Warsim: The Realm of Aslona (Procedurally generated kingdom management RPG)


March 18, 2019
Hello all, my name is Huw and for the past 4 or so years now I've been solo developing a game called Warsim, some of you may have heard of it as a large number of those who have played the game are dwarf fortress fans too, Warsim was based on many games I've enjoyed including mount and blade, dwarf fortress, the elder scrolls series and king of dragon pass.

The game has been on steam for a while now and is rated among the 250 best hidden gems on steam steam250.com, this is due to the 97% positive rating it has from 114 reviews, but relatively low sales.


the game features a heavily procedurally generated world as you try to rule the Kingdom of Aslona, a once great land now plagued by rebellion, a united horde of bandits, two strong kingdoms of goblins and five randomly generated independent kingdoms with randomly generated races as well as countless other side factions, I have always loved randomly generated content and so the game is full of it.

* Scores of places to explore including, a giant blackmarket filled with mystery and wonder, hidden cities (that's right multiple of them), Two schools where you can take lessons, one in music and one in history, a procedurally generated newspaper, and tons more, there has been an excessive amount of time spent fleshing out the world, exploration is heavily rewarded.
* An arena which you can takeover and grow, or watch and bet on, holding giant tournaments and rooting for champions as they climb the ranks and get remembered for eternity.
* A unique facial procedural generation system that can produce well over 100 quadrillion different faces for a variety of different races from Humans and orcs, to kobolds and treemen.
* Deal with the throne room, a complex place with thousands of possible encounters and visitors, how will you manage the realm and treat your people?
* Listen to some procedurally generated music, be it the drum solo of a nervous travelling goblin bard, or the proud music prowess of a well trained vampire showing off with his vampyric lute (or find the music guild and try your own hand at playing these instruments)
* Tons of random events, no game will be the same, with the kingdoms, rulers and events always being different and hard to predict.
* Procedurally generated kingdoms, bandit gangs and mercenary groups, never get the same group twice, be they Seafaring Goblins, Fire Orcs, Eyeless Elves or the Famed Half-Turtles of the Western Turtledom, all these races possible and a million more.
* Countless mini-games played in taverns, your throne room, or around in the world to keep you entertained.
* And so much more…

A really good let's play made somewhat recently, though the game has grown greatly since this playthrough

Here's the games steam store page

Feel free to check out our reddit community on /r/WarsimRpg (There is a link in the sidebar to download the old free version of the game)

I am massively open to feedback, I have a tendency to add things that are suggested by players into the game and will respond to pretty much all the comments I get! Happy to answer any questions you guys have and would love feedback of any kind! :)
Mar 18, 2019
Like Chat above, I've never even heard of this product until now, but this sounds like something I might enjoy. Thanks for sharing the news of this game with all of us.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Hey guys, so this update has been stewing for a few days and has mainly stemmed from me playing the game and then finding stuff during my playthroughs to update, I spent extensive time messing around with the arena as well as lots of bugfixing and updating, there's quite a bit of new and improved stuff in this update!


After finishing working on the arena a few updates back I didn't think there was much to improve on, but recent testing and brainstorming has led to massive changes, including reworking the hall of fame which now has 3x longer descriptions for the dead heroes and it's own music. Demotion works differently, special events regarding champions that were previously blocked now happen, there are new screens for buying/taking over the arena, setting arena rules and laws has been improved and upgrades are explained a little better. Bribing the grand champion to fight again will also not cost as much unless you are bigger and more powerful.

* Added new dynamic descriptions to the busts of champions in the hall of fame
* Added new explanation text for Arena size upgrade effects in arena upgrades screen
* Added new screen when demoting a grand champion where you can choose how the replacement is selected (3 options) random replacement, later duel, immediate duel
* Added new system for bribing champion based on aslona lands (under 5 is 500gold)(under 10 is 1000)(under 25 is 1500)(more than 25 is 2500)
* Added 3 variants of resigned path for arena grand champion
* Added Arena champion who joins rebellion joins as a Rebel Lord not a soldier (+2000 gold to rebels)
* Added Arena champion who joins bandit horde joins as disgraced hero not a warlord (+2000 gold to bandits)
* Added new screen for champion refusing to join your personal retinue
* Added new screen for taking the arena from family member
* Added new screen for buying the arena
* Added secret coded 404 in arena to wipe champion and allow for a champion challenge
* Added new ominous loop to hall of fame in arena
* Added new screen for setting arena fights to play by play
* Rewrote arena upgrade text


This is kind of a silly reference to an older part of the game, in the early days of warsim's exploration screen there was a single region of locations, one of them was a small goblin settlement that could be developed to absurd levels to provide cheap goblin hirelings, well this is similar but not as powerful. Still get to the point where you're raking in up to 2.5k goblin troops per turn. (Note: will be adding issues in the future for any kingdom where the goblins outnumber all others, so this will not be the most viable situation if you aren't also getting lots of other troops)

* Added new kingdom upgrade (Small Goblin Hamlet) 30000 gold (0-35 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Goblin Hamlet) 40000 gold (0-45 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Large Goblin Hamlet) 55000 gold (0-60 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Small Goblin Town) 70000 gold (0-80 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Goblin Town) 100000 gold (0-120 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Large Goblin Town) 135000 gold (0-150 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Small Goblin City) 150000 gold (0-200 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Goblin City) 200000 gold (0-250 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Large Goblin City) 250000 gold (0-350 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Goblin Megacity) 350000 gold (0-500 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Huge Goblin Megacity) 500000 gold (0-750 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Goblin City-State) 750000 gold (0-1000 goblin per turn)
* Added new kingdom upgrade (Huge Goblin City-State) 1000000 gold (0-2500 goblin per turn)


Now the throne room has a little more detailed blurb depending on how many visitors there are, there is now a bonus stat in the kingdom stats screen showing which kingdom is most densely populated which was quite interesting to see, now when a civ gets more civilised their people get a little stronger too. I was playtesting recently and in one event an emissary I sent got killed and I was sent his head, now there's dynamic a screen and graphic for that.

* Added Dynamic 19 different possible texts depending on how many visitors you have in throne room
* Added new screen to kingdom stats showing which faction is most densely packed
* Added 5% increase for all units battlescore when their kingdom gets more civilised
* Added new screen for getting sent your emissaries head


Continuing on from the last update I've made two more single line end of turn events now have their own screen as they are relevant to the game, though if you haven't discovered the blackmarket you won't get a pop up as it's far less relevant.

* Added special end of turn pop up screen for blackmarket century festival
* Added end of turn small notification of century festival if you haven't discovered the blackmarket
* Added new special end of turn pop up screen for great thundering skies secret event
* Added ability to understand thundering sky event more if your spymaster has a skill of 160+


A bunch of new sounds, now warsim has over 350+ sound files in total, shocked me when I counted them up but I guess the sound file has been growing recently!

* Added marching sound to northwatch reinforcing thickblood event
* Added new deathsound for dead emissary event
* Added gold coin sound effect when giving 1000 gold to cousin in throne room
* Added 4 new sounds for mmm sound
* Added mmm sound effects to 2 broke encounters in throne room
* Added new thundering sound effect
* Added 3 sound effects to dragon wench knight game
* Added grunt sound to arsam the all knowing intro


Only one new one, this is just someone reacting reasonably to you being broke.

* Added new 'what can you do' reaction to having no gold


So many bug fixes, like so many... Just as I thought my game was bugfree...

* Fixed bug where 50% of champion challenge winners would have 0 battlescore and get flattened their next fight
* Fixed champion attacked in the street event being blocked in game
* Fixed champion wounded event being blocked in game
* Fixed resigned and retired champion events being blocked in game
* Fixed bluetrii single barrel screen not appearing when you have one barrel
* Fixed text spacing issue with kingdom getting civilised event
* Fixed bluetrii screen showing more barrles than you can actually use
* Fixed trap door upgrade not being buyable at tier 4 of throne room (only 5 and above)
* Fixed grand champion appearing in throne room celebration with no name
* Fixed being able to exit vassal menu without selecting option
* Fixed being kicked from vassal menu bug
* Fixed auto max upgrading of arena guards if you can afford them
* Fixed marching troops graphic broken
* Fixed auto max upgrading of slaver fort walls if you can afford them
* Fixed attacking demon gate kicks you out of exploration screen afterward
* Fixed double pause after emissaries head cut off
* Fixed bribing grand champion showing plus gold instead of minus when paying
* Fixed banking tax number tag being broken
* Fixed champion guards being hired when arena has no champion
* Fixed grand tournament listed as 'grand man tournament' text bug
* Fixed missing punctuation for merc for hire throne room
* Fixed aehlan of aehlans rare tomes hat bugging out on one of the dialogue options
* Fixed wordwrap problem with Aehlan's text
* Fixed wild skalds in dragons kneecap missing line
* Fixed wild skalds in dragons kneecap text colour bug
* Fixed missing lines in dragon wench knight game
* Fixed grammar issue in dragon wench knight game
* Fixed text colour bug with dragon wench knight game
* Fixed textwrap with eswin elfhaters dialogue
* Fixed grammar issues with eswin elfhaters dialogue
* Fixed stray dot in blackrow text
* Fixed line glitch in play by play arena fights if opponent kicks another and you own the spike pit
* Fixed gambling tax still working even after arena destroyed (credit 71)
* Fixed arena champion pop ups happening even after arena destroyed (credit 71)
* Fixed grammar issue on gamemode choice


Lots of assorted stuff here, reworked screens, new dialogues, etc.

* Added century festival dialogue for Skug the slaver
* Rewrote dialogue for giving cousin 1000 gold in throne room
* Made rate of joining slave soldiers when free much higher
* Added new money stat on mercenary hire encounter
* Added 2 new dialogues to aehlan
* Added new century festival dialogue to aehlan
* Merged three instances of dragon wench knight game code together
* Added no fight on century fest screen to dragons kneecap tavern
* Reduced village sound volume
* Removed page turn sound from initial part of laws screen
* Rewrote custom game option text a little bit
* Added 5 new dialogues to Arsam the all knowing

Well that's all for now, let me know what you think of the update, and thanks everyone for your support! :)
Mar 18, 2019
Hey guys I'm really happy to finally be able to release this update today, this has been another tough one to code so it look a lot longer than expected but here we are, the Monster Trainer Update. I also recorded a video demonstrating the new monster trainer update features, see it [here](https://youtu.be/AtY4JtKLwc4).



