Top Games and Personality Type

Do you realise that GW Bush is also ISTJ??!! Hey Dte, that applies to you too!! :)
OK, but Dubya "ain't quite right in the head" so all bets are off. Take Dubya, add about 50 IQ points, and you've got a nearly normal person. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Your personality type is ISTJ.
Introverted (I) 93% Extraverted (E) 7%
Sensing (S) 59% Intuitive (N) 41%
Thinking (T) 65% Feeling (F) 35%
Judging (J) 59% Perceiving (P) 41%

I like varied games, because I easily lose motivation. I like games with good atmosphere, like Ps:T and Vampire:Bloodlines. I used to like builders (I still play Football Manager), but the ones I've played in recent years wears out quite fast. I like starting games, but I'm bad at finnishing them. I'm allso quite competitive, so I like sports games. I like RTSes, but aren't that good at them (I can't keep track of enought factors).

Jul 11, 2007
Pretty much INTP with some INFP side. However, contrary to aries100's theory, this doesn't necessarily makes me a point-and-click adventuregamer. A possible explanation would be that INTP is often absorbed into thought, which makes us unaware of our environments such as some visible pieces of data. Being natural philosophers make us tough to be convinced. In fact, you can see Socrates in the list. INTP tends to be interested in well-designed systems while INFP are interested in literature. So, I like RPG with balanced system design, interesting story, deeper NPCs and some ideological experiments. I think I am pretty much nailed boring.
Jul 20, 2007
Your personality type is INFP.

Introverted (I) 57% Extraverted (E) 43%
Intuitive (N) 64% Sensing (S) 36%
Feeling (F) 85% Thinking (T) 15%
Perceiving (P) 91% Judging (J) 9%

My careers for INFP

Counselors / Social Workers
Teachers / Professors
Clergy / Religious Workers

It's strange because at one point or another in my life I wanted to become one of these. When I was a kid I had my teacher give me a book of publishers to help me in a career in writing (obviously that didn't work out too well) In high school I thought seriously about becoming a psychologist or at the very least a counselor. Muscian well who hasn't wanted to be a rock star :) and now I'm a teacher. I never wanted to be a religious worker but religion has always played some part in my life. A bit spooky how good this test is.

Games I like strategy games and any RPG with a decent plot.

Games I don't like POGO type games, puzzle games like puzzle quest (sorry you PQ fans out there I just hate that game). ANY sports game, hate them with a passion.

Basically adventure, some action RPG, classic RPG (think goldbox), some FPS and fantasy strategy games (don't like strategy games based on the real world) Anything to do with fantasy I will try. Anything based in the real world bores me. Like I love Half Life, hate Medal of Honor. Love Warhammer, hate Total War.
Last edited:
Feb 3, 2007

I am ISFP.

Introverted (I) 61% Extroverted (E) 39%
Sensing (S) 55% Intuitive (N) 45%
Feeling (F) 75% Thinking (T) 25%
Perceiving (P) 73% Judging (J) 27%

I prefer (almost exclusively) CRPGs. I tend to like turn-based more than real time, and isometric more than first or third person. I love all kinds of CRPGs (fantasy, sci-fi, etc). When I start a CRPG I always try to finish it. If it really stinks I may give up on it.

I also enjoy a good FPS once-in-a-while. When I play a FPS I always finish it, unless it just bores me silly.

I tend to not finish any other type of game. So, I will play an occasional strategy, sports, driving, etc, type of game... but I rarely finish them. The main reason for that is usually because I am so terrible at playing them that I get bored with not being able to move forward.

And... as everyone knows... I HATE MMO's
Dec 8, 2006
Interesting, I took two other Myers-Briggs tests. One of them came up with ENTP (the same as the first one), but the other gave me an INFP. What to make of this, hmm?

When reading the INFP description, I didn't recognize much of myself in it. However, the thing that struck me is that I'd very much like to be more like that description than I actually am.

I gotta like the suggested career list of the other test that classified me as ENTP:

dictator, computer consultant, international spy, tv producer, philosopher, comedian, music performer, it consultant, figher pilot, politician, diplomat, entertainer, game designer, bar owner, freelance writer, creative director, strategist, news anchor, professional skateboarder, airline pilot, comic book artist, college professor, private detective, mechanical engineer, lecturer, ambassador, astronomer, research scientist, judge, web developer, scholar, fbi agent, cia agent, electrical engineer, assassin
Oct 19, 2006

Introverted (I) 86% Extraverted (E) 14%
Sensing (S) 55% Intuitive (N) 45%
Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50%
Judging (J) 68% Perceiving (P) 32%

Possible Career Paths for the ISTJ:

* Business Executives, Administrators and Managers
* Accountants and Financial Officers
* Police and Detectives
* Judges
* Lawyers
* Medical Doctors / Dentists
* Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts, and Computer Specialists
* Military Leaders

Bingo! - the first one.

Games i liked:

Games with unusual, compelling, fasinating story and plot, and very atmospheric. Could be any genres but mostly FPS/action-adventure (and its derivatives).

