Your favorite game so far....?

Well, the thread is about your favourite, not the single best game. I have no idea about what game is the best, but have one favoutite. PS:T remains on my top, and has yet to be challenged.

And that's not a lie.

Hmmm. I may have taken the post I quoted more seriously than you intended.

Yes, you did. ;)

And your favorite game might be a good pick.
Oct 26, 2006
Only one? Well, I'm torn! However…

Since Gothic already appeared in this thread (don't be mad, Gothic, I still love you) I'll have to pick this one:

Final Fantasy VII

Seriously, my life has never been the same again, ever since I experienced this wonder.

(Actually, I sort of have a triumvirate of favourite games ever, but since it's supposed to be just one…)
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
I can't pick a single game, since I have favorites in different eras and in different genrés… Just for fun I started to write a list…

Heck, you couldn't even manage a top 25! :D
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks Thrasher, I just bought a copy off Ebay. I probably won't get around to playing it for awhile, but I'll definitely give it a another try out of my love for D&D.

…Paid a whopping $2.49 for it. :D

*Edit* I just tried the demo again, disabling Draw Acceleration indeed seems to be the answer. I wonder though, am I missing out on smoother graphics having the acceleration disabled? Anyways, the game doesn't seem as bad as I remember it, although the graphics seem rougher than I recall. Does the full version allow you to adjust the resolution?

I just checked the manual, and it doesn't look like you can change the resolution. Maybe otherwise.

I'd suggest getting the boxed version that comes packaged with the very useful full size Official Prima Game Strategy book.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
If I remember correctly the concentration skill was given to the fighter. Why? What use is that to a fighter? I don't even remember being able to choose which skill I wanted. I was forced into whatever they chose for me. I might be wrong here, but that is what I remember.

Yes, the character development system is very limitted as far as 3rd edition skill and feat selection is concerned. However, this was mitigated by being able to multi-class. The strategy guide lists the schedule of feats received for each class. So if you leveled your classes in the right order you'd get feats you wanted when you wanted them. Also skill points are preallocated for a specific subset of skills for each class. The manual doesn't say that fighters get points in concentration, but there may be bug.

But when compared to the goldbox games it's really no different, shrug.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Heck, you couldn't even manage a top 25! :D

There are strong psychological reasons why one shouldn't ask a child if they prefer their mother or their father... let's leave it at that. :bigcry:
Oct 26, 2006
There are strong psychological reasons why one shouldn't ask a child if they prefer their mother or their father… let's leave it at that. :bigcry:

Hehe ... I very much understand and am surprised I could cough up just one!
Oct 18, 2006
To me selecting PS:T is quite easy. It's the only game which made me sad when I finished it, just like finishing LOTR. Because I couldn't play/read it for the first time again.

It's also the only game which have left a lasting impression of me: The question "What can change the nature of a man".
@Zakhary: I just have to follow up on your sig.:

"If you don't succeed the first time, skydiving is probably not for you"
Really? You and thrasher both thought there was something to this game?

With two people now saying that it was fun, maybe I was too hard on it. I've played it twice now and both times driven away by the pure boredom of going back and forth within that dungeon. Who knows though? I'll give it another shot. I've read enough of both you and thrashers posts to know your opinions on games sorta mimic my own.

Did you make it back to the surface for the second half of the game?
The dwarven dungeon pales considerably compared to the Drow / Cultist Dungeon. How often do you get to fight the Drow anyway? There is one ambush sequence that literally took me 2 nights to survive and I'll never forget it! It ranks right up there with the fantastic Balor battle in the fire node in ToEE.
Granted it takes 40-50 hours to get there, but that's where you'll be tested by some clever enemies and reveal the mystery behind the dead city Myth Drannor. Simply put, I thought it was great.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Nope, I never made it that far. I always became too frustrated with walking back and forth in the first dungeon. I didn't even know about the Drow, just the Dracolich and it's oversexed playmate.

I'll definitely try this one again and see if I can make it that far.

Even with that said this game is nothing like the original POR other than the fact that it's set in the Forgotten Realms setting and there are tons of battles. They took out a lot of the fun from the original game. If they just had a few more people to talk to to make it just a little bit more interesting.

Anyways, thanks Todd. I'll try to force my way past that first dungeon :)
Feb 3, 2007
I'm actually looking forward to playing PoR:RoMD now, but I hope the copy I purchased includes a manual. It sounds like they only partially implemented the AD&D 3.0 ruleset.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
If it doesn't come with the manual then you can get it here. I do believe you HAVE to read it because they did tweak the rules quite a bit. It sucks being the first company to make a game with a brand new rule system. :)
Feb 3, 2007
Thanks skavenhorde, my copy should arrive tomorrow or the next day. It's a "new" copy, but it's only the jewel case version, so I'm not sure what to expect.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
There are a few more bugs I remember that particularly frustrated me. Luckily there are easy workarounds.
- To enter the first dungeon there is a door that requires a key to enter. After unlocking the door you lose the key, and sometimes the door locks behind you, keeping you from leaving! Don't panic. There is a different tunnel back to Stillwater in that same dungeon.
- Remove all constitution enhancing items b4 level up. They will cause you to get fewer permanent HPs. Conversely wearing negative constitution items at level up gives you extra permanent HPs.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Yeah, you'd think that would have been an easy fix, but…. Stuff like the above I think is ultimately what really turned off people (that and the hard disk erase ;) ). I don't mind quirks as long as there are acceptable workarounds. They are almost like another puzzle to be solved.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
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