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Monday - November 22, 2021

Shadows: Awakening - Ye Olde Gamer Review

by Silver, 22:52

Ye Olde Gamer has reviewed and recommended Shadows: Awakening.


Welcome to our Shadows Awakening review. I’ve mentioned before that in the realm of Action RPGS, Diablo II is the king… proof of this is that almost every game tries to replicate its winning formula in some capacity. Some, like Grim Dawn and Titan Quest, do it very successfully, and some well… not so much.

Last year I played Wolcen… a game that desperately tried to take the old Diablo II formula for a spin. The leveling system and the way in which you learn and improve your skills are different from your standard fare action rpg, it’s a lot more story-based than your typical ARPG and it even introduces dodge roll mechanics in the hopes of bringing the game a little closer to a… Dark souls experience I suppose.It seems to me like the developers were trying hard to innovate but at the same time they weren’t really considering the genre’s possibilities beyond the Diablo II formula. And… well… however great Diablo II was… an action RPG can be different from Blizzard's Classic. Just like Capcom’s Street Fighter formula is not the only game in town when it comes to fighting games, nor World War II the only theme for a shooter…

And I think Games Farm proved to every aspiring and established developer out there, that the action RPG genre may yet still be turned on its ear… And Shadows awakening does turn the genre on its ear.This is more of a story-based action role playing game than most of its peers and its combat its combat revolves more around "combat tactics" than character builds. Also it's not much of a looter, but it's still one of the best in the genre.In this video we'll cover Shadows Awakening as well as its two DLC's The Chromaton Chronicles and Necrophage's curse.

Sunday - December 16, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Necrophage's Curse DLC Available

by Myrthos, 23:12

A new DLC for Shadows: Awakening has been made available.



Necrophage's Curse creeps into Kalypso's realm-hopping RPG

Bracknell UK, 13th December 2018  Death is only the beginning! Kalypso Media has braved the darkest depths of the Heretic Kingdoms to announce that Necrophage's Curse, the latest blood-tinged DLC for Shadows: Awakening, is available now on Steam, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One.  

In Necrophage's Curse, the Devourer corrals his strongest souls to confront the Necrophage, the Eater of the Dead. Players will rise above death itself as they investigate a deadly curse and reveal the harrowing secrets of the Necropolis. Along the perilous journey, players will battle with the eponymous Necrophage and consume his soul to add this unique puppet to the party. Players can begin the DLC both by starting over from scratch or by heading back to Kyallisar in an existing adventure. Gruesome enemies, challenging puzzles and quests await!


Tuesday - October 30, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - new DLC

by Myrthos, 12:37

The Chromation Chronicles is a new DLC for Shadows: Awakening.


A powerful new puppet awaits in a mystery

forged of magic and metal

Bracknell UK, 29th October 2018  Out at the northern edge of Thole lies the mysterious Arcanum Laboratory, a long-abandoned place where Tholean mages were said to be involved in ruthless and immoral magical experiments that granted the power to bring inanimate metal to life. Perhaps they succeeded, perhaps not - whatever the truth of the rumours, the full story of these heinous experiments has never been chronicled...until now.

Kalypso Media is proud to announce that the first thrilling DLC for its acclaimed action RPG Shadows: Awakening is out now for the PC version, with console versions to follow in November 2018.

In The Chromaton Chronicles, the Devourer and his puppets will brave the Arcanum Laboratory; a stern challenge for even the most battle-hardened souls as you quest to gather intel about the remnants of the controversial experiments carried out in the latter days of Thole. Unleash the tortured spirits of the Tholean mages and follow their trail through the shadows to finally unveil their sinister intentions. Along the way, you'll also assemble the missing pieces of the Chromaton Heart and breathe life into the Chromaton Golem: a powerful, all-new puppet with devastating skills. Whether you're starting a fresh adventure or returning to Thole at a later point in the story, players at all stages of the game will be able to start the DLC and obtain their powerful new warrior.

Alongside The Chromaton Chronicles, Kalypso is also pleased to confirm that the Legendary Armory Pack is also now available to purchase for the PC version of Shadows: Awakening, which contains three powerful armour/weapon sets as well as a digital artbook and soundtrack.

In addition, the PC and console versions are also receiving a special Halloween update, which will include a range of bug fixes and improvements, along with some very special new items and a limited-time Halloween event, which places seasonal decorations throughout the game and also offers an intriguing new item for your armoury...


