What's so bad about Beyond Divinity

Everyone covered most important issues but one many consider important (not everyone) is it uses the deadly startforce protection.
So if you are intent on trying it I suggest installing it on a secondary master drive or secondary computer to avoid any serious potiental problems. :)

I didn't have any serious potential problems. :)

Furthermore, Larian did in extrem cases give the player a key, if they wrote to them.

But I don't know to which distributions this applies at all. I recently learned that only certain distributions in some countries can get this key.

But what's even better : If you *really* want the game without the copy protecten, then go and buy the German "Gold Games" compilation ! The version of :BD: in it doesn't have the Starforce protection at all ! :)

The worst thing that sucked was the distribution by Ubi Soft : After the game was sold out, they simply didn't manufacture any more copies.
You cannot believe how many people asked in the German part of the Larian forums for that game !
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
sabotain, neuro hunter, neverend, divine divinity-
why did you have to be broken so
like a rare book found on an antiquated shelf
your world enraptured me
following from one page to the next
'til i noticed that pages had been removed
or somehow forgetten alltogether
might has well of torn out my heart

Where did you get a copy of Neuro Hunter? Did you import it?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
yes i imported it from the uk from a seller on ebay for around ~20 right around release. shortly after the average price went down to closer to 10. i wasn't expecting a great game but i thought it was still a good game that had lots of unpolished potential. it didn't have the emmersion of any of the games it tried to emmulate but it did have a lot of similarites. its for sure worth it i think if you can get it for under 10 bucks. i made it near the end but ran into some kind of quest bug that i spent 5 hours + going back through the whole 'world' (kind of like going back through the different levels in system shock 2) and still couldn't find the trigger. i tried different saves, but the only one that could for sure be problem free was at least 12 hours further back. i screwed up as i am normally quite liberal with my saving. some day i'll give it another go.

i think Mike has played the game also, since he's mentioned it in posts before, but maybe he just played the demo.
Oct 26, 2006
by the way JDR13 thanks for reminding me of neuro hunter. i installed it this evening and after playing for an hour or so i am reminded how much i really liked nearly everything about the game. i don't see how some people can critize the graphics. i think they're great, especially for a company media art that doesn't normally make games. i guess it just takes a while for a game stopping bug to be forgotten/forgiven. hopefully this time through will be grand.
Oct 26, 2006
I enjoyed most of Neuro Hunter as well - except the ending which was kinda drawn out by having the player walk through the (now empty of monsters) levels again and again to get from npc A to npc B. That kind of game design really sucks!

Actually I remember one point in NH where I had just went from one of the lower levels all the way to the top to talk to a npc. He gave me an object and proptly told me to take it back to the low level. At that point I didn't really felt like going through the entire game world again, and then the game offered me hope by having my character say something along the lines of: ".. but there is such a long way back to npc A!!". I of course expected the response/reaction to such a line to be that the game would teleport me back to the low level somehow.. but it had no mercy :) The reply from the npc was: "Well, then you better start walking now, don't you!". Grrr... smart-ass npc!! :)
Oct 18, 2006
i think Mike has played the game also, since he's mentioned it in posts before, but maybe he just played the demo.

I played for several hours, nowhere near the end, but like you got to a point where I was stuck and couldn't trigger to go further ... I wasn't as great about saves, and didn't like the game enough to work through it that much ... and other games were beckoning.

I got it also on import (I can't recall if it was a GoGamer special deal or eBay) for really cheap.
Oct 18, 2006
Beyond Divinity is to Divine Divinity as STDs are to sex.
Jan 22, 2007
I finished beyond divinity last weekend. If you want to keep up with the story (continues in the next game) then you should play for its good. But othervice if you dont care about it then you might wanna atleast consider skipping this one. Even at the last version its still unpolished (with gimmicks) and there are better RPGs out there than this.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Oh look, my reply disappears with no private message for the reason for it. I guess Corwin doesn't like to play fair when he makes personal attacks. Pathetic. Either don't make personal attacks or at least be willing to take the same abuse you dish out.

Oh, and I'd like to add that I would much rather have seen the comments kept to opinions on the game in the first place, rather than cowardly insults that were uncalled for.
Last edited:
Jan 22, 2007
Fez, we're very tolerant here, but there's some things we don't allow. You already have a history from the Dot, but we overlook that. Don't cross certain lines and we won't hassle you or your posts!!
Aug 31, 2006
So why is it okay for you to make blatantly rude personal comments then? My comment was only cheeky and slightly self-deprecating reply (containing no swearing) to YOUR initial insult. I'd say you crossed the line first.
Jan 22, 2007
How is calling someone an expert, rude? Perhaps you felt guilty and took it that way??
Aug 31, 2006
OK, enough!

Fez, let it go. You made a provocative comment that was a bit edgy and insulting to the game and unproductive to the conversation. I have no problem with that (I'm not a mod on this forum, though), but when you do something like that you need to be prepared to get it turned around - which is what Corwin did in a pretty light manner. I saw the potential for things to go awry, which is what happened when you got all affronted and responded with a personal attack. If you make a statement such as 'that is worse than kissing a duckbill platypus', be prepared for people to jab you about kissing a duckbill platypus.
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks Mike, I wanted to end it too, but couldn't find a convenient way without appearing 'the tough mod'!!
Aug 31, 2006
What is an STD, by the way ?

Maybe an STandarD ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
No. A Geschlechtskrankheit a.k.a Käsepimmel :biggrin:
Oct 18, 2006

Now I understood it ! :D
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
OK, enough!

Fez, let it go. You made a provocative comment that was a bit edgy and insulting to the game and unproductive to the conversation. I have no problem with that (I'm not a mod on this forum, though), but when you do something like that you need to be prepared to get it turned around - which is what Corwin did in a pretty light manner. I saw the potential for things to go awry, which is what happened when you got all affronted and responded with a personal attack. If you make a statement such as 'that is worse than kissing a duckbill platypus', be prepared for people to jab you about kissing a duckbill platypus.

No, you've got it all wrong. I had no problem with that initial joke back at me, Mike. I quite enjoyed it and I took it as the joke I thought it was and then make a comment back in the spirit of the thing. What I found insulting was that my reply to Corwin was removed by him in secret with no reason why or PM. It's blatantly unfair and pathetic moderating to insult someone and then delete and hide all signs of their comeback because you want to make yourself look good. If you are willing to go back and forth it is fun and all good, but if you only insult and don't let someone come back with anything it is plain nasty and mean. If anything you should give your reply to Corwin who is the one who abuses his moderator powers because I turned around his insult. If Corwin wants to play with the big boys and insult people, then he should take the advice you gave there and take it on the chin and reply back, rather than being slimy enough to abuse his powers. A level playing field, as they say.
Jan 22, 2007
He insulted you personally, then deleted your reply? Pretty scummy, Corwin.
Oct 19, 2006
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