Today is ...

… inventors' day and therefore a day we celebrate the perpetuum mobile (below)

1659: Denmark pwned Swedend after pwning attempt on Copenhagen@dk
1808: Jesse Fell burns anthracite
1916: Emma Goldman arrested for teaching birth control
1939: Lockheed XP-38 flies for some reason from California to New York in less than 7 days 18 hours and 13 minutes
1941: Chattanooga Choo Choo goes gold
1964: Greece doesn't like Turkey
1964: Turkey doesn't like Greece
1964: Taiwan doesn't like France
1971: Eighty-seven countries (including US and CCCP) don't like nukes in water
1978: China likes Aristotle
1990: Nelson Mandela released from prison
1990: Mike Tyson probably regrets saying hello to a 42 to 1 underdog called James

Notable first time appearances:
1755: Albert Cristoph Dies (but that doesn't happen until 1822. Strange)
1840: La Fille du Régiment
1843: I Lombardi
1855: Emperor Tewodros ver 2. People still want to be emperors, which probably says something about (lack of) knowledge of history.
1938: Sci-fi television
1903: Bruckner: Symphony no. 9 in D minor (not the posthumous one, of course)
1953: Jeb, brother of George
1959: Yemen wannabe
1964: Sarah, hockey mom and tea-drinker
1969: Rachel
1972: A Slipknot
1973: Count Grishnak who later instrumented last time appearances of serveral churches.

Notable first time appearance of Australians
1890: David Drummond
1937: Bill Lawry
1965: Vicki Wilson
1980: Marco Bresciano
1982: Neil Robertson

Notable last time appearances
55: Roman emperor wannabe Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus (age 14).
According to Wikipedia "under mysterious circumstances". And still people wanted to be emperors!
244: Emperor Gordian ver. 3.
Also under mysterious circumstances. And still people wanted to be emperors!
1873: King Amadeus ver 1 of Spain.
Not mysterious as he kept on being Amadeus until 1890.

Notable perpetual appearance wannabes and therefore not linked to any day:
* U.S. Patent 4,151,431 "Permanent magnet motor", April 24, 1979[15]
* U.S. Patent 4,215,330 "Permanent magnet propulsion system", December 20, 1977
* U.S. Patent 6,362,718 "Motionless electromagnetic generator" , March 26, 2002
* U.S. Patent 6,523,646 "Spring driven apparatus", February 23, 2003
* U.S. Patent 7,095,126 "Internal energy generating power source", August 22, 2006
* U.S. Patent 7,379,286 "Quantum vacuum energy extraction", May 27, 2008

A patent claim for a perpetuum supermobile was rejected in 1979

NB! The US patent office follows the sound and explicit practice of rejecting a perpetual motion patent application without a working model. Still, applications may pass the scrutiny of an individual patent examiner and therefore be granted, but that doesn't mean that the USPTO think that they'll work. Far from it: A list of applications can be found under there under the perpetual motion gimmicks headline. I was especially intrigued by the Geforce emulator.

11500 googles for Pibbur, 0.06 % of them voting for the Republican party, 0.03% if we exclude those also voting for Wow.

I haven't checked "googles for googles for googles for googles for googles for googles for googles for googles for googles for googles for googles for googles".
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… Singles Awareness Day

0842: Bald Charlie and German Louie swears in French and German
1014: Pope recognizes Henry
1076: Pope excommunicates Henry
1556: Pope supporters dislike Henry supporter (Thomas Cranmer)
1778; The french salute and recognize flag of american vessel commanded by the bass player of Led Zeppelin
1945: Start of Fire bombing of Dresden
2000: NEAR Shoemaker sattelite nears 433 Eros

Notable first time appearances:
1804: Serbs uprise against the Ottomans
1849: Photograph of the American President
1859: Oregon!
1876: The phone according to Graham Bell. And Elisha Gray.
1899: Voting machines@US
1912: Arizona!
1913: Hoffa!
1924: This company
1946: ENIAC
1948: Teller
1949: Quiet revolution of Quebec
1961: 103Lr
1962: Michael Higgs gains mass
1966: New, proper ossie currency
1976: Liv Kristine prepares for the Theatre of Tragedy
1977: An Australian

862 googles for 433 Eros and lawsuit. At the time of writing no googles for 433 Eros and pibbur.
... Independence day

1797: During a French Revolutionary War, a fleet of 18 British warships invade Trinidad. This was before GPS.
1930: Cows can fly according to Elm Farm Ollie
1955: First test of Operation Teapot. 10 years before Sarah Palin was born.
1979: Sahara freezes over

Notable first time appearances
1930: Planet wannabe Pluto.
1960: An Australian

5 580 000 Copyright infringements for Scientology
From Wikipedia 18th of February:

1979 – Snow falls in the Sahara Desert in southern Algeria for the only time in recorded history.
… simply radiant!