Wednesday - October 03, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Review @ Games Xtreme

by Hiddenx, 13:28

Games Xtreme has reviewed Shadows: Awakening:

Shadows: Awakening Review

Heretic Kingdoms Saga

I'm a fan of Diablo-style isometric action adventues, I've played a lot of them, and I always come back to Diablo 3 for my fantasy ARPG fun. Lately I've been spending time with Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor Martyr and another iso-3d ARPG.

A game that's one of the latest entries in the Heretic Kingdoms series of games known as: Shadows Awakening.

Doctor of Adventure

When you produce a fantasy game of this calibre, you need some good voice talent, and the narrator/Krenze is a famous voice recognisable to all fans of Doctor Who. The Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, lends his rolling voice talent to the game and provides a sense of gravitas to the character of Krenze.

A Fantasy Tale of a Different Kind of 'Hero'

The game's story is interesting; it casts you in the role of a very different protagonist. One I've not seen used in a video game before really. You play as the Devourer, a demon summoned by Krenze for a purpose that I'm not going to go into. Play the game to discover the story.

The Devourer is unique as demon-kind goes, for he can devour the soul of long-dead (or soon to be dead) powerful people and add them to his personal army roster.

At the start you're given a choice between several heroes, but you can only devour one to use as your first puppet. Then, over time, and the game's story/side missions/exploration - you're able to get other puppets to join your crusade. Beware; some characters are locked out depending on the choices that you make.


Bombastic and Sprawling Fantasy Epic

It's nice to see a 3d ARPG that's not made by Blizzard get the bombastic sprawling fantasy epic feel fairly right. There are a few things that grate (the purple prose for one) in the game, and there's not many bugs that I've been able to detect - no broken quest chains or triggers that failed. Everything has been smooth sailing barring the dropped frames now and then, and even they don't actually spoil the game.

The dual world and puppet mechanics provide a big draw to the game for me, and I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more of the different characters as I progress through the huge game before me.

There's a lot of dialogue to listen and read, so if you're into lore-rich worlds, you've come to the right place. The bonus here is that much of it is narrated by Tom Baker.

Give it a shot, you might like it!

As Nemesis the Warlock would say, "Credo!"

Tuesday - September 18, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Review @ Selectbutton

by Hiddenx, 07:52

Selectbutton checked out the action RPG Shadows: Awakening:

Shadows: Awakening Review

The Heretic Kingdoms series is no stranger to the action-RPG genre, but until now games have been limited to the PC. Shadows: Awakening marks the first entry for the series to release on Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, although the game is also available on PC.
There are subtle references that fans of the previous titles would appreciate, but newcomers to the franchise (the last game released in 2004) shouldn’t have any problem understanding the self-contained narrative. Where similar titles have been adding cooperative features for both online and local multiplayer, Shadows: Awakening focuses on the single-player experience. While the isometric perspective is familiar, some intriguing gameplay mechanics help propel the game past its competition.


Simply Put
Shadows: Awakening proves that loot-focused action-RPGs can feature a deep narrative with meaningful side quests. The unique party system works in unison with the combat mechanics, allowing you to put together a devastating combination of attacks. Featuring a lengthy narrative, and reason to play through multiple times, this unassuming title may be the sleeper hit you have been looking for.

Score: 8/10 - Great

Sunday - September 09, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Review @ Wccftech

by Hiddenx, 22:05

Wccftech has reviewed the Action RPG Shadows: Awakening:

Shadows: Awakening Review – Diabelow Par

Shadows: Awakening’s very existence is a bit of a surprise. Back in 2014, developer Games Farm released Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms, a Diablo-style action-RPG that was supposed to be released in two installments. Unfortunately, Heretic Kingdom’s promised “Book 2” finale never materialized. After years of waiting, many weary fans accepted the story would never be completed.

But then, lo and behold, Shadows: Awakening was announced! Part remake, part sequel, the first half of Awakening redoes Heretic Kingdoms, while the back half provides the closure fans have been holding on for. Best of all, you can download the game for free if you already own Heretic Kingdoms. It’s nice to see Games Farm finally delivering on their promises, but has the long wait been worth it? Or should this Diablo clone be sent back to hell?


Score: 6/10

Shadows: Awakening presents a few interesting ideas and a surprisingly large, diverse world. Unfortunately, the game’s ambitious vision is undermined by a host of basic storytelling, combat, and technical issues. Those desperate for some fresh hack ‘n’ slash fun will find things to like about Shadows: Awakening, but the game is easily eclipsed by Diablo and any number of other, better, action-RPGs.


