Here we go again, more lies about me on the codex

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Just so you guys know exactly what it is you're dealing with, I've decided to share some of the juicier bits of a thread at Codex started by bryce back in 2007 when he was still a regular poster there (i.e. not banned yet). Its title was "A funny PM I got from roqua" and it's considered a true Codex Classic™, having been preserved for all eternity in our own little museum of derp, lovingly named Retardo Land. In the thread, bryce is "Jim Kata" (one of his original accounts there) and his… adversary is a poster named, of course, "roqua".

Here's the preamble (some of this is rather crude — my advanced apologies). The first paragraph is roqua's (who really is crazy also but hasn't been to Codex in years) likely alcohol-fueled PM to bryce:

"Listen, I know its hard for an invalid, who has been protected by the system and sheltered inside his whole life due to being useless and unemployed, to understand why people just don’t cross certain lines, but I need you to understand something. I’m going to hurt you bad. Old, retarded, invalid, it doesn’t matter now. When I see you, no matter how pathetic you look, I’m going to fucking rape every orifice of your body and then pee in them all. I know you feel safe, locked in your filthy, section-8 apartment, posting on the internet where no one can physically get to you. And you’ll probably feel that way until I kick in your door, kick in your teeth, and stick my cock in your ass. And I know how pathetic you are, that’s why your comment really didn’t get me mad. You are lacking the mental capacity to understand you don’t talk about other people’s kids, and especially don’t wish them death. You just can’t understand that or anything beyond lying on the internet all day. And keep in mind that while I’m washing the jism I shot in your eyes out with my urine stream, that I’m not doing it out of hate, since I can’t hate the truly pathetic. I’ll actually be doing it because your parents didn’t know how to raise someone right and ended up producing you. Think of it as tough-love. I’m also going to break all your fingers so you can’t do the one thing you can do and look forward to: type on the internet to much.

And bryce's first response to him:

All I can say is PLANE TICKETS, BITCH!

And I am dead serious. Old as I am, I has a strong suspicion I could kick your ass. In fact, my bet is when you see my well over six foor frame and my gnarled old man hand that have the strength no younger generation can match, you will act REAL nice.

My name is Bryce ######. As long as you book the flight leaving from LAX on a friday morning and returning on a sunday night (and give me a month notice), I will gladly accept your challenge and proceed to give you the most serious humiliation of your life. I'll even post pictures of you cowering from me.

There is some back-and-forth that follows, the usual internet tough guy routine. They started dancing around meeting in NYC at one point, but things remained relatively tame.

But then roqua steps it up a notch:

I'm 5 ft 9 inches, about 175-180 lbs depedning on if I have to shit or not. Lets say you are a herculian giant, this is how it will go: I'll work you over while you swing like a big retard. Then you'll get mad and try and grab me or wrestle with me, at which time I'll bite a big chunk out of you. Thats guarding pain, you'll have no choice but to let go and look at it and cover it with your hands. At which point you'll get scared, and know I don't give a fuck, and no one wants to fight someone who is willing to bite chunks out of them, or get chunks biten out of them. Thats when I'll start enjoying it, fealing your fear and seeing it in your face and eyes. Then I'll tell you what I'm going to do before I do it, and I'll do it slow because it will take time to get it right. There is a lot of holes needing raping, and my body needs to generate a lot of jism and urine. I'm not a jism and urine producing machine, so it won't be quick. But I promise, I be laughing a lot, and there'll be a smile on my face the whole time. If you relax it will go easier, but I won't enjoy it as much.

But again, you are the biggest liar on the internet. So I have a feeling I'll show up and you'll think the jokes on me as you post more lies on the interent and live out the rest of your sad, shallow, and meaningless days thinking you are safe. Some one here is internet savvy enough to find your address though, and I'll pay good money for it. Or you could be a man and actually show up and just get this over with.

Again, we all know roqua was nuts, but there apparently was a legitimate reason for all his rage. This is roqua quoting a PM he got from bryce:

Better yet, let's get rid of some real lower life forms and feed your daughter to a tiger.

I'd pay twenty, maybe thirty dollars, for that.

I'd pay an extra five dollars to push her myself.

Maybe even fitty dollars to tear your wife's vagina out with a meathook and feed it to a crocodile.

As for me, I have done more work and made more money than you ever will. I helped design many of the weapons that kept this country from being another cmmie shithole.

