Watched the latest Star Wars trilogy ...



… and wow were they bad. I had seen 1 before but never 2 and 3. Totally unimpressed with pretty much everything in them besides Yoda. I liked the original trilogy but was never a SW geek really. Im trying to track down a nonVHS copy of the original trilogy as its been probably 20+ years since I have seen them. Not in any hurry to see the latest movie but Disney has got to do a better job then GL.
I agree with you, and I think that Disney did do a better job.

There are, however, those that disagree. I'm sure they'll be here at any point now... :)
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
No I thought the little kid in 1 did a good job but older him in movie 2 and 3 was the really bad acting.
Sorry I removed the post because after thinking it over it's actually unfair to say something like that.
I shouldn't treat all ages equally.
Apr 12, 2009
The new film didn't do much for me, but it in no way approached the filmmaking horror of the prequels.
Nov 8, 2014
No I thought the little kid in 1 did a good job but older him in movie 2 and 3 was the really bad acting.

Well, it was just me once again desperately trying to be funny.

But I agree, mr Christensen reminds me of mr Segal (who i am no fan of), one facial expression in every movie.

Pibbur who probably exaggerates.
I hated the first one, but the second and third one were not bad. I actually liked #3 a lot.
Sep 23, 2008
I thought Yoda sucked in those films to be honest.
It was quite funny seeing him turn into a lightsaber ninja, but it didn't feel much in character. I had both him and the Emperor down as the wise old paradigms of their orders who basically taught and manipulated others to do their dirty work (or heroic deeds :) ) for them. Having them get down and dirty in a massive scrap just didn't seem like something they'd do.
My star wars nerd friend assures me I'm wrong about this and its the best bit in the trilogy. It takes all tastes etc!
Apr 13, 2012
I'm way more of Trek fan than Star Wars, but my son really enjoy Star Wars so I remember going to see the last trilogy and just how disappointing all three were. Even though my guys lost, I still believe the series peaked with Empire and that's the one I like the best. I doubt that even with the new one out and probably more coming that that would ever change.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
The new film didn't do much for me, but it in no way approached the filmmaking horror of the prequels.

I'm with this. None of what made the original trilogy so special has been either matched or captured in any real way by either prequels or sequel.

The Yoda fight scene I enjoyed, and I just enjoyed looking at Nat Portman, but the rest was pretty bad.
Nov 15, 2015
The first one actually had a pretty intricate plot when you look past all the crap acting and can stop yourself from cringing.

I won't mention the second one - except to remind folks that there's a good theory out there that Jar Jar was meant to be the Papotine's next apprentice.

The third one was actually pretty good. Problem was, it took him two movies to get there.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
For me, Phantom Menace is the low point of the franchise by A LOT in every way but two:
- Duel of the Fates - really exciting action sequence
- Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan - the only carry-over character better than the OT.

It also does everything that RotJ did wrong and amplifies it (mega-coincidences, blatant kiddie tie-ins, etc).

AotC for me was a mixed bag - I love Obi-Wan, am not so harsh on Anakin as others here, and I think much of the plot works fairly well. We took our kids to see it in IMAX as well as standard theaters back then ... 60ft Yoda was cool :)

But Revenge of the Sith was really the pinnacle for me - the Obi-Wan and Anakin relationship grew, Ian McDiarmid's Palpatine was another highlight for me, and the action was incredible and very well done. Not up to the level of Star Wars or Empire ... Or even The Force Awakens ... But better than RotJ or the other two prequels.

Of course, all of this is all IMHO :)
Oct 18, 2006
Watched the latest Star Wars trilogy …

You poor, poor soul... :p

After seeing them in the cinema I don't think I've sat through them in full since, or if I have I've erased it from my memory. The prequels have entered that bizzare so bad it's comical state where people can enjoy watching them solely to find new things wrong with them. It's similar to how people now play Desert Bus for charity every year now. If you're ever at a loss for entertainment then there's always a fun youtube video of someone trying to analyse them in full detail - their videos often end up longer than the movies, and this sub-genre of Youtube videos is genuinely a lot more interesting than the actual product.
Nov 1, 2014
The prequels really nailed r2 and c3po. They are pretty much exactly the same. Unfortunately in Force Awakens c3po has a different very annoying voice. I don't know how the hell that got past quality control.

Ewan mcgregor was great but couldn't make up for the one of the worst casts in the history of film.
Oct 18, 2006
Not sure I could re-watch those three. I did re-watch the first three before seeing this one and enjoy them very much.
Apr 2, 2011
The prequels really nailed r2 and c3po. They are pretty much exactly the same. Unfortunately in Force Awakens c3po has a different very annoying voice. I don't know how the hell that got past quality control.

Along with R2-D2, he is one of only two characters to appear in all seven Star Wars films. C-3PO is played by Anthony Daniels in all seven films; C-3PO is one of two characters who are portrayed by the same actors in all seven films.

Same actor in all seven....
Apr 2, 2011
Same actor in all seven….

Not sure what your point is in regards to it being the same actor. The voice had a distinctly different tone to me - I would suspect some audio post processing at work. I've seen episode 7 twice in a week and all 6 of the earlier films this week and the difference was noticeable to me. Given that I haven't read much about it, it is possible it could be something that I am imagining but I won't be convinced till I get it on blu ray and can do some real analysis ;)

If I was to rate them all it would probably end up something like this:

Episode 1: 4/10. Would be 1 if it wasn't for the light-sabre duel and ewan mcgregor.
Episode 2: 5/10. Okay story and some reasonable action/battle sequences. Poor script and acting.
Episode 3: 6/10. Some great sequences marred by the cast. Ends on a high point.

Episode 4: 7/10. 6/10 if your watching the special edition with the cgi jabba and new fx.
Episode 5: 10/10. Well done branching story (with twists) and memorable script.
Episode 6: 9/10. 8/10 if you don't like Ewoks - I do. 7/10 if you watching the special edition with the dance sequence in Jabba's palace and hayden's ghost.

Episode 7: 7/10. Amazing special effects. Okay script with no real cringe worthy moments. Played it safe with the story.
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2006
For me the gap between 4 & 7 is light-years apart. The characters, the emotion, the drama, the then originality and subsequent genuine fear of the death star, etc. Episode 5 may be 10/10, but I'd have episode 4 up there with a 9/10 at least.

I also think episode 6 is a cracking film, with a brilliant intro and superb ending, it's just that middle bit which lets it down a tad.
Nov 15, 2015
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