Wasteland 2 - Beta For All Update


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
InXile entertainment posted the next post-funding update for Wasteland 2 that shares information the games beta is available to every backer as of today.

Beta For All

The Wasteland 2 backer beta launched in early December of last year, which means it's been in eligible backers' hands for over half a year now. In that time many have played the content through to completion, often multiple times, and have been providing us with invaluable feedback and input. Wasteland 2 is undoubtedly better than it could have ever been without you.

With release only two months out, we felt like this is the right time to expand Wasteland 2 beta access to all backers at any tier who are eligible for a copy of the game!

So that's what we're doing! Starting right now any backers whose Tier didn’t include access to the WL2 digital deluxe edition can log into their accounts on the Ranger Center and find a Steam key for the Early Access version, under the "Donations" tab, bottom of the page. Note that keys will not be available to everyone simultaneously, if you instead find a "available soon" text this is not an error, it will be available as soon as possible. Upon Wasteland 2’s release at the end of August, this beta version will turn into a final retail copy of the game.

Please note: As this Steam key also gives access to the final retail version of the game it will count as a "digital copy" used from your tier rewards. If you're due only one digital copy from your backer tier and claim this key on your account, that will be the only key you'll get from us, you won't be able to later switch to GOG.com or other digital retailers. Remember that Wasteland 2 does not require a constant internet connection on any retailer, once you download it from Steam, you won’t need to go online to play it.

If you didn't quite keep up with all the news: the beta contains all the Arizona content of the game, roughly 25 hours for a regular playthrough, which represents about half the game, and contains all gameplay features save a few we're still testing out internally. Check the reference card here.

Backers of Torment who are due a copy of Wasteland 2 can receive their keys as a part of this staggered release. You'll be able to find it under the Donations tab on your Torment backer system account. Kickstarter backers who pledged an extra $25 for a copy of Wasteland 2 won't have the key visible in the Torment backer system yet. We are working on making it available to you so please keep an eye on our tumblr for more news.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Does this mean they're finally going to lower the early access price to something that isn't stupid and greedy in a corporate way with the lamest of all justifications for doing so?

Hi, we're charging $60 for a game that will cost $30 at most so our backers, who paid for the entire game to be made, don't get upset that we're making ridiculous profits above and beyond the profits we'll make anyways since the game development is entirely paid for by the community and ANY sales beyond backer copies are 100% profit.
Apr 22, 2013
Does this mean they're finally going to lower the early access price to something that isn't stupid and greedy in a corporate way with the lamest of all justifications for doing so?

Hi, we're charging $60 for a game that will cost $30 at most so our backers, who paid for the entire game to be made, don't get upset that we're making ridiculous profits above and beyond the profits we'll make anyways since the game development is entirely paid for by the community and ANY sales beyond backer copies are 100% profit.

Seriously? Still? Do you till not understand the fact that they would have made a heck of a lot MORE money with a lower pricing, these rants of yours only show that you have no grasp of how pricing works. They've would have probably sold much more than double the amount of copies at half price, so the pricing of 60$ means they LOSE money. Get over yourself.
Dec 20, 2010
Why would any sane person jack up the price to lose money? Why would you gouge people who are essentially helping you develop your game?

I think the reality is quite simple. If you can't wait until it is finished to play it, you will pay more than the person who could care less until the product is done and the reviews are in. They are greedy. Even if you were just tempted on the first $60 pass, they will get you on the $30 pass later. The bigger fans foot the bigger bill, and they sell it as being altruistic.

The unfair to backers argument is laughable. The Kickstarter is long over, and those backers contributed to promises of more content. Features are set, there are no more "backers." Don't accept new people in to the Beta if you want to be fair to backers. These people buying in at $60 on steam are sales.

Edit: BTW, the fair price of $60 just went on sale on Steam for the unfair price of $50. How do you explain that in the fair to backers argument?
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Feb 2, 2007
If you replace the word "greedy" with "producing a product with the intention to make a profit", then yeah, sure. Do you think love of developing games pays the rent?
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, that's why every FTP game in the apple store has the option to buy $100 worth of in-game advantages, they just need to milk a certain segment for all they can give. It is making a profit, but it is also greedy in the sense there is no value added for the money.

They are bundling the double-price half-content early version with novellas and things gamers don't care about. If they also offered a $30 early access without those things, they would see how little love there is for digital art and the dev's novellas.

