Trials of Fire - Review @ Wccftech


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Wccftech checked out Trials of Fire:

Trials of Fire Review - An RPG and a Roguelike Walk Into a Bar..

It is usually complicated to mash different video game genres together. Many have tried over the years, but most have failed. It literally required a trial of fire, and plenty of time in Early Access, for one developer to accomplish a truly remarkable feat: create a role-playing game mixed with elements from tactical-turn-based, deck-building, and roguelike that is not just fun to play but also incredibly accessible for all sorts of players.

The odds couldn't have been stacked worse for Trials of Fire. Roguelikes aren't known for being accessible games, and adding role-playing game features on top was a recipe for disaster. And while some of the role-playing game mechanics aren't particularly deep, there's no doubt that developer Whatboy Games managed to masterfully blend them with features from different genres to create an incredibly engaging mix that many will enjoy for a very long time.


Trials of Fire is an amazing blend of RPG, turn-based, and roguelike mechanics that manages to be both deep and accessible at the same time. With a great storybook presentation, tons of different options to customize the experience, and the multitude of builds made possible by the great deck-building system, even those with a passing interest in roguelike and role-playing games will find plenty to like in the game.

Score: 8/10
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
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