What games are you playing now?

Dart, just get MHW. Then you can play dress-ups with your Palico!



And here's our red friend from before he was a helmet
Jul 10, 2007
I think I asked you this before…but given the game is nearing final release status… Can you tell me if this game has unique items that are hand placed (i.e. unique weapon or something that is placed in a specific location? Vs randomly generated loot. Thanks!

I thought I answered this before? From what I can tell, it seems hand placed :)
The lack of save anywhere /anytime is a deal killer for me. But if it saves on exit where you are without forcing replaying that will work for me.

When you're in a zone you can fast travel instantly via the map to any campsite then speak to an NPC to head back to town where you can save. (plus it autosaves)

Hunts are limited to 50 minutes, but if you suddenly need to leave the computer you can get back to town this way in about 5 seconds (If installed on SSD). You won't lose anything. It will also be easier to find the monster the second time because as you discover clues such as footprints or animal corpses it recently ate, etc, it adds research points on that monster which will unlock research and reveal the monsters elemental weaknesses, weak points, which limbs are vulnerable to which weapon type, what the limbs drop when cut off, etc, so even if you just found 1 footprint then have to get off the PC it's still progress.

You can also go on free roaming Expeditions without time limit, which is actually something you want to do because there are other things to find which will not be there otherwise.

Other than having to do a hunt in one go, the game is pretty softcore. You never lose anything. You even get 3 lives per hunt and the game is so popular that if you fire an SOS flare you'll have a full party in a few seconds. Offline you always have your Palico and they're combat pets but you can also get Tailraiders. I don't want to spoil things too much so I won't go into detail and ruin some "that's awesome!" surprises.

Steam score is down to 47% now! Double that and you get the real score. =)
Jul 10, 2007
Yeah, it's very entertaining. I'm still on chapter 2 running around doing sidequests, too. I beat Mr Shakedown. I usually hate sidequests because you're helping nobodies with rubbish. Witcher3 was full of that crap. But when they're all hilarious like Yakuza 0 it makes me want to seek them out. Was the perfect game to get me through the week before MHW launch.

I only tried the dancing once. Not into it. I thought you just used the Dpad and A button? Anyway, Sega says real Yakuza use a gamepad. :p
I didn't beat Shakedown yet - after his intro appearance when I lost but he didn't steal my $ can't find him anywhere. I took the trait that says "sleeps in park"… Maybe I shouldn't have picked it early, but then again maybe he reappears later on his own. Whatever.
TW3 is the best game ever. What's it doing here? It has nothing with Yakuza 0.
Of all games out there, MHW is the only one I'd never buy. Yea, on a whim it could happen I buy the Destiny 2 garbage. But MHW? Never ever.

I've beaten the first dancing duel. The second is impossible with atrocious control scheme Sega made. For a company so many years in gaming industry, one would expect they know their job. Instead of improving, seems they went decadent as Hollywood.
I have no idea what Dpad is. Speak English please.
For insulting PC and PR fail, Sega got thumb down on Steam from me.
Apr 12, 2009
It will probably be tomorrow or so before I can really dive into it; unfortunately the initial response from steam are quite negative - most of it centers around combat issues but i'll post a follow up after I play a couple of hours.

Let us know what you think.
This game seems interesting, but not sure if I want to bite yet…
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
TW3 is the best game ever. What's it doing here? It has nothing with Yakuza 0.
Of all games out there, MHW is the only one I'd never buy. Yea, on a whim it could happen I buy the Destiny 2 garbage. But MHW? Never ever.

I have no idea what Dpad is. Speak English please.
For insulting PC and PR fail, Sega got thumb down on Steam from me.

A Witcher is a monster hunter. Pity he's also batman. I prefer a silent protagonist who you design yourself through rich character creation.

What do MHW and Yakuza have in common? Capcom and Sega? They're both Japanese developers. I'm starting to think Japan makes all the best games. USA devs these days is like EA sports and Blizzard became shit ages ago. Star Citizen scams, etc.

Destiny 2? You gotta be joking that game fucking sucks.

Dpad is the cross shaped bit that we used for movement before the mushrooms grew.
Jul 10, 2007
It will also be easier to find the monster the second time because as you discover clues such as footprints or animal corpses it recently ate, etc, it adds research points on that monster which will unlock research and reveal the monsters elemental weaknesses, weak points, which limbs are vulnerable to which weapon type, what the limbs drop when cut off, etc, so even if you just found 1 footprint then have to get off the PC it's still progress.
That's a pretty cool mechanic.

I've tried a few MH clones, like the demos of Toukiden and Ragnarok Oddyssey Ace on PS Vita, and also tried a bit of God Eater on the PC, but there was something deeply unsatisfying about the gameplay loop.
Have you tried any other MH-style games to compare? (i.e. is it way better than other MH-style games)
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
Have you tried any other MH-style games to compare? (i.e. is it way better than other MH-style games)

I have not.

I was going to give Dauntless a play while waiting for MHW but a Steam buddy, who had played MHW on ps4, told me not to because it would only put me off MHW.

