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Monday - October 26, 2015

Legends of Dawn Reborn - Patch 2.0.6 Released

by Myrthos, 22:54

A new patch for Legends of Dawn Reborn has been released.

We have published another patch for Legends of Dawn Reborn! Here is what has been changed and what you will get

  • Bug with text not being correctly displayed in some panels is (hopefully) fixed. Panels in questions were Load Game, Save Game, Shop, Quest Log and Bestiary.
  • Wrong rendering of fog of war in Maps panel (it could be replicated when you set map to be show at 1/3 scree resolution) is fixed.
  • Display of NPCs and monsters markers in the minimap (top left corner of the screen) is fixed.

Also, here are the fixes released since the Legends of Dawn Reborn launch on Steam:

  • The missing text bug in the conversation boxes has been fixed;
  • Clicking on enemies during combat has been reworked. Besides the hitbox, the player can now click on the enemy model itself in order to hit it;
  • The animation speed during combat has been increased for 60%;
  • The number of misses during combat has been drastically reduced;
  • The script for the merchant Morgan Karniolon has been fixed;
  • The maps panel now has activated the display of all icons (locations, merchants, dungeons, etc.);
  • Solved problem with item levels (Level 1 instead Level 20). You have to start from scratch, with a new character.

Tuesday - October 20, 2015

Legends of Dawn Reborn - Released

by Myrthos, 22:50

Legends of Dawn Reborn has been released by Dreamatrix. The game is a re-release of Legends of Dawn with fixes and new features. See the press release below.
In addition there is also an update on the Legends of Dawn Kickstarter page, with more information.

Legends of Dawn Reborn released on Steam


ZAGREB, October 20, 2015 - Dreamatrix, Croatian independent game developer is excited to announce the release of Legends of Dawn Reborn, a re-release of Dreamatrix's previous title, Legends of Dawn, with major upgrades, fixes and a lot of new features.

Legends of Dawn Reborn invites players to the brutal northerly reaches of Narr. Survival depends on your magic, your sword, and your wits.

Events of the Legends of Dawn Reborn take place before those from Wave of Darkness released on Steam Early Access in June.

What makes Legends of Dawn Reborn unique is that it enables you to play without restrictions in a world where you won't stumble upon "invisible walls", or loading screens.

The world of Narr spans across continents through stunning picturesque landscape that stimulates the mind. There are magical regions where the mountains and hills defy gravity, buoyant as balloons. Countless dungeons wait for you to discover mysteries that lie within their cold depths, abandoned camps, impressive docks and grim fortresses that bear silent witness to old battles. Mausoleums and cemeteries. They all await those who are explorers and warriors at heart.

The choices you make during the game play does not prevent you from trying something else later, or simultaneously, if you wish. You are free to play with the classes and combine sword with magic. The choice is entirely up to you.

But, bear in mind. All those beautiful landscapes hide mysterious forces of the dark, spread from the ancient battlefield of Ashglades; warping and poisoning every creature in its path, creating bloodthirsty monsters. You have been warned; this game will not hold your hand, rather, reminiscent of RPGs of the forgotten past, you are left on your own to find out what to do and where to go. Once you accept a quest the clues a rather sparse. But don't despair either, if you don't find your way a growing Legends of Dawn community is here to help.

Major updates, fixes and new features

For the past year Dreamatrix Game Studios has been hard at work on the biggest Legends of Dawn update to date in order to make the ultimate Legends of Dawn experience for existing and new players alike.

The biggest and the most complicated part of this work was to convert the whole game to the new engine, which was created for the purposes of successfully Kickstarted title, Wave of Darkness. The new Dreamatrix 2 engine. 2.5 years in the making, makes the game more stable, more robust, more future-proof, and much easier to patch.

The game is now heavily optimized, thanks to the new 64-bit architecture. There are over 60 major fixes, improvements and new features to Legends of Dawn, including Inventory overhaul, completely changed crafting system, upgraded spell system with mastering, upgraded chest unlocking, major map update, Empowered, Blessed and Cursed items, and many more.

The response to Wave of Darkness during Early Access development phase was great. The players liked the improvements and in general loved the game much more than the original Legends of Dawn. So instead of patching the old engine Dreamatrix decided to port the content from the Legends of Dawn to the new engine and to discontinue the old title and re-release it revamped with the new engine and RPG system "under the hood" and the new price. So here is the list of differences and similarities:

  • Dreamatrix 2, optimized engine used in Early Access title Wave of Darkness
  • Legends of Dawn Reborn is a 64-bit ONLY title. Streaming technology enables playing without any loading screens. All data seamlessly loads in background
  • Huge expandable inventory, bags with item stacking and sorting
  • Completely new informative tooltips holding all data about single item type, including runes, potions and spells; important data about magic level, crafting etc.
  • Redefined Spell generator - create powerful magic out of runes which you collect throughout the world; your spell casting will increase your spell level (visible in tooltips)
  • New full screen map with plenty of filters
  • New advanced crafting system
  • Additional combat animations
  • Upgraded Unlocking System with Keys and Runes: using specific runes or keys players can interactively unlock and activate locked chests or crates and other mechanisms in the game
  • New class of items: Cursed Items, Blessings, Relics etc.
  • Major upgrade with keyboard and mouse navigation
  • Full freedom to explore hundreds of unique locations in any direction
  • Innumerable wild creatures and monsters that drop loads of loot
  • 100% port of Legends of Dawn quests and the world, exactly the same as you know it
  • Achievement system (150) and Steam Cards
  • Original Legends of Dawn is no longer supported or available for purchase
  • Legends of Dawn Reborn IS FREE FOR OWNERS OF Legends of Dawn! If you already purchased LoD do not buy LoD Reborn, you are qualified to get it free of charge.

Sunday - March 29, 2015

Legends of Dawn - Let's Play Video @ MartyrA2J

by Couchpotato, 05:16

Well in-case you want to see more gameplay footage for Legends of Dawn then your in-luck as I found a new Let's Play video on Steam from someone called  MartyrA2J.

He also has a pefert summary of the game.


Sometimes vision, and ambition don't match what is practical. Legends of Dawn is an open world RPG that does little to no hand holding. From the moment the game begins you are pretty much left to figure out things out for yourself. The simple fact is that Legends of Dawn is a game that requires quite a bit of time investment. Does the game have its faults? Yes, what game doesn't? Is there something here that a fan of open world RPGs can bite into and enjoy? Yes, despite some glaring issues. I can only recommend this game to people who know what they getting into.(DO YOUR RESEARCH) This title has plenty of lore and mechanics. The only caveat is it requires patience and sometimes going off the beaten path to read guides and manuals.

Friday - March 27, 2015

Legends of Dawn - Patch 1.51 Released

by Couchpotato, 04:40

Iggy of Dreamatrix announced on Steam his studio has released a new patch for Legends of Dawn. Also don't forget to check out his new game Wave of Darkness.

We just published a new patch for Legends of Dawn, so go on and grab it now.

