What the heck is "Who will Fight against the Codex?"

Yeah, I'm not sure we want to be linked to the Codex in the minds of developers...
Nov 8, 2014
It would be fun to do and get this site some publicity as well. We may not win the contest but so what. No skin off my nose.

If we accept this offer, we'll only increase the risk of getting blacklisted outselves due to association. Not a fun prospect.
Jan 16, 2011
The Codex never did anything wrong in the first place! RPG Watch started it, mom!
Nov 28, 2007
Oh, we have fun, don't we? Such lulz.
Nov 8, 2014
Yeah, I'm not sure we want to be linked to the Codex in the minds of developers…
Last fight: Heaven./.Hell, Water./.Fire, Good./.Evil, HiddenX./.Dwarf, Style./.Vulgarism, Friendliness and good manners./.EatsSmallBabies... Watch vs. Codex - how could they be confused?
Nov 16, 2011
Yeah, I'm not sure we want to be linked to the Codex in the minds of developers…

You'll never get it untangled.
Aug 13, 2013
You'll never get it untangled.

Yeah, there's a sort of rivalry in the minds of people that know the sites well, but I doubt there's a very large number of people who know or care. I'm just thinking that the Codex is working really hard at the moment to make sure that no serious studio ever touches them with a ten foot pole, and, given that the Watch tends to like having a decent relationship with devs, it might not be the smartest thing to publicize the association even further.
Nov 8, 2014
I'm a member of both places, but prefer to keep them separate too. I post here mostly, but go there for more in-depth discussions of mechanics and such. There are some very good discussions hidden at the Codex, underneath all the sewage.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm a member of both places, but prefer to keep them separate too. I post here mostly, but go there for more in-depth discussions of mechanics and such. There are some very good discussions hidden at the Codex, underneath all the sewage.

Yeah, there is some good stuff to be found on the Codex, and it's a positive thing that there's a caring home for those people. In truth, I quite like some of that subversive, offensive humour, when it's actually funny. They suffer from being overrun by boring, one-note shitposters that just turn into a white-noise drone.

I think the problem is that they're trying to have their cake and eat it. It's fine if they want to be the cynical, no-holds-barred antidote to all the other games sites - but they better let go of their ambitions to be taken seriously by the studios.

At the moment they're essentially doing a rehash of the gags that 4chan used to stitch up Ben Garrison on the rep from Inxile. They changed the headline of the site to > "Raise $5K for Inxile, get blacklisted by racist antisemetic line manager."

That's fine if all you care about is the lulz, but they must know that's not going to fly.
Nov 8, 2014
At the moment they're essentially doing a rehash of the gags that 4chan used to stitch up Ben Garrison on the rep from Inxile. They changed the headline of the site to > "Raise $5K for Inxile, get blacklisted by racist antisemetic line manager."

That's fine if all you care about is the lulz, but they must know that's not going to fly.

It's hardly a stitch-up when the man has made over a dozen posts talking about "niggers" and "negroids" and how "stupid" blond women tend to go for the "negroes".

It's not a nice subject of discussion, but it is a valid one.
Jan 16, 2011
It's hardly a stitch-up when the man has made over a dozen posts talking about "niggers" and "negroids" and how "stupid" blond women tend to go for the "negroes".

It's not a nice subject of discussion, but it is a valid one.

Please. You lot have trawled through other forums to find crap he posted ten years ago, probably as a teenager. Then edited all the choice quotes together in a collage with his real photo, complete with endless variations of photoshopped in nazi paraphernalia , then changed the title of the site to draw attention to it. And all this because he is perceived to have slighted you. Yeah, you didn't do nothin', or something like that…

In any case, what you or I think about such things is irrelevant - but it would be pretty naive to think that other studios won't take note and want to maintain their distance from the "toxicity" of the site.
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Nov 8, 2014
Please. You lot have trawled through other forums to find crap he posted ten years ago, probably as a teenager. Then edited all the choice quotes together in a collage with his real photo, complete with endless variations of photoshopped in nazi propaganda, then changed the title of the site to draw attention to it. And all this because he is perceived to have slighted you. Yeah, you didn't do nothin', or something like that…

In any case, what you or I think about such things is irrelevant - but it would be pretty naive to think that other studios won't take note and want to maintain their distance from the "toxicity" of the site.

I believe his recent actions towards a certain Codex staff member are most convincingly explained through his personal feelings and prejudices, rather than any sort of official inXile policy (which would be one weird flippin policy). Thus, even his older statements can provide some value.

Besides, some of the quotes in the Codex thread are much more recent.
Jan 16, 2011
Look, I can sort of respect the Codex as unrepentant anarchic arseholes, but trying to actually justify this butthurt bullshit is just laughable.

Like I said though, arguments about justification aren't the point - it's that this stuff is obviously going to play very badly as unprofessional and malicious.
Nov 8, 2014
To get back to the topic at hand, who wants to play a Divinity: Original Sin 2 arena session on Wednesday 14th at 10am PST (6pm GMT, 7pm CET)?
Aug 30, 2006
I didn't think you were too interested in the idea?
Nov 8, 2014
I don't care if we do or don't, but if there is someone who is up for the challenge, he or she is welcome to have a go at it.
Aug 30, 2006
I wonder if Hiddenx wants it again. He's always so peaceable and reasonable on here, but he gets quite feisty on the Codex sometimes. :biggrin:
Nov 8, 2014
He said that he's not doing it again.
Aug 30, 2006
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