So this was suggested a while ago on audiogames and also recently on steam by Blackenblood and so others so finally I decided to give it a go, now you can build a monster pit and find yourself some procedurally generated monsters either by buying them or sending an expedition of soldiers to capture one for you, captured monsters can fight with eachother, be named, be trained, or be pitted against one of 42 different challengers each with their own procedurally generated beasts, the system was made to be fun and was bugtested more rigorously than new features usually are but let me know of any bugs or suggestions you have for it!

* Added new kingdom upgrade 'Little monster pit' (25k) Allows for access to the monster fight system, stores 1 monster
* Added new kingdom upgrade 'Monster pit' (30k) Allows for 2 monsters to be stored
* Added new kingdom upgrade 'Grand Monster Pit' (50k) allows for 3 monsters to be stored
* Added 5555 new monsters
* Added 42 different challengers to monster pit (each with unique dialogues/graphics and bonuses)
* Added cheat code '420' to fill your monster pit with monsters (Enter in monster pit screen)
* Added cheat code '421' to monster pit to refresh monster seller (Enter in monster pit screen)
* Added cheat code '422' to refresh monster trainers (Enter in monster pit screen)
* Added Expensive monster seller throne room encounter (dynamic price)
* Added Cheap monster seller throne room encounter (dynamic price)
* Added new throne room encounter sneaky boys see monster
* Added new throne room encounter beasts raised in keep
* Added new throne room encounter the king at night
* Added dynamic expedition to capture a monster (can come back alive/some dead or all dead)
* Added new screens for docile monster fight failure
* Added dynamic text for monster fight commencning (5 alternates)
* Added dynamic text for monster pit fight entrance text (4 alternatives)
* Added 1 in 5 chance of public opinion drop for battling your monsters (-2 public op)
* Added if no trainer your monsters fight with -5% health
* Added 160+ skill trainer gives 25% bonus to health
* Added 140+ skill trainer gives 20% bonus to health
* Added 120+ skill trainer gives 15% bonus to health
* Added 100+ skill trainer gives 10% bonus to health
* Added 80+ skill trainer gives 5% bonus to health
* Added less than 50 skill trainer takes 2% from your monsters health
* Added missing spike move to monster fighter system
* Added 6 dynamic intro texts for fights involving your own creatures


Not to be outshined by monsters mercenaries have undergone a lot of work this update too, now expect more screens and situations involving mercenaries, bugs have been fixed, ex-slaves wont work for slavers, what they do and say to you are far more dynamic and there are more sound effects being used for them!

* Added mercenaries with the backstory of having been slaves will not work for a ruler who has slaves
* Removed destroyed factions from mercenary attack screen
* Made who to attack next it's own screen for mercenary groups
* Added never mind I want to reconsider option to mercenary attacks
* Added vassal status shown on any vassals in mercenary attack menu
* Added new screen to mercenary group refusing to work with demons attempted hire
* Added new screen to mercenary group with vendetta against you attempted hire
* Added merc refusal and vendetta encounters use dynamic mmm sound effect (1 of 4 at random)
* Added new screen for hiring merc group for single attack
* Added new screen for merc cost refund
* Added new screen for contract being fulfilled by merc group
* Added new dynamic screens for attempting to assimilate mercenary companies
* Added new screen and graphic for converting peasants into peasant militia company
* Added new screens and graphics for converting soldiers into merc company
* Added new screens and graphics for converting demons into merc company
* Fixed text and layout of mercenary assessment screen
* Added new screen for asking merc group to disband
* Added new screen for hiring mercenary group
* Added new screen for firing mercenary group (with sound effect if group has 15 troops or more)
* Added new screen for assessing strength of mercenary group
* Fixed grammar issues with assessing strength of mercenary groups
* Fixed raid and invade options being available for demons and pest group in merc menu
* Added new text for before battle with demons as mercenary company
* Added new text for before battle with pest group as mercenary company
* Added new pre-battle mercenary screen
* Fixed not refunded if attack is cancelled last minute with mercenaries
* Added screen for not being able to afford land capture charge with mercenaries
* Added cost tag to invade option for merc companies who charge for invasions
* Fixed unable to view merc leaders stats screen once hired
* Reworked merc leader stats screen a little bit
* Added 10 different possible comments from merc group before launching an attack
* Added 10 different possible comments from merc group when being hired
* Added 5 different possible comments from merc group when completing a single contract
* Fixed mercenary groups screen skip for any group that refuses you


Not a massive load of them, but 10 different throne room encounters and variants are now added to the game trying ever harder to keep the throne room from getting too stale.

* Added appreciated knight throne room encounter
* Added reasonable leader knight throne room encounter
* Added favoured knight throne room encounter
* Added royalist throne room encounter
* Added emancipation throne room encounter
* Added price of nothing throne room jester encounter
* Added jester's son throne room encounters (2 different encounters)
* Added budding jester throne room encounter
* Added drunk funny man throne room encounter


I found poor Gar'gallock with a bug effecting advising, I thought i'd fix him up and give him a few nice new features and polish.

* Fixed great gar'gallock double pause bug
* Added new question to ask gar'gallock (who are you?)
* Added new question to ask gar'gallock (do people often ask your advice?)
* Fixed grammar issues with gar'gallock screen
* Added new dynamic screen for paying gar'gallock
* Added single coin sound effect for gargallock during century fest
* Added coin bag sound effect for gargallock normal time
* Added Gar'Gallock to other category in throne room summonable entertainment


These are some lesser features that are still worth considering, now discovering new kingdoms/lands will be much harder depending on your difficulty choice so be careful how you start. The starting helmet your kingdom gets in the game is now randomised (fitting with so much else in the game). There are tons of other little features here so have a read.

* Added new system new lands depending on difficulty (now newly discovered kingdoms will be twice as hard on normal mode, 3 times as hard on hard mode, 4 times as hard on solid mode, and 5 times as hard on insane mode)
* Made it so that starting helmet in any game is randomised
* Added new screen for pulling new group of heroes from the hire screen
* Added rare chance that name begins with 'old ' and takes 5 battlescore from character
* Added new system for discovering new kingdoms (after 3rd lot of kingdoms lands growth will slow down a bit)
* Added 2 new screens for ordering mass sacrifice
* Added new screen for worse public opinion hit for mass sacrifice
* Added 4 special extra texts in grand champion screen before big battles (5th, 10th, 20th and 50th fights)
* Reworked the load game screen layout
* Added new screen for buying land from an independent nation
* Added ability to ask wagon throne room representetive how much you'll earn from trade
* Added ability to ask wagon throne room representetive who the wagon man is
* Added the ability to speak to a miner monfort mine (25 dialogues)


Prison was looking a little lackluster so I've updated it some more!

* Added new screen for asking how many prisoners are in your prison
* Added ability to speak to random prison in prison (req 10 prisoners) (25 dialogues)
* Added ability to set prison rules from prison screen (cause why the hell not)
* Updated prison description text


Lots of new sound effects for in game, mostly for monsters and monster pit related thing but some others for throne room and diplomacy situations.

* Added new orc laugh sound effect orc win in monster pit
* Added new slurp sound effect to vampire win in monster pit
* Added new sound effect for were-change
* Added sound effect for mass sacrifice
* Added coin sound to blacksmith paid screen
* Added 6 monster sound effects
* Added monster sound effects played between menus in monsterpit
* Added new bring the beast sound effect
* Added new warcry sound effect
* Added new trainer death sound
* Added hiccup sound to the game (and to the three hiccuping throne room encounters)
* Added new mining loop sound for visiting active mines


A handful of new reactions to certain throne room encounters, now things will be even more dynamic and unpredictable.

* Added 'smiling warcry' recruitment reaction in throne room
* Added 'wild warcry' recruitment reaction in throne room
* Added 'beat chest' recruitment reaction in throne room
* Added new praised bard reaction 'Thank you thank you' (+1 guild relation)
* Added new praised bard reaction 'grins and bows' (+1 guild relation)
* Added new praised bard reaction 'thanks for listening'
* Added new praised bard reaction 'tears up a little' (+1 guild relation)
* Added new praised bard reaction 'bows and thanks'
* Added new praised bard reaction 'nervous one' (+1 guild relation)
* Added new praised bard reaction 'you're welcome'
* Added new praised bard reaction 'Nods and thanks'
* Added new praised bard reaction 'Just a nod'


Visited the mystery slaver in one of my playthroughs and his screen was looking like an afterthough, I ended up giving the entire mystery slaver feature an overhaul and changed most of it.

* Added 4 new graphics for mystery slaver (demon, goblin, human, empty)
* Added a face to the mystery slaver in the east
* Lowered price of mystery slaver in the east to 75 gold (was 100)
* Reworked description of mystery slaver
* Added new screen to forcing mystery slaver tribute
* Added new screen to arresting mystery slaver (with sfx)
* Added new question to mystery slaver dialogue screen
* Reworked mystery slaver dialogue screens
* Added new screen for having no gold with mystery slaver
* Added new screens for revealing cage with mystery slaver
* Fixed kicked out of mystey slaver screen after speaking to him


One mystery to another I also visited and was disapointed by the mystic hut, it now has new screens including a cool coin graphic and some sound effects.

* Added coinflip sound effect to mystic hut
* Added new graphic for destroyed mystic hut
* Added new screens for mystic hut
* Added face to mystic hut person
* Added new screen and sound effects for arresting mystic hut man
* Added new screen for mystic hut demon servant gold gift
* Added new coin graphics for mystic hut


I was sure it was completed but upon revisiting the history guild (on Niklas' request) I found several bugs and issues, so I went through it all and fixed as many as I could as well as adding a few minor additions.

* Fixed teachers now recognise if you've graduated when you ask them questions about lessons and exams in history guild
* Fixed eastern history exam not showing your end grade
* Fixed east and south history exams showing second year on exam sheet
* Fixed south history showing wrong number of questions on exam sheet
* Added teachers names to final history guild ceremony
* Added trumpet sound and new screen to history guild ceremony
* Fixed text colour issue in history guild library
* Made history guild library graphics correlate with how many books there are


The lava pit was another thing spotted on a playthrough that looked flat, now the screen has been improved with new features and sounds.

