Anthem - New Bioware Game

I guess story/quests could at least separate it from others. Seems very Avatarinspired… I can already see JDR jumping from excitement


Diving stood out the most here.

But what about other species, races...ME promised far more diverse setting in comparison.
Jun 5, 2015
Well a half of my disk space goes onto porn and gifs , hard to find any room for video games these days. ;)
Jun 5, 2015
Disk space for porn? You should look into this thing called Internet :)
Both Division and Destiny have small-group cooperative content as their primary appeal - and this looks no different. They also both have coop instances as the most played content.

Division tried to sell the "Dark Zone" PvP as a primary feature - but the reality is that most players are staying away from it, because of bad execution.

Also, we don't know if PvP will be a part of Anthem - but I'd say there's a decent chance of that happening in one form or another.

Destiny and Division are quite different from each other - and yet they appeal to the same kind of audience. This will be no different, I think.

It's clearly a solo/cooperative FPS with RPG features, with the emphasis on loot and character progression. Exactly like Division and Destiny - even if they feature PvP.

But time will tell.

No PvP in Anthem, the game director pretty much confirmed it.

From everything I've read from the devs and official website, Anthem is an open world game like Skyrim that you can play co-op with up to 3 of your friends using ad-hoc joining.
Oct 13, 2007
No PvP in Anthem, the game director pretty much confirmed it.

From everything I've read from the devs and official website, Anthem is an open world game like Skyrim that you can play co-op with up to 3 of your friends using ad-hoc joining.

That means there's going to be plenty of dungeons and indoor places to explore?

If true, it could be pretty cool.

I'll probably have to see it to believe it, though.
That means there's going to be plenty of dungeons and indoor places to explore?

In the gameplay trailer, there is a few "exploration bonus" that popup for discovering places (like the Deadlight Caverns while underwater). The official website has some concept arts one of which shows an underground entrance with tunnel too.

The indoors are probably going to be mostly ruins (mentioned on the website that you can explore those) and "derelict spaceships" or whatever those structures are. Although, I'm starting to think this is a Dyson sphere…I'm going to call it Meridian.
Oct 13, 2007
In the gameplay trailer, there is a few "exploration bonus" that popup for discovering places (like the Deadlight Caverns while underwater). The official website has some concept arts one of which shows an underground entrance with tunnel too.

The indoors are probably going to be mostly ruins (mentioned on the website that you can explore those) and "derelict spaceships" or whatever those structures are. Although, I'm starting to think this is a Dyson sphere…I'm going to call it Meridian.

Well, their emphasis on it being a "live service" with cooperative focus just doesn't give me a Skyrim kinda vibe.

I still think this is going to be more Destiny/Division than anything else.
No PvP in Anthem, the game director pretty much confirmed it

Eh, why? The game looks like it begs for it. Expected players could finally romance other players, live BSN...they could sell player taunts, hehehe, striking gold there.
This seems more Ubisoft competition, man to see look on Guillemot's face when they announced this ( they're actually doing co-op game in Avatar world like this, right now, if I heard it right).
Jun 5, 2015
Well, their emphasis on it being a "live service" with cooperative focus just doesn't give me a Skyrim kinda vibe.

I still think this is going to be more Destiny/Division than anything else.

Anthem is described to have a contiguous open world game you play in with 3 friends max, Destiny/Division are heavily instanced and some area are just full of other players, not even friends. Hence, me using Skyrim with co-op to describe it.

A BioWare developer said that it easier to think of the game as a COOP game than a MMO (and Destiny/Division are very much MMOs even if Bungie claims otherwise).
Oct 13, 2007
Interesting interview today, they are talking about "years and years" of expansions for this game. Guess it's a PC purchase.
Mar 24, 2015
Seattle, WA
Anthem is described to have a contiguous open world game you play in with 3 friends max, Destiny/Division are heavily instanced and some area are just full of other players, not even friends. Hence, me using Skyrim with co-op to describe it.

Destiny and Division both have contiguous open worlds - and you can play them with friends by grouping, too.

Sorry, I'm still not seeing the big difference.

URL=""]A BioWare developer said[/URL] that it easier to think of the game as a COOP game than a MMO (and Destiny/Division are very much MMOs even if Bungie claims otherwise).

To me, all the games are focused on cooperative content - and they all allow for small groups doing very, very similar stuff.

I don't really care what they call it - or how they want us to see it.

In terms of the core solo or optional cooperative gameplay experience - they look very similar to me.