Here's what you'll get:

Movement update:

We made some slight improvements to player movement. As you already know, there are two ways to move player around - using keyboard or by clicking on the place where we wish our player to move. We have added third type of movement now. Keyboard movement works the same way as before, just press the keys and move your player around. Mouse movement is slightly changed. If you click and release mouse button, your player will walk toward the place you clicked on. However, if you click and hold mouse button, your player will walk toward the mouse cursor.
Delay between click'n'walk and hold'n'walk is 450 ms. That means if you hold mouse for longer than 0.45 sec, your player will start following the mouse cursor.

Another small change we made is the way 'Take All' button works.

That's button with hand icon used to take all items when you open chests or crates, or other itemholders. Before this update this button worked in the following way: for each item in the chest, check if there is empty slot in the inventory and if there is, move item from chest to players inventory. And that's it.

Updated version works similar to this with few small changes. Now once you click on the Take All button, program first tries to match items in chest with stackable items in your inventory. If there is enough stack space, item is automatically stacked. If there is not enough space, program will add items to first empty slot, just as before.

On the other hand, few additional bugs are solved.
Slowdown during the combat with turrets has been fixed. All turrets should work fine now.

Player animation freezing during combat is also fixed.

Problem was caused by old animations.package which did not contain two updated animations for one hand+shield attacks. Current Legends of Dawn data tree contains some 91,000+ files sorted in 8,800 folders. These two animations were packed but not commited to current steam/retail versions. We have included those in the 1.51 patch so that should be it.

Sunday - March 08, 2015

Legends of Dawn - Patch 1.50 Released

by Couchpotato, 04:16

Well a litle late on my end but Aurofinity & Dreamatrix latest update for Legends of Dawn announces that patch 1.50 is now available for automatic download on Steam.

We've made another patch that implements French and Italian languages, as well as better camera view distance.  


Our friends translated Legends of Dawn to the following languages:  


- Alexandre Mangin and his team.  
- Equipe RPG France  
- Chef du projet, traducteur et correcteur-relecteur final : Alexandre Mangin  
- (All_zebest)  
- Traducteur principal et support technique : targus  
- Traducteur : wacas  
- Conseiller linguistique et lexicographe : To_an  
- Correcteur-relecteur : Geralt


Some of you have requested moving camera higher up. In this update we have changed maximum camera height so you can see larger area around the player. There are some technical limitations that we'd like to explain so that you understand how camera position affects world rendering.

Note: The developer mentions the patch might cause some problems.

Saturday - March 07, 2015

Legends of Dawn - Key Giveaway Contest

by Couchpotato, 18:35

Iggy of Dreamatrix Game Studios is offering five members who PM him first a Key for Legends of Dawn. It's your chance to see what the developer can offer.

If you like what you played please consider backing his studios next game Wave of Darkness.So lets get the contest stated, and I hope you five enjoy the game.

Also don't forget to read our interview from last year.

Tuesday - February 24, 2015

Legends of Dawn - Patch 1.30 Released

by Couchpotato, 05:25

Aurofinity & Dreamatrix latest update for Legends of Dawn announces that patch 1.30 is now available for automatic download on Steam, and off the games website.

 A lot of time has passed since we released the last LoD patch, but we are a really small team, and juggling with the new features you'll find in this patch is not a small task.

The big news for everyone that had memory performance issues with the game is that Legends of Dawn is now a 64-bit title (and 32-bit too). What does it mean for you? It means the game is not anymore "smothered" with the 2 GB of RAM limitation, which generated a lot of performance issues, even if the player had a "beast" of a PC. Thanks to the new 64-bit engine architecture, the game can now use all the RAM your system has.

What happens if you have a 32-bit Windows installed? You will still have an option to play last version in the 32-bit mode as you already do. Steam will automatically detect your system version. From this 1.30 version all future updates will be made for 64-bit version only. Therefore in order to experience better Legends of Dawn now and in the future we HIGHLY recommend an upgrade to 64-bit Windows operating system if you have more than 2 GB of system RAM.

Another great news is that we upgraded in-game physics implementation, so NVIDIA PhysX is not dependent on external software anymore. NVIDIA PhysX caused many issues in the past, whether in the scenarios where the PhysX driver wasn't recognized, or in the situations where the user simply forgot to install the drivers. This is now solved.

Thank you Bargeral for sending the link.

Thursday - October 23, 2014

Legends of Dawn - Collector's Box Sent to Backers

by Couchpotato, 05:53

I was notified by the Community Manager of Dreamatrix Game Studios that the Collector's Box version of Legends of Dawn has been sent out to backers.

Legends of Dawn Collector's Edition sent to Kickstarter backers

Dreamatrix Game Studios is thrilled to announce Legends of Dawn Collector's Box has been sent to all Kickstarter backers.

The Legends of Dawn Collector's Box includes game DVD box which includes game manual printed in color and a soundtrack CD; a separate soundtrack CD in its own box, map of the Narr (world the game is set in), Dwarven Chronicle (a fantasy novel about dwarves of the Narr) and the Legends of Dawn t-shirt.

Now the project is completed and we can take a look back at what was an amazing ride. A few years ago we went through phase that probably a lot of indie developer have to pass. Publishers kept rejecting us on the grounds that the game of such scope and complexity can’t be done by such a small team. Especially not if the team is developing its own RPG engine as well. We were not aware of any other truly independent team of similar size and resources who managed to do the something similar either. But giving up wasn't an option for us.

After the release we received a lot of suggestions and feedback from players and we focused on releasing several patches with improvements and on delivering stretch goals. Many suggestion were collected for future patches or our next project as well.

A big Thank You to everyone that helped us reach our goal. We’ll also do our best to keep our fans informed as we continue the drive forward.

More information about Dreamatrix Game Studios' next project can be found on the official Facebook page:

Tuesday - September 02, 2014

Legends of Dawn - Rewards Now Available

by Couchpotato, 05:16

Aurofinity & Dreamatrix have a new update for Legends of Dawn with news almost a year after release that downloadable rewards are now available for backers.

Legends Of Dawn - downloadable rewards now available!

Dear Backers,

Digital rewards ready to go, physical rewards coming soon! 

Yes, rest of digital rewards that you've all waited so patiently for are here, and can be downloaded at: 

 (enter the same email address that you backed with) 

Important (physical rewards): Did your address change? 

   Thanks everyone for sending us your change of addresses for physical rewards but please update us again with your new shipping address, to ensure that your copy of game or Collector Box will be sent out to the right place! We have not yet sent out any physical rewards. We’re set to move on to packaging and sending, as soon as we get the information about the change of address - so hurry up!

Dreamatrix went through a really exciting Kickstarter adventure which resulted in a great success. The most important parts of that success are you and Legends of Dawn. With your amazing support, our dream of completely funding Legends of Dawn, and releasing it to market became reality. 

Although we released the game (digital download) relatively quickly, we sincerely apologize to you for the delay in delivery of the rest of KS rewards. KS is a very caring and generous community and we love the concept that many hands make things possible.