* Added new screen for having no peasants
* Added 2 new random outcomes for throwing peasant in lava pool
* Added new background loop sound for lava pit lava
* Added new sound effect for throwing peasant into the lava
* Fixed lava pit text wordwrap and grammar issues


An enourmous amount of bugs fixed in this update, thanks to everyone who helped with these!

* Fixed village attack leaving your troops in purgatory bug (credit u/telejimes)
* Fixed arena crowd sound not resuming after buying the arena
* Fixed missing line and text colour issues from destroyed royal bank
* Fixed grand champion bribe issue taking you into debt if you didn't have the gold
* Fixed brawling throne room ending double pause bug
* Fixed totem graphic bug for assurak camp visit
* Fixed brawling throne room men not having any names bug
* Fixed blessing encounter text space bug
* Fixed groan sound effect not working
* Fixed bug with allies and new lands
* Fixed rabble rule in throne room shows up as bards once disabled
* Fixed goblin hall goblin leader text bug (credit VineFynn)
* Fixed prison pop report guard bug
* Fixed prison fight to the death kicks you out of prison after its done
* Fixed closing prison option not working properly
* Fixed peasant sacrifice for peace event took gold instead of peasants
* Fixed 'hasn't been working very on the fields' text bug (credit 71)
* Fixed goblin hall leadership bug
* Fixed 'come to and end' text bug with demon mirror
* Fixed 'known as be' harlaw text bug
* Fixed missing space in slave agitator encounter (credit 71)
* Fixed unfunny jester space missing throne room encounter (credit 71)
* Fixed demon summoned text (credit 71)
* Fixed militia throne room encounter happening even when militia banned (credit 71)
* Fixed 'the open his mouth' text bug in throne room (credit u/telejimes)
* Fixed 'room nice room' text bug in throne room (credit u/telejimes)
* Fixed spacing issue with celebration well wishes throne room event (credit u/telejimes)
* Fixed bandit gold giver face change bug (credit u/telejimes)
* Fixed centre of a village text bug in south (credit u/telejimes)
* Fixed demon mirror sound bug (credit u/HabibGaming)
* Fixed bug with theme music not restarting when restart theme music selected
* Fixed rewards and far greater text bug
* Fixed mines not changing to unstaffed if you take miners back out
* Fixed triton warrior unit listed as Triron warrior
* Fixed on old hag text bug in celebration event text
* Fixed bug with wagon man throne room rep face changing if you accept the deal
* Fixed tax tax is sometimes 0 but still gets reported (credit 71)
* Fixed blackmarket assassination questline being available even when you are the leader of the market (credit 71)
* Fixed witches harvest blessing not working
* Fixed textwrap for fleck the demon servant
* Fixed text colour bug for all of fleck demon servants dialogues
* Fixed game shows you being at war with newly discovered lands when you're not
* Fixed missing space when buying land from independents
* Fixed double pause on independent land buy screen
* Fixed able to get into hall of order even if you dont own it
* Fixed farrad wall text bug
* Fixed zombie sound not working


A big load of other stuff that I couldn't categorise for one reason or another but still work a read of!

* Added new text indicator of how much gold was spent when hiring independent troops
* Rewrote jester throne room intro dialogues
* Added single coin deposit and withdraw screens to royal bank (with sfx)
* Added no gold withdraw and deposit screen to royal bank
* Added 420 secret option to Erkland the leaf burner in blackmarket slums
* Reshuffled layout of options on other buildings screen
* Added new vampire name 'Cradula' (credit u/Vylcount)
* Added guidance lines to monster part maker
* Made two and three headed races heads closer together
* Updated other buildings screen layout
* Reworked 'yeah' reaction to recruitment to have a sound effect and slightly altered text
* Fixed intro game text about number of races
* Updated demon overlord victory screen
* Added new screen and sfx for sacrificing a peasant to demon totems in the south
* Merged numerous instances of monster fight code into one instance
Mar 18, 2019
Hey guys so this is an update just working through some of the leftovers of my current warsim to do list before I move on to some promised update work that's going to take a bit longer, lots of different stuff as well as some cool things to see!


I promised I'd develop the modders toolbox a while ago but haven't added anything to it in quite a while, well now you can add animals to the game and the monster mod part system allows for easier part editing, thanks to 71 for bringing my attention to this!

* Added animal creator to modders toolbox
* Updated title of modders toolbox screen
* Added new ability to learn more about monster mod system in the mod menu
* Reworked Monster part maker in modders toolbox (now better guidelines, better previews, reworked screen layouts)


A few little tweaks and things here!

* Added indicator of change from throwing peasants into the lava pit (credit omer)
* Added faction ranking screen to kingdom reports screen
* Added three new graphics for training grounds/barracks/grand barracks (one for each)
* Made normal throne room encounters occur more often than celebration related encounter during celebration


I wasn't planning on touching the race system again for a while but I had a new influx of ideas poured in and so while actioning them I added some new features to pre-existing races as well as my own new prefixes, now you can have space races that will blast off to space at some point and leave the game world. Also thanks to /u/administrativetreat7 there are now millions more races!

* In total including u/AdministrativeTreat7's suggestions below, this update adds 3'538'106 new races to the game
* Added new titles for races with the prefix 'space' (stellar captain and sub captain)
* Added new special event for space races
* Made weeping races have cry before battle ability
* Added new head type to blind races
* Added new head type to longneck races
* Reworked race effect system to allow much easier modification to race faces in the future
* Added new race prefix 'Longhead' (+2 battlescore, longer heads)
* Added new race prefix 'Many-Eyed' (+7 Battlescore, usually has two sets of eyes)

**u/AdministrativeTreat7's RACE SUGGESTIONS**

Thanks to u/AdministrativeTreat7's suggestions we have a total of
2'950'350 new races in the game thanks to this suggestion!

* 2.9 Million new possible races thanks to u/AdministrativeTreat7
* Added new race prefix 'Albino' (white skin and -5 battlescore)
* Added new race prefix 'Little' (smaller faces, -3 battlescore)
* Added new race prefix 'Short' (smaller faces, -2 battlescore)
* Added new race prefix 'Mutated' (deformed face, -6 battlescore, half population, -1 civilisation level)
* Added new race prefix 'Evil' (+6 battlescore, is automatically aligned evil)
* Added new race prefix 'Ascended' (max civilisation level, x2 battlescore, automatically aligned good)
* Added new race prefix 'Rock' (+8 battlescore)
* Added new race prefix 'Common'
* Added new race prefix 'Hulking' (+10 battlescore, bigger heads)

Check out some the weird new possible races from this update and what they look like


Added some new sounds including dynamic arena sounds, a new intro sound effect and the chance that trumpet players fail and mess up!

* Added new sound effect 'Trumpet fail'
* Added chance that trumpet played fails
* Added new screen for long may you reign
* Added new sound effect for long may you reign (recorded by me :D)
* Added new horn sound for arena challenges against other kingdoms
* Added 4 new dynamic gate opening sound effects for arena


Some great ideas on expanding the monster system, now you can train trainers and feed your monsters for a chance of bonus strength, also 1000s of new possible monster combinations!

* Added ability to train your monster trainer (credit KenshiraTheTrinity @audiogames.net)
* Added feeding any green monster a goblin instantly guarentees +1 strength
* Added ability to feed monsters your goblins/slaves/peasants (only works if strength of beast is below the max of 20)
* Added Chryssalid creature parts submitted by 71 on steam (1596 new possible monster combos)
* Added sideteeth head part
* Added large horns top head part
* Added thin spikes top head part
* Added chicken body top head part
* Added sharptoe body part
* Added dogbody body part


Lots of bugfixes here including some that have been on my list for quite some time, the most annoying two bugs were grand champions getting killed in a tournment and then not appearing in the hall of fame, after losing a favourite champion of mine in a game to this it got personal, also independent lords not having faces relevant to the race, so eyeless vampires in your throne room, and their leader would be eyeless but the lords would just be regular vampires... not anymore!

* Fixed option tags in specific monster generator (credit 71)
* Fixed ditch race description
* Fixed league of darkness and league of good kingdom status not changing when discovering new lands
* Fixed broken face part
* Fixed text colour of intro text in barracks/training grounds/etc
* Fixed issue with helmets being visible beyond ascii filter (credit Bookrage)
* Fixed rehabilitation law not removing the bandits it converted (credit 71)
* Fixed bubbling lava sound not stopping (with music disabled) (credit u/Bookrage)
* Fixed independent lords faces not having characteristics of their races (ie deformed/childlike/eyeless/etc)
* Fixed Arena grand champions defeated in tournaments don't get put in the hall of fame
* Fixed tournament mislabeling fighters that kill grand champion as grand champion
* Fixed southern and western explorer encounters saying they were eastern (credit bookrage)
* Fixed champion battle with independent champion skipping a screen
* Fixed grand champion defeated against foreign champ still exists with no name (credit u/timedonutheart)


A couple of other changes of varying significance!

* Added coin sound and coin loss screen to garalds city tours
* Changed colour of credits screen
* Updated title of warsim music library extras screen
* Updated hire staff and champions screen to manage staff and champions (credit u/LurkMorePlease)
* Added 4 new arena champion death descriptions
* Reworked arena entry descriptions
* Added 6 new ent names
Mar 18, 2019
I picked this up today but haven't had a chance to play it (probably won't until this weekend). I'm excited to check it out, though. After watching a couple of videos of folks on YouTube giving it a spin, it looked like a lot of fun.

Keep up the good work.
Feb 20, 2013
United States
Hey Prophet, thanks for the support! I hope your first playthrough goes well :)
Mar 18, 2019
Wasn't planning on releasing this as an update but I discovered a game breaking bug with the race generation system and had to release this to ensure it doesn't mess up anyones game, luckily what I'd already worked on prior to the fix is enough for a nice little update!


Now before a normal random races game, you can choose an additional choice of going like normal and taking what you're given or give yourself the option to review and reject the random races in your world and try for another random set, this allows lots of players to get a true feel for the randomness of the game and to get a game start more suited to them while still being random as hell.