Games i disliked?:
Couldn't think of any games i hated unless they're made by developers that don't know how to make games. However i'd rarely touch games related to sports, simulations or games in some obscure genres.
Oct 19, 2006
I gotta like the suggested career list of the other test that classified me as ENTP:

Dictator...Assasin....Umm PJ sorry about everything I've ever said before. Don't go all ninja on me please :)

Seriously though I can't believe they listed Assasin as a viable career choice. Must be a RPG guy who made that list.
Feb 3, 2007
I think there's some sort of feedback system -- you take the test, then you list your dream jobs. The site then serves the ones that get listed most often right back at the next guy/gal who comes up with the same personality type.

And, given the well-known fact that ENTP's have a perverse sense of humor (ref: the other ENTP personality description), it's not that surprising to find assassin, international spy, and dictator on the list.
Oct 19, 2006
Nor inappropriate, either, at least verbally. :) Bugs as a ninja might blow the whole stealth thing wisecracking to his intended target, though.

Really strange about my reccomended jobs--they are professions I admire(medical, teaching, social work, etc) but that I have never felt I had the patience or emotional strength for. However, years ago in career counseling I took a similar test, I believe it was based on What Color is Your Parachute? which gave a nearly identical list ( I was a "blue" personality--structured, emotional, nurturing and not analytical bla bla blah whatever) Didn't agree with that one either.

In a way as a horticulturist I guess I did choose a nurturing profession, if you're a plant. :p

Edit: It really looks as if we're running the full spectrum of the I's primarily.
Oct 18, 2006
ESTJ (The Guardian)

Extroverted...61% Introverted...39%
Sensing.........64% Intuitive........36%
Thinking........ 60% Feeling.........40%
Judging..........55% Perceiving.....45%

My career choices include Military leaders, Business Administrators and Managers, Police / Detective work, Judges, Financial Officers, Teachers, Sales Representatives
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
INTJ here.

I prefer rpgs with a good story and non-siderailed gameplay. As for other gaming generes, I prefer ones that have a good story, otherwise I get bored with them quickly.
Oct 19, 2007
I took the test again. Figured an R&R study might be of interest (perhaps a few others of y'all might be interested in retesting to check the repeatability and reproducibility of the test?). Same result, but slightly different numbers:

Your personality type is ISTJ.

Introverted (I) 96% Extraverted (E) 4%
Sensing (S) 68% Intuitive (N) 32%
Thinking (T) 100% Feeling (F) 0%
Judging (J) 82% Perceiving (P) 18%

Based on the career list, I should have been an ISTP.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Were the questions the same? If so I wouldn't call it an objective analysis ... not that it really is to start with!
Oct 18, 2006
Wow very few extraverted people here. I also noticed that most of you are getting pretty clear readings on the test.
Anyway here are mine

Your personality type is ENFP.
Extraverted (E) 57% Introverted (I) 43%
Intuitive (N) 64% Sensing (S) 36%
Feeling (F) 55% Thinking (T) 45%
Perceiving (P) 77% Judging (J) 23%

Not very clear percentages but the descriptions from this page are spot on
Only thing that doesn't fit is that Im not very perceptive about people. And my career computer science/programmer is in the list too.

Anyway the type of games I like are most anything that is ether strategic and/or story heavy. But the strategy can't be to fiddly for example I never got hooked on civilization since it becomes so fiddly at higher difficulties. And the story shouldn't be to much on rails or i feel constricted and rebel by quiting.
Oct 18, 2006
I found the INFP jobs strange, as I've been/done most of them and yet I'm ISTJ!! Maybe we change over time as Dte suggested!!
Aug 31, 2006
Were the questions the same? If so I wouldn't call it an objective analysis ... not that it really is to start with!
I believe the questions were the same, but enough time passed between trials that I was able to respond without considering my previous answers. Keeping the questions the same gives you a more valid repeatability analysis anyway. Asking others to re-test was the best I could do for reproducibility.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I just retook it, dte, and got a slightly different result, but not much.
Introverted (I) 79% Extraverted (E) 21%
Intuitive (N) 55% Sensing (S) 45%
Feeling (F) 85% Thinking (T) 15%
Judging (J) 77% Perceiving (P) 23%
Introverted (I) 79% Extraverted (E) 21%
Sensing (S) 59% Intuitive (N) 41%
Feeling (F) 75% Thinking (T) 25%
Judging (J) 86% Perceiving (P) 14%

Kind of splitting hairs--the category that switched was borderline anyway. It's hard not to overthink the answers. Don't know if this says anything, but there you are.
Oct 18, 2006
I just retook it, dte, and got a slightly different result, but not much.

You could also try similar Jung tests. Slightly different in length and execution, but the results should be the same. Were for me at least, anyway. And there are some more explanations and career descriptions for the different personality types (example: INFP). The descriptions on the site moxie linked to are a lot better though.

The "disfavored careers" for me at least are spot on. I wouldn't even dream of trying to think of doing any of those listed in ten thousand years. ;)
Aug 30, 2006
I think there's some sort of feedback system -- you take the test, then you list your dream jobs. The site then serves the ones that get listed most often right back at the next guy/gal who comes up with the same personality type.

And, given the well-known fact that ENTP's have a perverse sense of humor (ref: the other ENTP personality description), it's not that surprising to find assassin, international spy, and dictator on the list.
I don't know about the judgment of the site but ENTP tends to have various interests, so... In any case, Jung's theory tries to let you find your own answers rather than offer something more "objective", which is somehow similar to the method of Socrates. Not surprisingly, they are said to be INTP. So, don't take them too seriously. They may be simply meddling with you - a joke is a nice take.
Jul 20, 2007
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