We weren't able to finish the huge pre-press work by the specified deadline. As a small indie team we did not have necessary experience nor the connections. One of the bigger challenges was to find printing companies willing to make small batch of materials for reasonable price. Despite all this, the materials are now ready. We are happy to be able to finally deliver rewards that we promised. For those of you who had to wait so long for some of the rewards we prepared additional rewards which differ depending on tier.

We appreciate your trust, and we’ll do our very best to retain your trust by making great games you love. We gave huge amount of love and work in our products, so we really hope you will enjoy Legends of Dawn and our future games. Please, don't hesitate to let us know how you like the game to our email address.

Dreamatrix Team

Thursday - January 09, 2014

Legends of Dawn - Mod Tools & Patch 1.10

by Couchpotato, 03:13

After going silent for a few months Aurofinity & Dreamatrix have released a new patch for Legends of Dawn, and it includes new modding tools also.

Dreamatrix modding Tools and Patch 1.10 are live!

After months of hard work we are happy to present to you the new patch 1.10 with our Dreamatrix Tools. Despite some rumors we remain committed to our backers. Modding tools beta was an important stretch goal and a lot of unexpected work had to be done to make it happen. We hope that enthusiasts among you will experiment with tools and that knowledge base will start to grow within the community so that others less experienced users will be able to join the fun.

This patch upgrades all previous versions, from 1.00 to version 1.10. Steam players should update the game using Steam client. Everyone else can download patch 1.10 via our site.

Soon you will receive an email with instructions for downloading rest of your pledges.

Thank you Joxer for the link.Wink

Sunday - October 20, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Late Review @ GreenlitGaming

by Couchpotato, 02:09

Greenlit Gaming has posted a late review of Legends of Dawn giving the game a 4.5/10.

The Verdict

Not worth $20. If you have purchased it, try and make the best of it. The development team should have targeted their priorities better. Everything about this game seems very half baked and more time could have been spent on perfecting specific areas as opposed to being a jack-of-all-trades.


The Good

  • Good voice acting
  • Level progression

The Bad

  • Awful camera
  • Level detail
  • Frustrating combat


Sunday - August 18, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Patch Version 1.07

by Couchpotato, 01:05

Aurofinity & Dreamatrix announce on a new kickstarter update that a new patch is now available for download.

We have tweaked creature levels in one of the dungeons. Those were made to reflect slight changes from previous patch. Now players can advance (although very slowly) over max level since killing lvl 8+ creatures will increase player's experience and thus level.

We have also slightly tweaked item levels in merchant shops. Merchants now sell items of various levels. Also scroll of Recea, Scroll of Koshk and Scroll of Korden's Fall are all available in shops.

We have fixed crafting bug that manifested when crafting items while magical item is in first slot in inventory. Bug itself was very easy to fix but very hard to figure out (thanks crpgnut :).

Third tutorial quest (one with spider) used to require that player kills spider after (s)he starts the quest. ow it is possible to kill spider before quest starts.

We have implemented one teleport location per region. Using those players are able to fast-travel to regions previously visited.

Crafting panel had problem with drag'n'drop operation, one of the parameters in the panel was wrong and that could cause problems when dragging panel too much. This problem is now fixed.

We have also made various memory optimizations, both on CPU and GPU. Various language problem are also fixed. Mostly in german language (thanks to Alex). Croatian language had bug which was caused by conversion of text from excel to txt format that caused crash when displaying experience in console window. This is fixed. Camera FOV is now slightly larger. Grass rendering is slightly optimized. It turns out that grass required unproportional amount of resources. This should work better now. Final dungeon (which only had entrance) now has exit. We intentionally prevented players from exiting the dungeon, but scrolls of teleportation made that limitation void. Players can now enter and exit that dungeon as they please. Dual wield combat are sound added.

We are still preparing all rewards, and hope that all will be ready very soon. You will be informed about date.

Thanks go to Joxer for bringing this to my attention.Wink

Friday - July 19, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Patch Version 1.06

by Myrthos, 12:12

Legends of Dawn has been patched to version 1.06, which includes both bug fixes as well as new additions. Here is an overview:

- fixed faith regeneration bug
- German language added
- added fast traveling, Scroll of Korden's Fall, Scroll of Recea and Scroll of Koshk items
- escape key now deactivates main windows before activating options panel
- min experience for killed monster is now never zero, no matter what the difference between player's and monster's level of experience is
- fixed sort runestones bug
- item sorting by bags, not by entire inventory
- added 'sort all' button to inventory that sorts items in all bags
- max weight player can carry increased
- reduced player slowdowns due to encumbrance
- black sky in the distance colored into current fog color
- fixed 1/2-handed swords/axes/maces skills notification in info window
- bows effective only for distances longer than 5 m (to balance melee/ranged weapons)
- added temporary workaround for mouse cursor
More details can be found on their Kickstarter page.

Thursday - July 18, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Review @ IGN

by Couchpotato, 02:08

IGN is the next site to review Legends of Dawn, and judging by the 2.8/10 score given they hate it. Here is what they thought of the game.

The Verdict

Even ignoring its frequent crashes and bugs, Legends Of Dawn's clumsy roleplaying systems and combat are poorly done. But you can't ignore those issues. This amateur roleplaying game shouldn’t even be sold as it is, let alone purchased and played. If you already did, the most efficient way to deal with it is to delete it from your hard drive and demand a refund.

Tuesday - July 16, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Review @ Leviathyn

by Couchpotato, 01:38

We have another review sent in to us for Legends of Dawn. This time it comes from a site called Leviathyn that gave the game a 6/10. I find it a fair score given the state if the game.

The storyline isn’t bad, but it isn’t anything special either. There were some memorable moments in the 10 hours of the game that I played, but there are also long stretches of gameplay that felt like a grind even though I was playing through the main quest line. Luckily the environment and variety of interactions with NPCs kept the gameplay interesting. It also has three separate trading guilds which adds a cool trading aspect not found in other older games. The combat… all there is to say is it’s monotonous.

One aspect of Legends of Dawn I really appreciated was the abolition of the class system. Instead of having to pick between being different professions players are able to customize their characters as they progress through the game. It’s easier to choose how I want to play a game after I’ve had the chance to play through it. It also allows for a much broader customization. The only problem is I’m still not sure the exact bonuses all of the attributes and skills give me, there’s no interface that explains the leveling up system.

All in all Legends of Dawn definitely isn’t the worst game out there. It’ll bring back some nostalgic feelings for old school PC RPG players, but it will also bring back some of the headaches old games have with a lack of user friendliness and lots of bugs. Honestly, you’d probably be better off playing the same old titles you used to play for the same nostalgic effect.

Monday - July 15, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Review @ Noobfeed

by Couchpotato, 00:48

I spent days looking for reviews for Legends of Dawn and found only one. The site is called Noobfeed and the score given is 60/100. It's a fair score considering the state of the game.

As for me I consider it a disappointment with potential if fixed, and Dreamatrix is patching the game at least. Here is a snip of the review.

