Twinfinite - Like Bioware? Then Stop Complaining

Personally, I'd just like for the complaining to be a little more balanced and rational. Too much grumbling is in the nature of a fervent dislike about one or two (to me minor) aspects of a game, followed by "I'll hate you forever Bioware". Sheesh, give me a break.
Mar 22, 2012
Who exactly is delivering the pen-and-paper RPG video games nowadays? Other than Project Eternity I can't think of any others.

It's sad, really, because Baldur's Gate is so gloriously nerdy and hardcore, and it seems like we'll never see games like that again on a consistent basis.

Their new games may still be enjoyable to some but they are a far cry from the grand behemoth that is the Baldur's Gate series.

Might and Magic X had that Pen & Paper feel to me as did Blade of Destiny and Eschalon 1 & 2 (still haven't played 3 yet). Its pretty much indie game developers now of days. I do have some hopes for Wasteland and Project Eternity, though. I haven't played D:OS yet either, but it looks close from the screen shots.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Yeah, people pay for drugs as well - so what could be wrong with producing them?

Really? That comparison is just about the most absurd thing I've read on these forums. Talk about disliking a company (EA) or a concept (DLC) far beyond the point where it becomes irrational.

Let me know when DLCs becomes addictive and starts killing people and I'll be ready to bash EA all night long.

Sorry if I sound a little harsh, but this was just.. wrong.
Oct 18, 2006
Bioware is a brand now and no longer exist as an independent entity. Its right there on there forums "Bioware: A division of EA". If there are complaints about recent Bioware games those complaints should be directed to EA the parent company.

We should well know this is not the Bioware of old. They make mass market games that can be enjoyable but lack the depth or complexity they used to have. To my mind that makes critique valid. We're critiquing EA business decisions and creative direction (dlc model, depth and complexity, Miranda's bum shots etc) since Bioware stopped being Bioware. They may have the name but they don't have the soul from those earlier efforts like Kotor or Baldurs Gate.

Exactly, this is not some weird phase, this is a whole new company and Bioware is long dead.
Apr 10, 2011
Might and Magic X had that Pen & Paper feel to me as did Blade of Destiny and Eschalon 1 & 2 (still haven't played 3 yet). Its pretty much indie game developers now of days. I do have some hopes for Wasteland and Project Eternity, though. I haven't played D:OS yet either, but it looks close from the screen shots.

Thanks for naming those, I forgot all about them. I'll definitely have to give all of them a shot sometime.

Off-topic, but Blade of Destiny is a damn fine RPG. I haven't played it since they added a bazillion new features in recent patches, but even when I played it, it was as close to a hardcore, pen-and-paper, complex RPG that one could hope to play in this age of gaming. Great stuff.
Well hey, Bioware does love its (looooong) cutscenes….but nobody's as bad as Square-Enix on cutscenes.

Which is sad. Both companies (Squaresoft and Enix) used to make incredible RPG's. But just like Bioware, they ceased to exist as well.
Dec 16, 2013
I agree with this article, people seriously need to get over this. You're beating a dead horse. It's 2014, we have Pillars of Eternity coming, Torment Tides of Numenera, Divinity Original Sin was just released, Wasteland 2, many others... plenty of Infinity Engine style games in the vein of Baldur's Gate. Does it really matter that Bioware moved toward a bigger budget style of game, away from strictly PC-oriented RPGs, embracing consoles? It's not like plenty of other companies have not done the same thing. (cough... Bethesda, CD Projekt Red...cough).

If you don't like Dragon's Age, don't buy it. There are plenty of other options. Personally, I think the new game looks very promising and I appreciate that Bioware does seem to, in fact, be listening to the criticisms against them.
Mar 7, 2012
Does it really matter that Bioware moved toward a bigger budget style of game, away from strictly PC-oriented RPGs, embracing consoles? It's not like plenty of other companies have not done the same thing. (cough… Bethesda, CD Projekt Red…cough).

And who exactly is slagging BioWare for moving away from the PC only games? They were being criticised for drop in quality of their games not the platforms the design their games for. And comparing them to Beth and CD Projekt Red is just silly since both of those companies have managed to release quality stuff for the PC AND for the consoles.
Jan 10, 2008
And comparing them to Beth and CD Projekt Red is just silly since both of those companies have managed to release quality stuff for the PC AND for the consoles.
Can't really agree in Bethesda's case, the quality of their games dropped a ton when they started targetting consoles (the Morrowind to Oblivion difference).

