Your Most Anticipated Game(s)

Don't understand "you guys" at all. I feel like there is a new golden age of RPG's just around the corner.

I foresee another age of Diablo clones, MMO-derived over-the-shoulder "action RPGs", and bland Biowaresque slightly-interactive fiction, but we've all got different ways of reading the entrails. :p
Jul 3, 2011
I think it's the Indies that are going into an "Golden Age", not the big names in the "industry".
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
What future releases provide evidence to support this?

Wasteland 2.
Divinity: Original Sin.
Dead State.
Age of Decadence (hoping).

Cyberpunk game. maybe...

Shadowrun Returns. Don't know much about the developer so this is a shot in the dark.

I guess it's more "indie" games that I think will create a new golden age. Indie or AAA doesn't really matter to me though. It's the level of enjoyment I get from playing the game, not the budget or developer/publisher involved.
Jun 4, 2008
The Great White North
Put in the "not so excited" camp for future releases. From my backlog, I am looking forward to playing the Ultima Underworlds and Fallout New Vegas.

I'm with you also. I no longer feel that glow of interest when new games are announced. I'm sure I will still play a few but my interest in gaming has dwindled lately.

Disappointing games and getting older is the cause of it for me. :disappointed:
Oct 1, 2010
I'm mostly anticipating projects I pledged to on Kickstarter, along with some titles from smaller established studios (Runic, Larian)

- Wasteland 2
- Cult: Awakening of the Old Ones
- Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox
- Paper Sorcerer
- Torchlight 2
- Divinity: Original Sin

So yeah, it seems the most interesting things on the horizon are indie or small studio productions. The last AAA game I really looked forward to was Skyrim.
Aug 19, 2011

-Grim Dawn
-Wasteland 2
-Dead state
-Borderlands 2
-Banner Saga
Jan 5, 2010
I'm looking forward to these games coming to PC:

Wasteland 2
South Park: The Stick of Truth
BioShock Infinite
Crysis 3
FarCry 3
Last edited:
Mar 30, 2012
I'm with you also. I no longer feel that glow of interest when new games are announced. I'm sure I will still play a few but my interest in gaming has dwindled lately.

Disappointing games and getting older is the cause of it for me. :disappointed:

I think it's 99% disappointing games. So much absolute crap has come out these last few years that it's hard to get excited over yet even more crappy games. I gave up finding a new FPS worth buying; I haven't found one worth paying $5 for in years. Last truly good one, IMO, was the original Call of Duty and it's expansion. I was sad to find that my favorite server in UO, after 8 years, finally closed. I played there for 6 years, off and on.

It doesn't help that most big name publishers feel they should abuse their customers that actually pay for their products, and treat them like criminals. And install viruses and rootkits on peoples' computers without their permission, or scam them with "activation limits" for the games they bought.

Eschalon 3 is my most anticipated, though I'm also interested in seeing the new Divinity, since I loved the original Divine Divinity. I'm also hesitantly interested in Baldur's Gate: EE. I love the original, not certain about the "enhancements". Wait and see I guess.

I'm also hoping Wasteland 2 is both a good game and does well. I'm not really interested in it that much, never a fan of the post-apocalyptic setting nor sci-fi in general, but if it brings back interest in old-school cRPGs, I'm for it.

Probably the most exciting thing for me is Gabe Newell of Valve stating something to the effect that he considers Windows 8 a disaster for the industry, and is hedging his bets by making all Steam games available under Linux. Given my desire to drop Windows entirely, this works out for me.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Right now, about the only thing I'm looking forward to that has an 'imminent' release date is Torchlight 2. Beyond that, the new Divinity game and Eschalon game. Anymore I'm leery of any game released on multiple platforms. 'Consolization' is out of hand, and I just don't spend money on games released on multiple platforms anymore until they're in the bargain bin and have at least a few good PC reviews.
Oct 18, 2006
Columbus, OH USA
☺Divinity: Original Sin
☺Torchlight 2
☺Grim Dawn
☺Planetside 2
☺Guild Wars 2
☺Age of Decadence
☺Elemental: Fallen Enchantress
☺Mechwarrior: Tactics
☺C&C: Generals 2
Jul 10, 2007
Since we don't seem to have a dedicated Kickstarter thread, here's one I'm anticipating!

Project Giana, a sequel to Giana Sisters, with a cool twist and music by Chris Hülsbeck! :excited:

Okay, the music in the trailer isn't that new, but I'm sure it will be Great!
Aug 30, 2006
I think it's the Indies that are going into an "Golden Age", not the big names in the "industry".

I agree, I'm seeing a lot more Indie games catching my interest lately, namely Botanicula, Dungeons of Dremor, even Rock of Ages.

As for games I haven't yet purchased and/or are awaiting release, I can only really think of Divinity: Original Sin, Darksiders 2, and Wasteland 2.
Jul 6, 2011
California, USA
I foresee another age of Diablo clones, MMO-derived over-the-shoulder "action RPGs", and bland Biowaresque slightly-interactive fiction, but we've all got different ways of reading the entrails. :p

I hope you're not disparaging interactive fiction here :mad:
Apr 18, 2012
1. SpaceVenture (Adventure games are up there with RPG's as my fav game genre to play, and I'm a big Space Quest fan, so I can't wait for this :)
2. Wasteland 2 (Do I even need to give a reason?)
3. Torchlight II (I am prepared to sink many hours into this, with friends)
4. Dishonored (Looks like a fun cross between Deus Ex and Assassins Creed)
5. Shadowrun Returns (I have not played the previous games, but this one looks pretty cool)
6. Jack Houston and the Necronauts (Cool adventure game, with nice visual style)
7. Infamous Adventures (Inspired by Quest for Glory)
8. Project Fedora (Again, I never played the other Tex Murphy's, but this one looks fun)
9. Double Fine Adventure (Tim Schafer, and Ron Gilbert? No need for further explanation :)
10. Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse (It's far off, but I am sure it will be awesome)

Honorable mentions:
Cyberpunk (This is eons away, but the concept sounds cool, and it is by CDPR
Tomb Raider (I'm still a bit iffy on this one, but I did enjoy the latest Tomb Raiders)
King's Quest from Telltale Games (There is almost zero information on this game, but hey, it's King's Quest)

The question is, will I ever actually have time to play all of these?
Feb 19, 2012
Seems like quite of few of you out there have a very pessimistic outlook. I understand, it is fairly warranted, but I see the indie market explosion as a very interesting and exciting development. We're seeing more innovation coming from the indie scene than we have seen in a long time. Sometimes, they are bringing back antiquated game conventions and putting a new spin on them and a few have even redefined how we view games. That being said, there doesn't seem to be many major AAA RPG's in the near future. I think Wasteland 2 and Original Sin have the chance to be even better than some of the great games we have seen over the last couple years though.

As we've gotten closer to Dishonored's release, I have become more intrigued with it. I'm sure I will be all over GTA V as well. It's looking like a revisioning of San Andreas (with GTA IV being a revisioning of GTA 3). I gotta admit, the trailer for Dark Souls also has me intrigued. I think the ambiance is excellent. Despite the fact that, from most accounts, it's a pretty poor port of a pretty excellent game, I think I will be okay with just buying a Xbox controller and downloading the resolution fix floating out there. The supposed frustrating difficulty, if anything, will be the thing that could kill the experience for me.
Sep 16, 2011
I'm not quite sure yet, but I think that The Chaos Chronicles could make it on my personal list.
But I still know too few about it.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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