Witcher 3 - The 10 Worst Features

I play with a K&M and have no control problems what so ever. In fact I positively enjoy it!
Jan 10, 2008
Wow you guys are touchy. $60 isn't that much to some people. I often buy games at launch. I don't spend money on sports or cars, so it's my way of letting off steam.

It's a game… some people won't like it as much as you, big deal.

He probably didn't pay $60, I remember GMG had it for preorder at like $40.
Sep 23, 2008
Only point I agree within the trading system. It works, but could have been laid out more clearly.

I totally disagree not just with that.
The inventory/shop system is keyboard/mouse. If you use the controller, that's your problem, not game's.
And horse control with k/m is great, can't believe someone finds it difficult.

Font size mentioned, I don't have any problem with that.
Oh wait, you're playing the game from your bed? Again, your problem pal!

To the author of the rediculous 10 fails list, I can only say shove off and go write about fails in Destiny and other overhyped garbage.

I bet the next article on GR:
10 fails on Mona Lisa painting
Apr 12, 2009
Font size mentioned, I don't have any problem with that.
Oh wait, you're playing the game from your bed? Again, your problem pal!

Oh great, now the infallible joxer is telling me how to play my games. :) I thought PC was all about choice? Or maybe it's just about the choices that you like?
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Wow, and I thought I was critical in my review. I basically only agree with map zoom, inventory management and to a lesser extent horse and economy. The rather tight economy lead me to use very cheap weapons for quite some time, as the more expensive ones cost a ton to repair, but trading in general? Nah, no issues with it. Inventory management is a hassle though, both in terms of bag space and organization.
Oct 18, 2006
Heh. I point out a few criticisms and the Witcher Defense Brigade comes out to holler me down!

I like this game. I like it.

Do you read the things people post to you or do you just post random nonsense?
didnt read the article. but the game bored me. only played for 2-3 hours. and haven't returned to it for a week. i think i ll uninstall.
no surprise here. didnt expect much from them

Do you have any idea how completely in the minority you are? What similar game did you like better?
Jun 29, 2013
Fonts seem fine to me both on my 120" 1080p projector and my 3440x1440 21:9 monitor.

I have good eyes though,43 and never need glasses of any kind.

Not even sunglasses?...
Oct 27, 2012
Oh great, now the infallible joxer is telling me how to play my games. :) I thought PC was all about choice? Or maybe it's just about the choices that you like?

That reply was addressed at Ovenall.
I don't remember you criticizing lack of dirt under Geralt's fingernails or things like that. ;)

Ah, you mean the horse thing? Maybe I should have posted it better.
You said it's great with controller, I said it's great with k/b, so when it comes to horseriding, it shouldn't matter what you use, right?
Yes PC is all about choice. Should be. For example unlike support on any controls type in this game, Neptunia sucks. Sucks so much I'll never ever suggest buying it on PC regardless of Fluent being enthusiastic about it. I bought it and stepped right in the center of horseshit pile. Don't want anyone else to repeat that mistake.
Do you have any idea how completely in the minority you are? What similar game did you like better?
There is no similar game so that question is not really answerable.
He didn't like the game or made a sarcastic post, it's his taste, his right.
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Apr 12, 2009
My head hurts reading all that bile.
Apr 17, 2007
I installed W3 and started playing last night. I'm really enjoying the game but I had a really rough start.

I installed the game from discs and it went without a hitch. Except that after the last disc, you get a message suggesting you install GoG Galaxy and then unceremoniously quits. I didn't know what GoG Galaxy was, but figured it out in short order.

Double-clicking on my Witcher 3 Desktop Icon only opened up the folder where I Installed the game.

Then from the back of my mind I remembered that there was a day 1 patch to 'activate' the game. I found it and downloaded it to my desktop.

But then I decided to install GoG Galaxy as suggested. I did that. But then, since I installed the game from disc, I had a small delay figuring out how to get my previously installed game recognized as part of my GoG library. About 10 minutes later this issue was resolved.

But now, in my GoG Galaxy Client, the Play button was grayed out and there was a message to the effect of the game was awaiting 'release.' I checked my computer's clock but it was correct.

