King's Bounty: Armored Princess Thread

The paladin hero sounds attractive because of the resurrect skill, but trying warrior as something as different as possible from a mage could be more interesting. Of course, if playing a mage in AP is lot different from TL then I suppose that may be an option.

I played both KB and AP as a Paladin, but used almost no magic. In fact, I really only used magic during boss battles, and only to counter when the enemy used magic against me. I found normal difficulty to be a bit on the easy side in AP, especially in the 2nd half of the game.

I don't think playing a Mage in AP would be much different from playing one in KB, although I can't speak from experience. My advice would be to just play for a few hours as a Warrior or Paladin and see how you like it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I think warrior is fun, you really have to make the most out of your units instead of using a lot of spells or resurection…..
Oct 25, 2006
Mage in AP is pretty similar to TL. Paladin might be easier for a no loss style. I haven't played too much as a warrior, but my Undead Army lord was a warrior (TL) and was very effective and a lot of fun to play.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm wavering now. No-losses seems unrealistic without resurrection spells. Or am i missing something?

Or can I use phantoms on inquisitors/paladins and resurrection spells as a warrior?
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Yes low loss is fun, not no loss. And yes you can use the same units and spells as a warrior but mana isn't your first strength. A warrior still use a lot of spells but it's more efficient for control and support. In KBTL Inquisitor could be a good tool for a warrior to resurrect some troops (and they are good against undead).

Few loss don't mean you don't use resurrect or sacrifice, just that you don't need to abuse of it to achieve no loss.
Oct 14, 2007
Good advice! I played it over the weekend. Wooo! Major fun...

Made it to about level 12 as a warrior, with almost (but not quite) zero losses.

Haven't upgraded any items. Each try resulted in major losses as warrior. As a mage with higher magic it was very easy with destruction spells to take out the red towers quickly before they pulverized my troops. As warrior, there's no way to get my troops across the board to 3-5 towers. May have to wait for the right ranged units (cyclops and catapults?) and switch them in before upgrades.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I thought upgrading items in AP was a bit tougher than in KB, and I remember getting stomped a few times. The problem is that there's no way of knowing how powerful the keepers of any given item are going to be. Wait until you're past level 20 before trying to take on items.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yeah, I also think so..... well blackdragons in general are really good :p especially when you are a warrior and can buff their defense and attack!
Oct 25, 2006
AH, I have hit something. Good! Next question is whether just stacks of black dragons can do upgrades so that other units aren't wiped out by gremlin magic. :)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Black Dragons are totally immune to magic and no spell will work on them. That makes them relatively more difficult to manage. Perhaps that have changed with KBAP. I'm surprised you play KBAP before KBTL.

Not sure how it works in KBAP but in KBTL, Gremlins towers does mainly magic damages but also use and summon troops. For sure Black Dragon can be nice against Gremlin towers because magic attack won't hurt them much.

In KBTL few units have bonus against tower and they can work well if you have ways to get the initiative. In KBTL That was Catapult and Cannoner, both double damages and are long range. But if Cannoner can be a good general purpose unit, it's less obvious for Catapult. Perhaps you can buy you a stack only for those fights an store it in a castle.

Also if I remember well Gremlin Towers had a good protection against magic so using units with magic attack wasn't a good deal.

Another point in KBTL was to destroy asap the red towers that are attack towers.
Oct 14, 2007
I'm surprised you play KBAP before KBTL.

And where did you get that idea from? You should be surprised. ;)

Another point in KBTL was to destroy asap the red towers that are attack towers.

Yes, like I said, I took a very offensive approach before. I bombarded them with destruction spells (geyser and/or firestorm) in KB:TL, but now, as a warrior in AP, they are tougher…. Playing defensively with black dragons seems like a good strategy… We'll see….
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Whoa! Two red dragons make a HUGE difference. I found 2 Colossal scrolls and used one to get 2 red dragons (saving the other until I have enough leadership to get 3 black dragons). Now heroes (and gremlin towers) that used to spam the party with destruction spells like fireball and lightning stop doing so while the red dragon tanks and wreaks havoc on the enemies. The battles on Rusty Anchor that were deadly have become easy. :)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
My level 8 warrior on normal difficulty is in cleanup mode now, using Ancient Knowledge XP boosting scrolls for the remaining tough hero battles. Most battles are easy with no losses using Phantom and Timeback with my party of black, red dragons, paladins, evil beholders, and archmages (with inquisitors as back up to resurrect red dragons). Froggy went down in 2 rounds; driller didn't have a chance. Don't need to summon anything now. Rarely use damaging spells. Paladins are essential for resurrecting. The pet dragon lightning ball skill is now at 20-48% of enemy health!

The battles in demon land and Ultrax will probably need a change to my party because of enemy fire resistance. I'll probably swap in green dragons and archdemons for the other dragons.

Note black dragons are immune to magic! Can't be buffed, ressurected, or time backed. So they need to held back a bit in the first round so they don't suffer losses against big stacks. Phantomed red dragons, OTOH, almost equal a win button!

Compared to playing a mage on The Legend easy difficulty, this is much simpler (and less tedious)… :)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
And where did you get that idea from? You should be surprised. ;)
From your questions you seems not very experimented in the game, well ok you probably only finished once the game in normal mode and then switch to AP.

Yes, like I said, I took a very offensive approach before. I bombarded them with destruction spells (geyser and/or firestorm) in KB:TL, but now, as a warrior in AP, they are tougher…. Playing defensively with black dragons seems like a good strategy… We'll see….
Myself I never succeed use well black dragon because you can't use any spell on them an their special attack is more difficult to figure and plan. But I have read some battles description using time back and their high mzgic resistance and immunity, that show they can be a good tool for some battles.

Myself I used much more the Red dragon, quite powerfull too and their special attack can make marvels. I also used more green dragons but more because of their ability to refill mana. You can use this to almost cheat in some battles.
Oct 14, 2007
Note black dragons are immune to magic! Can't be buffed, ressurected, or time backed. So they need to held back a bit in the first round so they don't suffer losses against big stacks. Phantomed red dragons, OTOH, almost equal a win button!

Compared to playing a mage on The Legend easy difficulty, this is much simpler (and less tedious)… :)
I could not remember well but I think Black dragon can be time backed.

About KBTL and mage, it' not mage nor KBTL that are tedious, it's using mage at easy difficulty because it's a lot too easy to abuse spells power. But mage at higher difficulty are a much more interesting play because you'll have to abuse of spells but support spells most often and that's very interesting and in my opinion even more than a fighter.
Oct 14, 2007
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