Anthem certainly seems to have MUCH more in common with Destiny than Skyrim.

That's a good example of how many people seem to share my sentiments. Essentially, on all the sites I've visited since the announcement that talks about Anthem - Destiny is the first thing to get mentioned as a very obvious inspiration.

But note that I'm not saying they're trying to copy Destiny or Division.

I'm just saying it's clearly targeted at a similar audience - and an attempt to profit from this FPS/RPG subgenre.
Destiny and Division both have contiguous open worlds - and you can play them with friends by grouping, too.

Destiny is set on multiple planets, there is nothing contiguous about its game world. The Division, I never followed much, but I kinda remember reading about loading between the safe zones and the Dark Zone (open PvP zone).

Both these games follow the content gameplay structures of MMORPGs:
- maps filled with players that don't need to be grouped together
- instanced dungeons for small groups, raids, zones with level ranges, monsters with level/type indicator
- character emotes
- some sort of PvP
- character progression

Whatever Bungie is trying to claim, Destiny (and The Division) are MMORPG. Well MOFPS, because their maps have small pop cap, the RPG aspect is shit and they have guns.

Anthem has been officially presented as an action adventure co-op game set on a single large map where you can play with up to 3 friends. There was no mention of ever meeting other players outside those that you invited to play with you and the hub has way too many NPCs for there for that place to be shared with other players. The game is described as a social cooperative experience which is the total opposite of PvP. Two devs (game director and lead designer) said it was entirely soloable, so there shouldn't be any raids or group only content. The creative director said it was better to think of the game as a co-op game than anything else.

The only thing in commons with Destiny is guns. Anthem doesn't even have character progression, the progression is tied to the Javelin.

People who believes that Anthem looks like Destiny need to have their eyes checked. The real issue here is that the gaming press have been pushing the narrative that Anthem was a Destiny clones before we even learned it was codenamed Dylan. People are already saying that the gameplay demo they showed is 100% fake and has nothing in common with how the final game will be.
Oct 13, 2007
Destiny is set on multiple planets, there is nothing contiguous about its game world. The Division, I never followed much, but I kinda remember reading about loading between the safe zones and the Dark Zone (open PvP zone).

I have no idea what you're talking about - but I've played them both, and yes - they both have contiguous worlds. Meaning all the planets in Destiny have a bunch of locations that are contiguous - meaning you can walk from one to the other - and they're all connected.

Division is one large city that functions in the same way.

Maybe you're talking about seamless loading? In that case, that has nothing at all to do with the core gameplay experience.

Both these games follow the content gameplay structures of MMORPGs:
- maps filled with players that don't need to be grouped together
- instanced dungeons for small groups, raids, zones with level ranges, monsters with level/type indicator
- character emotes
- some sort of PvP
- character progression

Yes, and so? I'm talking about the core gameplay experience - which is obviously about small groups going on a loot hunt and progressing their characters in an online environment.

All three games also have the option to play the majority of the content in solo mode.

Who cares how many players are running around or using emotes? That has almost nothing to do with what you're going to spend your time on.

Whatever Bungie is trying to claim, Destiny (and The Division) are MMORPG. Well MOFPS, because their maps have small pop cap, the RPG aspect is shit and they have guns.

They're ALL solo/cooperative sci-fi shooter loot-hunts heavily focused on progression.

I'm afraid your subjective opinion of the value of the features has zero bearing on the core gameplay experience.

I'm talking about the features - not the quality of the features.

Yes, like most people can see - Anthem and Destiny/Division share a LOT of features and appeal to the same kind of audience.

If you want to call Destiny and Division MMOFPS and Anthem an MOFPS - be my guest. But they're going to play much the same for the vast majority of the experience.

That's the obvious part.

Anthem has been officially presented as an action adventure co-op game set on a single large map where you can play with up to 3 friends. There was no mention of ever meeting other players outside those that you invited to play with you and the hub has way too many NPCs for there for that place to be shared with other players. The game is described as a social cooperative experience which is the total opposite of PvP. Two devs (game director and lead designer) said it was entirely soloable, so there shouldn't be any raids or group only content. The creative director said it was better to think of the game as a co-op game than anything else.

Yeah, I know you're buying into how Anthem is completely different and unique. A cooperative "adventure".

But I prefer to use my eyes and my brain - and what I saw in that gameplay trailer was EXACTLY the same thing as what happens in Destiny and Division. It's small group Diablo-inspired gameplay in a sci-fi shooter setting.

