Deathfire - Funding Unsuccessful


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Well it's with sad tidings that I bring news that Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore has failed to reach it's funding. All is not lost as we get more details of Plan B in the latest update.

Welcome to “Plan B”

With the Kickstarter campaign for “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore” now coming to an end, the question arose, of course, how we would continue from here, now that the funding of the game did not fall into place.

This Kickstarter campaign may not have reached its goal, but it was a huge success nonetheless in our eyes, as it brought together a group of almost 4,000 very committed fans. We have been blessed and inspired by the incredible sense of community that our Kickstarter backers have created, their fervent support, their show of faith, their constantly upping their pledges even as I am writing this, and all of their kind words. All of that is indication that there is definitely interest in a game such as “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore,” and we are exceedingly proud to announce our next moves.

Let me introduce you to “Plan B.” :)

While we evaluated various alternatives how we could perhaps put funding in place, one concept in particular struck us as notable, and we decided to give it a shot. We have got a very strong sense of community and commitment here from our Kickstarter backers and we hope that most of you will also support us in this renewed effort to get us off to a strong start.

We do not want to deviate from the formula of the game. The reason why so many of you have fallen in love with “Deathfire” is because of its many cool and unique features. If we were to reduce the scope or depth of the game, we would essentially destroy everything that fans cared for in the first place. Therefore, the decision was made to find a solution that allows us to keep the game’s features intact.

The plan is this: Instead of creating a large-scale game all at once, we decided to take an episodic approach to the game. As opposed to forcing ourselves to a development schedule that spans a year or more, and which needs to be funded up front entirely, we have decided to develop the game in installments, each an individual chapter in the story—as you would have in a book—which, when taken together make up the entire story of the original game.
More information.
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Oct 1, 2010
They could always try again at a time when more people have disposable income. I would have kickstarted this if I had the money but I don't right now but after the holidays I might.
Oct 19, 2006
Really not a fan of periodic content and there is always the risk of the project staying half finished I guess…

Still I want to see them get their chance and this game be made so I pledged albeit at a slightly lower level than my KS contribution.

Still, this may turn out to be viable. They can use Steam as the Walking Dead example and add early access to the mix and hopefully the first chapters will be good enough to help things move along.

I wish them luck at any rate :)
(and fully intend to play the game when it hits chapter 6 although my tier has beta access added again ;) )
Oct 18, 2006
I pledge for this and wait to play the game 'til all episodes are released -> problem solved.

Oct 18, 2006
That dog looks smarter than I am :D

Anyways Guido is giving his reasoning about not choosing to go in Kickstarter again.
Although I would like to have seen another effort at some point it does seem that it would have been pretty tough on them and a lot of what he says makes sense.

Anyways, I hope the German Fanbase (that could not back previously) really steps up in this one. Here is your chance guys ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Only 10% of the Kickstarter campaign pledgers have pledged so far. Where are all those people?
Oct 30, 2006
I think Guido is right, and has pinpointed the reasons in the latest update, that another Kickstarter has little chance of working. It looks like some people are going to be put off by the episodic approach, but it seems like a sensible way to go when the cost of adding content greatly exceeds the cost of getting the basic game mechanics working. It could work as long as the basic game which gets released first is sufficiently good to justify further episodes. Anyway, what other plan B could there be that isn't pie in the sky?
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
Only 10% of the Kickstarter campaign pledgers have pledged so far. Where are all those people?

I moved my pledge over, but I don't really blame anyone for bailing. Putting money into a larger pool is a lot different than just handing it over. The all or nothing funding assures they have a reasonable pool to start with, or the option to back down if it fails. With the self run 'plan b' they have no minimum and now have an obligation to meet even if they don't raise enough to make a dent in costs.
Oct 18, 2006
Also check out the higher rewards. While it's about the same with the low levels you really get some extra awards with affordable price.
With 50$ you get a name into the monster pool.
With 75$ it's added a personalized gravestone.
With 100$ (75€) you get your face into the game (as NPC or Hero) which was previously 1500$
With 200$ they let you design an NPC, previously 1000$
With 250$ they let you design a Monster, which was previously 500$.

So for everyone who wants to be immortalized in the game, this is really good news. :)
Jun 2, 2012
There is imho one huge problem - I could be wrong, but that's how I see it :

A) you use Kickstarter and manage to appeal to the U.S. and the world outside
B) you use Kickstarter or something else and manage to appeal to Europe, but not the rest of the world.

Which means for A) - you use all kinds of payment methods including credit cards
and B) you use payment methods known in Europe, but not to the world outside
( I'm meaning the fact that Germany is quite an conservative country regarding online payment methods; most Germans still prefer direct bank transfers instead of anything else. Germany is a difficult market. No wonder Walmart withdrew from Germany ... And I could imagine similar things for France as well, and for other European countries (relatively high sales of The Witcher in Eastern Europe, for example, despite it being DRM-less).
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe

I don't really get what you mean though.
With the new system everyone can pay with paypal. And Paypal can be used with both: Credit Card AND Direct Debit.

For him to offer Direct Debit transfers directly would be borderline insane.
Jun 2, 2012
Whatever happens, if it's rebooted, I'll pledge on it again.
Apr 12, 2009
Oct 18, 2006
Well, they want to get 50k in two weeks. From the current value, it's a long way to go considering most people pledge immediately.
Jun 2, 2012
I don't think I'll re-pledge. I have KS burnout and I'm not keen on episodic content. When I play a game I want to be able to play it from start to finish in one sitting. I'll probably pick this up some way down the line though (assuming it gets made).
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
As hiddenX mentioned, you could just wait till all episodes are done.
Important is, that we get the 50k tgether within 2 weeks.
Jun 2, 2012
I don't think I'll re-pledge. I have KS burnout and I'm not keen on episodic content. When I play a game I want to be able to play it from start to finish in one sitting. I'll probably pick this up some way down the line though (assuming it gets made).

After the pledge you can wait for all six episodes to be released, therefore you can play the game as a whole. But if you don't pledge right now there's a possibility that they can't reach their 50,000 $ goal and the game be cancelled entirely.

Also with now that the game is Steam Greenlit after releasing Episode 1 they can generate enough income for their next episodes and of course for the full game.

It's like launching a rocket to the space. After goes out of atmosphere rockets can go without fuels. So we're doing this right now to breath life to Deathfire with much lesser goal than before.

Additionally you can reach cool things right now like designing a monster or NPC, tombstone, your face in the game with much lower pledge levels. I pledged 100 $ and thinking of sending my wife's portrait. Showing her reflection in a fantasy world to her - for example an elf character - would be awesome and a great gift to her.
Oct 30, 2006
you really get some extra awards with affordable price.
With 50$ you get a name into the monster pool.
With 75$ it's added a personalized gravestone.
With 100$ (75€) you get your face into the game (as NPC or Hero) which was previously 1500$
With 200$ they let you design an NPC, previously 1000$
With 250$ they let you design a Monster, which was previously 500$.
No, no, no, no and no.

I'm unsure which KS started this, but it's wrong. We shouldn't pay to be able to design something - modders do it for free in other games.

Hidden I click on pledge now but nothing happens? What am I supposed to do there? I want to pledge.
Apr 12, 2009
Hidden I click on pledge now but nothing happens? What am I supposed to do there? I want to pledge.

You have to click on one of the boxes with price tags below to select your tier and start a PayPal dialog.
Oct 18, 2006
I didn't pledge as it was clear it wouldn't make it but I am interested here as I like episodic content and I'm also a fan of steam early access if they go that route.

If it looks as if they will hit there goal I may lift my embargo on pledging and back it.
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