Bible Chronicles - A Christian RPG

Christians consider ourselves Abraham's children by adoption. We were "grafted in" to the tree.
That's pretty much my point. The Jewish and Christian faiths have the same take on Abraham. So why is this a "Christian" game and not a "Judeo-Christian" game?

I think the game COULD work out to be a fun RPG. You're not playing as Abraham proper but as some guy that comes along with him. Genesis gives all the high points but, as somebody loosely connected, your character could come and go. There's plenty of space between the scripture verses to provide some adventures. (e.g. Your scouting ahead for Abraham and find some bandits - what do you do about them?) Jewish midrash might provide some other interesting stories to play around with, too. Isn't there one that holds that Sarah actually snuck the ram up near Abraham and Isaac to be sacrificed? Maybe you could be tasked with getting a ram for Sarah but you don't actually get to see what she does with it - a little "nod" to the story without actually saying it happened that way... but not saying it didn't, either.

P.S. Game SPOT not Game Stop! And they put it in bold, too. But yeah, a hostile response is predictable there.
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Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Here's the problem:

An RPG is about role-play. And decisions. And consequences.
A RPG is about everything but role playing. It is about combat, it is about running numbers, it is about story, it is about levelling up, it is about RP elements, it is choice and consequences.

It is about everything but roleplaying. Why else would one name a game roleplaying game if the game was meant to be about roleplaying?
What if, as Abraham, I decide to turn on the Jewish people? What if I decide to forsake God? What if I decide to not have faith and choose my son over a deity who would direct me to slay my firstborn to prove my faith?

Will they allow me? Doubt it.

In those games that are not roleplaying games since they are about roleplaying, a player is imparted a role.

A role is not an exercise of free style. It comes with advantages, priviledges, duties and demands. It limits the range of action a character can take.
Usually, these characteristics in a role are enforced by society at large.

Here though, the role is not a social function. It is a divine function. The enforcement is made by a god.

When asked t be a shepherd of men as a role, going against the cattle of men comes under strict procedure. You can not wake up and suddenly decide that you are going against them. This part was not left to you to be decided.
Straying away from that side of the role is going to be answered by a god itself.

If ever you decide to go that way, you can expect:
-to be struck by thunder
-to be turned in salt
-to get your descendancy cursed for multiple generations etc

That is what happens in those games that are not roleplaying games.
Mar 29, 2011
Aww, I feel bad for them. :(

I don't actually see them getting all the funding, but long shots are good. I'll pledge.
You never know, it might turn out great.

After the self righteous tone and proselytizing in the first update, I think I'll give this one a miss. In any case it sounds like a watered down approach that misses out on all the fun mass genocide bits. Really the OT would make a much better ARPG and you could have some wonderful skills like "plague of frogs" etc.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
I think the trick to a game like this being fun is to treat Judeo-Christian mythology like any other mythology, whether it be Hindu, Roman, Celtic, Norse. Games based on those mythologies are often really fun. The problem with subject matter like this is that people still believe it, and the belief prevents real play options and choice for RPGers. If the game *did* get funded, it would probably be pretty linear...if you're a Judeo-Christian protagonist (i.e. Abraham, in this story), there's really only ever one right choice, in any situation.
Dec 16, 2013
I think the trick to a game like this being fun is to treat Judeo-Christian mythology like any other mythology, whether it be Hindu, Roman, Celtic, Norse. Games based on those mythologies are often really fun. The problem with subject matter like this is that people still believe it, and the belief prevents real play options and choice for RPGers. If the game *did* get funded, it would probably be pretty linear…if you're a Judeo-Christian protagonist (i.e. Abraham, in this story), there's really only ever one right choice, in any situation.

They said you would be travelling with Abraham, not be Abraham.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I think the trick to a game like this being fun is to treat Judeo-Christian mythology like any other mythology, whether it be Hindu, Roman, Celtic, Norse. Games based on those mythologies are often really fun. The problem with subject matter like this is that people still believe it, and the belief prevents real play options and choice for RPGers. If the game *did* get funded, it would probably be pretty linear…if you're a Judeo-Christian protagonist (i.e. Abraham, in this story), there's really only ever one right choice, in any situation.

Yeah, I agree. It would make a wonderful scenario for an RPG if they weren't pussy footing around with sensitivity to religion. And you'd have the poetry of the King James version (and Keats) as well... "Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home, She stood in tears amid the alien corn".
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
@Pladio: Ah, forgive me. Thank you for the correction.

@Roq: Exactly! Very well said. :)
Dec 16, 2013
Gilgamesh is a good subject too.

I agree.

All great Epics are, perhaps. (Haven't read many of them yet.)

Another example would be the Edda, the Nibelungenlied, and the Aeneid by Vergil.

Besides, I have never found a more boring text than the Nibelungenlied.
I was trying to read through it, but at one point I had to give up. I just couldn't stand it anymore.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
New Update from the developers.

We've launched our bid to be greenlit on Steam! Please vote for us here:

Also, we've added a new reward tier for those interested in multiple copies. For $350, you can now get 10 physical copies. For those who have pledged for the $200 pack, you are able to upgrade if you choose!

There is also a new article today on GameSpot:
Thank you for your support! We're on our way.
Oct 1, 2010
They seem to have taken on board some of the criticism they have been facing.

First of all, they've changed the name of the Kickstarter to :
Judeo-Christian Video Game - Moral & Fun - "Call of Abraham"

They've also added a FAQ:
Will you be playing as Abraham?
No, you will be playing as a fictional character that is hired on to Abraham's caravan. We recognized that allowing the player to be Abraham would cause issues with the story unfolding as told in the Bible, which would compromise the ability to ensure biblical accuracy. The player character is a fictional Elamite outcast who finds work with Abraham's caravan before departing Haran. Elam was the rising power in the region at that time. The background story of the player character unfolds as the game progresses, and compliments the main story of Abraham's journey.

Your game map looks very vast. Will you be able to explore areas that aren't included in Abraham's story?
Yes! We felt it was necessary, in order to create a greater sense of adventure and educational value, to be able to traverse an open terrain that spans the surrounding regions of those areas where Abraham sojourned. Incidentally, our game terrain is one of the largest ever produced for this type of game.

Your rewards indicate shipping to US only. Will you ship to ______?
Kickstarter only allows you to plug in a fixed additional charge for shipping anywhere internationally. We are willing to ship international, but actual costs will need to be charged prior to shipment.

Can you bring this game to other platforms?
We've received numerous questions and great suggestions regarding the platforms that we will be releasing the game to. We've done our homework and deliberated on the matter and we have some good news.

First, regarding Linux. We've decided that we will be releasing a Linux version alongside Mac and PC.

Second, regarding the gaming consoles. We have a $250k stretch goal to bring this to the consoles. We listed X-Box and Playstation. For us that means X-Box 360, X-Box One, Playstation 3 and 4.

We've also had some inquiries about Nintendo Wii (and Wii U). We are evaluating this currently and we will most likely add a stretch goal to facilitate this as well.

Is the game going to be "preachy"?
Our mission is to produce a game that is accurate to the biblical record of Abraham's life and journey, and accurate to the historical record of the cultures and places that surrounded him. The game will not be presenting any messaging that is out of that context.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
It sounds mildly interesting, but it isn't going to come close to the goal; unless moolah descends from heaven instead of mana.
Oct 18, 2006
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