Double-clicking on my desktop Witcher 3 icon kept on simply opening the folder where the game was installed. Grrrr.

I went to uninstall the game, but the uninstaller reported an error message and quit.

Grrrr. So now I went back to my discs and ran through the installation AGAIN from disc. This takes about 30 minutes.

After the game installed again from disc I opened up GoG Galaxy and yayyyyy it was downloading patches to 1.04. It finished this in about another 20 minutes.

Finally, I could click Play from GoG galaxy and the game started. It took about 15 minutes to go through the tutorial and then the early cut scene leading up to the moment of your first fight.

Then, came a black screen. I could hear Geralt being hit and killed, but all I could see was a black screen. Grrrr… I had to hold down the power button of my PC to turn off my computer because nothing else would resolve this state. I rebooted, started the game, had to watch the whole scene again between Geralt and his master, then comes the first fight and AGAIN black screen. I repeated this cycle several times.

Finally, I went on the net and googled Witcher 3 black screen. Sure enough, others have this problem. One person suggests to turn down certain graphical settings so I did that.

Started the game and it's been playing now for 6 hours without a hitch. I'm having a lot of fun but that installation ordeal was pretty bad.
Oct 18, 2006
Even great games can have flaws, and just about every great game that's console first design is immediately flawed by a crappy UI to suit the inferior controller - Witcher 3 is no different.

But most of what this person wrote is garbage and stretching to come up with petty things to complain about, most of which are non factors.

I Don't care about how font size looks on consoles/TV's - at all - ever. But I'm very surprised that a console first dev would blow it there. I haven't tried it yet but the UI has all kinds of options - dunno if you can fix the font.

Inventory, I agree - Witcher 2 had more tabs and sort options. I would like to see a seperate tab for oils and potiions at the least OR the ability to filter to just those on the consumables tab (and why are books/notes under consumables?) - AND I would like the UI to retain the tab I select between inventory viewings (and what I collapse/expand in bestairy/alchemy/crafting), not reset to default every time - if you need to pop back and forth between screens it's annoying as hell.

I haven't had a problem seeing how much stuff is worth - opening one's eyes is always helpful when doing something other than sleeping. One thing I didn't like about Witcher 2 that's present in Witcher 3 is how "involved" it is to simply deal with a merchant - it's always a full blown dialog sequence you have to get in and out of and sometimes I just want to sell some junk without all the fuss - especially when I have so much crap to sell that I need to find multiple vendors (which is something else I don't like even if it is more realistic, this is a game where most of the females look like supermodels, there's magic, the supernatural - it's not REAL - so let's let vendors have stupid amounts of coin - as with Skyrim and other games that have this, it gets really annoying to have to fast travel around hoping to find vendors who can buy all your crap due to their limited money).

I have no problems zooming the map. Maybe if you want a good gaming experience play on a real gaming system? Just sayin'. It's pretty awesome when somebody complains about the console experience and gives one openings like this.

With the oil thing I think the author is confused with Witcher 2, or my eyes/experience are deceiving me. I seem to be able to apply oils in combat just fine, and as often as I want to thru a battle, along with consume food/drink to replen health and for most battles you can just move slightly out of range of mobs and chill out all you want since most mobs leash. My problem with oils is that it's just a royal pain in the ass to find the one you need in the mass/mess of consumables in the clunky inventory. There's also the thought that you quickly get every type of oil and start to increase their strengh and if you end up using oil for every battle that isn't utterly trivial then what's the point in having them at all...nothing special about a buff that's always available other than the hassle of applying it due to the UI.

I guess the hassle of applying the oils is their "cost" since they have infinite use. Magic indeed.

The horse can be quirky but overall I think the horse is well done in the game.

I also don't get the dude's "difficulty curve" rant - it's an open world and the content doesn't scale to level, so of course you're going to fun into mix of content. A more pertinent complaint I might throw out is that at times the content mix seems scattered or random. You could be level 5 doing appropriate content and veer slightly off the path into a level 15 map feature, or vice versa. I often ran into way too high of stuff doing low level quests and now that I'm lvl 17 I'm fighting level 7 mobs half the time.