Real? Not real? Hmm. bryce's reply to that:

Oh please. You have said worse to me a hundred times, and even made death threats against me.

You could go to jail for what you siad.

Would I enjoy killing your retard wife and daughter? Sure? Would I do it or even threaten to? Of course not.

You are a sick dog, and maybe it's time you're put down.

So he admits he said those things to roqua, actually threatening to rape his wife.

But wait, there's more! After some additional posturing, e-dick waving, roqua gave him his address, actually posted a picture of himself, etc., eventually roqua states:

I'll drive to NY and fight anyone who shows. Why post when we can break the trend of pansie ass fucks not backing up their words with actions. Posting a picture to somehow show I'm tough and willing is gay, punching people isn't. I don't want to be gay, but I'd really like to punch some of you nancies.

To which our friend bryce replies:

1. Plane tickets. Look, it's pretty fucking simple. Roqua sends me a death threat, a challenge if you will. I give him terms. If he is too much of a pussy or too POOR to afford a 200 dollar fucking plane ticket!!!! Give me a mother fucking break. Instead he (literally) offers to have gay sex with me one on one in a hotel room. I gave him the chance to settle it like a gentleman, or as much like one as he is capable of, and that's how he responds. So be it. He is the one who wanted a piece of me not the other way around.

Just by coincidence, btw, I spend over 200 dollars on entertainment tonight since last time I posted.

2. DorkOvenLoad - Hey, dumbfuck! Don't post people's IPs or locations. Are you a fucking retard? AS I EXPLAINED BEFORE, NO I DO NOT LIVE IN LOS ANGELES. However, I can and do travel extensively to California and fly in and out of LAX fairly regularly.

3. Fights not going to real life. You are right. You know why? Because I know short men disease people like this dumbfuck to a T. I am not sure if I have posted it on here or not, but probably have, but I have been in this EXACT situation before. I had a moron posting death threats to me on a rgular basis for about a year, saying he would do this and that blah blah blah. He was from NYC. Well, I still go back to visit on occasion (and dumbfucks like this guy and Roqua are the main reason I left the east coast in the first place), so I offered to meet him. He was going to kill me and humiliate me etc., as well. To which I just laugh. Then I meet the little fucker. He, too, is 5'9 and 180 pounds. Exactly. Thinks he's muscular, but really is a fucking cremepuff. Just like Roqua (whose picture I recall). Well, I am old enough that I am unsure of my height (I have actually shrunk) but I am about 190 lbs and at last check about 4.5% fat. Not enough fat because I can't keep down any fucking food. BUT EVEN IN THIS WEAKENED CONDITION, faced with someone like me Roqua would no doubt shit his fucking pants. The guy who I met this way was REALLY nice to me in person, and from then on online. This was some retard from the message boards. He begged me not to tell anyone about it so he wouldn't look (even more) retarded, but many of the people there knew all about it.

So yes, there is ZERO chance of a fight. As for me going, why yes I'll take free tickets to NYC from anyone, any time. But I have no desire to fight Roqua.

But, as I said, if he did attack me when we met I would choke the fucking life out of him, right on the spot, mercilessly, and I WOULD kill him. Of this I have zero doubt. ZERO. If he were int he same room with me he would have zero doubt as well. No one fucks with me, and I mea NO ONE, even at my advanced age.

4. My name. I can board the plane as Bryce ###### (and always do), and that is all that matters. I won't say what I have changed to keep myself from being stalked, but most of my legal effects use adifferent spelling, and for immigration it was a completely different name entirely. Sorry, but I am not stupid enough to post the way to my house so a dumbfuck like Roqua can break in and attack me while I'm asleep (which is the only way he would ever have the courage).

And this all within just the first 5 pages! The thread itself is 17 pages long! Imagine that. 17 pages of two grown men threatening to rape each other, to rape each other's children, to beat each other senseless, and to do many other unspeakable things to one another. That's the wonder of Codex Retardo Land. All your dreams can come true there, and confirmation that this thread actually exists can be yours by becoming a loyal paid member¹ of RPG Codex today!

¹ Actual payment for membership not required but minimum one-year free membership is required in lieu of monetary donation.
Feb 18, 2010
Jan 30, 2012
San Francisco
Just so you guys know exactly what it is you're dealing with, I've decided to share some of the juicier bits of a thread at Codex started by bryce back in 2007 when he was still a regular poster there (i.e. not banned yet). Its title was "A funny PM I got from roqua" and it's considered a true Codex Classic™, having been preserved for all eternity in our own little museum of derp, lovingly named Retardo Land. In the thread, bryce is "Jim Kata" (one of his original accounts there) and his… adversary is a poster named, of course, "roqua".