Jumping into the world of Legends of Dawn is a cruel and encumbering task from both technical and gameplay viewpoints. Due to its rough form, it feels like a beta with a large array of technical inconveniences (lack of point-and-click movement, buggy camera, buggy animations, etc). Gameplay-wise, it is not for everyone as it makes little to no effort to help the player and will require heavy exploration, understanding and good use of the manual. Coming from an indie team, one cannot expect the level of polish and attention that a triple-A title may receive. Legends of Dawn is receiving continuous support from Dreamatrix in the form of patches and improvements. In the near future, it may evolve to meet the call for a proper old-school RPG.

Wednesday - July 10, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Post-Funding Update #26

by Couchpotato, 01:13

Dreamatrix has a new post-funding update for Legends of Dawn. The topic is about patching the game and announcing that patch 1.05 is available.


Legends of Dawn Patch 1.05 now live on Steam!

Important: Please note that for non-Steam version of game, we've just uploaded patch v1.05 to our website and you can download it here:
This patch upgrades all previous versions, from 1.00 to version 1.05. This patch should not be applied to Steam version of the game. Steam players should update the game using Steam client.

Patch 1.05:


- point'n'click player movement

- added map bookmarks

- fixed scroll of faith cost bug

- added level display for wearable items

- various small improvements regarding memory allocations

- fixed doubleclick crash when saving game

Now player can be controlled with WASD to move and by clicking on place you want him to go. Your character DOES NOT search for optimal path. That's up to you as a player. Reason for this is that game is filled with narrow canyons, rocks, fallen trees etc which make pathfinding very difficult. This is not such problem for monsters but it is annoying when your player backtracks when you want him to go forward. AI pathfinding uses path grid with density optimized for creatures, not for player. Also there are many locations where pathfinding will not find most optimal route, for example when player jumps from low cliff, while AI pathfinding will find roundabout route.

Map is now interactive. We have added bookmarks feature to maps panel. Right click on the location on the map and choose "Add Bookmark". You will be able to write short bookmark on that location. To delete bookmark, right click on the bookmark icon and choose "Delete Bookmark". Note that bookmarks are invisible if you place them on area covered with fog of war.

We have fixed the cost of Scroll of Faith. There was bug displaying wrong price when buying scrolls thus making it possible to buy a lot of scrolls and cast many spells thus making game unbalanced.

Wearable items (armors, weapons, helmets, shields etc) now have level shown in tooltip. Also, items that can be crafted now show level of item. Note that when crafting such items, higher level items have much better chance to receive better magical bonuses. Lvl 1 items will at best have Poor or Pitiful prefix while lvl 8 or better items can be everything from Poor to Strong, Mighty and better.

We have fixed game crash that occurred during save game when player doubleclicked on 'Yes' button in confirmation window.

Monday - July 01, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Post-Funding Update #24

by Couchpotato, 03:29

As many of you know Legends of Dawn is a game that requires a few patches. The developers have a new update on the games kickstarter webpage about this topic.

Unbelievable experience! Today was a whirlwind experience where we unfortunately made a series of moves that have angered Kickstarter backers, but also gave us the great success of the first two days of the sale that exceeded our expectations.

The passion and heat on Steam forum are rarely seen. Every day thousands of new users join Legends Of Dawn and it's exciting to follow up.
There are a lot of gamers busy playing and enjoying the game and those who have problems are very vocal, which is perfectly fine when it help us find and fix problems.

To those who expressed doubts or worries if we'll support our customers and improve the game the answer is clear - Yes we will, it's all we will do and will continue to do.

We'll address most important issues ASAP and then add desired features to the wish list.

LoD community is rapidly growing and we are monitoring what you are saying and we try to read everything.

Let's address a few implemented improvements:

We have uploaded another patch to Steam server (v1.02). Regarding players getting stuck - we have added Regenerate action to Options -> Controls panel. Now you can configure a key that teleports you to the last respawn point. We have also fixed small translation bug in non-English languages. 

 The autosave feature is also implemented. You can choose a time interval for auto-saving (never, 10 minutes, 20 minutes or 30 minutes). Autosaved game always takes one slot in the save game list and new autosaves are overwritten over the old one. 

 We have also implemented a QuickSave action. A large number of players requested this feature so that they do not have to activate Options -> Save Game panel each time they want to save the game. QuickSave simply creates new save game called QuickSave each time you press the QuickSave key. You can bind this action to any key, just as you do with other actions. 

 Speaking of keys - we fixed two bugs regarding key configuration. The first bug was that custom key bindings did not work until player activated the Options panel for the first time. The second bug was that camera rotations using keys did not work. Both of these should work fine now. 

 Also fixed is sliding after manual respawn if player pressed respawn key while moving around. 

 Brown screen bug - for some reason, some configurations seem not to have NVidia physics system software or its latest version. Legends of Dawn uses NVidia PhysX to move all game objects. If PhysX libraries are not installed, game will start with black background. We are still investigating why this bug happens since PhysX should be installed with the game. In the meantime you can install the PhysX directly from NViadia site at 

Don't forget to reboot your computer. 

 Next on our list are few assignments regarding movement. We plan to implement left+right mouse key movement forward, and then movement using point'n'click method - that player's character will move by clicking on the location he/she wishes to go. The camera will be improved too. 

 Some PC configurations don't perform well although in many cases weaker configurations when set up properly will work well. Streaming engine sits heavily on your computer resources so if the configuration is bloated or weak you'll experience low FPS. We'll continue to optimize the engine. 

 Huge thanks to all who try to offer information in constructive and inspired way. Big thanks also to our friend at Humble store and we are very sorry for every inconvenience you stumbled upon in trying to acquire your keys. 

Friday - June 28, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Ready for Release

by Myrthos, 01:30

Update number 23 for Legends of Dawn informs us that the game is ready for release.

The game you helped us complete is ready for release. Prepare for an epic fantasy adventure in Legends Of Dawn!
Freedom to explore big world, a comprehensive crafting system, spell generator, system of sacrifices, adaptable creature AI, a compelling story, modding capability, streaming technology, lots of mini games, and oodles of slashing, blasting and looting goodness. We hope that most of you will love playing it as we enjoyed making it. Last few months were totally crazy and we worked around the clock and over weekends to finish it.
We have connected with Humble Bundle to bring Legends of Dawn to you. All our Kickstarter backers should receive their steam keys soon by connecting with Humble Bundle


1. go to the

2. enter the same email address that you backed with 

 Please accept our sincere apologies as things went out of sync and the game went public before we published this update or sent a single announcement. 

As we kept saying during last few months as we stumbled upon so many challenges; for us all this self publishing stuff is totally new so the lack of experience and internal resources resulted in delays and today in confusion. 

However excuse can't help us now, we have to focus on so many things and we'll try to respond to you as much as we physically can. 

 For now we can fulfill tiers partially and as we complete other goodies we'll let you know. At the moment Legends Of Dawn is available on Steam and we are working hard to make it available on other major online platforms.

Here is the launch trailer:

Sunday - June 02, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Post-funding Update #22

by Couchpotato, 00:20

Legends of Dawn has a new post funding update.