CDPR has done OK though. I think PC's are still their "lead" platform, and that's probably why.
Sep 26, 2007

DA2 was insulting, but aside from than that, I've really enjoyed their games. I fully anticipate DA:I will win back a lot of fans and perhaps create some new ones.

And thank you, BioWare, for Mass Effect. Amazing stuff there!


My sentiments to the point

Oct 29, 2009
WGS84 Latitud:59.85 Longitud:17.65
Really? That comparison is just about the most absurd thing I've read on these forums. Talk about disliking a company (EA) or a concept (DLC) far beyond the point where it becomes irrational.

Let me know when DLCs becomes addictive and starts killing people and I'll be ready to bash EA all night long.

Sorry if I sound a little harsh, but this was just.. wrong.

That's because you don't understand that a comparison is not the same as saying these things are one and the same. It's a common misconception, so no worries.

What I'm actually doing by using this "absurd comparison", is pointing out that if people are paying for something - it doesn't necessarily make it ok to take advantage of it. I use an extreme example to make that simple point irrefutable. It's simply a logical way of making what I think is obvious, obvious.

Once that's done, I should no longer have to worry about that weak bullshit argument again. So, people will need to come up with a better reason for justifying DLC as it's being practiced by EA and other greed-driven corporations.

That's all, really.
I agree with this article, people seriously need to get over this. You're beating a dead horse. It's 2014, we have Pillars of Eternity coming, Torment Tides of Numenera, Divinity Original Sin was just released, Wasteland 2, many others… plenty of Infinity Engine style games in the vein of Baldur's Gate. Does it really matter that Bioware moved toward a bigger budget style of game, away from strictly PC-oriented RPGs, embracing consoles? It's not like plenty of other companies have not done the same thing. (cough… Bethesda, CD Projekt Red…cough).

If you don't like Dragon's Age, don't buy it. There are plenty of other options. Personally, I think the new game looks very promising and I appreciate that Bioware does seem to, in fact, be listening to the criticisms against them.

Nah, I don't agree.

If I don't like something and I'm frequenting a place where such things are being talked about daily, it's perfectly appropriate to voice my opinion. It's even quite useful, if I support my opinions with rational arguments.

Such is the nature of a public forum dedicated to a specific topic.

The only people who need to get over anything are those who have a problem with people voicing their opinions. It's something that will never stop no matter what, so whining about it endlessly is not only counterproductive - it's pretty stupid.
If I don't like something and I'm frequenting a place where such things are being talked about daily, it's perfectly appropriate to voice my opinion. It's even quite useful, if I support my opinions with rational arguments.

Well said. I think there are legitimately over-the-top criticisms people make online (about games, or anything). There has been much, very rational criticism about Bioware's recent games. If Dragon Age III turns out to be a good or great game, it will be in part because of that criticism, not despite it.

On the other hand, the writer of the original article (who appears to be very uninformed about the criticism) is one of those who acts like any criticism is unwarranted. That is where it crosses from discussion to fanboism.
Oct 4, 2011
New Paltz, NY
If Dragon Age III turns out to be a good or great game, it will be in part because of that criticism, not despite it.

On the other hand, the writer of the original article (who appears to be very uninformed about the criticism) is one of those who acts like any criticism is unwarranted. That is where it crosses from discussion to fanboism.

Agreed. This acticle is definitely a fanboism. And naive one. The author despises EA and other "corporate blobs" but he failed to notice that Bioware became bEAware. Its part of EA now and its the fact. We wont see any Divinity Original Sin-style RPG from Bioware anymore. Similar articles usually has one big problem. Its half true and half uninformed nonsense (or in worse case - calculated lie). Of course there is irrational rant too. But there is also very strong rational criticism and different opinions regarding their mainstream approach, dumbing down, forced character exposition and "Im big killer" approach (again - see Leliana vs torturer scene in DAI gameplay, it was pretty lame and not much credible IMHO ), mistakes in ME serie, DA2 combat garbage etc. But similar articles more or less try to hint that all Bioware games are brilliant and there is nothing to criticise except ME3 ending and DA2 lack of variety.

So what about this article? "You want better games? Stop being fanboy" :)
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
Bioware might have never stopped listening - but they had huge PR problems (SWTOR forums : "perception problem" and "H2F") and poor wording on the dev's side, sometimes ... Plus, they sometimes draw the wrong conclusions, or / and seem to rely too much on data instead on practical play ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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