Here's the preamble (some of this is rather crude — my advanced apologies). The first paragraph is roqua's (who really is crazy also but hasn't been to Codex in years) likely alcohol-fueled PM to bryce:

And bryce's first response to him:

There is some back-and-forth that follows, the usual internet tough guy routine. They started dancing around meeting in NYC at one point, but things remained relatively tame.

But then roqua steps it up a notch:

Again, we all know roqua was nuts, but there apparently was a legitimate reason for all his rage. This is roqua quoting a PM he got from bryce:

Real? Not real? Hmm. bryce's reply to that:

So he admits he said those things to roqua, actually threatening to rape his wife.

But wait, there's more! After some additional posturing, e-dick waving, roqua gave him his address, actually posted a picture of himself, etc., eventually roqua states:

To which our friend bryce replies:

And this all within just the first 5 pages! The thread itself is 17 pages long! Imagine that. 17 pages of two grown men threatening to rape each other, to rape each other's children, to beat each other senseless, and to do many other unspeakable things to one another. That's the wonder of Codex Retardo Land. All your dreams can come true there, and confirmation that this thread actually exists can be yours by becoming a loyal paid member¹ of RPG Codex today!

¹ Actual payment for membership not required but minimum one-year free membership is required in lieu of monetary donation.

I didn't threaten him or his family in any way, idiot. There is nothing remotely illegal in anything I said, and I would never say anything illegal, unlike clowns of the codex. I know what's actionable and what isn't and I take it very seriously that I make sure I don't step into lawsuit realm let alone police realm.

He threatened my life in a PM out of the blue for no reason I could fathom, then when I pushed back a little he went even more nuts. Like I said I would have been happy to show up and give him a chance to take me out if he could, but he was too much of a coward. He is the one who wanted a piece of me not vice versa, he wants me to come then he can pay my way. If I wanted to beat up a short fat guy I have millions to choose from. I would get a good laugh to see him notice a guy a head taller with shoulders twice as wide step up to him.

All stuff you know nothing about, with PM exchanges that only show my side, which is all responses to his insane nonsense. He made claims about me threatening rape and murder, but it simply never happened. And in the very first PM he sent he DID threaten my life.

PM exchanges were from a long time ago so I cant say for sure but DarkUnderlord is a known liar and drama junkie so I won't be surprised if in addition to leaving out "a few small details" a lot of it is simply made up.

Nobody took Roqua's side back then, it was quite obvious he was totally insane. After that his online persona degraded more and more into insanity as well. He was an unstable rageaholic who was always angry the whole time he posted.

He's not even a troll, he's just literally a mentally ill person with serious problems (which the codex has lots of these days but back then he was an anomaly, he and trash were really the only ones I noted with genuine problems).
Apr 10, 2011
Forgive me, double post nazis but this deserves another post of its own. If you don't like it, don't read it.

And this all within just the first 5 pages! The thread itself is 17 pages long! Imagine that. 17 pages of two grown men threatening to rape each other, to rape each other's children, to beat each other senseless, and to do many other unspeakable things to one another. That's the wonder of Codex Retardo Land. All your dreams can come true there, and confirmation that this thread actually exists can be yours by becoming a loyal paid member¹ of RPG Codex today!

I just want to underline while Roqua threatened to rape me and kill me and beat me and a million other things, I never threatened to rape anyone let alone roqua. Nor would I. I also stated clearly that I would defend myself if he attacked me but I would not attack him when I met him. Just to make clear that I had no intention to harm him and was not after him in any way, shape or form.

OTOH if he attacked me (which is a laughable proposition from such a twerp) then I would definitely make him regret it. But I am not going to beat someone over words. I was not even angry in any way. I just laughed at his sorry ass.

Also I'll point out that I never posted the PMs he sent to me because I felt they were privileged correspondence. It shows how little character he has that he would PM threats to me and then post my responses (or maybe doctored a bit) and try to claim I am the one that threatened him.

I also say the same in that thread several times. However you would rather punish me by posting something you know is a lie, and for not taking the low road and publishing his PMs to me.