Also in the extras menu generators screen there is now something called 'Advanced Race Generator' which allows you to spawn a big list of however many races you want.

* Added new menu for selecting races before a normal game
* Added new system for kingdom names to include weird proc genned name systems
* Added new graphical end of turn screen for any assassinations ordered by the player
* Added new extras generators race generator page where you can generate as many races as you choose (select a number)


The last few days I've been working through lists of suggestions and ideas for new prefixes for the race system as well as tweaking and adding new abilities to them, this coupled with the new 'taur' system mentioned below has resulted in an additional 10'079'211 races in Warsim. (Was 59'361'042 before, now 69'440'253). Many of these new races will have unique effects such as 3 sets of eyes, fixed leader personalities, longer heads and so on.

**Race prefixes**

* Added new race prefix 'Four-Eyed' (+5 battlescore, 2 sets of eyes)
* Added new race prefix 'Azure' (+1 battlescore, blue skin)
* Added new race prefix 'Fertile' (triple population level) credit Bookrage from audiogames.net
* Added new race prefix 'Metal' (silver skin, +11 battlescore) credit Bookrage from audiogames.net
* Added new race prefix 'Legendary' (10x battlescore, 2x population, +4 civilisation level) credit /u/AdministrativeTreat7
* Added new race prefix 'Mercantile' (always a mercantile leader, +1 civilisation level)
* Added new race prefix 'Underground' (+2 battlescore) credit /u/AdministrativeTreat7
* Added new race prefix 'Barbaric' (+9 battlescore, -2 civ level) credit Bookrage from audiogames.net
* Added new race prefix 'Cliff' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new race prefix 'Cove' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new race prefix 'Lagoon'
* Added new race prefix 'Plateu' (+5 battlescore, -1 population level)
* Added new race prefix 'Tall' (+3 battlescore, longer heads) credit u/AdministrativeTreat7
* Added new race prefix 'Brown' (brown skin)
* Added new race prefix 'Dirty' (-2 battlescore, brown skin)
* Added new race prefix 'Garden' (3x lower battlescore, 2x smaller population) credit /u/AdministrativeTreat7
* Added new race prefix 'Happy' (+5 population level, leaders always friendly)
* Added new race prefix 'Strange' (+2 battlescore, leaders are always strange)

**New beast races**

* Added New Race 'Chimpanzee Folk'
* Added New Race 'Chimpanzeemen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Chimpanzees'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Chimpanzees'
* Added New Race 'Half-Chimpanzees'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Chimpanzees'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Chimpanzees'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Chimpanzees'
* Added New Race 'Chimpanzeelings'
* Added new kingdom type 'Chimpanzeedom'
* Added New Race 'Toucan Folk'
* Added New Race 'Toucanmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Toucans'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Toucans'
* Added New Race 'Half-Toucans'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Toucans'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Toucans'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Toucans'
* Added New Race 'Toucanlings'
* Added new kingdom type 'Toucandom'
* Added New Race 'Panther Folk'
* Added New Race 'Panthermen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Panthers'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Panthers'
* Added New Race 'Half-Panthers'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Panthers'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Panthers'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Panthers'
* Added New Race 'Pantherlings'
* Added new kingdom type 'Pantherdom'
* Added New Race 'Squirrel Folk'
* Added New Race 'Squirrelmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Squirrels'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Squirrels'
* Added New Race 'Half-Squirrels'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Squirrels'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Squirrels'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Squirrels'
* Added New Race 'Squirrellings'
* Added new kingdom type 'Squirreldom'
* Added new animal 'Toucan' to the game
* Added new animal 'Chimpanzee' to the game
* Added new animal 'Panther' to the game
* Added new animal 'Squirrel' to the game

**Prefix tweaks**

* Modified 'Many-Eyed' race prefix to give 3 sets of eyes instead of 2
* Added +2 battlescore bonus to 'Edge' prefix
* Made races using hollow/dark/blood-/abyssal/evil/corrupt prefix always have hostile leaders
* Made races using ascended prefix always have neutral personality leaders
* Added +1 battlescore bonus to 'Big-eared' prefix (big ears should assist you a little)
* Made Mud races have brown skin colour (credit u/Nighteye424)


This update contains another huge improvement to the race generator and its randomness, thanks to
a suggeston by u/Nighteye424, the idea was to have half-horse half-(everything) races instead of
just centaurs (half-horse half-man) or our special race of centaars (half-horse half-elf) centaars
were added long ago and well before the randomness of this race generator had picked up but now
they are no longer needed so they have been removed.

In their place however is a system that can generate tons of potential races including stuff like
Goblintaurs, Orctaurs, Elvetaurs, Trowtaurs, Trolltaurs, Cthuultaurs. Each of these races is it's
primary counterpart and half-horse giving them a battle bonus and a new name and description.

Now the races you find in the game can be even more random, though it's still rare to see a 'taur'
type race in game!

* Removed Centaars from the game
* Added new 'taurs' affix that can be added to all non-beast default races (except Men, Folk, Centaurs, Minotaurs, Minotaars, Satyr, Faun) as cool as it would be to see some Mentaurs...


Now King Gurnak has a face, All throne room executions look a little better, and freeing slaves screen has been improved with a new unique graphic!

* Added graphic for king gurnak diplomacy
* Made all executed characters faces turn blood-red during/after execution
* Added new graphic for freeing slaves screen in kingdom options


* Fixed bug with 4 animals in the race generator
* Fixed making new helmet through general screen kicks you from general screen when done
* Fixed debug and new lands kingdoms still keeping last lands lords and nobles
* Fixed three-headed and two-headed races making everyone two or three headed bug
* Fixed the crowning ceremony text colour bug
* Fixed edge prefix description bug
* Fixed 'colourful' prefix not working
* Fixed losing explore chances when you explore a region you've discovered everything
* Fixed erak screen diplomacy layout
* Fixed totem around it around it text bug (credit u/Telejimes)
* Fixed foreign king encounter text layout
* Fixed text wrap of demon totem text
* Fixed no indication of no peasants for sacrifice demon totem screen


* Added new dynamic text for prison labour yard (credit u/LurkMorePlease)
* Added new text for freeing slaves screen in kingdom options
* Added colour to text of default faction's diplomacy screens
* Rewrote crowning ceremony text
* Added new screens for giving knight to foreign king
Mar 18, 2019

Hey guys, so I'm going to start this update with something I've needed to add for quite some time but just haven't gotten round to, when I first made this game it wasn't meant to be for anyone else, it was just a little test project to play around, because of that I never bothered adding options for how to be referred to, but I realised recently after watching a stream by a female streamer that it can be a little bit immersion breaking for those who want to imagine themselves in those roles being referred to as a King and a Lord, I've now added a system to allow the player to be male or female, but also to set their own titles of referal for anything non-binary or your own wacky titles, more freedom of playstyle is never a bad thing, sorry to anyone who has been waiting a while for this!

* Added new female name generator for choosing random names before game
* Added ability to play as a queen (or custom title) instead of always a king
* Added new graphic for choosing difficulty as a queen
* All references to Mister in game are now dynamic (Mister, Misses, CUSTOM)
* All references to m'lord in game are now dynamic (M'lord, M'lady, CUSTOM)
* All references to lord in game are now dynamic (Lord, Lady, CUSTOM)

P.S. I've tried to replace every single reference to the player being male, but there may be some I've missed so if someone plays as female and spots any I've missed please message me and I will update them to be dynamic! Thanks


Two minor features I couldn't put anywhere else, now you can see the breakdown of unit battlescore in the troop report screen thanks to /u/nolat and there is dynamic text for the mercenary screen now that hopefully clears it up for some who don't click into the mercenary groups under the premise they'll have to pay to do it.

* Added new dynamic battlescore breakdown in troop report (for all troops including independent randomly generated ones) (credit u/Nolat)
* Added new dynamic intro text for mercenary screen


Nothing major but I've added additional variation for the monster hunting expedition, now it's more random and some groups dynamic text will give them a higher chance of success.

* Added 3 new additional possible dialogues for sending troops on monster capture expedition
* Added some dialogues will result in higher success rates from capturing a monster with no casualties


Was playing recently and had to do the climb up Saaroth and thought the system and
it's presentation were a little lackluster, now there are full sound effects and
new screens making the climbing more of an event!

* Added new screen for mount saaroth climb
* Added sound effects to mount saaroth climb
* Added new troop loss/discover indicators for saaroth climb
* Added new screen for canyon climb
* Added sound effects to canyon climb
* Added new troop loss/discover indicators for canyon climb
* Added new sound effect laugh fall for saaroth climb


The Aslona library wasn't up to scratch, now the books are all better laid out and have sound effects!

* Rewrote aslona library description text
* Fixed Aslona library introtext colour bug
* Fixed Aslona library colour bug on each shelf
* Added pageturn sound effect to all books in Aslona Library
* Fixed some grammar issues with Aslona library books
* Fixed layout of all library books in Aslona Library


A few new changes including an additional random event that can occur while you're exploring!

* Added helmet to lost knight in exploration encounter
* Added new exploration encounter 'random bag of gold' between 40 and 340 gold
* Added new intro text to wagon mans post if you have trade route
* Added new screen for attempting to destroying stone of denland


I was informed animal fight pit bets weren't working by /u/nighteye424 and after fixing this bug I decided to update the fight pit a little bit and make it better.

* Added new screen for winning gold in animal fight pit
* Fixed animal fight pit betting not working (credit u/Nighteye424)
* Reworked animal fight pit bet screen to show your gold and the max bettable gold
* Added new screens if you don't have enough gold to bet or the animal pit has too little gold


Messing around with some face parts, now there are trillions more orcs and a quadrillion and a half more humans :eek:

* Added 1'589'130'356'814'000 new possible human faces (1.5 quadrillion)
* Added 7'227'364'320'000 new possible orc faces (7 trillion)


The knightly hall still has some work due but now it's a little less scrapy and has more dynamic text and dialogues.

* Added random dialogues for leader of knightly order greeting you
* Added new dynamic intro text to knightly order hall
* Added new screen for leader of knightly order being chosen
* Fixed knightly order hall text colour bug
* Reworked layout of main knightly order screen


I thought of this as a joke and then decided to put it in regardless, if you have a court jester you can pay 100 gold for this but be warned... it won't be easy to play with, every move you make, every step you take, a big royal band will play for you.

