Two Worlds - Review Roundup


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
A group of new Two Worlds reviews are up around the 'net - often with disappointing results, although it's worth noting all of these are based (or mostly based) on the X360 version, which seems to have framerate issues that don't plague the PC version (the irony...). Let's start with Worthplaying for an overview, who awarded 5.5/10:
If you're looking for a sub-par RPG with a sub-par storyline, sub-par gameplay, sub-par sounds, and very sub-par multiplayer, then sure, pick up Two Worlds, but I really wouldn't recommend it unless you're a die-hard RPG fan just looking for something new. If you do decide to get Two Worlds for some reason, please do so for the PC because the 360 version just isn't playable at the moment.
TeamXbox goes for 5.1/10 and here's a bit on combat:
The combat in Two Worlds leaves more than a little to be desired, especially if you choose to focus on melee attacks. You’ll basically spend your whole time mashing the right trigger to swing your weapon of choice. Granted, it’s not like Oblivion’s melee combat was amazing or anything, but it felt much more immersive and looked more realistic. Watching my Two Worlds character magically leap back during combat was very odd. The game’s AI is also atrocious, as they’ll basically stand in one place until you approach, and will stop as if hitting a magic wall if you choose to run past them. Worst of all, they don’t seem to like crossing that wall, so you can hit them with ranged attacks while they just stand there.
GameRevolution says 'D+' and hates the Olde Englishe and voiceacting:
First off, it's got a speech impediment. You can join me in making fun of the ren faire dialog all you want, but the real problem lies in the awful acting. It seems they didn't tell everyone whether Brumhill is “BRUHM-hill” or “BROOM-hill.” Same goes for Tharbakin (Tar-BAH-kin vs. TAR-buh-kin). Then things start getting really weird because the guy with the horses all fenced up complains of a man trying to steal his “coral” when clearly it's supposed to be (and even says, in the script) “corral”. Give me a break and go hire some actors who speak English.
PlanetXbox360 scores 3.2/10 and gets straight into multiplayer:
Game starts, players are standing around near each other in the town. Player 1 hits 'X' to ready their weapon. Game freezes.

Player 1: "Oh sh*t, sorry"

Waiting countdown begins… 9...8...7...6...

Player 2: "What did you do? I'm frozen"


Player 1: "Yeah, me too. I whipped out my sword and the game froze."


Player 2: "What did you do that for?!?!?"


Player 1: "Ha, ha, ha... This sucks..."

(3 minutes later) 0...0...0...
GamerNode's score is 4/10 but acknowledges the game can be addictive...even if the author doesn't really know why:
But what about the good? While most of the game will frustrate and annoy you, Two Worlds does do a few things right. For starters, it's surprisingly addicting to play once you've put any time into it. Even if you recognize the game is awful, you just can't put the controller down. I'm not exactly sure why that is; it just is. (Think of it as the video game equivalent to a horrible B-movie.) There's also a lot to do in this game, so you certainly get your money's worth if you put time into it.
...and for a change of pace, a site called ZTGameWorld awarded 7.5/10:
Two Worlds is not a bad game, in fact there is an epic adventure underneath this rough exterior that is rewarding to those willing to spend the time uncovering it. While initial impressions have been bleak it is nice to know that gamers willing to dedicate themselves to this game are finding its merits. Fans of old-school PC games such as Diablo will find plenty to entertain them and the amount of items and weapons to discover truly is impressive. As I said at the beginning comparing this game to Oblivion is a mistake, but the amount of fun that can be found within this game is definitely just as epic as Bethesda’s opus.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I think that this highlights the problems focusing on one platform for the critical elements of a game and then just adding 'flavor' from the other platform.