¹ Actual payment for membership not required but minimum one-year free membership is required in lieu of monetary donation.

And here we are. What this is really about. You are as sad as the broken forum guys who have driven off anyone who actually wants to play vidcons due to their justice war political lovefest, and now they have to come after former members on other web sites and make threads about them on their own web site every day. Except you also try to make money off it. This has to be the most pathetic thing I have seen on the net.

How often do I get mentioned on the codex (though mainly I guess it's fake bryce being mentioned). How many threads that have hundreds of pages that I never participated in? Now the title of the website has my name in it, even. Then you have the nerve to come here and tell me I am butthurt.

I have news, I get the biggest laugh possible out of this nonsense. It is flattering in a way. Only reason I would like the truth to come out is that I hope to actually release a game and this nonsense will distract people from sales. Not only does no one believe your BS once I refute it, but outside of the Codex no one thinks of the Codex as anything but a joke. Most of them can't stand the idea anyone who posted there coming to their site, either. Though this is unfair as most 'real' rpg fans are probably going to at least register on most of the RPG sites, and before underlord took over all the management was pretty friendly towards me and there was not any real drama on the site.

All the mythical drama you have been told about is just made up BS for the most part. Roqua for example was just a disturbed person and on a regular website would have been banned long before he threatened me.
Apr 10, 2011
I guess the whole mentioning of invading his wife's womb with a meathook meant nothing then?

Feb 18, 2010
I guess the whole mentioning of invading his wife's womb with a meathook meant nothing then?


I never said that, Crispy. I'd be careful about making crap up if I were you, or spreading around secondhand info you can't verify.

I don't have access to the thread any more so I don't know if that is something he claims I said or what, but I don't have any recollection at all.

You can see clearly in the thread I said the exact same things I said in that post. That I never threatened anyone and never would, that he did threaten me (and in horrible and numerous ways). Yet you choose to just repeat the same BS he said. It sickens me you are going along with this psychopath who violated the law and would have been banned long before he got to that point in his rage if DarkUnderlord had not taken over the site.

I know you can look in the thread and see that I was very clear about never making any threats. Yet you choose to try and use a thread I can't even access to use hearsay from someone else to make a point. There's no point you can make that way anyhow.

You are accusing me of having bad character with the proof being someone else said I had bad character. But go back and read roquas posts before and after interacting with me. The guy was obviously deeply disturbed and violent and he eventually completely snapped from reality as far as I can tell. And you are omitting the small detail he threatened me via PM several times before I started the thread, and the innumerable, ludricrous threats he posted towards me in the thread.
Apr 10, 2011
I'm sure you all realise that Roqua is a Troll with a totally outrageous sense of humour who delights in stirring everybody up. He hasn't posted here in ages either, but when he did we treated him like the troll he is and ignored most of his ridiculous comments as being designed purely to get a reaction. Feeding trolls results in all the problems you're currently discussing!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I wasn't there then so I can't comment for sure, but what I do know and that Crispy is not making exactly clear is that the Codex is like a high school locker room where most people are trying to always out edge one another in tastelessness. I'm not saying I approve of such comments, but it's obvious it has to be taken to the second degree. It's the kind of atmosphere where people let their immaturity run amok and they can become bedazzled by that atmosphere. It is what it is, you simply need a thick skin, not everyone will have the stomach for it.

If I took seriously any of the nasty stuff I was said I wouldn't have lasted a day but I'm hard to offend.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
Best advice I can give: Never feed the trolls

Four golden rules

To stop fraying your nerves, we pass you on four golden rules. The rule of the thumb goes like this: don't feed the troll. I hope the phrase doesn't speak in riddles.

Don’t feed the troll
So! To avoid trolling:

1. keep your strong emotional impact only for your darlings

2. ignore suspicious messages

3. don't give personal information to the people you don't know well on the Web

4. complain to the listmaster. Lay the blame on them :)

Your emotional response is a healthy nutrition for a troll. So be greedy and keep your fats with you: don't feed the troll, lulz!

Rule for the Codex:
Stay in the thread Computer RPG's and everything is fine. A bunch of gamers that know a lot about old & new CRPGs, devs and the industry. They share their opinions, jab with their forks at us Watchers from time to time, Grognards fight the new powers of balance, all in all the closest relatives we have on the net.
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Oct 18, 2006
@Crispy, thank you for posting that. I don't have access to GD and always wanted to read some of the retardo stickies.