  • Dual realms concept is clever
  • Combining skills is satisfying
  • Sprawling, varied world
  • Good amount of replay


  • Shadowrealm isn't much fun to hang out in
  • Story is confusing and unengaging
  • Clunky basic combat mechanics
  • Technical issues on PS4

Thursday - September 06, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - More Reviews

by Myrthos, 12:27

Here are two more reviews for Shadows: Awakening.

GamingTrend: 8.5

Shadows: Awakening is a damn good action-RPG. The combat is quick and varied while the characters are interesting. While the story lacks originality, it is still well written and allows the different characters to shine. There are a lot of different elements at play, and they all work together to create a fantastic experience.

IndianNoob: 8

Shadows: Awakening belongs to the group of RPGs that has its share of flaws but ultimately wins you over with its charm. Kudos goes to the developers who didn't back down on their word and fulfilled the promise to complete Shadows. With the excellent puppet system, realm shifting, beautiful graphics and a cheap price of 899 INR, you just can't go wrong with this one. Just don't go in expecting Diablo or Path of Exile style gameplay and end-game content.

Tuesday - September 04, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Reviews

by Silver, 00:42

Shadows: Awakening reviews which highlight some issues.

from Cog Connected:

As you kill interesting people in what I still think is a genuinely compelling plot, which is even more impressive considering that I wouldn’t exactly be able to explain it, the Devourer absorbs certain outstanding foes’ souls and brings them into the fold. You can play four of them, including the Devourer, at any given time, and the developers of Shadows: Awakening market them as fully realized characters with their own story arcs and personalities that don’t disappear at their own deaths. The mechanics of switching between the two worlds during combat can be one of the best parts of the game, as it makes for some truly satisfying battles, but there’s an unfortunate element that isn’t apparent from the first five hours, which are chock full of fun things to do in the city of Thole: boredom. The game, which promises 40 hours of playability, gets tedious after playing it for more than ten.


and Gaming Lyf:

The game’s menus and inventory management screens are frustratingly fiddly to use. There’s no way to see all of the items you’re holding, instead you have to navigate between different slots to see the items of any given type. It’s a needlessly messy system. Combined with each character having their own set of equipped items, skills, and skillpoints, the job of managing them all separately becomes a tedious grind. An auto-leveling and auto-equip system would have been super handy here. Granted, it’s worth pointing out that I’ve never been a fan of manually managing my party in RPG’s – I’m that kind of player in RPGs that leaves the rest of the party to auto-level themselves whilst I focus on my character.

Thanks Farflame!

Saturday - September 01, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Release Trailer

by Silver, 15:08

Shadows: Awakening has a release trailer.


Check out Shadows: Awakening on the Kalypso Store:

Thanks Farflame!

Thursday - August 30, 2018

RPGWatch @ Gamescom - Shadows Awakening Preview

by Myrthos, 11:26

Shadows: Awakening was ready for release when it was shown at Gamescom and it will actually be released in one day. Here are my findingds from the presentation.

Shadows Awakening takes place in two realms. The earthly realm (or real world) and the shadows realm. You can switch constantly at any time from one to the other, the character you have in the real world and your shadow demon in the shadows realm. Combat in Shadows Awakening is real-time. Enemies that are in the real world exist also in the shadows realm. However you cannot harm them in the shadows realm, but you can cast spells on them. These spells will not harm them, but the effect will persist in the real world. So if you would cast a spell that stuns an enemy in the shadows realm and switch back that enemy would be stunned in the real world as well and you can easily attack it there. It works also the other way around. If you are caught in a web in the real world, you can switch to the shadows realm and move to a different location there, after which you can switch back to the real world and find yourself moved to that same location in the real world. Similarly, when a path is blocked in the real world, you might find a passage in the shadows realm.

Sunday - July 01, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Preview @Gamecrate

by Silver, 11:53

Gamecrate previewed Shadows: Awakening.

At first glance, it's easy to think of Shadows: Awakening as somewhat Diablo-like. While the game certainly shares many elements with classic PC RPGs, it also manages to infuse a cool duality-based gameplay mechanic that's sure to make it stand out. In addition, the game is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in addition to PC, so now you've got a game that's even more accessible than most traditional PC-only games of this ilk. Suffice it to say that if you're a fan of hack-and-slash RPGs, Shadows: Awakening should most definitely be on your radar.