So, it's probably a lot better than Dauntless, if that helps. :)
Jul 10, 2007
Played Phantom Doctrine briefly - and I really like what I'm seeing. Will wait until I have more time to play it - but it looks excellent on first view.

Also tried a little WoW again - because I couldn't help myself. The War Mode is essentially what I've been asking for since Vanilla (meaningful open world PvP) - and though it's probably too late for me to really bother getting good at PvP, I still like it as a potential endgame that goes beyond the gear grind.
This is my comments from first mission (after tutorial); will add more this afternoon when I have time to play more:
First the comments about always hitting are mostly true; but this is explained in the tutorial so it isn't a bug per sey just a design choice. However what is not obvious to myself so far is how cover works. It isn't like xcom where it can block shots - I think the shot hits but damage is reduced which is a choice i don't love. I can understand the objective that this is a stealth game and not a combat game so it encourages you to stay hidden.
Second the comments about npc/civilian blocking key objectives is true and I have to believe this is a bug. For example in the first mission when I walk into the room to access the terminal there is a civilian in front of the terminal and he refuses to move. I see no command to 'push' him aside or otherwise access the terminal while he is standing there. The only solution I could find is to toss a frag to blow him up. This seems wrong. Given that this happens frequently and early in the game I don't quite understand if this is a bug or design choice but either way it seems 'broken'.
There are a few nips about the user interface but i will give that more time before comment further. One thing right off the back i find annoying is that there is no next agent hot-key. I have to hit Fn or click on the agent to move them - a hand short cut would be a key stroke that goes to next agent (or mouse wheel). Hum. I guess that is a nit pick but over the course of the game it would be helpful short-cut. I don't want to comment on the campaign or character build yet will do so early but after a few more missions).

It will probably be tomorrow or so before I can really dive into it; unfortunately the initial response from steam are quite negative - most of it centers around combat issues but i'll post a follow up after I play a couple of hours.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
This is my comments from first mission (after tutorial); will add more this afternoon when I have time to play more:
First the comments about always hitting are mostly true; but this is explained in the tutorial so it isn't a bug per sey just a design choice. However what is not obvious to myself so far is how cover works. It isn't like xcom where it can block shots - I think the shot hits but damage is reduced which is a choice i don't love. I can understand the objective that this is a stealth game and not a combat game so it encourages you to stay hidden.
Second the comments about npc/civilian blocking key objectives is true and I have to believe this is a bug. For example in the first mission when I walk into the room to access the terminal there is a civilian in front of the terminal and he refuses to move. I see no command to 'push' him aside or otherwise access the terminal while he is standing there. The only solution I could find is to toss a frag to blow him up. This seems wrong. Given that this happens frequently and early in the game I don't quite understand if this is a bug or design choice but either way it seems 'broken'.
There are a few nips about the user interface but i will give that more time before comment further. One thing right off the back i find annoying is that there is no next agent hot-key. I have to hit Fn or click on the agent to move them - a hand short cut would be a key stroke that goes to next agent (or mouse wheel). Hum. I guess that is a nit pick but over the course of the game it would be helpful short-cut. I don't want to comment on the campaign or character build yet will do so early but after a few more missions).
You can knock out civilians. I think it's in the abilities.

Check out Chris odd's video.

My understanding is that everything hits but awareness and cover reduces damage

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Yea someone said it is the take down ability; will replay the first mission and test it when i get home. This is not explained in the tutorial or tool-tip.
I said that about cover just reducing damage but i'm not sure i like that design decision. None the less it is by design. This basically re-enforces the stealth design (repeating myself); because otherwise you will always be taking damage.

You can knock out civilians. I think it's in the abilities.

Check out Chris odd's video.

My understanding is that everything hits but awareness and cover reduces damage

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Was enjoying Grim Dawn but decided I didn't have the time to re-play entire areas when you saved and quit and then reloaded the game for another session. This particular Save mechanic is tedious so I gave up, but it is otherwise a great aRPG.
May 18, 2014
I`m fond of action games and fights. Right now Im involved in such a game https://brutes.dmnd.games/ You can set a unique style for a fighter, as well as choose weapons, armor and skill that fit the style of the game.
Feb 4, 2018
Dragon age inquisition. I'm really enjoying the storm coast at the moment. I like the environment: raining, lighting, big waves rolling in, ... Lots of atmosphere, used too little in other games (unlike snowy mountains for instance). I also haven't encountered too many enemies, so the MMO feeling I dreaded is far away for now.

I do have a choice to make: templars or mages? What's the most fun thing to do and has you visit the coolest regions?
Jun 5, 2009
Dragon age inquisition. I'm really enjoying the storm coast at the moment. I like the environment: raining, lighting, big waves rolling in, … Lots of atmosphere, used too little in other games (unlike snowy mountains for instance). I also haven't encountered too many enemies, so the MMO feeling I dreaded is far away for now.

I do have a choice to make: templars or mages? What's the most fun thing to do and has you visit the coolest regions?

I prefer mages as a little more interesting, but then I usually play a mage myself. Agree with your storm coast location - just amazing!!
Sep 2, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
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