There's also a bunch of very good and informative thread that got unfairly sent here and it's a shame I and other visitors are missing on them.

I've read something like that :

2. DorkOvenLoad - Hey, dumbfuck! Don't post people's IPs or locations. Are you a fucking retard? AS I EXPLAINED BEFORE, NO I DO NOT LIVE IN LOS ANGELES. However, I can and do travel extensively to California and fly in and out of LAX fairly regularly.

That's why I say the staff creeps me out. If DarkUnderlord really did that that's extremely irresponsible. Had Roqua carried on with his threat, it would have potentially been considered downright criminal, giving an address to a self professed would be murderer is complicit actions.

Seriously, any balanced individual would have stopped there and closed the thread. Free speech is one thing but this is fucking nuts, there are laws against being an hub for death threat spouting psychopaths.
Sep 28, 2014
I know I don't post here that often, though I come here almost everyday to read game reviews. I also really enjoy a lot of the members here thoughts on games etc. even if I don't personally feel same way.

I am not sure if this thread was entertaining for me to read or just sad.

Anyways ...
Apr 2, 2011
I wasn't there then so I can't comment for sure, but what I do know and that Crispy is not making exactly clear is that the Codex is like a high school locker room where most people are trying to always out edge one another in tastelessness. I'm not saying I approve of such comments, but it's obvious it has to be taken to the second degree. It's the kind of atmosphere where people let their immaturity run amok and they can become bedazzled by that atmosphere. It is what it is, you simply need a thick skin, not everyone will have the stomach for it.

If I took seriously any of the nasty stuff I was said I wouldn't have lasted a day but I'm hard to offend.

Just to make things completely clear, his accusations come from some post I made on the site which was in another thread. That is where this idea of threats comes from.

So basically he is just making some wild claim right from the first email and then repeating it over and over. Then people like crispy repeat it over and over. None of that makes it true. It's not, there is no basis to it in fact.

That is why it's Crispy over here posting things secondhand, because guys like DU know it's all false and they just played along with it.
Apr 10, 2011
@Crispy, thank you for posting that. I don't have access to GD and always wanted to read some of the retardo stickies.

There's also a bunch of very good and informative thread that got unfairly sent here and it's a shame I and other visitors are missing on them.

I've read something like that :

That's why I say the staff creeps me out. If DarkUnderlord really did that that's extremely irresponsible. Had Roqua carried on with his threat, it would have potentially been considered downright criminal, giving an address to a self professed would be murderer is complicit actions.

Seriously, any balanced individual would have stopped there and closed the thread. Free speech is one thing but this is fucking nuts, there are laws against being an hub for death threat spouting psychopaths.

Yep. I remember that well, and then some other time he posted my place of work on the forum.

However he never says anything directly himself, which is smart. Except where he slipped and lied about my IP address from my email matching to someone else. Notice he never refutes anything directly or talks to me directly. He knows that can lead to serious legal troubles for him.

Like I said, Australia is also the last place you want to do any of this. Most of the time when people are talking about "death threats" on the internet it's pure BS. If someone says I hope you get eaten by weasles it's not a death threat or actionable in any way.

When you say you plan to meet someone, bash their brains out and rape them it can get you in jail very easily and I could have made that happen for Roqua. When you have detailed plans like offering a hotel room, and all the other bizarre nonsense it is elevated way above a mere threat as a matter of fact.

For some reason a lot of people seem oblivious to behaving in a legal and basically moral manner on the web and even have to be explained what's legal and moral. Suffice to say even getting arrested for something like that will have a serious effect on your life. You can forget any sort of 'professional' career after that let alone government contracts etc. as you will never make it past the screening process.

Mainly I just feel sorry for Roqua though. In spite of what Corwin says, he is no troll. He is a seriously disturbed person with a lot of rage and a lot of issues. I think later he tried to make it out like it was an act all along but his blowup at me was just one part of a long series of explosive episodes.

More disturbing is the guy running the site was actually happy about it. After all Plane Tickets! is now basically the motto of the site. Pretty sad because he demonizes me yet worships me at the same time. He went along with a guy he knew was seriously disturbed and like you say even started posting personal info about me.

I am not sure what the legal ramifications of that are, but morally speaking he is truly reprehensible.