If you want to tell yourself it's going to be this super compelling adventure with great RPG features - that's cool, but I will have to see SOME indication of it before I believe it.

Destiny and Division had very similar marketing pitches - and Destiny was supposed to be this grand story with a really compelling narrative, and what the game ended up being was a joke in that way.

Division was better - in my opinion - but it was still just a cooperative loot hunt with guns.

However many people exist in the chatrooms or lobbys - that has zero bearing on the experience of playing the game during the primary content. The primary content in ALL three games is solo or small-group cooperative content.

Yes, Destiny and Division have some optional PvP modes - and Destiny has "raids" - but there's no way you can rule that out for Anthem just because they're not planning it right now - and it won't change what most of the game will be about.

The only thing in commons with Destiny is guns. Anthem doesn't even have character progression, the progression is tied to the Javelin.

Obviously the Javelin represents your character class in this game - as they very clearly explained in the video. It's EXACTLY like Destiny in terms of the 3 types of classes, too.

People who believes that Anthem looks like Destiny need to have their eyes checked. The real issue here is that the gaming press have been pushing the narrative that Anthem was a Destiny clones before we even learned it was codenamed Dylan. People are already saying that the gameplay demo they showed is 100% fake and has nothing in common with how the final game will be.

You're the one who needs to wake up and smell reality instead of buying into E3 hype 2 years before release.

Trust me, it's going to be an RPG-light cooperative lootfest.

The only unknown is how deep the story goes - which COULD be a way to set itself apart, since it's Bioware.

Still, I doubt it will come anywhere near games like Dragon Age or Baldur's Gate 2 in that way.

In any case, that's it for me in this debate. We're talking about games you likely haven't even played - and you're obviously sold on Anthem being this very different experience - and yet it's not out for 2 years.

Let's see who's right when it finally releases, shall we? Would make a lot more sense than bickering about games you seem to have no experience with.
Contiguous open world means one f**king map Dart. It is the expression that had to be created since so many games have been claiming to be open world game when they had multiple large maps linked via loading screen that didn't even touch each other (see The Witcher 3). Destiny is not contiguous.

As for the rest, sure you spend most of your time doing small group content, looting stuff and killing stuff in Destiny, but I do the same shit in GW2, ESO, SWTOR and all the other MMORPGS I've been playing and in every single player RPG I ever played, except that the "small group" content is tuned for soloing it or have NPC companions and I stop playing the game once I finished the story because the game force me to (most of the time).

The Javelin isn't exactly your character class, the same character can own more than one Javelin. As for the 3 choices: Mage, Warrior and Rogue…whoopido Destiny copied Dragon Age class setup (technically BioWare started to use that in KoTOR with the Consular, Guardian and Sentinel).

If you can't see the difference between the CO-OP and MMORPGs genre, I don't know what to say. I doubt anyone would call Ghost Recon Wildlands a MMO. Also, I never claimed that Anthem was going to have an amazing story…in fact, I kinda suspect it is somewhat procedurally generated.
Oct 13, 2007
Contiguous open world means one f**king map Dart. It is the expression that had to be created since so many games have been claiming to be open world game when they had multiple large maps linked via loading screen that didn't even touch each other (see The Witcher 3). Destiny is not contiguous.
I'm a parrot. We need a separate thread about different openworld designs. Please, don't leave opening it to me as I might write not enough detail and insert too many feelings into it.

Someone might think Gothic 3 and Risen 3 share the same world design coming from the same Pluto13, but it's simply not the same. A specific thread could clear it for those looking for next openworld to buy. Or next one to skip. ;)
Apr 12, 2009
I'm a parrot. We need a separate thread about different openworld designs. Please, don't leave opening it to me as I might write not enough detail and insert too many feelings into it.

Someone might think Gothic 3 and Risen 3 share the same world design coming from the same Pluto13, but it's simply not the same. A specific thread could clear it for those looking for next openworld to buy. Or next one to skip. ;)

Nah, we should open a thread about all the buzzwords the game industry marketing appropriated themselves without giving a definition and started to use how ever they want as soon as one game that use it become super popular.
Oct 13, 2007
Contiguous open world means one f**king map Dart. It is the expression that had to be created since so many games have been claiming to be open world game when they had multiple large maps linked via loading screen that didn't even touch each other (see The Witcher 3). Destiny is not contiguous.

I've never heard of that term in relation to open world games, and that's not what the word means. The word contiguous simply means "connected" or "close together".

Maybe if you said contiguous AND seamless - you might get closer to what you're really talking about. For instance, Kingdoms of Amalur is clearly contiguous - using your definition - but it's not seamless.

