i'm still confused how people can be upset with the u-invent (inventors are supposed to be smarter than the average bear) and then say that there is more than enough items/ammo and money to go around. its not like when you invent the stuff it vanishes into thin air. it just drops to the ground where you can handily pick it up. system shock 2 did this is well but apparently people forgot. when you had the limit of a stack it would simply fall to the ground when you purchased something that theres wasn't room in your inventory. so in that case you had to check your inventory first. its no different in bioshock, taking the same amount of time just a bit more brain power, since you have to subtract (which an inventor should have no problem doing).
Actually, in System Shock 2, the machines functioned more like a real one, meaning the stuff would drop out of a slot for you to pick it up. The big difference is that you could carry nearly unlimited amount of stuff, especially commonly used items like ammo and hypos.
In Bioshock, you can carry a very limited amount of stuff, especially something like ammo and hack tools. I'm not saying it's a huge issue, but I will claim to be a relatively smart player and even I managed to forget the amount of hack tools (hmm, did I have 4 or 5?) and since you had to actually hack something to tell, you just couldn't get that info. So the stuff just drops to the ground and you can't pick it up, and by the time you'll need to, you'll most likely have forgotten where it was anyway. Luckily, the game was crawling with stuff, so there was never really any need to buy something. I could have saved a LOT of money by realising this earlier, but I kept wanting it to be more meaningful.
and it doesn't make sense to have a genetonic inventory since this its not in the present or future where a cybernetic implant would be able to be "accessed" in a self diagnostic kind of way. again i think this adds realism and difficulty to the game.
You think it's realistic to have a health and eve bar in the left corner? You think it's realism to carry more weapons and ammo than Rambo did in his entire carreer at once? You think it's realistic you can stop time and select from a menu what weapon/plasmid you choose? You think it's realistic you automatically get a map on some futuristic screen that you show no evidence of carrying?
I'm not following you here.
as far as the vita chambers are concerned i think it could have added a bit to the game if they did have to be activated (though that could have been tricky will the plot), but they surely could have had some kind of cost in either credits or a weakened or slowed state for a brief gaming period. 95% of the time i reloaded as well.
I would have preferred no Vita chambers at all, simply because I don't find it fits with the story. Suchong even points this out in a log somewhere, talking about how he (as the most prominent scientist) has no idea how it works. Why in the world would they have this technology, and why doesn't Ryan use it then? It's a very weakly implemented crutch, if you ask me.
But if they HAD to do it, I would have preferred the option to turn it off entirely at the "start game" stage, or at least do it like System Shock 1+2 where there's only 1 each level so you can't easily abuse it. That, or make the cost significantly high, only that would be meaningless since no one would ever pay a high cost when they can simply reload and no fights are challenging anyway.
nevertheless i enjoy reading your well thought out opinions on the game DArtagnan.
I'm glad, and I'm also enjoying your response