W40K: Inquisitor-Martyr - Offline Mode on May 23

Goes to show the game was intended for SP and the online part was DRM.

You could even cheat while logged on with no bans.
Oct 1, 2010
Reviews aren't stellar but I wonder if it's affected by some degree of "DRM hater" bombing. For people like me that don't care about cancel cultures and fragile people with pious fake online principles it's hard to find a game that is only judged just by how good it is as a game.

The gameplay trailers I've watched look pretty decent.
Apr 26, 2023
Earth's Surface
Well I'm very happy thank you, being a fragile person with pious fake online principles.

I've made my point hundreds of times about how this is unacceptable. :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oct 1, 2010
Well I'm very happy thank you, being a fragile person with pious fake online principles.

I've made my point hundreds of times about how this is unacceptable. :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm not going to fight you about it, I'm fine with you feeling in any way you want. Factually, videogames are considered to be a luxury item and are taxed as such in most countries; that's because if one day I couldn't play videogames, my life goes on just as wonderfully as it was the day before. Probably even better as I may likely engage in more productive, and healthful activities instead.

Videogames are not a roof over your head, bread or water - principles should be had about real problems that harm the basic necessities of life of people. I can't help to feel that people who have principles about whether a game is more or less conveniently developed or monetized to their own particular set of tastes are huge online Karens and a sign of the dumb and spoiled society we live in.

In any case, I wasn't intending to create a sub-debate about the level of self-entitlement of accommodated middle-class members of modern societies in developed countries; I just meant to say that these days it's difficult to know when a game is being reviewed for how good it is as a game, ignoring everything that's beyond its quality as a game. I don't care if the CEO of a company murdered a kitten on cam and he's #1 public enemy in 31 countries so everyone is review bombing the game., when I'm looking to play a game, I just want to know if the game is good.
Apr 26, 2023
Earth's Surface
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