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Tortured Hearts - Interview with the Team

by Myrthos, 2012-04-12 22:43:03

A short while a go Tortured Hearts appeared on Kickstarter trying to raise $300.000. We talked with the developers to find out more about this game.

RPGWatch: The combat system is an essential part of an RPG, how is this implemented in Tortured Hearts?

Lenore: We planned it as real-time, but on popular demand we switched to turn-based. I’m happy with this; real-time combat has an aesthetic like a movie, but turn-based is more versatile for the player. The basic ideas of combat abilities haven't really changed and also, our main programmer is quite familiar with turn-based combat. In my opinion it adds to the pleasure of mincing your enemy when you can do so contemplatively.

Zoltan: The player will be able to control each member of his party, his inventory, his weapons. Every member will have action points which determine what can be done in that round, and the whole party has a pool of special action points called tactical traits. These tactical traits either buff the party or debuff the enemy for a determined number of rounds. The trait points regenerate according to the skill level and gear of the PC and party members. You use them up, but they come back if you don’t get killed. Defense is important as well as offense.

Information about

Tortured Hearts

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released