Legends Of Dawn - More Languages

As always, we've been hard at work since our last update! This update is going to be more of a changelog, just letting you guys know what we've gotten done in more detail. While not as colorful as some of our other updates, we think you'll enjoy it nonetheless! We've managed to conquer a lot of things, so let's jump right in! 

First off, we've added language configuration options so you can switch between the installed languages more easily. There are more recognized languages, and all of the installed languages will be displayed in the options panel. Voiceover languages are implemented separately. Certain languages (such as Hungarian or Croatian) do not have localized voiceover files. Users playing the game using these languages will be able to use the default (English) voiceover. However, we plan to provide localization kits for download in the future. This will give you, the community, the ability to generate localization files if there is no official localization for your language. 

 We have added the Kickstarter chest containing additional magical items for Kickstarter backers ( Which is thanks to your awesome pledges taking us to $30,000!) Details on how to find and open this chest will be sent to Kickstarter backers via email. Of course, on one is forcing you to read it if you'd like to find it organically! 

 Likewise, we've added the names of all of our Silver and Gold level Kickstarter backers to special thanks in the credits list. 

 We've gone back and made some additional changes to the starting tutorial quests (a few more items, some money added, etc) to make it feel a bit better. 

 We have fixed numerous bugs that a few selected tester are repporting including shading for certain materials, terrain texture detail, and we've fixed some localization bugs for various languages. 

 Audio decompression has been moved to additional thread/CPU cores which makes sound decompression much smoother. 

 Item generation on humanoid opponents (bandits, brigands, etc) has been tweaked to be a bit more balanced. 

 Various fixes were completed regarding voiceover during quests. Additional fixes regarding Steam achievements have been made. 

 Creature parameters processing has been upgraded. Framerate during streaming has been greatly improved since the last streaming upgrades we did a while back. 

 We're going to continue working hard to get Legends of Dawn completely finished and at a high level of polish that you deserve. Once again, we thank you for your patience and support. Truly, we can not express how grateful we are to have fans such as yourselves, and count ourselves very lucky!

Wednesday - May 08, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Post-Funding Update #21, Achievements

by Myrthos, 13:09

The Legends of Dawn devs bring us news that their game has over 140 achievements and that this will be fully integrated with Steam (although it also works off-line). In addition there is also news on voice-overs and the beta.

As we informed you on March 20th we got Steam SDK and beside working on voice overs we were studying that stuff. So over the course of last few weeks we have revamped Achievement system. This is mainly due to the fact that now we have access to Steam systems. We are striving to make the game as compatible with Steam as we can. This, however, does not mean that non-Steam players will lack anything. All achievements are available in off-line mode as well.

Our upgraded Achievements panel had three categories with 7 achievements in each category. After these new upgrades we have implemented over 20 achievement categories with more than 142 different achievements. We hope this will make better playing experience for all our players.

Some of these achievements are quite easy to complete and some are really difficult. Some of them even require that you play the game multiple times.

We'd like to hear in comments section about experiences that you had with Steam achievements (particularly with single player RPGs).

And on the beta:

Yet another unexpected and important job is in front of us; Many backers requested the game through GoG and we were already in discussions with them about releasing Legends of Dawn on their platform. However they request that the game should be playable 100% in off-line mode. Legends of Dawn isn't online game however we built it in a such a way that the game requests an IP so the computer has to be connected to router when starting the game. Afterwards the connection isn't needed however this is a limitation that they do not want so as soon as we test the achievement system we'll work on that.

Originally we planned to release the beta as soon as we test all VOs, however expansion of the achievement system and planned work on GoG's request are core features that have to be a part of beta testing so we'll first do all that and then we'll have to learn how to publish the beta through Steam to a selected few testers.


Saturday - April 06, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Update $19, More Voices

by Myrthos, 17:55

The latest stage of the Voice Over activities for Legends of Dawn are provided by the devs, with some examples in a video.

Almost all VOs have been received and checked and are ready to be integrated in game. Here is a small sample of the work that the great people at Audiogodz did. We are very happy with results and we hope that in the future we'll be able to afford to add animated characters and cut scenes to complement such good voice acting.

Lani Minella has done great job by picking top voice actors and by directing them to such a level of performance. Although our budget was small compared to what they were accustomed to when recording sessions for RPGs from the big guys, she managed to get a team of 16 people on board for Legends of Dawn, most of whom had to give numerous voices to over 60 NPCs . We'd like to thank each of them, so thank you Lani, Claudia, Erin, Lauren, Adam, Barry, Bill, Dave, David, Eric, Gabriel, Marc, Sam, Stephanos, Terry and Tim.

They have also provided us with new emotes so all the old "uhhs", "ahhs", "ouches" etc. we'll be replaced with fresh and much better expressions.

This is it for now! We'll come back with the update on how the Steam integration is going on and even before that we will send backer survey where we'll ask you about the details such as your names for the credit section, shipping addresses etc.

Thanks to all who joined our forum and we hope many more we'll join. Thanks for actively showing your interest in Legends of Dawn and for spreading the buzz! Special thanks to all of you who are showing patience and understanding regarding release delays. 

Thursday - March 21, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Update #18, Voices

by Myrthos, 12:21

An update for Legends of Dawn shows that the voices will be handled by Audiogodz, who apparently worked on some big titles.

Working with Audiogodz is a big step up from our original modest plans and we hope you'll appreciate it. Audiogodz worked on World of Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, RIFT, Skyrim, Neverwinter, Star Trek Online, Torchlight, Sims, and more! We are humbled by being in a position to work with the best in the industry. You made all this possible. As we get and prepare the AV materials we'll post more extensive update about their work. However don't worry about the updates, we'll be working around the clock on this project; during our normal working hours on the game, and at night when, in the USA it is day time, we have to be available to assist Audiogodz with their VO sessions.

We were Greenlit at 26th February, however it took some time to go through their system and only today we've received access to the SDK which we'll start to study right away. It is always a possibility that Steam might have some unexpected requests for changes, however we do hope integration will go smoothly and the game will be approved quickly.

  As soon as the VO recordings are edited and integrated we'll probably ask a few selected backers to help us with beta testing. We don't have resources to follow up with too many of you so we'll try to select those who are experienced testers and can help us detect existing issues as opposed to overflowing us with new ideas and suggestions that may take us weeks or months to implement or hours just to respond to. If any of you feel you can and would like to help please feel free to send us an email thorough the Kickstarter.

Wednesday - February 27, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Update #17, Greenlit

by Myrthos, 23:00

Update #17 of Legends of Dawn brings us news that it has been Greenlit on Steam.

Dreamatrix's fantasy action RPG, Legends of Dawn, has been selected as one of many great titles to be included in the February 26, 2013, round of Greenlit games by Valve Software's Steam.

It's been a long road to this point, and while we were prepared to forge ahead if Legends of Dawn wasn't selected in this round, we couldn't be happier that the fans have given us their support and made it a reality! Thanks to Valve and Steam, we'll be able to offer the fans a great digital distribution choice, which we're very excited about!

The final steps are being taken to get Legends of Dawn to the public, which just boils down to finalizing the voiceovers and touch-ups at this point. Even though we're near the finish line, we're going full-steam (haha) ahead to get everything wrapped up and into the hands of the fans as quickly as we can.

