The jews escaping Germany and their proponents in 1938 were trolls too rite? :roll:
Dismissing uncomfortable truths as a troll is just what I expected of a kafir.

How do you know he's a kafir ?
You shouldn't assume things just like that.

Other than that your posts just seem vitriolic. The video you sent has the exact opposite coming from Arabic countries and even in Europe. So showing some people chanting has at best, little effect, at worst, a destructive effect.

Wishing for someone to die is also not something anyone here is happy with, so you are likely to go to my ignore list, which is actually quite short, unless you keep your posts more civilised.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Digger Nick - it is obvious that you have no interest in an interesting and polite exchange of opinions and views. May I ask you to leave this thread?

I'm a member of the Non Flamers Guild. I believe in civil ways to exchange arguments. If you don't agree - just make your own thread and try to find discussion partners.
Oct 18, 2006
The UN doesn't fix things unless its member states want to do something.
Since the member states are at odd with each other regarding this conflict, there is little chance of anything substantial happening.

Jan 10, 2008
Digger Nick - it is obvious that you have no interest in an interesting and polite exchange of opinions and views. May I ask you to leave this thread?

I'm a member of the Non Flamers Guild. I believe in civil ways to exchange arguments. If you don't agree - just make your own thread and try to find discussion partners.
Hmph, I can't help but to feel strongly about this. I got family in Gaza and when they're at risk of dying at the hands of the fucking semite occupants I can't help but get angry, especially when ignoramuses like the people in this thread just handwave it all away.
May 29, 2012
I tried to present very differentiated views from different angles through the news articles and last but not least the video.
Looking at your posts you haven't read them at all. Putting aggressive tags to the thread doesn't boost your credibility. Looking at your posts in the past (-> Hooray for the Boston Marathon bombing) suggest you are just a bad troll.
Oct 18, 2006
I tried to present very differentiated views from different angles through the news articles and last but not least the video.
Looking at your posts you haven't read them at all. Putting aggressive tags to the thread doesn't boost your credibility. Looking at your posts in the past (-> Hooray for the Boston Marathon bombing) suggest you are just a bad troll.
If your people would have suffered as much under American tyranny as we have then you would understand why even such a small amount of vengeance makes someone happy. Israel would never have managed to keep their foothold where they are unless they were backed by the US.
May 29, 2012
If your people would have suffered as much under American tyranny as we have then you would understand why even such a small amount of vengeance makes someone happy. Israel would never have managed to keep their foothold where they are unless they were backed by the US.

Well, your posts really add no value to this thread...

You make assumptions about people without knowing anything about them and you are flaming.

What if HiddenX' family was from Gaza or from Iraq under Hussein or under Assad's regime in Syria ?
You have no idea and still decide to attack and flame.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Not a bad article from the huffington post:

With a sensible conclusion :
Israel is leading itself towards increasing international isolation and national suicide because of two things: 1. The occupation; and 2. Settlement expansion.

Settlement expansion is simply incomprehensible. No one really understands the point of it. Virtually every US administration -- from Nixon to Bush to Obama -- has unequivocally opposed it. There is no justification for it except a Biblical one (see #2), which makes it slightly more difficult to see Israel's motives as purely secular.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Yes, that's the kicker...
Jan 10, 2008
I don't agree, if the place for their nation didn't matter, the way I see it it could be much easier to put an end to this. To add to the complexity the entire move was to give back a land which "already" belonged to them in the past, but it also already belonged to someone else in the past… also there has been ongoing wars for this city so many times, now is no different.

It's all down to their silly little religions at the end of the day. Islam vs Judaism.
Aug 12, 2013
It's all down to their silly little religions at the end of the day. Islam vs Judaism.

It's a mistake to buy into this belief, even for the 'muslims'. The ones with power in the muslim world are about as religious as my dog, it's all about power. They don't want anyone but themselves who can exert power in the region.
Apr 10, 2011
Oppression and genocide is never morally ambiguous.

Unless it was jews being genocided of course, then it was all a big mistake.

Japanese went to camps in US n WW II. I like japanese, but so what. They are still alive. Same with palestinians. If your country starts a war with another one don't you expect that if they lose things will suck for you? That is why you don't want to go to war just for the heck of it.

Since they made themselves enemies then they got treated like enemies. If they got genocided who is making all those youtube videos and crap?