I'd extend this to the story quest. You'd have to skip a TON of content to get to Novigrad without being over level and there's like 300 quest steps in Novigrad that are all the same level (or sometimes it dips far lower for some odd reason) and you fight ultra trivial mobs a great deal of the time (and odd how some trivial mobs nearly 10 levels below you can still hit like a truck).

All this said, I would never claim to be that great at this game. My sword fighting is pretty vanilla and/or pathetic, and I'm regularly able to beat down mobs way above my level - a little dodging, use of signs, potions, bombs, rolling around like an acrobat, etc - and some mobs have attack patterns/cycles that give you openings. It might 20 minutes, like some pathetic TERA soloist that thinks they're amazing soloing BAMs, but it can be done!

I guess one thing I might add is that - anybody else notice that a lot of the loot you get is pure crap? I could be level 16, beat down a "hidden treasure" mob that's level 20-24, and I'd still get level 9-12 items as loot. Not that it matters - once you have the witcher sets all other loot is pretty much vendor garbage.
Apr 22, 2013
AND I would like the UI to retain the tab I select between inventory viewings (and what I collapse/expand in bestairy/alchemy/crafting), not reset to default every time - if you need to pop back and forth between screens it's annoying as hell.

I agree. And I also would like the UI to 'remember' which quest I was last looking at instead of always reverting back to the main quest. It's not a huge deal, but is just annoying.
Oct 18, 2006
I guess one thing I might add is that - anybody else notice that a lot of the loot you get is pure crap? I could be level 16, beat down a "hidden treasure" mob that's level 20-24, and I'd still get level 9-12 items as loot. Not that it matters - once you have the witcher sets all other loot is pretty much vendor garbage.

As is the case with XP you can't really have too many good/great drops with so many quests/tasks around. Otherwise you will be swimming in money and/or have OP gear in no time at all :)
Jan 10, 2008
That reply was addressed at Ovenall.
I don't remember you criticizing lack of dirt under Geralt's fingernails or things like that. ;)

I don't remember Ovenall mentioning having a problem with tiny fonts, which I suppose your "playing from your bed" comment was aimed at. The time when I played hunched over a keyboard sitting on a desk are long gone and I'm happily gaming on a comfy couch staring at my TV screen. I'm not complaining, but the game could be better for me with slightly bigger fonts here and there (or have it configurable—PC is choice ;) :D).

Ah, you mean the horse thing? Maybe I should have posted it better. You said it's great with controller, I said it's great with k/b, so when it comes to horseriding, it shouldn't matter what you use, right?

No, I have no problems with the horse. I quite like how it's handled! And I don't have a problem with you having no problem with how it handles on kb/m. ;)

Yes PC is all about choice. Should be.

And so I would like to see more games where you can choose the font sizes and/or scale the UI.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I enjoy swimming and horseriding but one thing which I would like to have is an ability to sneak. Would be great for reconnaissance and a possibility snatch of a loot guarded by mobs which outlevel you. But game had to have been finished at some point and you can't have it all I guess :)
Jan 10, 2008
I guess one thing I might add is that - anybody else notice that a lot of the loot you get is pure crap? I could be level 16, beat down a "hidden treasure" mob that's level 20-24, and I'd still get level 9-12 items as loot. Not that it matters - once you have the witcher sets all other loot is pretty much vendor garbage.
IMO you're missing the point of that loot. It's usually relic stuff you should disassemble for components to use later for witcher gear. I don't think you're supposed to find something that'll outclass everything you already have (except I found some sword recipe for some weapon level 37). ;)
What I noticed as bad with loot are tons weight bolts you can't dismantle nor sell anywhere (well, not really, there is a certain unique Novigrad trader who buys them but his cash total is too low to make much use of him).
Apr 12, 2009
There are great items to be found....they are usually at treasure locations.

Now, my issue with the horse isn't so much the controls I guess it's how it interacts with other NPC's, for instance I did the horse raise event and I was racing towards the bridge I think to go around the out side of the npc or expect him to dodge aside but nope he is a immovable statue, I am wedged between him and the bridge and have backup out of that. Minor, but annoying.

One thing I have noticed though that the more I have played the more the game feels like red dead revolver or GTA....granted there are more story items here, but the way they handled the general world gameplay feels very similar.
Apr 17, 2007
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