We here at Dreamatrix want to thank all of those who voted once again; without your support, this wouldn't have been possible.

P.S. After several weeks of delay finally we received the funding. We have chosen VO recording studio one week after KS campaign ended however now those guys took some other bigger project and we are negotiating with other studios trying to find the fastest solution. We'll post an update for all when VO recording begins.

Friday - February 08, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Update #16, Player's House

by Myrthos, 21:56

Legends of Dawn's update number 16 is about the player's House and that Amazon hasn't payed them yet and they are now in the top 25 of Greenlight.

In the mean time we put some effort to implement one of the features mentioned here at Kickstarter. This feature was not part of the original design or stretch goals but we thought it was nice idea and it did not take too much time to flesh out. So here it is - now you will be able to buy and decorate your own house in Legends of Dawn!

A player's house is used as safe place to rest and store items you've found on your journey. You will be able to buy shelves, closets, weapon racks and other item holders. You can also buy a bed for rest and more than 40 different decorative objects!

Wednesday - January 30, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Update #15, Sarium Dungeon

by Myrthos, 12:06

The Legends of Dawn devs bring us update number 15, which is about the Sarium Dungeon.

Sarium Outpost Dungeon! (Stretch Goal)

We just finished implementation of the Sarium Outpost dungeon! This dungeon was made due to the high Kickstarter support, so thank you all our supporters.

For all of you, this dungeon was made as an end point of one of the quests. You will have to find specific relic that used to be in the Sarium Outpost. That's small fort at the north of the map. Sarium Outpost was overrun by monsters and destroyed and relic used to be in it. Right now, relic is beneath the outpost, in the dungeon that used to be cellar that expands into natural caves. There was last stand where soldiers of the outpost withdrew beneath the outpost in hopes to defend against the monsters. You will encounter temporary barracks, priest's quarters, ancient mausoleum and more. Somewhere in the dark and real deep, where nobody goes, stands an ancient monument, with all the backer names.

Friday - January 18, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Update #14, Funded

by Dhruin, 22:13

The Legends of Dawn Kickstarter has closed with $47.6k from a $25k goal, meaning all three stretch goals were achieved, including the mod tools. Now the real work begins:

Ahead of us is a lot of work:

- choosing a team to do voice overs and integrating them and paying for licenses (primary goal)

- adding content of 3 stretch goals

- final testing, including testing the changes integrated as per your requests

- finding online place for you to download your files when we prepare them

- finding printing services for physical tiers; Collector’s boxes, DVDs, books etc.

- sorting your addresses and finding ways to send you stuff into many corners of the world

- preparing RPG toolset (Beta)

If any of you are experienced with this and would like to suggest good 3rd party services we'd appreciate it very much.
The most important work of all is we have to continue to build up LoD community and raise our chances on Greenlight. The target we reached here is sufficient to finish the game and to do stretch goals work. However we do have to sell the game in order to secure our existence and development of Legends of Dawn sequels. 
So please keep spreading the word and direct your friends to:

Thursday - January 17, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Updates #12 and #13

by Dhruin, 20:56

As Legends of Dawn enters the last hours (18 to go as I type) Dreamatrix has kicked up two more updates. The first confirms passing the $40k stretch goal and offers some background on the soundtrack, while the latest is a combat video.

$43k down, so the mod tools stretch goal ($45k) looks a certainty.

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Update # 11

by Aries100, 00:43

An 11th update to this game's Kickstarter page has been posted by the people at Dreamatrix. They have now reached their 40,000 US dollars goal. You can see a new video featuring non-combat gameplay as well. A quote from the text then - about the Oracles Stone:

Oracle Stones

Oracle stones are ancient statues used to help druids of old to gather knowledge. You can use them to identify magical items. Magical items have icons with sparkles. You will only see the name of the item, but you will not know what that item does until you identify it. Identified items change their icon and then you will be able to fully use that items special abilities. Clicking on Oracle Stones identifies all items in your inventory. Be careful to remember the places where Oracle Stones are placed. They are very rare and hard to find.

Source: GameBanshee

Monday - January 14, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Update # 10

by Aries100, 23:09

The Legends of Dawn Kickstarter page has seen its 10th update. They are now at 35,000 US dollars and hope in the next 3 days to reach their 45,000 US dollars goal. Reaching the 45,000 US dollars goal means they will release a set of mod tools called the Dreamatrix Engine. Here's a quote:

Dreamatrix engine is complete RPG toolset. Using an intuitive node system, even those without prior programming experience can produce impressive results. The Creature Editor allows for the quick creation of AI objects, including non-player characters (NPCs), monsters and animals. Using this module we can assign various animations to AI states (including combat animations, death animations, idle animations, movement animations and more). It also allows us to link various sounds to each of these animations. Using this plugin you can edit creature stats, parts of the creatures which can be damaged, which spells and/or special attacks they use, scripts assigned to them after they die, spawning rates, etc.

Saturday - January 12, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Update # 9

by Aries100, 22:23

The ninth update for Legends of Dawn at their Kickstarter page tells us that they have reached their first stretch goal of 30,000 US dollars. They also provide information of the rpg balance system. Here's a snip:

One question we were regularly asked is how all those systems will be balanced. There is no simple answer, however one thing we did not want to do is to manually tweak everything. That's simply impossible when you factor in how many different things our game is calculating at any given moment. That sword you are carrying is fine, but the damage caused to creature is not just the damage stat that sword carries, but also the damage bonus caused because of your exceptionally high strength score, the damage bonus from that stinky red potion you drank two minutes ago, the damage bonus from your one-handed swords skill you so patiently developed since you started playing, and the bonus you get when fighting elementals since your Elemental Lore skill is higher than average.

Source: GameBanshee

Thursday - January 10, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Updates #7 and #8

by Myrthos, 12:21

Two new updates for Legends of Dawn appeared yesterday. One about the stretch goals and mod tooling, and on on new tiers.
They are currently at $28K with 8 days to go, so the first stretch goal should not be too difficult to achieve.

Here are the new stretch goals. We'll keep listening to new suggestions during the KS campaign and we may change and add new tiers and goals based on your feedback.

CHALLENGES - 10 dead swordfish scattered throughout the world of Narr will reveal the secret of the guardian - Xocotus
The first player who finds a dead swordfish and reports the found response sentence on dreamatrix forum will get raward. For example a free digital download of our next title.
Only one award per player.

BACKERS CHEST full of items on secret location

Only backers will get email with instructions how to open because the chest will have to be open not by click on it but rather on secret object.

BOOK ITEM for backers which will give you the opportunity to permanently increase the value of your ability scores

RUNES one magic rune, two chest unlocking rune and one bridge unlocking rune

MAGICAL WEAPON (unidentified)

You will find that magical items have to be identified in oracle shrines in various locations throughout the world, to discover the item's unique properties.

