Witcher 3 Downgraded visuals?

The Witcher 3
Does the game look great or not? Binary response: yes or no. You choose.
If it looks great, who cares if there has been a trailer that arguably looked a little better?

It is bad thinking for the writer to force that binary choice. I think its a very good looking game, but it is fair to be disappointed that its not going to have rpg graphics like never seen before.
May 12, 2015
I thought it was immediately obvious that those screenshots weren't from the PC version.

Regardless of what CDP might have said, TW3 is not going to look the same on all platforms.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
it is fair to be disappointed that its not going to have rpg graphics like never seen before.
You saw something like it before?
Apr 12, 2009
You saw something like it before?

The game looks good in many ways. Mainly in no loading btween exterior and interior, which is good progress.

But the quality of lighting, shaders, textures, water, sky, animation - none of this is better than what has been seen before.
May 12, 2015
From vids I saw (I didn't see the game yet) I've definetly never seen something like that before.
I would love to know a title where it could be seen. Because I feel like an ignorant fool who missed buying some graphics spectacles.

Oh and... Found another... About downgraded visuals:
Apr 12, 2009
Some of those screenshots are pretty ugly, even if they are "only" on next gen consoles (which were touted as having awesome graphics and are only a year or two old). I'm still waiting to see an ultra-settings PC version...I have the game pre-ordered anyway, and will see in a week or so. I will feel a bit pissed off though, if the visuals look like some of the pics I've seen, since I upgraded my system, got a GTX980 etc mostly in anticipation of this game.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
From vids I saw (I didn't see the game yet) I've definetly never seen something like that before.
I would love to know a title where it could be seen. Because I feel like an ignorant fool who missed buying some graphics spectacles.[/IMG]

Almost anything built with Frostbite 3 or Crytek engines. But I dont want a graphics argument (very boring). Just enough to say that in many important areas, what we see of W3 is not outstanding.
May 12, 2015
Frosbite? Dice's Frostbite? Man, that engine cannot let you swim or dive (for all I know).
Can't say I've seen Crytek engine based game recently…

There is nothing like TW3 out there. Admit it.

There actually is Order 1886, that game probably has the best visuals that beat even modded Watch Dogs, but I'd never buy that thing, why, you can see here:
Apr 12, 2009
Frosbite? Dice's Frostbite? Man, that engine cannot let you swim or dive (for all I know).
Can't say I've seen Crytek engine based game recently…

There is nothing like TW3 out there. Admit it.

There actually is Order 1886, that game probably has the best visuals that beat even modded Watch Dogs, but I'd never buy that thing, why, you can see here:

Take a look at Ryse, on max settings on PC. Crap game but the graphics are the standard I want to see. For the elements I mentioned it is much superior to what we see in W3. Of course it is no open world, so much easier, but this is why I was excited by what CDPR showed before.

May 12, 2015
I've seen only repetitiveness in Ryse.
Sorry. :)

If you mean the superb cinematics, nothing we never seen before - those were made by Platige Image, same people who did cinematics for TW1 and TW2. And now for TW3, of course. ;)
Apr 12, 2009
I've seen only repetitiveness in Ryse.
Sorry. :)

If you mean the superb cinematics, nothing we never seen before - those were made by Platige Image, same people who did cinematics for TW1 and TW2. And now for TW3, of course. ;)

I repeat: lighting, shaders, textures, animation. All of those are far better in that old Cryengine game, by far. But this is boring and pointless and going off topic.
May 12, 2015
I watched footage on the PS4 today and I am fine with them....upgraded downgraded it doesn't matter. Though CPprojekt did say they had to work on getting the Xbox up to 1080.
Apr 2, 2011

The difference is huge. Frankly I got serious doubts the game could have possibly looked so astonishingly good and run on anything reasonably priced without becoming the Crysis of this generation.

Wow, what a disaster. The dishonesty is very shocking. If I had pre-ordered this game based on their misleading trailer I would've been mightily pissed.

Consoles are only going to get worse and more limiting because we're hit a bottleneck of how much horsepower can be extracted at the very low voltage they must run at. Considering that states like California are strict about these limits for devices such as game consoles this will not change any time soon. The consoles have CPUs that run at 1.7 ghz or something.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
It seems an employee of CD Projekt RED has leaked why the game has been downgraded. Don't know if this is true so take it with a grain of salt.:(

I don't know if this specific person is telling the truth or not but it's pretty much what has been happening to games for years.

Games are made for consoles because that's where the money is. It was only a matter of time before CDPR followed suit.

Can't say it's not sad to see though. A year and half in to this generation of crappy consoles and they're already outdated. Just 8 1/2 more years to go.
I think skyrim looks far superior to above, the backdrops at least (who looked absolutely stunning in the older screens of TW3)

I just hope that TW3 doesn't have the z-fighting (flickering mountains) problem that many experienced with Skyrim. To this day, I don't think it's ever been fully fixed. It kind of takes away from the immersion factor when an entire distant landscape is flickering.
Jun 27, 2013
You can fix the flickering in Skyrim; just takes a little tinkering in your ini. You can fix plenty in Skryim (aside from the mind-numbing quest design); therein lies the real enigma of TW3 - moddability, whether textures or otherwise.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Well, I hope that "employee" isn't telling the truth, as that would spell the end of my trust in the company.

If so, then the screenshots do indeed tell a reliable story - but it doesn't ring true that the PC version won't have more features and higher resolution assets. It takes no work at all NOT to downgrade assets, which would have been created at the highest possible level of detail. At the very least, I expect better AA and better draw distances. It would simply make no sense not to have those.

If they haven't even bothered to implement that for PC, then I'm going to be pissed.

That said, I'm sure the game will look good and play well all the same.
I hope that if this is true, and I'll be upset if they did this, that at least they'll be able to revert to those graphic settings post-release, in the very probable enhanced edition. It would be great if they did. I hope they don't drop the support post-DLC-release and post expansion release.

I can kind of understand them dropping the extra attention they would have liked to give to the PC version, since they say they were hoping the next-gen consoles would have been stronger in hardware. But I can't help to think that was a very stupid thing to go on, thinking/wishing next gen console will be able to handle those specs, which at the time were of a high-end PC rig. Something feels a bit off in all of this.
Jul 31, 2007



What really sucks is that we have a new generation of consoles, i had such high hopes that this would really bring us to the next level of graphics, instead we get games on pair with Skyrim (well maybe slightly modded).

I'm certain PC will have longer view distance and AA.. we will most probably be able to tweak some of the shaders as well, but hardly to the degree that it looks like in the above animated gif..
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
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