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The Elder Scrolls - The Series turns 30

by Hiddenx, 2024-03-25 19:09:33

PC Gamer looks back at 30 years of The Elder Scrolls and teases The Elder Scrolls 6:

Join us in celebrating all things Elder Scrolls as the legendary RPG series turns 30

Happy birthday, Tamriel.

The Elder Scrolls turns 30 this year, having begun with The Elder Scrolls: Arena in 1994. According to Bethesda it was released on March 25 of that year, though players in some parts of the world seem to have had it earlier—in a user review posted to a newsgroup a few weeks earlier, a player named Doug says, "the sheer size of the land awes me." He then goes on to suggest making a boot disk to deal with memory errors, because that's what PC gaming in 1994 was like.

That "sheer size" of Arena impressed a lot of players. Even its creators downplayed the originality of their creation in favor of emphasizing its scope, with designer Ted Peterson saying, in an interview with Planet Elder Scrolls, "Our experience system was straight out of Dungeons and Dragons and the Goldbox games from SSI—kill the monster and get experience points. Between the influences of Ultima Underworld and Legends of Valour, we weren't doing anything too new. We just did it bigger. Much, much bigger."


Thanks Lucky Day! 

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The Elder Scrolls