RUINS Two building with rich rewards


With some unique items with systems of leveler players needs to turn on or off in order to get through. At the end will be special item rewords and monument with names of all KS backers


5 abandoned Elven water mills with rewards, scattered around

We believe offering moding tools is a crucial factor in helping our vision for the future LoD titles. Moding tools will give passionate players opportunity to add their content, ideas, do changes which may give everybody else new things to play with. It will also give us feedback what users want so it will help us make Legends of Dawn 2 much more better. The tools will be free and only for non commercial use in first phase.
Original stretch goal for the tools is 80k. We could save a lot if we release it without documentation and tutorials. We planned to make improvements to make it more user friendly and clear. We wanted to update several module to make them more powerful. However even without such refines / improvements it is very useful and powerful toolset. Since probably can't reach original stretch goal we are offering a compromise. Release of beta tools (for free) in it's rougher less polished form without the documentation and tutorials. Hopefully community will help us create those.
After the game is released you will be able to download all the tools used to create the game.

Tuesday - January 08, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Funded

by Dhruin, 21:16

There's no update as yet but Legends of Dawn has passed their $25k goal and now they are working on refining their stretch goals:

During last 20 days we received several suggestions for the new stretch goals and tiers. Now would be a perfect moment to jump in with your ideas and wishes, regardless if they were already mentioned here.

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Update #6

by Myrthos, 12:46

In update number 6 of the Kickstarter Legends of Dawn (just $1K short of being funded) we are introduced to some of the non-combat parts of the game.


Maps panel shows the world of Narr and areas around Korden's Fall - village where players start the game. Maps panel takes care to display all locations that you have visited so far. It also shows different locations of interest such as inns, god shrines, entrances to dungeons and much more.

During the travel you will find wells. You can refill your water skins in them. Drinking fresh spring water is good way to refill your faith. Beware however, water skins themselves are rare and wells even more so. Remember where they are, you will need them.
In addition there is also a video showing some non-combat gameplay.

Friday - January 04, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Update #5

by Dhruin, 23:10

Dreamatrix has whipped up a new Kickstarter update for Legends of Dawn as they pass $20k of $25k with 13 days to go. This update focuses on crafting:


Crafting is the part of the game that allows you to create your own items. There are 7 crafting skills you can use for crafting:
- armorsmithing

- cooking

- herbalism 

- jewelcrafting 

- leatherworking 

- metalworking 

- weaponsmithing


Tuesday - January 01, 2013

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Update # 4

by Aries100, 23:06

A fourth update can be found on this game's Kickstarter site.  They have now collected, via Kickstarter, nearly 16,000 US dollars, their goal is to collect 25,000 US dollars.

The pledge total has reached over 15.000$ which is 60% of the target amount and we now have 700+ backers which is amazing. We still have $10.000 to raise in the following 17 days, so please continue spreading the word.

They also tell about how the player advances:

Player advancement is represented with player levels. Each time player solves a puzzle, defeats opponent, finished quest etc. (s)he receives experience. After certain amount of experience is gained, player levels up. This is (almost) standard for RPG games. Players do not gain skill points through usage of specific skills but rather through redistribution of skill points that are gained after player levels up.



Source: GameBanshee

Monday - December 24, 2012

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Update #2 and #3

by Myrthos, 23:14

Two new updates are available for Legends of Dawn offering quite some new information. In update number 2, several questions that were brought forward are answered about DRM, saving, re-spawning, quest types and difficulty levels.

Game has multiple difficulty levels. You can play in easy, normal, hard or legendary mode. In easy mode creatures are less dangerous, but your level and skill cap is quite low. You can finish the game but you will not see many items or spells game has to offer. Normal difficulty is what we expect most of the players will use. Hard is for hardcore players only. Legendary is for masochists. Monsters are twice as dangerous, they respawn quicker, they are more aggressive, attack in hordes, items are more expensive and merchants are trying to rip you off with their prices. :) However maximum player level, maximum skill level, maximum spell and crafting levels are almost 50% higher than usual, chests and other itemholders contain more items and you can find and craft hundreds of new items (mostly magical items) not available in easy and normal gameplay modes.

The third update goes into the influence of difficulty level on game play.

Each difficulty level has different limits regarding max level cap, max skill levels, number of craftable items, number of items per itemholder, monster strength and so on. We thought about it and decided to test the following idea. Instead of changing existing difficulty levels and rules, we implemented fifth difficulty level - Custom.

Custom difficulty level allows you to configure various parameters before the game starts. This way you can configure game to run in easy mode but with all items enabled, or you can start the game in legendary mode but with lowered monster health, or any combination of 8 basic difficulty parameters you would like. Lead programmer had to throw quite a few special programming spells to the code to make it work without endangering the balance.

Sunday - December 23, 2012

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Update #1

by Dhruin, 22:25

Dreamatrix has whipped up their first update for their Legends of Dawn Kickstarter, primarily discussing combat. Currently they are at $8.5k/$25k with 25 days to go, which looks like a good position, though one assumes the holidays will put some sort of dent into pledges.

Combat is mix of WoW and Diablo. Regular attacks work very similar to Diablo, you click on the monster and your player attacks it. One click per attack. There are cooldowns after each attack, but for most weapons they are very short, half a second or so. Only two-handed, big weapons and ranged weapons such as bows and arrows have noticeable cooldowns. Cooldowns for these weapons are introduced to compensate their increased damage and/or range. Cooldowns are also affected by player's skills, active spells, other effects such as monster auras etc.


Spells work more like WoW spells. Each time you click on the monster, that monster is selected. Click on the spell icon casts that spell toward the monster. This works for missile spells. There are other types of spells, for examples protection spells which work on player and do not require target, or ward spells which create magical wards on the ground beneath the caster.

Skills also play big role in the combat. There are separate skills for all major weapon groups which increase your chance to hit monster. Also, there are “Lore” skills which show how experienced you are to fight creature of specific type (undead, animals, spiders, reptiles etc.). You can use Bestiary panel to search database of creatures you have encountered. As you fight more creatures, you will get more information about them. For example, when you kill single spider, bestiary will show it's level, health and faith (equivalent to mana). However if you kill 50 spiders, bestiary will display spider's ability scores, resistance, attack/defense scores, damage and more.

I also asked them about the quest design in the comments and while it seems quests tend toward the typical action/RPG fare, there is some scope for more depth including factions and a reputation system:


Actually there are many non-combat quests in the game. There are many NPCs that will ask you to complete various quests such as those where you have to find items or carry items to another NPC, those that require you to find or explore specific locations, those where you need to talk with another NPCs etc. Some of these quests are in towns so there will be no combat in those quests, however there are some quests that require you to travel through wilderness or to go to locations that are filled with monsters. Even though those quests are non-combat in nature, it may still be required to kill few critters just to get where you have to.

Some of these quests can be finished in only one way (for example quest that requires you to find specific location). Other quests can be solved in multiple ways. For example, if quest requires you to bring herbs to NPC, you can solve that quest in more than one way. That includes finding the herbs in various chests (for example in dungeons), or you can use herbalism skill to collect plants in wilderness, or search warehouses in the city, you can buy herbs from NPC merchants or you can even try to solve some other quests that give you what you need as reward.

