What have you done today...

I think it is not good to eat just before going to bed, I do not know whatever it cause weightgain but I don't think the food laying there all night or day unprocessed is good for your health. After I ate big and went to bed I woke with a sour stomach and a bad breath due to the food lying there for so long.

I think it's more a matter of what you're used to. The French and the Spaniards eat late, for example, and they're not any fatter than anyone else, and less than many. I eat more or less like that myself -- a light breakfast, normal lunch, and late dinner --, and deviating from that pattern makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Oct 19, 2006
I'm one of those guys who's spent a lot of time in the gym, lifting weights. I love to eat. It probably goes back to high school when I played football, because my mentality was to eat and work out as much as possible in order to get as big as I could.

Food and I had an understanding when I was younger, but not anymore. At age fifty, I'm now half an inch shorter, and my waist is two inches larger (and that's not going away). I haven't been in a gym in over a decade but still do 600 sit-ups a day and 600 push-ups every other day. I'm only getting about half the benefit from it than I would have only about fifteen years ago.

IMO, diets work wonderfully. They're a great way to lose weight quickly. But they're not a total solution and shouldn't be confused with one. Walking is wonderful too. If you have the time, it's probably the very best exercise for someone trying to lose weight. Definitely stop eating three hours before going to bed, because your body will want to turn it into fat and store it.

Best of luck! You can do it!
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
I frequently eat only once a day around 7-8pm, but then I go for a 40 minute walk and finish with 30 mins in my massaging spa. Makes for a pleasant evening!!
Aug 31, 2006
The hardest thing about managing your weight is understanding your own metabolism, as everyone's seems to be a bit different. For instance if I tried Korplems High Carb No Exercise Submarine diet for a month, I'd gain twenty pounds instead of lose it. ;)

After years of dieting, I've discovered that eating five small meals a day(three sensible, balanced ones, and two light snacky ones) and walking for 30 mins most days, along with a few mat exercises and stretching, and some occasional sessions on my glider work best for me.

That's if I can be consistent. That's the hardest part, and I think it's part of the secret of normal weight--you just don't suspend your old eating habits and impose a draconian reduction in everything, you make normal habits your own through repetition.
Oct 18, 2006
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