Saudi and Iranian dictators don't want any US influence in the area and Israel is a giant FU to them, that is what it's mainly about.
Apr 10, 2011
It's a mistake to buy into this belief, even for the 'muslims'. The ones with power in the muslim world are about as religious as my dog, it's all about power. They don't want anyone but themselves who can exert power in the region.

I'm no atheist and I'm not anti-religious but surely most disputes over there have roots in this centuries old dispute. Maybe it's all about power and land now but I think it's a plausible theory that nobody would have been fighting over this land originally if not for its religious significance which I've never understood. The land is barren and there's water shortage in several regions there.

But you're right about the government. In fact that's all governments for you. There's not anyone of virtue in them.
Aug 12, 2013
As someone who openly admits to supporting Israel, I am trying very hard to be patient and tolerant with this thread. I REALLY appreciate the balanced approach that people like Hidden-X have used. However, I will no longer tolerate blatant HATE speech against EITHER side. Anti-semitism and anti-muslim tirades have no place in these forums and people who continue to do so will no longer have a place in these forums!! I trust I have made my position very clear.
Aug 31, 2006
Now, to bring us back on point, the fair and balanced wisdom of Sean Hannity:

If there's one thing you should take away is that it is foolish to agree to being on Fox news with a differing viewpoint.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA

Here's hamas iman talking about exterminating the jews, which is in the hama charter. I don't see how anyone can have any doubt after seeing this kind of crap.
Apr 10, 2011
(Can't watch the last video -> Error)

I think noone is questioning that Hamas is a radical group and many members want Israel out of the world map.
But justifies an anti-terrorist attack the loss of several hundred civilians?

On the other side they are the right wing hawks in Israel politics that simply don't want a two state solution. They are happy with Gaza as some kind of Apartheid-system, some would call it an open air prison. In their minds the West-Bank already belongs to Israel.

These two extreme subgroups of each society do a lot to prevent a peaceful solution at all. They are happy with the status quo.

With each unjustified and/or unproportional action they are radicalizing more normal people on the other side.

In a way the radical Hamas fighters and the Israeli right wing hawks are playing each other in their hands. Unfortunately this is a cruel game of death for many ordinary Palestinian and Israeli people.

This spiral of violence will only lead to more bloodshed and hate in the years to come.
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2006
Gaza: A little context by Gwynne Dyer

You can see why Hamas doesn't want a ceasefire in Gaza yet. It is continuing the fight in the hope that international outrage at the huge loss of people being killed by Israel's massive firepower will somehow, eventually, force Israel to give it what it wants.

Hamas would be quite willing to give up firing its pathetic rockets — which have so far killed a grand total of three civilians in Israel — if Israel ends its seven-year blockade of the Gaza Strip. Dream on.

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's goal is harder to define. Domestic political pressure to "do something" about those pesky rockets pushed him into this war, but now he must produce some kind of success in order to justify all those deaths: around 1,150 Palestinians and more than 50 Israelis already.

But what kind of success could it be? He cannot destroy all the rockets — Hamas shows no sign of running out of them — and even if he could Hamas would just manufacture more of them later unless he physically re-occupied the whole Gaza Strip. In recent days, therefore, Netanyahu has redefined the objective as destroying all the "terror tunnels" that Hamas has dug to infiltrate its fighters into nearby areas of Israel.

This makes no sense at all. In order to protect the lives of a few hypothetical Israeli soldiers who might be killed in the future by Hamas fighters using the tunnels, over 40 real Israeli soldiers have already died. Besides, Israel can't stop Hamas from digging more tunnels after the shooting stops unless it can find a way to ban picks and shovels in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu needs a victory of some sort before he accepts a ceasefire, but he cannot define what it would be. So, as he said Monday, "We should prepare ourselves for an extended campaign." Meanwhile, the slaughter of Palestinians continues, and sympathy for Israel shrivels even in the U.S.

It's not that the Israeli army particularly wants to kill civilians (although it is sometimes very sloppy), but it does prefer to fight a stand-off war with artillery and missiles in order to spare the lives of its own soldiers. In the crowded Gaza Strip, that inevitably means killing lots of civilians.

The 1.8 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are living at the same population density as the residents of London or Tokyo: around 5,000 people per square kilometre. You cannot use high explosives in this environment without killing a great many innocent civilians, and Netanyahu knew that from the start, because this is Israel's third war in Gaza in six years.

So the Israelis are being brutal and stupid, and the Hamas leaders are being brutal and cynical. (Hamas doesn't really use civilians as "human shields," as Israeli claims, but its leaders know that Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli fire provide them with a kind of political capital.) But this is not to say that the two sides are equally to blame for the killing. There is a broader context.