Each solved or failed quest modifies your reputation with factions. Reputation affects way NPCs act toward you. Reputation also modifies prices with merchants of that faction. It's worth mentioning that some quests require you to choose way to solve quest that will positively affect your reputation with one faction and negatively with another faction. Factions in the game are not always in peace with each other, so solving quest for one faction may reduce your reputation with other one. Generally speaking it is best to try to keep every faction as happy with you as possible.

Another type of quest (which is actually single game-wide long quest) is quest for artefact pieces. Dawn artefact is broken in many peaces and in order to finish the game you will have to find all of them. Pieces are scattered throughout the game and usually well guarded - both with monsters and with puzzles. Finding these pieces is also one of the 27 achievements player can solve. Achievements are divided in three categories - exploration, combat and crafting. Each of those three categories has nine different achievements. Solving specific achievement brings you additional experience.

Check the comments for more good information but, for example:

  • Sys reqs
  • DRM-free for Kickstarters
  • Reasons for limited re-spawning
  • No scaling
  • Monsters have morale level



Thursday - December 20, 2012

Legends of Dawn - Kickstarter Launched

by Dhruin, 12:27

Remember Legends of Dawn, which we highlighted with a teaser trailer a couple of weeks ago? Dreamatrix has launched a Kickstarter campaign for this open world game, asking for $25k to finish the game off. The interesting thing is the game is almost done, so delivery is estimated at February 2013, only a couple of months away.

The game is described as "hardcore" and "isometric", although to my mind the style looks more like Two Worlds. Here's a snip:

Another quality that makes Legends of Dawn interesting is the freedom of direction and movement. Most games force a player to follow the main storyline and forbid any deviation, or significant veering off the set course. Legends of Dawn is more sympathetic to your playing needs. You are free to wander wherever tickles your fancy within the continent, without limitations, under one condition. Stay alive. We have been careful to ensure that the quests only suggest, rather than impose direction of movement. Your journey is in your hands.

The first thing to notice about LOD is that it has an old school style and feel to it, with some unique features which differentiate it from classic games of this generation.

This is not a game to appeal to casual gamers, it is a hardcore fantasy game with a large, diverse world filled with a lot of dangers, intrigue and mystery.

  • Choose among 3 different races - Human, Elf and Danian and 2 genders - male or female
  • Explore hundreds of unique locations (dungeons, forts, camps, cemeteries, docks, mountains, canyons, flying islands, swamps, temples, shrines etc.)
  • Fight your way through more than 20 dungeons, caves, crypts, mausoleums and catacombs and rest in 3 cities - Human, Elven and Danian
  • 150+ types of wild creatures and monsters that drop several loots so you stand a good chance of getting multiple valuable items
  • Adaptable creature AI: depending whether it is day or night, creatures spawn and act differently. Weather conditions also influence a monster's behavior
  • Players are free to move in this nonlinear world, in any direction they choose. As long as they have the necessary items or skills to survive in the field
  • Combat and magic: A combination of Knight and Mage will work together without class restrictions and players have a wide choice of weapons or spells, they are able to use in combat
  • Discover different ways to use and combine more than 35 combat, creature lore, crafting, gathering, resistance and devotion skills
  • A complex crafting system with over 25.000 usable items, allows you to make everything from food, metal, wood, stone, leather to weapons and fashion armors
  • Unlocking System with Runes: using specific runes players can interactively unlock and activate locked chests or crates and other mechanisms in the game
  • System of sacrifices: The 3 gods; Perun, Veles and Svarog each have their own shrines throughout the continent. Activating a shrine opens the sacrifice panel with options to sacrifice items and gain divine favours
  • Streaming technology enables playing without any loading screens. All data seamlessly loads in background.

Saturday - May 26, 2012

Legends of Dawn - New Trailer

by Dhruin, 03:28

Dreamatrix has released a new trailer for their action/RPG, Legends of Dawn. A reminder on the game:

LEGENDS OF DAWN is an exciting Fantasy RPG Action Adventure set in Narr, a unique and open Fantasy world. More than a hundred intriguing locations like dark dungeons, mysterious monster camps and flying islands await discovery. Experience the world in a classic 3rd person point of view. Be blown away by the fantastic tale of treason and fear in LEGENDS OF DAWN.

Equip your character in one of the various cities and get new quests from any of the teeming NPCs. You will be forced to use creativity and innovative fighting styles to solve missions and survive. Mage or Knight will work together without class restrictions – it is up to you to combine your skills and create the perfect fighting style to defeat more than 150 different opponent types. But. . . be careful. Your enemies will change tactics (because of different weather conditions or the day & night cycle, for example). They guarantee continuous surprises. Solve more than 100 quests and get the answers to all secrets of the LEGENDS OF DAWN.

Walk your hero to avenge injustice – the fate of the world is up to you in Q3 2012.

Monday - January 16, 2012

Legends of Dawn - FAQ

by Dhruin, 21:17

I haven't been following this very closely but Dreamatrix posted a FAQ for Legends of Dawn last week - head over for a look.

Where do quests take me?

Each player that performs a quest will have a different experience. Two different players going on the same quest may not follow the same steps, because you can solve a quest in several different ways. NPCs often have something to say, or a quest to offer. The NPC will describe what you must do next and your Quest Log will be updated. You can check the status of your quests with the Quest Log.

Monday - September 12, 2011

Legends of Dawn - More Details, Trilogy Planned

by Dhruin, 22:52

GameBanshee followed up with Dreamatrix about Legends of Dawn for more information after the release of last week's teaser trailer. Here's a snip from the response they received:

There will be top-down perspective camera in the game. It can be freely rotated around the main hero and you can zoom in and out. This is not a pure hack'n slash game, but [it has] a lot of similar elements. At this moment, we cannot afford an expensive production and fancy advertising, but the ideas within our work already distinguishes it from others significantly.

We are open and willing to try and include new ideas. We invite your readers to join our forum to present and discuss their ideas and whatever they would like to see us include in the game. Legends Of Dawn will be a trilogy, the next two sequels are already in the works and it would be exciting to see some suggestions included in them to an extent.

Sunday - September 11, 2011

Legends of Dawn - Teaser Trailer

by Dhruin, 01:03

Bluesnews points out a teaser trailer for Legends of Dawn, an "action & adventure RPG" I can't recall seeing previously from Dreamatrix (Spaceforce Rogue Universe). The ~40 second video is half logo and half CGI (?), so don't expect too much. Looking at the official site doesn't reveal much because despite quite a bit of descriptive text, there's almost no detail on the basic gameplay although it it described as having no loading screens and "players are free to move in this non linear world, in any direction they choose".

Looking around the 'net, it appears to be have been announced back in 2008 by Croation developer Provox, according to IGN, who have presumably since been acquired by Dreamatrix.

Source: Blues News

Information about

Legends of Dawn

Developer: Dreamatrix

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Combat: Real-time
Play-time: 20-40 hours
Voice-acting: Partially voiced

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2013-06-28
· Publisher: Dreamatrix