* Added ability to pay 100 gold to your court bard to have a trumpet group follow you around and play for every action you make (warning: guarenteed to be unplayable with the sound on for more than 10 minutes)


The save game screen has had a bit of a facelift and a new little graphic!

* Added new graphic to save game screens
* Fixed save game screens spacing and text colour


This is one of my favourite parts of the game as it takes a very commonly used location in the game and makes it far more advanced and better presented, which is about time to be honest, now you will have additional screens for hiring troops as well as a dynamic graphic for hiring troops in 1's 2's 3's and 4's.

* Added new notification of gold and troop loss for buying and selling troops
* Added special graphic for hiring goblins (dynamic with different graphic for hiring 1, 2, 3, 4 and above)
* Added special graphic for hiring peasants (dynamic with different graphic for hiring 1, 2, 3, 4 and above)
* Added special graphic for hiring knights (dynamic with different graphic for hiring 1, 2, 3, 4 and above)
* Added special graphic for hiring soldiers and bandits (dynamic with different graphic for hiring 1, 2, 3, 4 and above)
* Added hired troops graphic uses Aslona symbol (whatever you've set it to or 'A' by default)
* Added indicator of how many troops available in hire screen
* Added screen instead of small text for trying to hire more troops than there are available
* Added new screens and text for converting recruiters to knights and knights to recruiters
* Added dynamic text for hiring single units from the hire screen


After watching /u/telejimes most recently playthrough I saw a few things I could improve in Rihhm and decided to get to it, now the village has been improved greatly including special dynamic graphics and screens and sounds for the snail racing minigame.

* Added sound effects to snail racing and snail racing bet gold
* Added new incdicator text for gold gained or lost in snail racing
* Fixed rihhm background sound not always playing
* Rewrote some of elder atiks dialogues
* Added new indicators for trade and tribute requests in rihhm
* Added 4 new dialogues/questions to elder atik in rihhm
* Fixed Nephoro tale text bug (credit u/Telejimes)
* Added new graphic for snail racing
* Added new graphic for snail racing circuit event
* Added new dynamic snail race victory screen
* Added new graphic to rihhm recruitment
* Fixed text bug in rihhm intro text
* Fixed text colour and spacing of rihhm recruitment screen
* Fixed rihhm tribute and trade main text layout
* Fixed elder atik of rihhm grammar issues


I was passing through the blackmarket stalls in a recently playthrough and decided to give the area a full facelift with tons of new sound effects and graphics.

* Added pageturn sound effects to book rental stall books
* Added better layout to book rental stall books
* Added graphic for bluetrii fruit stall
* Fixed sell from stall text bug in bluetrii
* Updated bluetrii stall selling and buying text
* Added new screens and graphics for buying and selling bluetrii fruit in stall
* Added sound effects to buying and selling bluetrii fruit in stall
* Added 2 dialogues to bluetrii fruit seller
* Added new screen and graphic for buying skull key in market stall
* Added sound effects to buying key in market stall
* Added new sound effect for buying musicians elixir
* Added new graphic and screen for buying musicians elixir
* Fixed grammar bug with elixir stall
* Added new screen and sound effect to buying chaos orb in market stall
* Added if cheats are disabled in your game then cheats stall in blackmarket will be closed


No massive changes to the race prefix system, but a new single prefix 'Loremaster' which grants the race that has it a higher level of civilisation and a new structure with a dynamic graphic! (With this there are 338'082 new possible races)

* Add new race prefix 'Loremaster' (+2 civ level, +1 Battlescore, Race has large library visitable building)
* Added dynamic grand library of Loremaster race with 5 different possible graphics depending on land holdings of the faction (50+, 25+, 10+, 5+, less than 5)


I cleared through a backlog of creatures I meant to add to the game, these new beast race combinations have added another 2'568'690 possible in-game races, knocking the game from 69.4 million to 72 million

* Added New Race 'Mongoose Folk'
* Added New Race 'Mongoosemen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Mongooses'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Mongooses'
* Added New Race 'Half-Mongooses'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Mongooses'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Mongooses'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Mongooses'
* Added New Race 'Mongooselings'
* Added New Race 'Gaur Folk'
* Added New Race 'Gaurmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Gaurs'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Gaurs'
* Added New Race 'Half-Gaurs'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Gaurs'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Gaurs'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Gaurs'
* Added New Race 'Gaurlings'
* Added New Race 'Grouse Folk'
* Added New Race 'Grousemen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Grouses'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Grouses'
* Added New Race 'Half-Grouses'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Grouses'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Grouses'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Grouses'
* Added New Race 'Grouselings'
* Added New Race 'Louse Folk'
* Added New Race 'Lousemen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Louses'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Louses'
* Added New Race 'Half-Louses'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Louses'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Louses'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Louses'
* Added New Race 'Louselings'
* Added New Race 'Sealion Folk'
* Added New Race 'Sealionmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Sealions'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Sealions'
* Added New Race 'Half-Sealions'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Sealions'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Sealions'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Sealions'
* Added New Race 'Sealionlings'
* Added New Race 'Wallaby Folk'
* Added New Race 'Wallabymen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Wallabys'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Wallabys'
* Added New Race 'Half-Wallabys'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Wallabys'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Wallabys'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Wallabys'
* Added New Race 'Wallabylings'
* Added New Race 'Mallard Folk'
* Added New Race 'Mallardmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Mallards'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Mallards'
* Added New Race 'Half-Mallards'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Mallards'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Mallards'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Mallards'
* Added New Race 'Mallardlings'
* Added New Race 'Shrew Folk'
* Added New Race 'Shrewmen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Shrews'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Shrews'
* Added New Race 'Half-Shrews'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Shrews'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Shrews'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Shrews'
* Added New Race 'Shrewlings'
* Added New Race 'Crane Folk'
* Added New Race 'Cranemen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Cranes'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Cranes'
* Added New Race 'Half-Cranes'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Cranes'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Cranes'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Cranes'
* Added New Race 'Cranelings'
* Added New Race 'Oyster Folk'
* Added New Race 'Oystermen'
* Added New Race 'Were-Oysters'
* Added New Race 'Evolved Oysters'
* Added New Race 'Half-Oysters'
* Added New Race 'Shapeshifting Oysters'
* Added New Race 'Exo-Oysters'
* Added New Race 'Demi-Oysters'
* Added New Race 'Oysterlings'


As you may or may not know, any beast race may also have a kingdom type relative to their race instead of just generic 'kingdom' or 'empire' beware the Immortal Mongoosedom, or the Mighty Shrewdom of the eastern isle!

* Added new kingdom type 'Mongoosedom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Gaurdom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Grousedom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Lousedom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Sealiondom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Wallabydom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Mallarddom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Shrewdom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Cranedom'
* Added new kingdom type 'Oysterdom'


The new animals that have been added and have caused all the fuss above! These can appear in animal fights and as group names like 'The Golden Gaur Bandits' or 'The Purple Oyster Gang'!

* Added new creature 'Mongoose'
* Added new creature 'Gaur'
* Added new creature 'Grouse'
* Added new creature 'Louse'
* Added new creature 'Sealion'
* Added new creature 'Wallaby'
* Added new creature 'Mallard'
* Added new creature 'Shrew'
* Added new creature 'Crane'
* Added new creature 'Oyster'


Nothing major again but another few additional reactions in game!

* Added 'Consider it done lord' reaction to knight quest
* Added 'No problem king' reaction to knight quest
* Added 'Shall be done lord' reaction to knight quest
* Added 'bless your heart' reaction to thanks


A new influx of mostly level one jokes that can be found in game now, higher level jokes can only be said by jesters with high enough skill.

* Added new level one sad elf joke
* Added new level one injured goblin joke
* Added new level one elf school joke
* Added new level two sad elf joke
* Added new level one vampire goblin joke
* Added new level one ghost street joke
* Added new level one goblin party joke
* Added new level one average ogre joke
* Added new level one demons and ghouls joke
* Added new level one witches nametags joke
* Added new level three two dragons in a tavern joke
* Added new level two fat demon joke


I decided to add a bunch of new names to the race names system to make sure things weren't getting stale.

* Added 191 new dwarf names
* Added 10 new abominations names
* Added 6 new blogroki names
* Added 5 new mushroom man names
* Added 10 new goblin names
* Added 7 new gnome names
* Added 6 new underling names


Lots of bugfixes!

* Fixed grammar and layout of all independent building descriptions
* Fixed to strong text bug in stone of denland
* Fixed demon end of turn nomad battle reports showing 0 men dead (no just says no men)
* Fixed attack cancelled mercenary screen sound effect cuts of music
* Fixed void army text layout and colour in diplomacy screen
* Fixed text colour of wagon man exploration encounter
* Fixed text colour of masterless peasants exploration encounter
* Fixed text colour of lost knight exploration encounter
* Fixed Satyrs being mistakenly given taurs suffix in generator
* Fixed Centaars not actually removed from game
* Fixed blackmarket gallows grammar issue
* Fixed knight desertion text end of turn report not appearing
* Fixed expense gold for knight wage unpaid not correct
* Fixed knight wage not including recruiters (now it will mention if recruiters paid too) (credit Defender)
* Fixed bandit hire screen random blank line bug
* Fixed text wrap bug in unit recruitment screens
* Fixed text colour and layout in unit recruitment screes
* Fixed the some of text bug in hire screen
* Fixed layout of unit selling screens
* Fixed no exit from unit selling screens


Now if you go to the extras folder in your warsim install you will find the code for Centaars if you want to add them back into the game!

* Added Centaars code to warsim extras (can copy paste in to get Centaars back if you want them)


Lots of loose and misc stuff!

