Anthem - New Bioware Game

EA bought Bioware for the potential Money Making it had. EA does not give a flying turd about RPG, Shooter or whatever.
Those guys put Dungeon Keeper on Mobile as Freemium with microtransactions because it was "what the customers want". Translated it means: We want your money so you want that.
Expecting something like respect for a genre is a bit on the innocent side.
Presumably they go outside the wall for a reason? Either to collect resources, stave off some sort of peril, or rescue survivors. Anyway, there could still be role-playing elements taking place inside the wall. If not, then I probably won't be interested.
Mar 22, 2012
Presumably they go outside the wall for a reason? Either to collect resources, stave off some sort of peril, or rescue survivors. Anyway, there could still be role-playing elements taking place inside the wall. If not, then I probably won't be interested.

Well, it's a BioWare game. So there could be other Titans/Behemoths out there to date. Straight, LBGTQ, the works! Imagine rolling in the forest gettin' it on with another Titan. Crushing fields of trees! Banging steel foreheads together!

All those titan cuties...

Yeah of course EA are into this to make money. I just thought that they'd bought Bioware because they'd see the potential to make money from what Bioware was known for designing - single player rpgs like DA and ME. I'd forgotten about SWTOR though (I never play MMOs so I'd forgotten it ever even existed...)
Apr 13, 2012
Looking like garbage
Mar 9, 2015
I still haven't bought ME:A ... so I have plenty of patience for this one to see if it is anything worth playing :)
Oct 18, 2006
I assume this is the one James Ohlen is working on. If that is the case, I have hopes it will be good. But time will tell, I guess. Not much to go by yet.
Sep 20, 2012
It's an open world action RPG* co-op game (max 4 players) with super powers exosuits.

If you don't need to bother with co-op, I'm buying it. The exploration looks awesome and I love flying. Now I just need to know if that levitating Javelin was a "mage" exosuits, it didn't seems to have a gun.

*The official website use the term "shared-world RPG".
Oct 13, 2007
Here's a new six minute game play Anthem video from Microsoft’s E3 press conference in LA today. This one is apparently co-op. Don't know if that true for the whole game. Has a 'Bladerunner' feel to parts of it IMO.


Oh cool - thanks for the link! That actually looked like loads of fun. :)

Edit: yeah, as others have said - so long as I can play solo. I have never been a MMO or co-op player.
Oct 18, 2006
Co-op seems to be making a huge comeback on consoles. I am really looking forward to this game. It reminds me of a dream I once had, in which I lived in a walled city, outside of which was a huge jungle full of gigantic monstrosities, similar to reptiles or dinosaurs. This, and Metro: Exodus, stole the show for me!
Mar 24, 2015
Seattle, WA
Info from a short youtube interview with the game director and tweets:
- you can play solo or co-op (entire game can be played solo according to the game Lead Designer)
- "BioWare story" still an emphasis, the world is not Earth and humanity is at the bottom of the food chain (hence wearing the Ironman Javelin suit)
- they want the game to be played for years, built with expansions in mind
- dodged the romance questions
Oct 13, 2007
You know what would be nice, is if there were baddies you just couldn't kill, but had to just survive! I don't think that has been done (Here is where people will list the games that it has been done). But geez all the games now-days makes it out you can stand toe to toe with a friggen 40foot tall giant and kill them! BS! Lets have some fear, and some fight for your lives sort of action (hopefully with strong RPG elements)
Jul 15, 2013
Queensland, Australia
I always assumed this was their Destiny/Overwatch thing, but it actually seems a bit more interesting than that. I'll keep half an eye on it, but I'm still skeptical.
Oct 18, 2006
Nah, this is definitely Bioware's Destiny slash Division. It's so obviously EA trying to get in on this "hot" genre before it's too late.

It'll probably be out more than a year after Destiny 2 - and, by then, I think it's going to be too late to truly capitalize on any supposed innovation. Typical EA suits trying to catch up.

Visually, it looked fantastic - but then again, most Frostbite engine games do. But let's remember this is E3 combined with not being out for a couple of years. E3 = exclusively about building hype with zero shame in terms of exaggerating the spectacle.

In terms of gameplay, it looks ultra derivative and quite generic. How many times have we heard the phrase "a truly dynamic world"? What I saw in that demo was standard mob spawns and not much else. Combat was over-the-top silly.

I predict it's going to be all about the spectacle and not much about the depth of the systems or the story.

Meaning, I might have fun in co-op for a week or two - and that'll be it.

Just think what they could do with that kind of budget and a team of developers that actually tried something original.

Then again, I could be wrong. But I doubt it.
Yep. When Activision has one and Ubisoft has one, and they're making good money, you can be sure EA suits will decide they need one too. And this is almost certainly it.

Everything in the gameplay video from Sunday is so derivative and just…yawn. The "regular players" voices in the video are simply embarrassing, trying to make it sound so action-packed and interesting. Yeah, some people walked around and shot stuff and acquired some loot - groundbreaking.

The graphics do look nice, but we can probably assume they won't even be the real graphics when the game is released - it seems to be the trend.
Sep 26, 2007
some people walked around and shot stuff and acquired some loot - groundbreaking.
Sadly I already have a signature line. If I didn't, this would go in there instantly.
Apr 12, 2009
Anthem currently appears directed to co-op and consoles. I'm into neither. Graphics look quite good. Don't know if there is some story outside the wall (outside the Edmonton mall? still largest mall in N.America?) or if the game is more a collection of missions, missions and new mission outside the mall (I mean wall).

Co-op, consoles, walls and malls notwithstanding, the game could develop into something interesting and I wish BW and MS the best with this.

Nah, this is definitely Bioware's Destiny slash Division. It's so obviously EA trying to get in on this "hot" genre before it's too late.

Those games are MMOFPSs with hubs and zones with a lots of players in them and somewhat a focus on PvP for The Division and an instances one for Destiny.

Anthem looks to be a co-op game with a max of 4 players* like Ghost Recon: Wildlands.

*The official website mention how up to 4 friends can play together.
Oct 13, 2007
Those games are MMOFPSs with hubs and zones with a lots of players in them and somewhat a focus on PvP for The Division and an instances one for Destiny.

Anthem looks to be a co-op game with a max of 4 players* like Ghost Recon: Wildlands.

*The official website mention how up to 4 friends can play together.

Both Division and Destiny have small-group cooperative content as their primary appeal - and this looks no different. They also both have coop instances as the most played content.

Division tried to sell the "Dark Zone" PvP as a primary feature - but the reality is that most players are staying away from it, because of bad execution.

Also, we don't know if PvP will be a part of Anthem - but I'd say there's a decent chance of that happening in one form or another.

Destiny and Division are quite different from each other - and yet they appeal to the same kind of audience. This will be no different, I think.

It's clearly a solo/cooperative FPS with RPG features, with the emphasis on loot and character progression. Exactly like Division and Destiny - even if they feature PvP.

But time will tell.
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