The PC version of this game is *much* better than the XBOX360 version, and single player is *much* better than multiplayer ... so reviews that focus on X360 & multiplayer ...
Oct 18, 2006
My gamemag "Pelit" (somwhat respected atleast here) gave pc version 79% but said that the game is fun to play. Mostly because games of this genre are rare so theres little competition. The review version was 1.4 though so with 1.5 it might have scored better.
Last edited:
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
I think that this highlights the problems focusing on one platform for the critical elements of a game and then just adding 'flavor' from the other platform.

The PC version of this game is *much* better than the XBOX360 version, and single player is *much* better than multiplayer ... so reviews that focus on X360 & multiplayer ...

I seriously doubt the PC version is "*much*" better. The biggest difference between the 2 versions is multiplayer, single player is identical gameplay wise with the only difference being a slight graphical advantage for the PC version.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I seriously doubt the PC version is "*much*" better. The biggest difference between the 2 versions is multiplayer, single player is identical gameplay wise with the only difference being a slight graphical advantage for the PC version.
Have you played both? How about 'identical' console games that suck on the the PC ... like Resident Evil 4? There are severe issues with framerate, control, consistency, stuttering, and on and on with the XBOX360 version being reported on TW forums everywhere. Multiplayer is also gimped for the X360 and performs like crap even in that state.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm really enjoying the single player game on PC. I don't own a console, so I never read any reviews from those mags/sites. It starts VERY slowly, but I'm enjoying the variety of builds that are legitimate in the game.
Oct 18, 2006
I've played both and the 360 version is seriously messed up. Framerate si all over the place and the animations are oddly choppy.
Oct 27, 2006
How did it get through the oh so awesome Microsoft QC, then?
Oct 18, 2006
I seriously doubt the PC version is "*much*" better. The biggest difference between the 2 versions is multiplayer, single player is identical game play wise with the only difference being a slight graphical advantage for the PC version.

A distinction probably needs to be made: for game play and design, I'd agree there's probably no difference. However, for controls/UI and graphics engine performance, there appears to be a huge difference. Almost every negative review (below 60%) has been on the 360 and focused primarily on performance and controls/UI.

I've played almost 4 hours of the PC demo so far and can say the performance is just fine on a decent rig and the controls/UI are OK. Not great, but certainly not horrible either.

And I have to echo the comment in one of the reviews: there does seem to be something oddly addictive about this game. It's not the exact same formula as D2, but I keep getting the same feeling of being driven to play more than I'd planned by some subconscious force! :devil: "just a bit further... ok... just a bit more... ok, time for bed-- wait a second! what's that up there on that hill over yonder? ok... just a bit further..." and so on.
Oct 18, 2006
Have you played both? How about 'identical' console games that suck on the the PC ... like Resident Evil 4?

Not sure what that has to do with Two Worlds.

There are severe issues with framerate, control, consistency, stuttering, and on and on with the XBOX360 version being reported on TW forums everywhere. Multiplayer is also gimped for the X360 and performs like crap even in that state.

Being reported on forums everywhere? So you haven't actually played it or seen it in person then? I've spent quite a few hours the PC demo and watched the Xbox version being played first hand, and I didn't see this huge difference some people are refering to. The framerate did seem a tad slower but nothing gamebreaking, I wasn't seeing Gothic 3 type stutters or anything like that. The single player is the exact same game.

If you're the type of person that is more interested in multiplayer, then yes, the Xbox version sucks. The fact is however, the singleplayer on either version isn't that good either.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
And I have to echo the comment in one of the reviews: there does seem to be something oddly addictive about this game. It's not the exact same formula as D2, but I keep getting the same feeling of being driven to play more than I'd planned by some subconscious force! :devil: "just a bit further... ok... just a bit more... ok, time for bed-- wait a second! what's that up there on that hill over yonder? ok... just a bit further..." and so on.

I wish I could say the same chamr. Two Worlds just didn't grab me at all, and I really tried to like it.