* Reworked layout and colour of foreign merc hall
* Reworked bandit prisoner hire screen layout
* Updated text and layout of cease hostilities screen
* Reworked layout of troop report a little
* Fixed layout of Baiaa black tower maze library books
* Added page turn sounds to books in black tower maze
* Added 5 new miner dialogues
* Added new screen and sound effects to buying chaos orb from ship in dockrow
* Nerfed ants animal battlescore from 20 to 6
* Added 4 new suffixes for blackmarket pickpocket gang leaders
* Added 10 new faction name parts (mostly for bandits)
* Reduced filesize of arena horn sound effect
* Added 12 new flag parts

And that's the update, let me know what you guys think!
Mar 18, 2019

While looking into the goblins and goblin slavery being banned I realised how flat and shallow the goblin slaver is, it's just a line of text and a random price cost of goblins set at each game start, I figured it could be far far more dynamic and interactive and so I spent the last two days making it just that. Now the goblin slaver isn't just some line of text, it's a real character with their own personality, battlescore, face, and name. You have a relationship with them that can grow and earn you bonuses and each goblin slaver will be different from the last with their own combination of a trait and their battlescores effect, meaning you might find a slaver giving his goblins away, or one selling them for 1000 gold each, or perhaps he's selling a bunch of humans painted green, it's all possible now!

* Added goblin slavers capturing ability tethered to their battlescore
* Added new type of goblin slaver (recruiter) More goblins each turn
* Added new type of goblin slaver (penny pincher) pays you half tribute
* Added new type of goblin slaver (generous) pay you twice tribute
* Added new type of goblin slaver (berserk) instead of selling normal goblins, sells berserkers (but has less slaves)
* Added new type of goblin slaver (mercantile) goblins twice as expensive, tribute is twice as much too
* Added new type of goblin slaver (discounted) goblins twice as cheap, tribute half as much
* Added new type of goblin slaver (coin collector) goblins cost 1 gold each
* Added new type of goblin slaver (misvalued) goblins cost 1000 gold each, tribute is 4x as much
* Added new type of goblin slaver (giver) goblins are free, cannot gain relation, captures less goblins
* Added new type of goblin slaver (berserk and cheap) goblins are berserkers and cost 1 gold each
* Added new type of goblin slaver (slaver) "goblins" are actually human slaves painted green
* Added new type of goblin slaver (efficient) can store 10x as many goblins
* Added new type of goblin slaver (stable) guarenteed at least half of the max capturable goblins each turn instead of full rng
* Added new goblin slaver slot in diplomacy screen
* Added ability to talk to goblin slaver with dynamic dialogue based on stats
* Added chance to gain relation with goblin slaver +1 for every 100 goblins bought (max 100 relation)
* Added global goblin slaver relationship that if hits -100 no goblin slavers will ever come again
* Added ability to have goblin slaver executed (-20 global relationship)
* Added 1015 Cheat (spawn new goblin slaver)
* Added 1016 Cheat (set slavers trait to specific trait from list)
* Added 1017 Cheat (adds 1000 goblin slaves to slavers ranks)
* Now goblin recruitment is based on the lands of Krut and Erak instead of Aslona Lands (so less goblins will be available if you annihilate the goblin clans)
* Added alternate dynamic graphics for goblin berserkers (5 graphics)
* Added alternate dynamic graphics for recruiting slaves painted green (5 graphics)
* Added 1 in 6 chance of goblin hunter fleeing from being hunted by goblin warlord
* Added 1 in 6 chance of goblin revolt (depending how many goblins held)
* Added 1 in 6 chance of goblin slaver being replaced by competitor
* Added full dialogues for goblin slaver (4 questions with dynamic responses)
* Added chance of +2 berserkers gift each year depending on personal relationship with slaver
* Added chance of +2 goblins gift each year depending on personal relationship with slaver
* Added chance of +half standard tribute gift each year depending on personal relationship with slaver
* Added if max relationship then you will get one of the above gifts each year


I was looking through my to-do list and spotted this feature concept, it makes sense too, as a bandit king you will now recruit a mix of soldiers and bandits (mostly bandits) each turn unless you declare forceful enlistment.

* Added playing as bandit king will give you soldiers and bandits as recruits each turn


It was brought to my attention that the goblin desertion events were happening even with slavery banned, I checked and it was the same for celebrations too, I think it shouldn't be this way so now its fixed and there are new positive events to take its place.

* Made goblin desertion events 50x rarer if you have goblin slavery banned (credit Chara66613)
* Made goblin desertion events 50x rarer if you have goblin celebraiton (credit Chara66613)
* Made goblin desertion events 9999x rarer if you have both goblin celebration and slavery banned (credit Chara66613)
* Added small goblin joining pack end of turn event (if goblin celebration active and goblin slavery banned)


Tournaments are fun and so is the Arena, but for some players tournaments are a far off concept they won't get to see, I thought it would only be fair if the independent arena owners occasionally went and ran their own tournament, so now in the early game you may notice that a tournament is underway and the arena wont function as it normally does, I've also expanded tournaments a little bit with a new introductory screen.

* Added new intro for declaring a tournament
* Added ability for arena not held by the player to hold tournaments too (1 in 6 chance each year)
* Added new pre-tournament text for arena owner dynamic depending on their personality
* Updated layout of bet screen in tournaments


Not as many as the last update but added a couple more names to keep things fresh.

* Added 5 new faction name generator parts
* Added 10 new female character names
* Added 10 protofolk names


What started as a small idea to expand the blackmarket stalls became a multi-pathed questline that took me hours to put in, make sure you swing by and see it for yourself, but beware the consequences.

* Added new mini questline (with multiple diverse outcomes and dynamic systems) 'The Lucky Gnome'
* Added new dynamic change to blackmarket gallows depending on outcome of quest
* Added new economic stagnation effect to blackmarket depending on outcome of quest
* Added new sound effect 'Gnome Squeeze'


A couple of bugfixes, mainly catching up with missed parts of the last gender update though I feel there are probably some more nested about!

* Fixed 'one true king' intro text error (credit u/Nighteye424)
* Fixed grammar issues in intro court event
* Fixed another king reference in intro text
* Fixed intro text grammar issue
* Fixed bluetrii stand buying and selling layout
* Fixed bluetrii stall owner having blue skin bug
* Fixed cruel ways to rule book visible even before bought (credit KlickPy from Discord)
* Fixed Arena grand champ beaten in a tournament doesn't get his tourney wins counted on his hall of fame record
* Fixed trumpet fail sound effect not working


* Added 8 circle flag parts to the faction flag generator
* Added rare chance the recruitment screen main graphic shows an alternate graphic
Mar 18, 2019

The main focus of this update, one of the most heavily requested things I recall being asked for in warsim, there have been numerous emails, comments, steam community threads and reddit comments, now you can select any prefix for your custom races allowing you explore weird and specific prefixes you'd like to and create the exact races you want for your world.

* You can now choose a prefix to go along with race selection giving you full control


Now when you're under attack you will not be given the same text everytime, hopefully improving things to be more dynamic and different over time!

* Added 10 different texts for prebattle attack
* Added 5 different text for prebattle attack but you have no general


Thank u/ScarsAndStripes for a bunch of great suggestions of throne room encounters, I still have a few of them on my to-do list but got two of them in this update!

* Added dynamic caravan of ale encounter (credit u/ScarsAndStripes)
* Added dynamic soldiers celebrating victory throne room encounter (credit u/ScarsAndStripes)


Just a few adjustments to the arena, now the victory screens are better and more dynamic!

* Added horn sound to arena victory screen
* Made commoners tourney have two victory screens (tourney chart, winners face)
* Made 8-man tourney have two screens at the end (tourney chart, winners face)


The wheel of wealth was coded while I was in an airport on the way back from the Netherlands, It definitely needed to be improved and now has sounds and a proper spinning wheel graphic!

* Added new screen for paying to play wheel of wealth
* Added sound effect for paying to play wheel of wealth
* Added sound effect to winning wheel of wealth
* Added sound to spinning wheel of wealth
* Added new wheel graphic for wheel of wealth
* Fixed text skip bug with wheel of wealth


Been a while since I've added any of these so here's a new pack of origins!

* Added Shepherds merc origin story
* Added dung weapons merc origin story
* Added dirt bath merc origin story
* Added gods merc origin story
* Added head cross merc origin story
* Added ex baker merc origin story
* Added silent men merc origin story


The same for heroes, now there are more backgrounds!

* Added boring hero origin
* Added stone pelted bard hero origin
* Added ex-bandit hero origin


A casual few billion additional faces in the game!

* Added 869'365'094'400 new goblin faces
* Added 3'919'104'000 new halfling/homunculi faces (doubled)


A bunch of new dialogues,

* Added 5 new love cult dialogues
* Added 5 new nomad dialogues
* Added 5 new prison dialogues
* Added new leafburner dialogue pun
* Added 5 new universal tavern dialogues


A heap of new prefixes for the game, haven't added a bunch for a while so here are some new ones!

* Added new name suffix 'the Twitchy' (-10 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Worthless' (-6 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Dog Rider' (+9 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Dog Whisperer' (+7 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Cat Whisperer' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Horse Whisperer' (+6 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Beast Whisperer' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Whisper' (+25 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Rosefaced' (+1 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Boneclad' (+34 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Ironclad' (+29 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Steelclad' (+30 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bronzeclad' (+30 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Woodclad' (+12 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Stoneclad' (+15 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Crystalclad' (+44 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Skullclad' (+36 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Hideclad' (+14 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Goldclad' (+33 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Glassclad' (+10 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Silkclad' (+3 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Obsidianclad' (+50 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)


* Fixed custom title text spacing bug
* Fixed always horn bard system not working with ascii disabled
* Fixed he ones again text bug in lucky gnome quest
* Fixed setting your own custom title bug
* Fixed Book rental stall restarts theme music instead of blackmarket music
* Fixed pause line error in recruiter screen
* Fixed state of the realm text bug
* Fixed loadtip length bug
* Fixed new goblin slaver not spawned at new game start
* Fixed custom game race selection colour
* Fixed satchel of gold explore encounter causing another encounter to follow
* Fixed he ask your business text bug for blackmarket leaders den
* Fixed blackmarket leaders den wordwrap on each type
* Fixed blackmarket leader dialogue missing line bug
* Fixed wordwrap and text colour of under attack screen
* Fixed text colour and grammar issues with custom game screens


* Added ability to name your character after choosing random name
* Added 4 new pickpocket gang leader name suffixes
* Added new monster part 'torsoless thick legs'
* Added a new loadtip about extras screen
* Added random number of goblins available at game start (5-204)
Mar 18, 2019
And so the 7-day develop-athon begins, this update contains 50 features and bugfixes delving into several areas of the game!


