Henriquejr spotted patch notes for Swords and Sorcery - Underworld - Definitive Edition:
More information.Swords and Sorcery - Underworld March 14th 2021 patch notes
- Total runes per sorcerer limited to intel * spell level.
- Equipped slot indicators darkened as they were invisible in some setups (Head, Torso, etc...)
- Move entire stacks by holding down CTRL.
- Rare item duplications addressed.
- (U)se option color coded for better visibility. (Some players missed that books could be read by using them).
- Glitch allowing to equip Left Hand items with 2H weapons fixed.
- End game difficulty revised (Wraith).
- Right clicking on a mob or pressing (1-9) opens bestiary.
- New bestiary entries colored until opened.
- Travelling spells disabled in final level.
- 3 typoes fixed.
- Are you sure" prompt added when quitting on character creation.
- Woolen hood now has +3 armor.
- Elvenbraid text display glitch fixed.
- Torches masking rock formations fixed.
- Spells and abilities can now all be cancelled when prompted to select a target.
- Lich haven sound glitch fixed.
- All damage AOEs now knock rogues out of stealth.
- Dungeon drone glitch fixed.
- Glitch allowing to stack more than an item's stack limit fixed.