Developed by Games Farm, Shadows: Awakening is the next entry in the Heretic Kingdoms series. But you don't have to have played the previous games to jump right into this. And given how intriguing this new title is, it's certainly a great jumping-on point for newcomers.


Thanks Farflame!

Friday - June 15, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Featurette Trailer

by Myrthos, 16:17

A new trailer for Shadows Awakening is available, in which development director, Peter Nagy shows the features of the game.



Devour new insights into the world, characters and mechanics of upcoming action RPG

Bracknell UK, 15th June 2018 
Kalypso Media and Games Farm are proud to present a brand-new video preview of upcoming soul-sucking action RPG Shadows: Awakening, offering both series veterans and newcomers alike a sneak peek at the unique party system that makes every playthrough so thrilling and unique, as well as a more detailed look at the game world itself, combat and the cast of characters you'll meet on your journey through the darkness.

If the featurette has got you yearning for some soul-devouring action of your own, pre-order customers on Steam can be among the very first to play the closed beta ahead of the game's launch in Fall 2018. As well as instant access to the closed beta, pre-order customers on Steam will also unlock the Legendary Armory pack, a digital artbook, the digital soundtrack (available at launch) and a 15% discount.
About Shadows: Awakening
Shadows: Awakening is the new adventure in the Heretic Kingdoms saga. After the members of the secret council known as the Penta Nera are assassinated, their souls are consumed by the Devourers - evil demons which possess the ability to absorb the memories and personalities of the souls they acquire and materialize them as their puppets. Re-emerging into the mortal realm once again, the demonic Penta Nera continue their quest for power and immortality, but at what cost?

Shadows: Awakening is a unique, isometric single-player RPG with real-time tactical combat. You take control of a demon summoned from the Shadow Realm - the Devourer - to consume the souls of long-dead heroes and embark on an epic adventure with challenging gameplay, a gripping storyline and enchanting graphics. Do you have the focus and wits to master the world of the Heretic Kingdoms? Gather your party, control powerful heroes and use their skills to your advantage. But who is in charge... the demon, or the souls that it has devoured? It's up to you to either thwart a major threat and save the world, or to plunge it into complete disaster...


  • A Tale of Two Worlds - In a parallel universe inhabited by demons and monsters; seamlessly switch between the Shadow Realm and the mortal plane and witness a gripping storyline in a world full of myths, destinies and legendary creatures.
  • Unique Party System - multiple characters in one demon, each retaining their own personalities with internal dialogues, rivalries and communication between the characters.
  • Wide variety of Skills and Characters - Choose from 3 heroes, each with their own personal storylines, quests and dialogues. Consume the souls of 14 playable characters, each with their own unique skillsets, like Kalig the Bandit King and Evia, Daughter of Fire.
  • Tactical Real-Time Combat - Combine the skills of your various characters to maximize the effects of your devastating skills and spells.
  • Extensive Gameplay - 20+ hours for a single playthrough, but with substantial options for replayability which accumulate to 60+ hours for the full experience.
  • Challenging Puzzles - Complex puzzles are scattered throughout the game, and will take you through a vibrant set of locations, from rustic towns to the deepest and darkest of dungeons.
  • Crafting and Looting System - Expanded crafting and looting system will let you use rewards to configure the ultimate adventurer.
  • Fully Voiced - All dialogues are fully narrated, including actors like Tom Baker

Shadows: Awakening is scheduled for a global release in Fall 2018.


Wednesday - May 30, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Preview @Gamewatcher

by Silver, 00:47

Shadows: Awakening has been previewed by Gamewatcher.

Aside from the character switching mechanic and the unique character the Devourer brings to the game, right now Shadows: Awakening feels extremely generic. For a lover of fantasy RPGs like me, generic doesn’t necessarily equate to a bad thing, but people looking for new and fresh experiences have little reason as of yet to invest time into this game. As the game’s current build points out, all the content is already present and at this point only technical elements are being tweaked and improved, so this isn’t something that will change come release. If you’re not confident that the sole differentiating mechanic can carry a standard fantasy setting, then this game might not be for you in spite of its quality and technical adequacy.


Thanks Farflame!

Monday - April 09, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Pre-Order Available

by Myrthos, 10:12

You can now pre-order Shadows: Awakening, which will also allow you to play the beta of the game. There is also a new video showing the features of the game and some interviews.


