What is your favorite game genre?

What is your favorite genre?

  • Shooter

    Votes: 13 12.5%
  • Stealth

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • Some other action genre

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • Adventure

    Votes: 17 16.3%
  • Strategy

    Votes: 37 35.6%
  • Simulation

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • Sports

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • You forgot this one..

    Votes: 20 19.2%

  • Total voters
Just stumbled upon this old thread and wanted to share my thoughts. I gotta say, strategy games are where it's at for me. I love the feeling of planning out my moves and seeing my strategy come to life. Has anyone played 7 Days to Die A21?
It's this awesome post-apocalyptic survival game that combines strategy and simulation. You gotta gather resources, build up your base, and fight off hordes of zombies every night. It's intense, but super fun. If you're interested, check it out at https://7d2d.net/A21. Let me know if you've played it or have any other strategy game recommendations.
Jun 8, 2023
Simulation. Besides crpg's I like city building games and football manager.
Mar 23, 2019
Yeah that's why most of us are on this site. Though the poll was asking what is your favorite genre that isn't an RPG. Anyway every game has RPG elements nowadays.
Oct 1, 2010
I voted strategy. 4X strategy is usually my go-to when there aren't many good RPGs being released. Back in the mid-90s, Microprose was pretty much my best friend lol Honestly, stuff like Master of Magic is pretty RPG-adjacent anyway. I'm not sure if stuff like X-Com and Jagged Alliance 2 fall into strategy, but I like those as well. Both of those are pretty RPG-adjacent and one could easily argue JA2 being a full-fledged RPG anyway.

I'm a life-long baseball fan, so stuff like Out of the Park baseball I like (haven't played the last several installments of that though, I guess I'm burnt out on those). I used to play stuff like Hardball, Earl Weaver Baseball, Tony LaRussa baseball, High Heat Baseball back in the day as well.
Aug 13, 2023
Roleplaying games!
Yes, another bad thread title. :cool:

For me the genre isn't even listed but many players feel more comfortable with a more generic genre name, strategy games. So I like a some strategy games but I prefer tactical games and no way it makes sense for me to vote strategy games.
Shooter and Strategy for me - Shooter is the frontrunner in recent years.
In 2021 perhaps (when the post was done, I like forums necromancy), now it seems going down for single player, but seems still dominate for multiplayer, and free MOO or free MP, perhaps not for MMO not free.

For me, shooters single player gameplay get hurt a lot by shooter MP popularity, and too many players expecting a similar gameplay than in MP.

Plus perhaps a break for skills/training levels between players of MP shooters and others.

I don't even remind the last AAA shooter that wasn't MP or MMO or free, oops ok before Starfield and FO76, but mostly nobody would tag them shooters.
Oct 13, 2023
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