VtM: Bloodlines - Unofficial Patch 8.7 Released


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Wesp has released his unofficial patch v8.7 update for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. The changes are described below.

+Added a Sabbat option to endgame and improved library level details.
+Turned library boss to LaSombra and made him appear at SM junkyard.
+Improved restored broadsword damage and made Dane items undroppable.
+Added dialogue to diner trap and moved Obfuscator to original spot.
+Set eight occult powerups to be unknown unless Research stat is met.
+Removed girl body from King's Way again and two Ash sewer switches.
+Made turnstile turn and restored Empire TV news, thanks vladdmaster.
+Fixed downtown elevators and added five arrows, thanks vladdmaster.
+Added credits to easter egg ending and moved Yugo near SM blueblood.
+Removed a Gangrel animation and fixed idle howling during dialogue.
+Fixed Mandarin dialogue not starting if Obfuscated and a Carson bug.
+Made Strauss give Fae Charm and Isaac Pearl or money when in basic.
+Placed two patrons into Lotus Blossom and lowered perceptions there.
+Restored several unused doors to tattoo shop and Hallowbrook lobby.
+Increased durations of level 3 Dementation and Dominate disciplines.
And of course many more misc fixes.

+Made Romero boink possible after zombie quest and Wong Ho stand up.
Activated asian vampire laptop screensaver and cover sound variable.
Fixed basic poster quest order and only Nosferatu getting CD email.
Corrected several downtown NPCs stats and Beckett's cut lines again.
Added netcafe entry update for Ash and fixed Venture Tower handles.
Fixed final Masquerade violation crashes and five bad opening doors.
Corrected console errors on game start and a museum guard AI place.
Restored plaguebearer quest log, Regent line and Kerri waiting line.
Hid male Gangrel player model hole and rearranged UP Python scrips.
Prevented zero Humanity in Johansen dialogue and delayed Nines line.
Corrected Anders/Ingvar and Larry's quest errors using sound files.
Repaired bad Ocean House basement sprite and traffic lights on hubs.
Locked morgue freezers, fixed text issues and improved level names.
Improved observatory cutscene cameras and fixed high stats tutorial.
Fixed killing downtown Ming and replaced boat-ending asian vampire.
Corrected tutorial issues and restored one sign, thanks vladdmaster.
Tkanks go to kinnsy for spotting this first.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Roll, Wesp, roll....
Sep 16, 2010
I've been waiting it to hit 10.0 for a while now, seems like it will before the Revival Resurgence Project is released.
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
I've been waiting it to hit 10.0 for a while now, seems like it will before the Revival Resurgence Project is released.
Well there two different projects that each seek a different way to make the game better. You also can't use both at the same time they hate each other.:)
Oct 1, 2010
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
I can see how they could be incompatible but seriously?
I'm serious both modify parts of the game and conflict with each other. Did you think I meant the creators? I don't know how they feel about each other.

They each should be proud of the work they accomplished, and the easy way to play both is to install the game twice.
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Oct 1, 2010
Is he still fixing anything significant at this point, or is he just moving shit around because he can't make up his mind? :)

I appreciate all the time and effort he's put into this, but I honestly think he should just make a final patch and be done with it.

I've been waiting it to hit 10.0 for a while now, seems like it will before the Revival Resurgence Project is released.

Never heard of it. What is it?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Never heard of it. What is it?
It's a project with the goal to remake the game in an updated engine with a few fixes. Right now it's to complicated to make it work and not finished.


What is Bloodlines Resurgence?

Bloodlines Resurgence is a project that updates the original Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines game to work on the current Source engine.
This removes a lot of the bugs and graphical problems the original game had, whilst bringing the new Source engine features to the game.

Can I play it right now?
Not properly just yet, we're still working towards this.

So what can you do?

  • Load up some of the pre-compiled maps (with most models implemented.) More maps are coming!
  • Load maps into the Hammer editor, or create your own
  • Compile and run original and custom maps (see note below)
  • All in-game sounds work
  • All models work
  • Parts of the official maps work - however, many custom or obsolete entities are not yet implemented
What doesn't work?

  • There is currently no gameplay - no weapons, powers, etc
  • Conversations do not work yet
  • No characters are in the game yet
  • A lot of custom entities have not yet been written
  • Computers don't work yet
What do I need to try it?

  • A copy of the original Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
  • Alien Swarm
  • Alien Swarm SDK (for level editing / creation)
Why do I need the original game?

This project patches the original game files to work with the current Source engine, after copying them to their new Source home.
You must have purchased the game retail, or through Steam.

What is the Bloodlines Revival Project?

Bloodlines Revival was the project started way back in 2007, to do exactly what we're doing now.

However, the developers are looking for a fresh start to get the ball rolling again, and have decided to restart the project as Bloodlines Resurgence.
The research and effort that went into the original project has not gone to waste, it will be recycled and put to better use as we know so much more than what we did when we first started.
Oct 1, 2010
Actually the only person that hates anyone is the person who made the "True Patch" which is something that does similar to Wesp's basic patch but very likely doesn't fix everything since the development stopped a long time ago. Pretty much all mods for Bloodlines are incompatible with each other.

Currently much of what is being done besides fixes is that Wesp is restoring content cut from the game. The Library area is an area restored to the game so this is much more then a patch and is also a content restoration mod.
Oct 19, 2006
Actually the only person that hates anyone is the person who made the "True Patch" which is something that does similar to Wesp's basic patch but very likely doesn't fix everything since the development stopped a long time ago. Pretty much all mods for Bloodlines are incompatible with each other.

Currently much of what is being done besides fixes is that Wesp is restoring content cut from the game. The Library area is an area restored to the game so this is much more then a patch and is also a content restoration mod.

Thanks I almost confused the True Patch with the Resurgence Project earlier.:blush:
Oct 1, 2010
While I would never want someone to stop something he's enjoying that's an optional patch - I have to agree these patches seem increasingly OCD'ish and redundant.

Then again, I admit I don't have a clear idea of what all those patch points actually do.

I played Bloodlines back in 2009 or something - I think it was 6.0 patch back then. Since I never played it unmodded - I never actually noticed what the patch did.

It was still somewhat awkward and buggy - but it was perfectly stable and as most of us would agree - an absolutely fantastic game.

I have no doubt I'll get around to a thorough replay sooner or later. Will test the latest patch then.
You should think of this as more like a content restoration mod then a patch since that is what is mostly being done now and I have read through most of the change logs for it and most of the bug fixes were done long ago.

PS. Content like the new library area were only able to be done recently since they fairly recently figured out how to add new areas to the game.
Oct 19, 2006
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