1660: Carl ver 11 becomes king of Sweden at the age of 5. Much wiser than his son, Carl ver. 12, who unsuccessfully tried to pwn Russia. Didn't he learn anything from Napoleon?
1778: Admiral von Schneider .. no .. not that one… Baron von Steuben arrives at Valley Forge to train the Continental Army in the procedure he used year after year.
1886: Man made Aluminium!
1898: Emile Zola is accused
1903: The US leases Guantanamo Bay from Cuba
1927: Uncertainty principle is probably described in a letter from Werner Heisenberg to Wolfgang Pauli (yeah, I know. Lame!!!)
1954: Start of Polio vaccination

Notable conceptions:
1848: French republic ver. 2

Notable first time appearances:
166013 BC: Supernova 1987A
1455: Gutenberg Bible. According to Wikipedia and according to tradition. Not necessarily according to mr. Gutenberg.
1846: John Henry Newman@Catholic church
1905: Rotary
1908: An Australian
1924: Allan McLeod Cormack, one of the inventors of Computer Tomography
1940: An Easy Rider
1941: Plutonium. Whaddya mean - it existed long before that? I subscribe to the cat's perspective: If I can't see it it isn't there!
1960: An Australian
1967: Fran Katzenjammer

Notable last time appearances:
1846: John Henry Newman@Church of England

38 100 googles for Ununseptium aka eka astatine. Who is Pibbur?
today is 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609 day
Oct 25, 2006
today is 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609 day

Yay! At approximately 03:49 this morning (if we use the fraction0,15926... to represent the hour of the day).
.. the day pibbur goes to Oslo. And a day he can't access Wikipedia.

Other's have been busy on this particular day as well:

1922: Gandhi goes to prison
1950: Leopold goes back to Belgium
1965: Lt. Col. Alexei Leonov goes out into space
1984: The house proud town mouse goes forth
1990: Thieves go into Isabella Gardner Museum. And out again.
2008: US interest (rates) go down

Notable last time appearances:

1974: Oil embargo. I still remember being able to walk in the middle of usually heavily trafficed roads on Sundays.
1990: A Rembrandt, a Degas, a Vermeer from Isabella Gardner Museum

1 580 000 googles for x2000

EDIT: (Since I got connected to wikipedia now): Messenger goes to Mercury. And around, and around, and around around around around.... I'm getting dizzy..........and around.
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....And Today was a day with no mention of Aussies or cricket!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Yepp. No mention of the unmentionable sport or the unmentionable peop… sorry the people down under. As I said I couldn't connect to Wikipedia whilen writing the major portion of the message, and Wikipedia is my main source.

Hmmm. Wonder if Watson is on line.

Says pibbur who wrote this on an X2000 train NE of Norrköping.
… the day pibbur goes to Copenhagen. And is connected to Wikipedia.

1279: The Song dynasty goes into Oblivion
1687: René-Robert Cavelier de La Salle probably regrets that he went to Texas to find the mouth of Mississippi
1916: Eight American airplanes goes after Pancho Villa
1954: Willie Tory goes down at Madison Square Garden
1979: The US House of representatives goes public, broadcasting day to day business on the C-SPAM.. sorry C-SPAN network
2008: GRB 080319B goes to Earth
2011: So does the moon. Not quite, but still quite close, compared to the above mentioned who's a healthy(!) 7.5 billion light years away.

Notable first time appearances:

1915: Pluto, 15 years before it was Pluto
1931: Legal gambling@Nevada, which probably has resulted in the last time appearance of 21 (only guessing) gamblers

Notable Last time appearances:
1863: SS Georgiana

Notable 2nd time appearances
1965: SS Georgiana

One google for Rumpelstiltskin and pibbur:, which for some reason doesn't contain any reference to pibbur or the above mentioned dwarf. I guess we'll soon find more.

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot my duties

Notable first time appearances:
1967: Katia Tiutiunnik, the only Australian not devoted to deadly animals and weird sports.

EDIT 2: As I suspected. Two googles for pibbur and the dwarf now. Someone is watching me. I can tell.
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Hey, I remember playing Oblivion, but I don't recall seeing the Song dynasty there. Where exactly was it? :)
Aug 31, 2006
In that one O-gate you didn't check because you thought it'd be just like the other 503 gates you had alreay visited.
Aug 31, 2006
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