A little run through the Blackmarket revealed several issues to be resolved, now communicating
with the Blackmarket leader is a bit better, hiring mercs from the market is greatly improved
and matches normal recruitment and there is some new content with Blackmarket leaders to be discovered.

* Added new question 'Favourite district' to blackmarket leader (18 possible dynamic answers)
* Fixed blackmarket bandit hire screen for centuryfest and normal now use same code
* Added new dynamic screen for hiring bandits from blackmarket merc post with dynamic graphic and text
* Fixed textwrap and grammar of old man coins slums encounter in blackmarket
* Fixed text colour of old man coins slums encounter in blackmarket
* Fixed blackmarket goblin leader entrance to den wordwrap
* Fixed blackmarket necro leader entrance to den wordwrap
* Fixed blackmarket leader dialogue screens having missing line
* Fixed set up trade post grammar issue blackmarket
* Fixed all blackmarket leader conversational dialogues textbugs and wordwrap issue
* Added new notification text when trade deal accepted with blackmarket
* Added new screen for ending trade with blackmarket
* Fixed textwrap and grammar issues with intro text for blackmarket leader
* Added 2 new dialogues for entering the presence of a nasty blackmarket leader


This ones a little silly but if you've played Warsim you'll know I'm a fan of silly features, Dtyn8 suggested
adding a new code that would make everyones face warp and mutate, enable this code and everyone you meet will
be deformed!

* Added new cheat '7020' all faces are mutated a bit (credit u/Dtyn8)


The slavers fort has had a little bit of work done on it!

* Fixed no change in option when all available slavers have been bought
* Added new screen for looking at hiring slavers when at max
* Fixed able to hire slavers when no slavers for hire


Clad-related names are all the rage, adding to the ever growing list of possible characters
to find in warsim! (feel free to share any suggestions, you can check if we've already got it
by searching inside the 'Name Suffix.txt' file in your warsim data folder)

* Added new name suffix 'the Leafclad' (+5 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Swordclad' (+39 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Shieldclad' (+25 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Muscular' (+35 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Shameful' (-5 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Dogfaced' (+2 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Firewalker' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Regretful' (-10 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Sunlooker' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Suncaller' (+12 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Sun-Dancer' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Sunny' (+3 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)


A handful more origin stories to keep heroes different and interesting!

* Added 'Work-a-lot' hero origin story
* Added 'Hole in head' hero origin story
* Added 'Training to be a pit fighter' hero origin story
* Added 'Sewer trader' hero origin story
* Added 'Odd job gambler' hero origin story


The eastern trade post was lacking a little so I've added some new content and upgraded
preexisting content

* Added additional 2 questions to eastern trade post leader (How much gold can I make, where are you from)
* Added screen for agreeing to trade deal with eastern trade post
* Added screen for revoking trade deal with eastern trade post
* Fixed grammar issues in eastern trade post
* Fixed missing ? from question options in eastern trade post


A handful more reactions to someone thanking you, I want to continually add to the
reactions system to ensure that every throne room event is as unique as it can be

* Added 'I appreciate it' thanks reaction
* Added 'blessed is the name' thanks reaction
* Added 'too kind' thanks reaction


Thanks Cable and LurkmorePlease for your bugfinds!

* Fixed broken green skin after encounter bug
* Fixed jewel thief suffix typo (credit Cablenexus)
* Fixed being unable to buy 7th champion from list of champions unless you have 10x what he costs (credit u/LurkmorePlease)
* Fixed blackmarket label textbug
* Fixed goblinwood text bug in human toe tavern dialogue


* Added new screen to giving coins to old man coins slums encounter in blackmarket
* Added 5 new dialogues to Human's Toe Tavern in Goblinwood

As always, comments and feedback are appreciated, feel free to share your ideas, next update will be posted tomorrow!
Mar 18, 2019

Day two of the develop-a-thon, today brings 676 thousand new races, a polished entry fee system in the Blackmarket, 4 new throne room encounters, a pack of name suffixes, a bunch of jokes some bugfixes and some general alterations and changes!


Now you can find evil wretched races and insanely tough colossal races, these two prefixes mixed with the advanced race system results in a great deal of races.

* Added a total of 676'164 new possible races (from Colossal Swamp Trolls to Wretched Antmen)
* Added 'Colossal' race prefix (9x Battlescore, Population divided by 10) (credit u/AdministrativeTreat7)
* Added 'Wretched' race prefix (+1 Battlescore, -2 Civilisation level, Evil race, Always evil leaders) (credit Ash)
* Made Wraith Races have evil leaders
* Made Vile Races have evil leaders


This system was in dire need of a rework, now it's a little more interesting and random!

* Added new Blackmarket guard hat
* Added new screen before fee paid to Blackmarket (With 4 different random intro texts)
* Added new screen for paying fee to Blackmarket
* Added new screen for not having the gold to pay for Blackmarket (with sound effects)


Another one of u/ScarsAndStripes suggestions as well as a handful more to keep the throne room

* Added 'exploration seer' throne room encounter (3 dynamic outcomes) (credit u/ScarsAndStripes)
* Added 'drunk compliment' throne room encounter
* Added 'Sacred Trees Dispute' throne room encounter
* Added 'Guided by gods' throne room encounter


Quite a few negative battlescore suffixes in this update, my favourite new one is 'the Roguelike'

* Added new name suffix 'the Roguelike' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Rogue' (+39 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Blighter' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Dastard' (+12 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Dastardly' (+11 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Lowlife' (-4 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Varlet' (-3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Scallywag' (-2 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Ne'er-do-well' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Scrote' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Scote' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Meany' (+6 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Wastrel' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Charlatan' (-15 battlescore) (this suffix can also be mixed with random additions)
* Added new name suffix 'the Miscreant' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Reprobate' (-3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Arrowfoot' (+5 battlescore)


A bunch of 'funny' jokes you will now find in the throne room and from jesters, consider
Warsim like bread, I ain't loafing around letting the content go stale.

* Added new joke 'Ghost jester' (level 1 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Ghost hearing' (level 2 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Ghost breakfast' (level 1 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Lieing Ghost' (level 2 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Greet a ghost' (level 1 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Ghost tree' (level 1 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Bad wizard' (level 2 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Wizard Marriage' (level 1 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Wizard test' (level 3 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Wizard school' (level 3 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Wizard and witch' (level 1 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Jumping Goblin' (level 4 jesters)
* Added new joke 'Orcs and friends' (level 1 jesters)


* Fixed grammar and text bugs in Blackmarket entry cost screen
* Fixed sound skip bug when exiting laws screen
* Fixed missing line after betgold recieved in arena


* Added 3 new dialogues for Ogloobs Blackrow Tavern
* Added if Blackmarket leader robs the market and runs, the economy goes stagnant for 3 years
* Updated layout of bet screen in arena
* Made throne room poem for you gender neutral
Mar 18, 2019

Day three of the develop-a-thon, today brings a brand new tavern with some interesting stuff inside it, a much more advanced and dynamic pre battle attack screen, and loads more


Now the Ice Watch Tower ruins have something you can do in them, a punky little tavern build beside the desolate and ruined northern tower! This tavern includes a recording I made today, a mini punk song writen for warsim, let me know what you think.

* Added Ice Watch tavern to the Ruins of Ice Watch Keep
* Added 10 Ice watch tavern goer dialogues
* Added ability to speak with tavern keep (3 dialogues)
* Added ability to watch local brawl and hire the victor
* Added ability to listen to the Ice Watch song (by me)


In Warsim the pre-battle screen is seen quite a lot, so I figured why not try to make it far more dynamic, now there are lots of new screens for various different things as well as more dynamic and random text instead of preset lines everytime!

* Added 5 alternate dialogues for general when attacking rebellion
* Added 5 alternate dialogues for general when attacking bandits
* Added 5 alternate dialogues for general when attacking krut & erak
* Added 5 alternate dialogues for general when attacking a minor bandit gang
* Added 5 alternate dialogues for general when attacking independent kingdoms
* Added new screen for having no spymaster or diplomat when asking for information
* Added new screen for pre-battle without a general
* Fixed text colour of all prebattle text
* Fixed missing lines in all of pre-battle screens
* Fixed surrendering independent kingdom screen textwrap, grammar and colour issues
* Fixed burn the house down independent kingdom screen textwrap, grammar and colour issues
* Added special new screen for having no general and getting attacked


The independent refugee system is used in the throne room when an independent unit comes from a foreign land, now their responses to why they have come to you are a little more varied!

* Added 'Put in a box' explanation of mistreatment
* Added 'I regret slapping the king' response to death sentence
* Added 'Not that interesting' response to why am I interesting
* Added 'Murdered before but not this one' response to murder accusation
* Fixed independent refugee system grammar issues


Bardbarians are so cool!

* Added new name suffix 'the Swiper' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Goldswiper' (+6 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Skullswitcher' (+39 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Switcher' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Swooper' (+6 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bardbarian' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Battlebard' (+16 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Tourist' (+1 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the False-Promiser' (-15 battlescore)


Most of these bugfixes are from the diplomacy screen, after having a look through it wasn't up to scratch, now it's been reworked to be a lot more clean!

* Fixed music not being checked for sound block with wild skalds band
* Fixed attack being skipped if you look at extra information on independent kingdoms (credit Cablenexus)
* Fixed witch name file being bugged
* Fixed text colour of adventurers screen
* Fixed slave revolt diplomacy screen text colour and grammar issue
* Fixed deserters diplomacy screen text colour and grammar issue
* Fixed pest group diplomacy screen text colour issue
* Fixed Demon diplomacy screen text colour issue
* Fixed refugee camp diplomacy text colour and grammar issue
* Fixed void army diplomacy text colour issue
* Fixed Baiaa vampire diplomacy text colour issue
* Fixed wild vampire diplomacy text colour issue


* Slightly reworked refugee camp diplomacy screen layout
* Slightly reworked pest group diplomacy screen layout
* Slightly reworked deserter diplomacy screen layout
* Added new text to adventurers screen
* Added 6 new minotaur names
* Added 5 new gnoll names
* Added 7 new witch names
Mar 18, 2019

Day four of the develop-a-thon, today brings a feature I'm in love with, the custom champion creator! This is no joke either, this is real full blown customisation of your own heroes, check this out

* https://i.imgur.com/IfvqYUY.png
* https://i.imgur.com/QfDNCXj.png


This was a suggestion by a real life friend of mine who plays warsim, something I can't believe I haven't thought of yet, it allows you to create a custom hero, you can draw/generate or build their face, choose their battlescore, name and origin and then add them to your game, this allows for completely personal champions!