Maybe I'll give it another chance someday, I see this game hitting the bargain bin pretty quickly so maybe I'll grab it when it does. From what I've seen so far though, no way am I paying full price for it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Maybe I'll give it another chance someday, I see this game hitting the bargain bin pretty quickly so maybe I'll grab it when it does. From what I've seen so far though, no way am I paying full price for it.
Isn't that a testimony to the coolness of demos? Try it out and if you don't like the demo, don't get the game until it is cheap enough you can ignore the price!

I honestly don't regret Two Worlds, but can definitely see many flaws.
Oct 18, 2006
It also depends on what resolution the console is being played at....something that console gamers frequently do not take into account. It runs ok at 480p, but chugs at 720p and is unplayable at 1080p.

Acceptable framrates is also subjective. I really don't like FPS below 40.
Oct 27, 2006
Excellent question. Has Microsoft dropped their standards? Too desperate to get a MP RPG on the system?

Or any Single player western type rpg in the strain of Oblivion perhaps ?

O sold by the bucketloads for the Xbox and I suspect it was also driving sales
for it too (I know quite a few people that bought the thing mainly because it
would provide the cheapest way to enjoy O plus they expected more of the
kind and one of them was even heavily anticipating two worlds)...

Anyway, This game is getting undeservedly horrible reviews. Its possible
that the added technical problems of the xbox version just push the score downwards though, because honestly I find every aspect of it rather mediocre
(to downright amateurish for i.e art direction in some cases and Story or
writing and voiceacting).

But my main problem with it is, its a Diablo in 3d meets Oblivion type of rpg
and personally I am bored to death with this kind of gameplay (diablo style)...
Oct 18, 2006
Anyway, This game is getting undeservedly horrible reviews. Its possible
that the added technical problems of the xbox version just push the score downwards though, because honestly I find every aspect of it rather mediocre
(to downright amateurish for i.e art direction in some cases and Story or
writing and voiceacting).

But my main problem with it is, its a Diablo in 3d meets Oblivion type of rpg
and personally I am bored to death with this kind of gameplay (diablo style)...

Huh? I'm confused by your post JonNik. In one sentence you say, " This game is getting undeservedly horrible reviews", but then you say, "I find every aspect of it rather mediocre (to downright amateurish for i.e art direction in some cases and Story or writing and voiceacting)."

Anyways, I totally agree with you 100% about the Diablo reference, I made the exact same comparison in an earlier post.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
How did it get through the oh so awesome Microsoft QC, then?

Well, actually there has been a lot of problems for the developers to get through it. The X360 game was supposed to ship simultaneously with the PC version the 9th of May. Instead it was postponed due to "unknown" reasons and first until Two Worlds had reached patch v. 1.5 it got through the Microsoft QA. Many, many months later.
Oct 18, 2006
@JDR13, I think JonNik just meant "deservedly".

@Asbjoern, that it might have been delayed before passing certification still doesn't mean much if they give in and pass a sub-standard product - or whatever the explanation is.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
@Asbjoern, that it might have been delayed before passing certification still doesn't mean much if they give in and pass a sub-standard product - or whatever the explanation is.

Well, yes it does. The X360 version of Two Worlds would have been in a far worse state if the QA hadn't delayed it until patch v. 1.5. So even though Microsoft accepted a flawed game, then the QA still functioned to a certain extent.
And that was, was I was trying to say.
Oct 18, 2006
Huh? I'm confused by your post JonNik. In one sentence you say, " This game is getting undeservedly horrible reviews", but then you say, "I find every aspect of it rather mediocre (to downright amateurish for i.e art direction in some cases and Story or writing and voiceacting)."

Anyways, I totally agree with you 100% about the Diablo reference, I made the exact same comparison in an earlier post.

Why ? theres a lot of space between Mediocre and horrible (or say 7/10 to 3/10
reviews). No need for the game to be represented as the new Dungeon Lords...

It is not that bad and I can totally understand why it would be fun (in a power-
gamish short of way) to people that like this gameplay style...

In retrospect I should have added a "that said" after that first centence to make
my point come across clearer....
Oct 18, 2006
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