Before 1948, only about 60,000 people lived on the land now known as the Gaza Strip. The vast majority of those who live there now are Arab refugees, or the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Arab refugees, who fled or were driven out of what is now Israel during the 1948 war. They are not there by choice.

Israel has traditionally insisted that the refugees freely chose to flee, although revisionist Israeli historians have debunked that story pretty thoroughly. But which story you believe doesn't really matter. Fleeing your home in time of war does not deprive you of the right to go home when the fighting ends. Yet the Palestinians have not been allowed to go home, and Israel is adamant that they never will be.

The argument of 1948 still applies: for Israel to remain a state with a large Jewish majority, the Palestinian refugees and their descendants must remain outside it. So most of them are jammed into this narrow strip of territory on the Mediterranean coast — and latterly they have even grown poorer (unemployment is now 40 per cent) because they now live under a permanent Israeli blockade.

Israel imposed the blockade after they voted for Hamas, a radical Islamist party that refuses to recognize the legitimacy of Israel, in the 2006 election. Yes, they are more radical than the Palestinians of the West Bank, most of whom are not refugees. But there is no going back, and even in the Gaza Strip most Palestinians know it.

The ancestral lands of the Palestinians in what is now Israel are lost as permanently as those of the Native Americans. The "peace" everybody talks about is really just about giving them security of tenure and real self-government in the one-fifth of former Palestine that they still occupy. Unfortunately, that is not even visible on the horizon.

When Netanyahu is addressing American audiences, he gives lip-service to a "two-state solution" that includes an independent, demilitarized Palestinian mini-state, but everybody in Israel knows that he is really determined to avoid it. Israel is therefore effectively committed to penning in and controlling the Palestinians forever.

When their objections to this get too violent, they have to be disciplined. That is what is happening. Just like 2009 and 2012.

Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.
Oct 18, 2006

Destroying a UN school and murdering children, how very brave of the zionists. The jews are totally the victims in this.

Since they made themselves enemies then they got treated like enemies. If they got genocided who is making all those youtube videos and crap?
Just how much of a moron are you? It was a zionist militant takeover after the second world war. People were forced out of their homes and many died, there was no war. You're pretty clueless if you think having a resistance against the foreign invaders and the fact that there are people left means nothing bad did happen.
Here's hamas iman talking about exterminating the jews, which is in the hama charter. I don't see how anyone can have any doubt after seeing this kind of crap.
Yeah, that totally justifies killing civilian children, yup. Someone spoke against the jews so I guess anything goes then. You gigantic moron, if you had any perspective at all of the history of this you would understand.

Again I don't understand how this is even something you could even debate over. The jews keeps massacring and abusing the remaining Palestinian population and yet westerners just look on with their piggishly beady eyes and pretend that everything is fine.
May 29, 2012

Destroying a UN school and murdering children, how very brave of the zionists. The jews are totally the victims in this.

Just how much of a moron are you? It was a zionist militant takeover after the second world war. People were forced out of their homes and many died, there was no war. You're pretty clueless if you think having a resistance against the foreign invaders and the fact that there are people left means nothing bad did happen.
Yeah, that totally justifies killing civilian children, yup. Someone spoke against the jews so I guess anything goes then. You gigantic moron, if you had any perspective at all of the history of this you would understand.

Again I don't understand how this is even something you could even debate over. The jews keeps massacring and abusing the remaining Palestinian population and yet westerners just look on with their piggishly beady eyes and pretend that everything is fine.

War came later, I am not talking about the formation of israel.

The rest is just typical muslim crap. Everything jews do is horrible. Anything anyone else does, basically. There's never a shred of responsibility taken for anything or any admission any muslim, anywhere, is in the wrong. That's how you can tell it's a cult and why there is no way to peacefully work things out.

You seem to have no trouble with the idea of immigration since it seems you are a muslim in europe or the US. Turn that around to the jews and it's another story.

English kicked the celts out of england after coming from germany and denmark and norway, and nobody expects they will give it back. Gaza strip situation would be is welsh had attacked england and then the english took part of the territory afterwards to keep their borders defendable. In that scenario no one on earth would whine over it, even the welsh. Since it's jews and arabs however, the craziness goes on forever and ever.

Well, you can throw a fit all you like, no one's ever giving anything back and Jews aren't going anywhere. If anything the technical gap gets wider every day, and won't ever change unless arabs take make a dramatic left turn and get a completely new culture.
Apr 10, 2011
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