Then there's guys like Crispy trying to defend horrible people and treating their nonsense, from a site that's now entirely about drama and BS, like it's actually real.
Apr 10, 2011
If I took seriously any of the nasty stuff I was said I wouldn't have lasted a day but I'm hard to offend.
Funny thing is that Codex endured you for how many years exactly? You wouldn't last a day here on Watch if you maintained the same behavior as on Codex. I seen you posts in religion-politics and it's hilarious how you trip over yourself not to sound offensive (because you know you'll get banned easily), while we both know how you'd design an equivalent post on Codex.

I'm still not sure whether you and all the bryces aren't the same, which is why i said this thread reminds me of Being John Malkovich. You posting styles and brand of butthurt are so similar to even the tiniest bit, that it seem more uncanny to imagine that there are several persons on the net that behave like perfect copycats.
Jan 2, 2007
Funny thing is that Codex endured you for how many years exactly? You wouldn't last a day here on Watch if you maintained the same behavior as on Codex. I seen you posts in religion-politics and it's hilarious how you trip over yourself not to sound offensive (because you know you'll get banned easily), while we both know how you'd design an equivalent post on Codex.

I'm still not sure whether you and all the bryces aren't the same, which is why i said this thread reminds me of Being John Malkovich. You posting styles and brand of butthurt are so similar to even the tiniest bit, that it seem more uncanny to imagine that there are several persons on the net that behave like perfect copycats.

Sorry, but none of them sound remotely like me. The only poster I remember being accused of being the alt of back when is Cleve. Which at least makes some sense on the surface as we both have a strong linguistic command and don't back down.

A meek christian and a guy whose first tongue is portuguese? Give me a break. Plus this other guy sounds different as well.

When people lie about you of course you react the same way. First puzzled then annoyed, then patiently point out the lies as they come up.

I can't conceive how you can read that DU gave people my details as some guy is threatening to kill me and then think he is trustworthy in any way.

And all I hear is I did this terrible thing, then as proof I get a link to someone saying I did a terrible thing. Ok. Problem here is this guy was just nuts and threatening to kill me already because I pointed out he didn't know what he was talking about on financial matters even though he claimed to be a financial professional of some kind (obviously a mortgage broker or something stupid as he really was clueless).

That's what this is all about. Some lunatic who was upset over an internet argument and threatened to kill me. Go back in that thread and you won't find a single threat from me, go ahead and red my posts. Yet he threatens me a million times and plans how he is going to do it and DU not only lets it slide but tells him where I live. Yet I am the one who is untrustworthy in your eyes.
Apr 10, 2011
No, I simply go on a conservative site for this now because I don't want to saddle such a nice forum with multiple controversial socially conservative topics such as the unsavoury behavior of a contingent of extreme leftist and gay activists, the bullying of conservatives, or the refusal of mainstream society to condemn extreme promiscuous behavior. But I don't hide that I follow the moral code of the Roman Catholic Church to the letter and stand up for it without compromise. However that includes being compassionate and kind through all things, the most important commandment.
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Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
Funny thing is that Codex endured you for how many years exactly? You wouldn't last a day here on Watch if you maintained the same behavior. I seen you posts in religion-politics and it's hilarious how you trip over yourself not to sound offensive (because you know you'll get banned easily), while we both know how you'd design an equivalent post on Codex.

I'm still not sure whether you and all the bryces aren't the same, which is why i said this thread reminds me of Being John Malkovich. Your posting style and brand of butthurt are so similar to even the tiniest bit, that it seem more uncanny to imagine that there are several persons on the net that behave like perfect copycats.

Then come post what he said that is so bad. I have read some stuff by him on the codex though not in GD and I find this hard to believe.

Go ahead and tell me what he said that is so much worse than nomask denying the holocaust for 50 pages in the GENERAL RPG DISCUSSION forum with no one doing anything about it.

Please explain this to me.

At any rate, no hard feelings. I do remember you from the codex and you seemed like a cool guy. But I can't get how some people can buy into this nonsense. I guess if you repeat a lie enough and it's something 'amusing' that people want to believe, it will stick.
Apr 10, 2011
Wow, so all this happened because you got into a debate with Roqua and you didn't see he was a troll. That's just.... amazing.
Why didn't you mention that in the first post. That would have put everything in perspective.

@HHR claiming to not want to saddle this forum with your dislike of lefties and gays, while indicating that you dislike them in the same sentence, does exactly saddle this forum with that.
Aug 30, 2006
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