fighter (Vastlaar)
Eder (I like his back story; be sure to keep talking to npcs…)
Cass (my trusty inn-created Wood Elf Rogue)
Durance (He's been performing as a back-up tank almost, moving in between front and back)
Aloth (I sense his aristocratic front hides something less amendable to public viewing..)

It's going to be interesting to see who temporarily at least gets to fill the sixth slot; I'd like a Druid or maybe a Cipher at this point, but we'll see. :)
Have fun everyone, keep the thoughts coming!
Jul 12, 2009
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