Escapist puts Skyrim as #1 RPG in last five years


The Smoker
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
April 12, 2009
Apr 12, 2009
Ah Joxer is still stuck in this mode apparently :biggrin:

Oct 18, 2006
joxer alone is not the problem; joxer in combination with DArt, who is in this mode:

causes major problems :)
Oct 18, 2006
Skyrim is one of the best RPG of all time. Come on I even bought it and played it for all of 4 hours.

Wait sorry I am a lair, Stream shows I only played it for just over 3 hours.
Apr 2, 2011
This is why I will always advocate playing a game yourself rather than basing your purchases on reviews. For most people they don't want to pay a lot for a game they are not sure they will like, in which case I STRONGLY advocate buying it anyway when the price drops to a range you want to afford.

No reviewer is identical to what you will find enjoyable.
Aug 13, 2013
When will the hurting stop, eh old-timers? ;)

I promise it gets much easier to deal with once you grow as a person and realise, that yes, it really IS about people liking different things for different reasons. No one has to be wrong ;)

The world can go on without anyone having the correct opinion. I guarentee it!
While that is correct, I think in the case of this list that particular truism cannot be held true by any means whatsoever.

I know Joxer asked us to ignore it, but by simply having Dragon Age II on the list does discredit the entire list. Likewise, it put Mass Effect III above Fallout New Vegas, again, discrediting the entire list.

While personal opinion might have a certain amount of weight, that's all this list could be, one specific person's opinion, there is no way a publication that is supposed to provide 'general authority' could or should produce a list like that.

It would be like a top 25 list of Action Movie stars where Steven Segal takes the number 10 slot while Arnold Schwartz takes number 12 - it just immediately discredits everything about the list and can be considered nothing more than one specific fan's-eye-view of a scenario.

In terms of the term 'publication' it's unforgivable.
Feb 10, 2014
I see you still struggle accepting that other people like different things for different reasons.

But it's a common enough challenge for most people. I see them trying to argue their way around it by constantly indicating there's something objective about X game being good or bad. Like you're trying to do with Dragon Age 2. It's hard, when your brain has logged it in a certain way, to accept that other people have other priorities and don't think of games as you do.

Our brains thrive when categorizing and it's a comfort calling something good or bad. It makes everything easier to digest and talk about.

Once you have enough "truths" in your little archive - it becomes an insurmountable task staying open. I mean, your entire spectrum of what's quality will be challenged - and that's never pleasant.

It's part of growing up that you have to set aside your own reality and accept it's not the only one.

Lots of people never grow up, though.
So you could justify a poor Steven Segal movie as being better than a good Arnie movie could you?

Go for it…

(assuming you can cope with the concept of 'personal opinion' being a different concept to 'public opinion'…)

Edit: In which case why not have a list which puts ET original release as the number 1 computer game of all time... it's just one person's 'opinion' - but what 'credibility' should such an 'opinion' have?
Feb 10, 2014
So you could justify a poor Steven Segal movie as being better than a good Arnie movie could you?

I see you're still struggling - and you're still using these words because your brain can't deal with not using them. There's no such thing as a poor Steven Seagal movie. There's a movie you might consider poor - but that's different.

So, I can't justify anything relating to your opinions - that's something you have to do yourself.

(assuming you can cope with the concept of 'personal opinion' being a different concept to 'public opinion'…)

The challenge for you, here, is to realise that your perception of public opinion is not necessarily the only perception.

If you want to establish why this can't represent public opinion - you have to provide proof - not speculation or anecdotal "evidence" conveniently altered to suit your agenda.

Ultimately, it's an opinion piece - as you say - which makes everything about it as correct or incorrect as any other opinion piece.

As for its objective value - it's no more or less useful than what you imagine would represent public opinion.

Certainly, I have a very easy time imagining that my opinion of DA2 does NOT represent the public opinion. It has enough superficial values to be considered a good game in the public eye - as it tends to represent casual gamers more so than core gamers.

As for Skyrim - it's just about the best example of a "best game" as I can think of - because it can be appreciated greatly by both core and casual gamers - and it can be tweaked every which way through the modding community.

I consider such a game much more likely to be the "best" in the public eye than whatever we here at the Watch would prefer.

Even so, that would be nothing but my perception of the public opinion and - as such - it would hold no value as an objective observation.

Edit: In which case why not have a list which puts ET original release as the number 1 computer game of all time… it's just one person's 'opinion' - but what 'credibility' should such an 'opinion' have?

I don't know what value you assign to opinions. That's another subjective consideration.

To me, an opinion by itself is only as useful as the context within which it's provided - and the insight with which it's supported.

The difference between personal opinion and public opinion is that one can have criminal implications whereas another might not carry criminal implications.

If someone uses their position of public authority to sell something sub-standard, they are acting immorally and might even be verging on criminal miss-selling.

If someone simply recommends something clearly indicated as a non-monetary-gain and purely from a personal experience then that is a different kettle of fish.

It is you who has failed to grasp the concept of 'a greater mind' if you cannot differenciate the difference between what is commonly regarded as quality and what is commonly regarded as 'fraud'.
Feb 10, 2014

The difference between personal opinion and public opinion is that one can have criminal implications whereas another might not carry criminal implications.

If someone uses their position of public authority to sell something sub-standard, they are acting immorally and might even be verging on criminal miss-selling.

If someone simply recommends something clearly indicated as a non-monetary-gain and purely from a personal experience then that is a different kettle of fish.

It is you who has failed to grasp the concept of 'a greater mind' if you cannot differenciate the difference between what is commonly regarded as quality and what is commonly regarded as 'fraud'.

I don't know what delusional world you live in - but in the real world, this opinion piece has no criminal implication.

Just because some people are ignorant enough to consider a loud mouth an authority - does not mean the person holding this illusory power is responsible for that delusion.
I just had a look at another article on that site entitled Dragon Age II sales. Amazingly enough there's really quite a lot of people in that thread using the words 'most dissappointing' and 'I hope Bioware learn from this' etc etc (the sales figures themselves are appalling and suggestive of fraud). Huge numbers of people returned the game (now wouldn't those stats be great).

But, yeah, there's still people, such as yourself, who will 'use' pedantic philosophy to justify fraud...

"It's your fault for being conned..."

Maybe you should apply for a job on the Alien frachise's PR board...

DArtagnan, the defender of sloppy work and unplayable games - would make for a great statue...
Feb 10, 2014
I just had a look at another article on that site entitled Dragon Age II sales. Amazingly enough there's really quite a lot of people in that thread using the words 'most dissappointing' and 'I hope Bioware learn from this' etc etc (the sales figures themselves are appalling and suggestive of fraud). Huge numbers of people returned the game (now wouldn't those stats be great).

But, yeah, there's still people, such as yourself, who will 'use' pedantic philosophy to justify fraud…

"It's your fault for being conned…"

Maybe you should apply for a job on the Alien frachise's PR board…

DArtagnan, the defender of sloppy work and unplayable games - would make for a great statue…

If you make that statue, can I expect you to be quiet while you're doing the work?

In that case, I don't mind your misconception represented by a statue.

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me :)
I just wish that there weren't so many places that had such an awful taste in games.
Oct 25, 2006
Because criminals don't use 'shutting people up' as their next line of assault once their BS has failed to cloud their victim's mind...
Feb 10, 2014
Even if you were the only one left in the world with "good taste", I'm sure you'd be arguing how other opinions can't have merit :)

It would help your cause if you actually used the concept of merit rather than implying everything has merit regardless of distinction.
Feb 10, 2014
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