Wartales - Update #2


proud GASP member
August 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Shiro Games have released a major update to Wartales.

Community Update #2 Out Now!

Including "no level scaling" mode, a questlog, and more...

Attention Mercenaries!

Community Update #2 is now live! This update is based on the feedback and suggestions we have received since launch and following Community Update #1, and brings a number of new community requests to Wartales, including the long promised and much requested "No scaling mode", a questlog and much more!

Read on to find out more about what is included in this update...

Region-locked mode has been added

We have designed Wartales so that each player can enjoy the game as they wish. The free expression of the player has always been and will remain the keystone of any proposal and any update that we release. In this sense, level scaling seemed to us to be an appropriate, though not perfect, solution, allowing the player to roam the world freely without constraints. We are still working on improving this solution because we are convinced that this game mode has its interest in Wartales.

Many players have asked for a version of the game without this auto-scaling. This seemed to us to be a legitimate request and as alluded to in the roadmap, we have now added this mode!

In this mode, the regions have an initially set difficulty and these regions are themselves divided into more or less difficult areas. The level and size of the enemy groups are fixed and the further away from the village you explore, the more powerful the enemies are. Moving from one area to another will therefore require you to have a sufficiently powerful troop. If an area seems too difficult, you can go and train your troop and then come back to take advantage.

More information.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
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