They paid the rent with Kickstarter, they are now milking impatient buyers. I see it as greedy, since they have no intention to sell the final product for that price.
Feb 2, 2007
Quit your whining. If you don't want to pay $60 for early access, DON'T BUY IT. Wait until it is at a lower price or on sale. I upgraded my pledge for early access and you won't hear any complaining from me.
Sep 16, 2011
Because you aren't the brightest light. You pay double to play an unfinished game early and like the price. We will get the App Store mentality in to all our options if people never call out things like the premium early access for what it is.
Feb 2, 2007
Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. – Publius Syrus
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. – Publius Syrus

That's an empty definition, practically a tautology. Worth is not simple, what happens is. Equating the two is not profound.

That only works in a buyer beware, scam what you can kind of market. Also, where everyone is happy about it and agrees with Publius. Which we don't have anymore with forums, one star reviews, returns, and at higher levels with price-fixing/monopoly legislation, the BBB, the FTC, ect.
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Feb 2, 2007
People like Vogar and Burresss sound like spoiled, self-entitled children. If you don't like the price - don't buy it - simple as that. No arguments, or rationals are needed. I backed the game for $100 simply to support them creating a game that I love and trusted (is that a risk - of course, adults understand things like this aren't risk free). If they want to try and make a profit they have every right to do so at whatever price point they desire. If you disagree, wait and buy it when it goes on extreme sale in six months to a year or so…. but to whine, complain and demand a lesser price just make people like Burress and others sound like entitled children.
Oct 9, 2009
Further, I haven't even played it yet as I'm waiting for the full game. People have all different motives. It seems Burress and Vogar's motive is to get things as cheap as they can and then speculate as to why it is so hard for smaller development houses to release quality material (while they pule and whine like toddlers)
Oct 9, 2009
People like Vogar and Burresss sound like spoiled, self-entitled children. If you don't like the price - don't buy it - simple as that. No arguments, or rationals are needed. I backed the game for $100 simply to support them creating a game that I love and trusted (is that a risk - of course, adults understand things like this aren't risk free). If they want to try and make a profit they have every right to do so at whatever price point they desire. If you disagree, wait and buy it when it goes on extreme sale in six months to a year or so…. but to whine, complain and demand a lesser price just make people like Burress and others sound like entitled children.

Couldn't agree more. Nice post ;)
Aug 18, 2011
Great Britannia
I swear I've read more discussions on the Watch regarding the game's pricing than whether the game is actually good or not.
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
revjwh, I could care less about the people who make Wasteland 2, about as much as I care about you.

I generally don't talk about people here, because it is completely off-topic. I proposed an argument as to why the pricing is greedy in a game already crowdfunded.

But you think my post was about me. So if you or any other of your knuckle-dragging shut-up and don't buy it brethren happen to get hit by a bus, I would personally laugh like a little kid. I want to laugh like a little kid at you, so help me out, ok?
Feb 2, 2007
perhaps we should back to the 1970's when all software was free. so many great, high quality programs came out of that era.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I can understand disliking early access, but I don't understand having a problem with its existence.

If you don't want to participate then don't. Let us other "suckers" beta test it for you then you can buy it or not on release. Seems that would actually be a positive for you.

I think $60 is too much for the game early access or complete.
They don't get as much of the money off of steam as they would from kickstarter. They are only getting the same price from that 60 bucks, maybe less. People who kickstarted got a good deal, others will have to pay more or wait five years til it's cheap.
Apr 10, 2011
Because you aren't the brightest light. You pay double to play an unfinished game early and like the price. We will get the App Store mentality in to all our options if people never call out things like the premium early access for what it is.

Or maybe you're just broke. I can spend my money however I want. You sound foolish.
Sep 16, 2011
Any mention of pay2win content, DLC or season pass in Wasteland 2?

Just to add if you didn't back it on KS directly, you're still getting it if you backed Eternity (dunno which levels though).
If I wasn't entitled to receive it through backing on KS, I'd already preorder it. Payed for early access I mean. Wouldn't play till it's done, I'm kinda not into betatesting any more.

Play fair, don't pull my nose, I'm buying. I don't care what price you ask.
And they did exactly that. Played fair.
Those who don't like it, just skip this game - there are billions of "free" phonegames and MMOs just waiting to clean your wallet.
Apr 12, 2009
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