I took my PC a part a little over a month ago and haven't gotten around to putting it back together. So I've been a console gamer for a bit.
Bloodborne ( PS4) beat it last weekend good game if you like souls formula. Took 110 hours total with a couple restarts.
Madden 2016 (Xbox one)- for a series that just gets a makeover every year you'd expect it to be stable but no. Several times during play it kicks me to the settings screen for no reason, commentators repeat sentences back to back and I've even had it lock up and require a restart on a handful of occasions. All that and I've only played 5 games. The game when you can play it is pretty good. Standard madden fare with a few new features.
Styx (PS4)- very disappointing. Worst combat system I can remember playing. I understand that it's stealth but if you do get detected you need a passable combat system. This game doesn't have one IMO. What happens if you fight is there is no attack button. You have to wait for the enemy to attack then you can parry and reposte then wait for them to attack and repeat. There is no way to just attack them once they spot you. You can backstabbing them if your undetected. I suppose it's a hair better than just having to restart when detected but I can't play a whole game like that. To bad too as I like Styx and was a fan of of orcs and men.
I think it's time to get my PC back together.