Shadows: Awakening Steam pre-order unlocks closed beta and bonuses alongside new behind-the-scenes featurette

Bracknell UK, 6th April 2018  Kalypso Media is giving RPG fans the chance to be among the first to play the closed beta for upcoming RPG Shadows: Awakening by pre-ordering ahead of the game's release in late summer 2018. As well as instant access to the closed beta (launching at 18:00 GMT today), fans will also unlock the Legendary Armory pack, a digital artbook, the digital soundtrack (available at launch) as well as a 15% discount.  
By pre-purchasing Shadows: Awakening and securing instant access to the closed beta, players get the chance to charge into the adventure before the official release AND unlock three additional bonus items when the game launches in full. The Legendary Armory pack contains three mighty weapons and three mythical armor sets to steel your hero for the battles ahead. Also included is a digital artbook showcasing a range of stunning illustrations and concept artworks from the world of Shadows: Awakening. As if this wasn't enough, you can also treat your ears to the digital soundtrack, featuring the game's atmospheric and compelling musical score.
Kalypso is also giving you the chance to get even closer to the development of Shadows: Awakening with the release of a teaser featurette video shot on location at Games Farm's HQ in Kosice, Slovakia. The featurette offers an exclusive look at the game world, along with the character progression and unique party systems and interviews.


Tuesday - March 13, 2018

Shadows: Awakening - Gameplay trailer

by Myrthos, 12:14

A new gameplay trailer for Shadows: Awakening is available now.


Monday - December 04, 2017

Shadows: Awakening - Interview @ Enklawa

by Myrthos, 11:57

Mrozie let us know that they have an interview with Games Farm's Peter Nagy, about Shadows: Awakening, the remastered version of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms book I, with the additions of the previously promised book II. Released back in 2015 Book 1 of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms promised a bright future for fans of the world, that had been brought to life by Kult, your very first game. But soon after release of Book 1 it was more and more clear that situation of your newest game is far from being ideal. What happened?

Peter Nagy: Unfortunately, shortly before the release of Book 1 we were informed that our publisher at the time had filed for insolvency protection. It was very unpleasant situation as the game was already out there in Early Access, people were expecting it and we learned that our partner cannot be relied upon to fully publish it. We have decided to release the game anyway. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out and the publisher went bankrupt shortly afterwards. We had to nearly close down our studio but fortunately we have survived. After some legal proceedings we were able to acquire the rights back and we started to plan the completion of the game. It was not an easy way; but eventually I believe the game will be much better than it would be possible before.


EN: Should we expect improvements on a tech side? Better graphics, new sounds or extended music score?

PN: Oh yes, definitely. I actually wouldn’t call it improvement, but it was completely reworked from scratch. In fact, there is almost nothing being used from original Shadows – with the conversion to Unity we had to create completely new models, textures, lightning, scenes, etc. To improve the gameplay, we even changed the layout of the scenes. So it is really perhaps the most remastered game I have ever heard of. [smiles] Performancewise the game has also improved tremendously. And with all the experience from Vikings, the game runs smoothly and looks significantly better than Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms. The original game was never released to consoles because it suffered with low framerate but Awakening is already running smoothly on PS4 and XBOX One, so I think the huge improvement is obvious at the first glance already.

Wednesday - September 06, 2017

RPGWatch @ Gamescom - Shadows: Awakening

by Myrthos, 10:54

When Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms was released, it was not the game the developers wanted to release. As a result book 2 of the game was promised, but in the end coul dnot be delivered. Now Shadows: Awakening promises to be an improved version of its predecessor combined with the missing book 2.

Shadows: Awakening is an isometric real time tactical action RPG that combines both Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms book 1 and book 2 into one new game, with enhanced graphics (using Unity), enhanced gameplay and a better performance. And indeed the game does look a lot better from their previous game which was made using the Ogre 3D engine.

The road to this game has been challenging. The developers from Games Farm released together with publisher bitcomposer, Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms ahead of its time. This created quite a debate amongst the fans, but the intention was that the missing parts of the game, book 2, would follow shortly after that. That didn't happen. Bitcomposer went out of business and Games Farm was unable to complete the rest of the game as they did not have the license. Now that those licensing issues have been solved, Kalypso Media is bringing this new game to the market. Those players who were promised to get book 2 for free, will indeed get Shadows: Awakening for free.

Thursday - August 17, 2017

Shadows: Awakening - Announced

by Myrthos, 16:42

As expected, the next game in the Heretic Kingdoms saga has been announced by Kalypso.


