Cyberpunk 2077 - Devs didn't know about the Delay


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Gameinformer reports that the Cyberpunk 2077 devs didn't know about the delay:

Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Didn't Know About The Delay Until The Day Of, Here's Why

Yesterday, Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed until December (despite already going gold) to ensure that current-gen versions of the game come closer to the high standard that the team has for the PS5 and Xbox Series X iterations. Shortly after the news, an official tweet surfaced from the day before, supposedly confirming no more delays. This mixed messaging set the internet in a frenzy. How could something so important be confirmed one day, and then incorrect the next? The answer is: When that initial response went live a day before, it was true at the time. The wider team at CD Projekt Red didn't find out about the delay until the day it was announced.

When the news broke, I spoke with several CD Projekt Red developers who confirmed they didn't know about the delay until they received an internal email shortly before the announcement went live on Twitter. When that knowledge became public, the online backlash was almost instantaneous, sparking criticism of the studio's internal communication practices and how messages are conveyed to the community. Since then, I've spoken to several more CD Projekt Red developers on both the Polish and U.S. sides; according to them, the news was shocking, but not for the reasons people are assuming.

According to three developers, the decision to delay was a swift one after looking at the quality differences between the current-gen and next-gen versions. CD Projekt Red has said that it wants the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 to be perfect, so any perceived flaws are addressed quickly. According to the team, the decision to delay was not even discussed until Monday (October 26), with a decision being reached on Tuesday (October 27). According to Polish labor laws, leadership was not legally allowed to tell the whole team, due to its size of over 1,000 employees, without each individual signing a non-disclosure agreement. To do so would be considered, in terms of relation to stock equity and insider trading, as "leaked insider information."


Thanks Largh!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
I already have insider info about the NEXT news item:
Devs Didn't Know About The Directors Board Decision that the game is going to be fully converted into Cyberhump My Pony 2077.
Mar 21, 2013
I guess it doesn't matter if you release a broken game or delay to get problems fixed you are going to get crapped on, but in the long term I suspect the delay will be forgotten but broken on release will not so quickly be forgiven.
As for who knew what when it's nuts that people are freaking about this, WTF is everyone at CD Project Red supposed to be at the executive meeting that made this decision. Internet mob mentality makes me shake my head some days.
Jan 8, 2008
Vegreville, Alberta, Canada
The game wasn't delayed for bugs. It was delayed because current consoles had trouble running the game. I shared the business call transcript from yesterday already.
ABOUT THE DELAY: "This situation is different" compared to previous changes to the deadline - the game for PC is ready and plays well on next-gen consoles and the company is finalizing the process concerning current gen consoles.

FUTURE PROJECT (IMPACT OF THE DELAY): CD Projekt plans some "organizational changes" in technical departments. "Too many things were put together at late stages."
See it's not due to bugs but performance & management problems.
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Oct 1, 2010
It's possible to understand the reasons for the decision, to even on some level prefer that they make that decision rather than release an unoptimized game, and still be disappointed, frustrated and even angry about it. I don't like being yanked around. I was literally counting down the days, and with everything that had been going on…. the ad campaign, the proximity, the repeated assurances… in my mind Nov 19 was a done deal. People took time off that they can't get back. It's not okay to make death threats to the devs or whatever, but it IS okay to feel bad about it and express those feelings.

[If it isn't clear, I'm responding to Terry's post. Couch jumped in the middle]
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Not a big deal imo. I'm surprised so much is being made about another 3 weeks. Considering how crazy this year has been, I'm surprised it wasn't longer.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
It's possible to understand the reasons for the decision, to even on some level prefer that they make that decision rather than release an unoptimized game, and still be disappointed, frustrated and even angry about it. I don't like being yanked around. I was literally counting down the days, and with everything that had been going on. the ad campaign, the proximity, the repeated assurances in my mind Nov 19 was a done deal. People took time off that they can't get back. It's not okay to make death threats to the devs or whatever, but it IS okay to feel bad about it and express those feelings.
Don't feel bad I'm sure a million other gamers felt the same way. :biggrin:

My first reaction was yelling at my monitor in rage. Just because this was the fourth delay, but after reading the transcript I understood why. It was therapeutic at least.

Still yeah death threats is a little to far and crazy even for me. Not cool at all.
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Oct 1, 2010
I am actually kind of happy about the delay because maybe I'll manage to have a new rig by then.

But I can understand the disappointment.
Oct 14, 2010
Seriously, people? Adults getting all torqued because they don't get their new toy when they want it? Some are behaving as if their '63 Corvette was stolen and wrecked. Shall I call the Whaaambulance?
Jan 23, 2009
All these first world problems...
Aug 13, 2013
Seriously, people? Adults getting all torqued because they don't get their new toy when they want it? Some are behaving as if their '63 Corvette was stolen and wrecked. Shall I call the Whaaambulance?
When a developer tells you they 100% agree it wont be delayed yet again, but two weeks before that promised release date do so by posting a simple Twitter message saying "sorry we did it again." Cue the Benny Hill music as it fits the scenario…

It has nothing to do with getting a new toy but poor management on CDPR's side. So I 100% understand the outrage just don't support the few nuts giving death threats.
All these first world problems…
Yep sure glad I don't live in a third world A.K.A "developing world".:p
Oct 1, 2010
All these first world problems…

Interesting that you should say that, because come to think of it, you know what this largely is about for me? A much needed brain break from the actual serious problems I and many others are dealing with in 2020. A pandemic with no end in sight. An imminent election that could either be a blessed relief or a turning point for this country that we may never come back from. Not to mention whatever personal individuals may be going through with finances and health and family issues.

If you don't care about Cyberpunk 2077, bully for you. If you don't care about the delays, that's great too. I guarantee you that you DO care about things that other people don't. So how about you all keep the snark?
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR

Isn't that a largely unrealistic amount of pressure to place on a video game release date that you have less control over than any of the things you mentioned earlier?
Aug 13, 2013
I stopped getting upset over game delays a long time ago. It sucks when a game you're really looking forward to gets delayed, but it happens to nearly every big release nowadays.

I'm actually more annoyed by how long ELEX 2 is taking. At least we get constant updates about Cyberpunk.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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Oct 1, 2010
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