What I've Been Watching: The Catch-All Film Thread

Ah yes, that was the movie that gave us this gem. Who could forget that? ;)

Yep, my son downloaded that song after I watched the movie with him. He loves it.

Not sure what it says about me but I still get a bit pumped up when I hear it. Kind of like when I hear eye of the tiger from Rocky or watch Hulk Hogan slam Andre the giant.:lol:
Hehe, that sucks!

I seem to remember having a few Transformers toys. A truck or something, but it's been a while.

I was more into Star Wars, ET, and Lego as a kid. Oh, and Action Man ;)

I enjoyed Star Wars and what kid didn't like Lego's? Had to look up Action Man though.

Transformers was my big one, followed by giant robot, ultraman, He-man and Voltron.

Sorry, I'm drowning in a bit of nostalgia.
I enjoyed Star Wars and what kid didn't like Lego's? Had to look up Action Man though.

Transformers was my big one, followed by giant robot, ultraman, He-man and Voltron.

Sorry, I'm drowning in a bit of nostalgia.

Hehe... Now you've got me started... I also loved me some Playmobil. Not sure if that's a US or EU thing, though ;)
EU! Playmobil is German.
Aug 31, 2006
Hehe… Now you've got me started… I also loved me some Playmobil. Not sure if that's a US or EU thing, though ;)

Not sure if they were around here when I was a kid but I bought quite a bit of playmobil for my kids when they were younger.
I know I had a good bit of Playmobile as a youngster (say mid-70's), but is that the same stuff? I think that stuff was shipped under the Fisher Price label, but it seemed like every toy in the world was Fisher Price back then.

Of course, as a budding engineer, I started with Lincoln Logs, moved to Tinker Toys and Girder-n-Panel, had most of the Lego sets worth having (all the original Technic sets, too), and even weasel'd permission to mess with my dad's Erector Set.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Playmobil ? I played with that when I was young, too ! :)

Watched "Muppets From Space" on DVD today. Mediocre film, not worth buying unless you are a real Muppts fan, imho.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I saw A Million Ways to Die in the West last night. Not terribly funny and much too long for a comedy, although it does have its moments. It also has some very surprising and well done cameos.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm still having some insomnia so I decided to watch something I recorded a while back : Pacific Rim ! Guillermo del Toro never disappointed me so despite not being a big fan of Anime and big robots (well, I was a huge fan of the Mechwarrior series though !) I'm not that much surprised I kind of appreciated the movie. Mainly because of the director's work and the stunning visual effects ; the script, as anticipated, was fairly weak IMHO. The main actress, Rinko Kikuchi was a big plus too and I'll look for some of her other appearance, in case she can be seen and appreciated elsewhere (and she surely can as I checked afterwards) ? This movie has been a fair surprise as I wasn't expecting much from it (in fact I expected it would help me fall asleep…) but spent a good moment overall. Warmly recommended to the Gundam addicts who for whatever reason haven't watched it yet.
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
Did not like pacific rim. Can not stand mechwarrior stuff (I always think of the power rangers :) )

I just saw skyline and liked it a lot. Different alien invasion movie, nice alien designs + an ending leaving you with wanting more (though the loose ending can be a turnoff for some people)

Edit: and then I saw the 4.4 on imdb, oh well
Jun 5, 2009
Edit: and then I saw the 4.4 on imdb, oh well

Don't worry about that, I have a friend that watches movies only if they scored less than 5 on imdb. :)
Apr 12, 2009
Google play movies opens up to 21 more countries:

If you couldn't enjoy this service, maybe now you can. Check if your country is listed here:

Don't expect some hot entries though (Snowpiercer is not added yet for example). Also, it doesn't offer series spin offs or movie specials (for example you can watch there only How to Train Your Dragon the movie, but not other stuff that came out afterwards).
Apr 12, 2009
Just came back from Edge of Tomorrow. I liked it. The ending seems a bit of a cop-out. I've read certain theories about the ending, that try to explain why it wasn't a cop-out, but I think I would've liked it better if they didn't end it as it was.

And from what I hear, the book that the movies is based on has a pretty bleak ending, which this wasn't.

Note: And damn, Tom Cruise is 52. He's really taking care of himself. I'm sure he's full of makeup and all. But damn, he looks great for his age.
Jul 31, 2007
Note: And damn, Tom Cruise is 52. He's really taking care of himself. I'm sure he's full of makeup and all. But damn, he looks great for his age.
Botox. :p

Forget him, have you seen May in Marvel Agents of Shield? She is 50 and still looks fantastic without any modern treatment crap.
Apr 12, 2009
Botox. :p

Forget him, have you seen May in Marvel Agents of Shield? She is 50 and still looks fantastic without any modern treatment crap.

Does Asians even count? :p Have a friend who's got a chinese wife, she's 40, doesnt look a day over 18. For women i guess it helps if they havent had like 5 kids too..

House of cards seems pretty good. Spacey is awesome as always.

House of Cards is fantastic. Can't wait for S3..
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
The Last of Us: One Night Live

A live performance of the actors of the The Last of Us, doing select scenes from the game. Pretty cool. Definitely getting hyped to replay it on PS4. And spoilers aplenty. Don't watch unless you already played it. Or never plan to. But then, why would you spoil it for yourself?

Also, seems they're already working on the movie adaptation of the game. Hope it turns out good, even though, historically speaking, odds are against them. But, them having the creative director, Neil Druckmann, behind increases the odds. Seeing him talk, during different interviews, about decisions they took with the game really gives me hope.
Jul 31, 2007
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