New tactical action RPG coming to PC, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One, set for full debut at Gamescom 2017

Bracknell UK, 17th August 2017  Following on from the teaser released last week, Kalypso Media is excited to announce Shadows: Awakening, a new action RPG with real-time tactical combat that heralds the return of the Heretic Kingdoms saga. In this dark fantasy adventure, players will assume control of the Devourer - a feared demon summoned from the world of Shadow that possesses the ability to absorb the memories and personalities of acquired souls and materialize them as their puppets in the world of mortals. By combining the powers and abilities of these vanquished warriors, players will embark on a vast 40+ hour adventure across two very different worlds, engaging in action-packed real-time tactical combat, as well as tackling challenging puzzles, collecting valuable loot and equipment, and completing a wide variety of quests. But be warned - consuming so many powerful souls has a cost - such strong personalities cannot easily be supressed, and players will have to manage the relationships with the voices in their head as they struggle to maintain their identity.

Shadows: Awakening heralds the continuation of the Heretic Kingdoms saga, last seen in Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms. Long-time fans and legacy players of the PC version will remember that the long-awaited 'Book 2' sequel never materialized. Kalypso Media and Games Farm are therefore excited to reveal that Shadows: Awakening will not only bring the story of 'Book 2' to life, but will also combine it with the original storyline, making Shadows: Awakening not a sequel, but a full and completed experience; improved and re-worked to take full advantage of today's console and PC technology. Additionally, owners of the original Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms will no doubt remember that they were promised 'Book 2' free of charge. Kalypso Media and Games Farm are happy to confirm that they will uphold their promise to reward these long-time fans - with all owners of the Steam and GOG versions of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms eligible to receive Shadows: Awakening as an update to their existing game, completely free of charge.

To celebrate the announcement of Shadows: Awakening, Kalypso Media is pleased to share a full gameplay trailer to give players an idea of what awaits them in the shadows..


Shadows: Awakening is the new adventure in the Heretic Kingdoms saga. After the members of the secret council known as the Penta Nera are assassinated, their souls are consumed by the Devourers – evil demons which possess the ability to absorb the memories and personalities of the souls they acquire and materialize them as their puppets. Re-emerging into the mortal realm once again, the demonic Penta Nera continue their quest for power and immortality, but at what cost?

Shadows: Awakening is a unique, isometric single-player action RPG with real-time tactical combat. You take control of a demon summoned from the Shadow Realm – the Devourer – to consume the souls of long-dead heroes and embark on an epic adventure with challenging gameplay, a gripping storyline and enchanting graphics. Do you have the focus and wits to master the world of the Heretic Kingdoms? Gather your party, control powerful heroes and use their skills to your advantage. But who is in charge... the demon, or the souls that it has devoured? It's up to you to either thwart a major threat and save the world, or to plunge it into complete disaster...

  • Extensive Gameplay – 40+ hours for a single playthrough, but with substantial options for replayability.
  • Two Worlds – A parallel universe inhabited by ghosts and spirits; seamlessly switch between the Shadow Realm and the mortal plane and witness a gripping storyline in a world full of myths, destinies and legendary creatures.
  • Real-Time Tactical Combat – Combine the skills of your various characters to maximize the effects of your devastating skills and spells.
  • Unique Party System – multiple characters in one demon, each retaining their own personalities. Internal dialogues, rivalries and communication between the characters enriches the gameplay experience and narrative.
  • A plethora of different characters – Choose from 3 heroes, each with their own stories, personal quests and dialogues. Consume the souls of 15 playable characters, each with their own unique skillsets, like Kalig the Bandit King and Evia, Daughter of Fire.
  • Synergy System – The complex talent system intuitively combines skills from your characters to create a variety of new gameplay possibilities.
  • Challenging Puzzles – Challenging puzzles are scattered throughout the game, from the rustic towns to the deepest dungeons.
  • Crafting and Looting System – Expanded crafting and looting system will let you use rewards to configure the ultimate adventurer.
  • Fully Voiced – All dialogues are fully narrated, including actors like Tom Baker.

Thursday - August 10, 2017

Prepare for the Awakening - Teaser

by Myrthos, 09:06

Kalypso media will be showing a new RPG at Gamescom, which I will checking out when I am there. However they have released a video yesterday named: Prepare for the Awakening. That isn't to say that this is also the actual name of the game as they have not mentioned it yet, but it could be the sequel to Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms. All we have now is this teaser video:


Information about

Shadows: Awakening

Developer: Games Farm

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Tactical RPG
Combat: Real-time
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Full

Regions & platforms
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2018-08-31
· Publisher: Kalypso Media