Wartales - Major Update #3


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
The major update #3 for Wartales introduces co-op gameplay:

Major Update #3 | Co-op

Attention mercenaries!

The highly anticipated and much requested Wartales co-op update is available now!

Traverse the vast open world of Wartales with up to 4 players, lay out your tactics and devise a strategy before you face off with some of the many hostile inhabitants of this harsh world and defeat them side by side.

Work together to explore and unravel the mysteries of these strange, unwelcoming lands, while sharing your money, loot and resources before ending the day with a delicious meal sat around a roaring campfire alongside your loyal companions.

Read on to find out more about the Co-op Update...

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Has anybody played this yet? How does it stack up compared to Battle Brothers?
I did play and i feel that you shouldn't compare to battle brothers. Mercenaries and turn based combat, similarities are over.
First of all it's not a real sanbox or better it's somewhat sandboxy : enemies will roam randomly on the map but each area has stable keypoints for quests and bosses, economy is very barebone (the farthest you bring a good to sell the more they pay you).
Combat is it's strong point probably but there are lot of difference here too : you have a clean battlefield with no elevations , just mud (which slow you) can be a variable (no covers too).
Character progression is also quite different because you have classes which you can specialize in different trees where BB has just backgrounds and random skill stars and you can build them into archetypes ( fencer, 2h tank, shield tank, archer, thrower etc...)
There are no events, where in BB you have plenty, and no world crisis.
This is just a superficial take on differences if i think about it more probably the list gets longer.
It's a bad game? No ,even if i hate both enemy scaling solutions the game has to offer : by default you have some linear 1/1 scaling approach where you gain 1 lvl and so enemies do, you get more mercs in your party and enemy bands get bigger (or stronger?); as an alternative you have a static regional scaling : starting region being noob area, the more you go far the more they will kick your ass.
Scaling is probably its weak point.
In a nutshell this is a game you can enjoy but if you go there expecting BB you will not find what you are looking for.
Even more dry : in BB i have 1.4k hrs (spent between vanilla and legends mod) in wartales i felt that after 70ish hrs i've seen all that it could offer to me.
Dec 30, 2015
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