* Added cheat code '6001' opens custom champion creator (credit Dylan)


Finally this pre-attack stuff is updated to fit with the rest of the games design, I've also made the text a little more dynamic and fixed some bugs with it!

* Added new screen for attacking without a general
* Added 3 new generals dialogues for launching a skirmish
* Added 3 new generals dialogues for launching a raid
* Added 3 new generals dialogues for launching an invasion
* Fixed spymaster before battle textwrap, grammar and misreference of title
* Fixed text colour issue of general text before attacking


Passed through Baiaa and realized lots of it was in need of some good polish, so here we are!

* Fixed Baiaa maze gnomes broken intro dialogues
* Fixed old forgetful vampire text bugs
* Added new screen for demon painting in Blacktower maze
* Added new screen for red gate room in Blacktower maze
* Updated colour of all books in Blacktower Maze
* Added new screen and graphic for picking up coin from floor (in Blacktower maze)
* Updated cup game winning texts
* Fixed issues with Baiaa Blacktower maze
* Fixed Baiaa grammar bug in intro text
* Fixed Baiaa text colour in cup game
* Fixed reference to king instead of relevant title when entering baiaa as explorer
* Fixed mislabelled coin pickup option in Baiaa blacktower maze
* Updated description for two decorated door room in Baiaa maze (and updated option tags)


Now we have a billion possible vampires!

* Added 345'071'232 new vampire faces (was 744 million, now 1 billion)


Tons of new possible champion prefixes this time, the Best is 'the Champion of Blood' with +72 battlescore which is obscene

* Added new name suffix 'the Lout' (-3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bigot' (-10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Beast-Tamer' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Beast-Eater' (+49 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Winged' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Goldwinged' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Bladeswinger' (+16 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Spearswinger' (+17 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of Dunes' (+45 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of Hearts' (+50 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of Hands' (+56 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of Bones' (+59 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of Blood' (+72 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of the Hills' (+20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of Mountains' (+68 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Champion of the Depths' (+69 battlescore)


Haven't added any of these for a while, these are units that can be spawned for groups like mercenary companies

* Added new unit type 'Twiglancer'
* Added new unit type 'Polelancer'
* Added new unit type 'Pikelancer'
* Added new unit type 'Swordchief'
* Added new unit type 'Bowchief'


* Fixed missing line for brawls without a graphic
* Fixed duplicate parts in vampire face generator


A bunch of new stuff mostly dialogues!

* Added 5 Ice Watch tavern dialogues
* Added 5 goblinwood tavern dialogues
* Added 3 new crowns to the game
* Added 5 dialogues to rihhm village
* Added new advice joke to advice pool
* Chanced press space bar to skip text to say hold spacebar to skip (credit Dylan)
Mar 18, 2019

Day six of the Develop-a-thon, the end is almost near! Thank god too because this is getting hard, today's update contains a bunch of work done on Chelob, more bugfixes from defender, some new name suffixes, 100k new helmets in game and a bunch of other tweaks and smaller features.


I passed by Chelob's Well to fix a reported text bug and realized the whole place was in need of a rework, now there are sounds (thanks to defenders suggestion) as well as an aftermath for good old Chelob if you can answer his riddles.

* Added special new hut in Goblinwood if you win chelobs riddles (he'll move there)
* Added ability to speak to Chelob in Goblinwood (8 dialogues)
* Updated chelobs victory screen description
* Added sound effect to getting chelob question right (credit defender)
* Added sound effect to getting chelob question wrong (credit defender)
* Added sound effect for winning chelobs riddles
* Fixed Chelobs text colour turning green like his skin
* Fixed missing lines in chelobs well
* Fixed hint on second question not appearing if ascii disabled


You'll never see them all, you probably won't even see 10 of them, so here's a

* Expanded the helmet system (106'752 new helmets added to the game)



More name suffixes to keep things fresh, can't believe I didn't already have the Scavenger!

* Added new name suffix 'the Scavenger' (+30 battlscore) (credit /u/animalsbite)
* Added new name suffix 'the Vault-Raider' (+36 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Door-Watcher' (+6 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Vapourman' (+9 battlescore) (credit /u/animalsbite)
* Added new name suffix 'the Positive' (+10 battlescore) (can be mixed to make 50+ other suffixes)
* Added new name suffix 'the Negative' (-10 battlescore) (can be mixed to make 50+ other suffixes)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mask' (+10 battlescore) (can be mixed to make 50+ other suffixes)
* Added new name suffix 'the Mask-Hater' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'One-Eye' (+14 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Eye-Gouger' (+34 battlescore)


Another heap of text bugs reported mostly by Defender and his gigantic list!

* Fixed goblin slaver dialogue bug (credit 71)
* Fixed mr yaeba intro dialogue (credit /u/animalsbite)
* Fixed old cabin description bug
* Fixed pitside tavern text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed savegame rejection text wordwrap issue
* Fixed champion title text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed some goblins tale text bugs (credit defender)
* Fixed Naga race description (credit defender)
* Fixed 4 scorpion pit patron dialogue text errors (credit defender)
* Fixed the grand galleon text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed skull key description bug (credit defender)
* Fixed blackmarket mushroom stall bug (credit defender)
* Fixed 3 artifact market dialogue bugs (credit defender)
* Fixed textwrap when speaking to brawl pit master
* Fixed independent celebration support text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed blackmarket guildrow text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed slumfolk trustiness text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed train pit fight text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed billowing text bug (credit defender)
* Fixed evil wizard blackmarket dialogue bug (credit defender)
* Fixed each other text bug (credit defender)


* Rewrote ancient rubble text description (credit defender)
* Added new cheat code (22) to monster fight pit (adds 100 new monster challengers)
* Rewrote artifact market dialogue
* Reduced mining sound volume (credit defender)
* Added 5 new artifact market dialogues
* Rewrote guildrow dialogue
* Rewrote theives casing guildrow dialogue
Mar 18, 2019

Day seven of the develop-a-thon, this is it, it's finally over! this one includes a bunch of new content including 18 billion giant faces, and some blackmarket improvements


More than 2 giants per person added this update, just saying!

* Added 18'869'184'000 new giants faces (was 17 billion, now 36 billion)


I had never noticed before just how bad this screens text and layout was, now it's been reworked a bit!

* Added new text introduction to the independent kingdom screen
* Added diplomats face to the introduction screen
* Reworked the layout of the intro screen


Lots of new suffixes and hero names for your world!

* Made 10 suffixes more dynamic
* Added new name suffix 'the Twisted' (+5 battlescore) (can be mixed to make 50+ other suffixes)
* Added new name suffix 'the Earcutter' (+11 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'the Toecutter' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'Bloodaxe' (+36 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Boneaxe' (+30 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Skullaxe' (+40 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Half-Axe' (+10 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Hardaxe' (+15 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Stoneaxe' (+12 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'Longaxe' (+17 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'the Axe-Wielder' (+20 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'the Axe Tosser' (+32 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'the Axe-Swinger' (+21 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab)
* Added new name suffix 'the Axe' (+39 battlescore) (credit u/RabidRab) (can be mixed to make 50+ other suffixes)


The slavers post was added a while back but it was lacking, now it's been reworked and is far more up to scratch with the rest of the game!

* Added new dynamic screen for hiring slaves (including 5 dynamic graphics)
* Rewrote hiring slaves text
* Added skug the post owners face to the hire screen
* Fixed slave fight freedom text bug
* Added new screen for not having enough gold to hire slaves
* Added new screen for asking to hire more slaves than there are


Lots of new origin stories for champions

* Added 'Smuggler' hero origin story
* Added 'Mine and mine alone' hero origin story
* Added 'village guard' hero origin story
* Added 'kings guard' hero origin story
* Added 'Bashed on head' hero origin story
* Added 'Militia ambush' hero origin story
* Added 'Militia Warband' hero origin story
* Added 'Tavern Brawler' hero origin story


In one of my playthroughs I was not allowed in due to the blackmarket leader being a king-hater, I wanted to ask questions and complain so now you can!

* Added new screen for not being allowed into blackmarket with guard graphic
* Added ability to ask why you are being blocked from entry
* Added ability to demand entry when blocked

Here's what that looks like - https://i.imgur.com/edjDMpv.png


More bugfixes courtesy of Defender's giant helpful list and one from Ursur

* Fixed Touching the goblinstone ruined it and spawned a camp of savages bug (credit Ursur)
* Fixed the hall of zoology (credit Defender)
* Fixed demon warder text (credit Defender)
* Fixed grammar issues in demonic encounter
* Fixed blackwall tavern dialogue text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed Blackmarket prison text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed Doomstone brotherhood rule six bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed Blackmarket fight pit text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed mine talk dialogue bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed slum pit dialogue bug


Some new little things and tweaks!

* Added 3 new slum pit dialogues
* Rewrote Gar'gallock tavern text (credit Defender)
* Added new colonisation and destruction of goblinstone event (credit Ursur)
* Added dynamic trumpet sound to the fight pit battle of two champions (credit Defender)
* Made gold road theft event 1.5x rarer by default, 9x rarer for 90+ public opinion, 4x rarer for 70+ public op, 2x rarer for 30+ public op (credit Ursur)

Thank you everyone who's been suggesting ideas, commenting, and supporting me! When I told a friend of this challenge in a pub last week I was told it would be harder than I thought, and it was! it's been a lot of work but I'm glad it's been done, some of the stuff that's come out of this weeks series of updates has definitely improved the game and I've loved the input from everyone!

This will most likely not be the last time Warsim get's a Develop-a-thon! :)
Mar 18, 2019
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