All the cursing in the world isn't going to help you there, I'm afraid.

The common term used in this context is seamless open world - which I already pointed out. Witcher 3 is NOT seamless - because, as you pointed out, there are loading screens.

There are very few 100% seamless open world games out there.

Even so, it has no bearing on the core experience.

That said, Division is very nearly seamless - and only has short loading for certain activities. Destiny planets are also seamless. I don't see any meaningful difference between those and Anthem - except that it's going to be more convenient not to have to load. The experience will be much the same, beyond that - so I don't get your point here.

The difference would be in HOW they use the world - not in how many loading screens there are. If they incorporate tons of interaction and meaningful exploration - then that would be cool. But it would have to be MORE meaningful than Destiny and Division to set it apart - because both of those games have a lot of stuff you can find if you go exploring - it's just "light" compared to real RPGs.

As for the rest, sure you spend most of your time doing small group content, looting stuff and killing stuff in Destiny, but I do the same shit in GW2, ESO, SWTOR and all the other MMORPGS I've been playing and in every single player RPG I ever played, except that the "small group" content is tuned for soloing it or have NPC companions and I stop playing the game once I finished the story because the game force me to (most of the time).

No, you don't do the same thing - because GW2, ESO and SWtOR are not action-driven shooters - and they're full of traditional MMO content, including story-driven interaction-based quests, evolved crafting, housing and so on.

Destiny and Division - and in all probability Anthem are going to be "light" in all those ways.

It doesn't mean they can't share features - it means the emphasis is on action and shooting more than anything.

Essentially, they're just Diablo with shooting and a different perspective.

Hellgate and Borderlands came before Destiny and Division. The first is an MMO and the second is not - but they both play EXACTLY the same.

The Javelin isn't exactly your character class, the same character can own more than one Javelin. As for the 3 choices: Mage, Warrior and Rogue…whoopido Destiny copied Dragon Age class setup (technically BioWare started to use that in KoTOR with the Consular, Guardian and Sentinel).

It's the exact same thing for the purposes of gameplay, and you know it. Switching Javelin is respeccing on the fly.

Oh, so now these robot suits are Mages, Warriors and Rogues? :)

In any event - neither Bioware nor Bungie invented those classes.

But no one forced Bioware to use them in the same way that Bungie uses them. Since they're so insistent on setting themselves apart, a little imagination might have been in order here, no?

But it's nice to see you recognise that the games have more in common than guns.

If you can't see the difference between the CO-OP and MMORPGs genre, I don't know what to say. I doubt anyone would call Ghost Recon Wildlands a MMO. Also, I never claimed that Anthem was going to have an amazing story…in fact, I kinda suspect it is somewhat procedurally generated.

Your mistake is getting hung up on genres - instead of looking at how games play. There's nothing about an MMO that must function in this or that way - it simply means a lot of players exist in the same world, in one form or another.

I remember the same ignorant nonsense when Hellgate was released - which was technically an MMO - but played EXACTLY like Diablo in reality. It just had hub areas for meeting people - and that was all.

Literally the only MMO part was the social hub area - where Diablo 2 used channels for the same purpose. Yet, people couldn't let that go.

But some people can't think outside of the box when it comes to genres, I guess.

I'm not saying Anthem is going to be an MMO - I'm saying it's going to play very, very much like Destiny and Division.

At least, I will say that until I see some evidence to contrary. No, I'm not talking about marketing or developers trying to hype their game using buzzwords.

The trailer showed me what they've been working on the past 5 years - and it SCREAMED Destiny.

Seriously, if they really wanted it to appear different - then why do I - and the gaming media - refer to it as a Destiny clone or in the same genre?

They failed pretty big-time on that trailer, then.

Yes, it was very pretty - and sure, it might be one large seamless open world - but that tells us absolutely nothing that sets it apart from Destiny in a meaningful way.

The only thing that sets it apart, so far, is the LACK of stuff - including PvP and raids. But I'm not convinced we won't be seeing those.

Once again, it's an RPG-light cooperative shooter lootfest. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you can come up with something other then hype and marketing to support that it's going to be a cooperative "Skyrim" - as in footage or some indication of deeper exploration and interaction with NPCs - then I'll be very happy to be wrong.

I'd love for something new to come along.

But this is a big title with an obviously VERY big budget. There's no way they're going to experiment much at all with this genre.

This is EA, remember? They don't pour hundreds of millions of dollars into something bold and new.
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