Obsidian Entertainment - Tyranny Revealed

Btw. the premise ‘What if evil already won?’ isn't that special. It has already been done 3 years ago in Demonicon where the part of the world the plot plays in is ruled by evil mages and demons.

Yes. After the pleasant surprise of this new RPG announced, I just thought : "Oh,. evil again ?"

This is really a fashion now. To play evil. Reminds me a bit of the "Overlord" setting.

Besides, regarding Demonicon, the lands of that RPG - the "Black Lands" are now to a great deal officially freed.

And I just thought : What if there was an entirely "horror setting" land, in which the "good side" is invading ? Wouldn't there be huge protests by playewrs who want everything to be dark and evil and like horror ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It'd be entertaining if the "good" in this game dwelt mostly in the underground darkness, where it can linger in hidden caverns and tunnels, gathering its strength and preparing to strike out at the abode of evil on the surface. How about some virtuous beholders, illithids, drow, and aboleths? Turn-around can make for interesting drama.
Mar 22, 2012
In Tyranny, you will be the judge and executioner of Kyros' law, acting under the watchful eye of the Overlords Archon of Justice, Tunon the Adjudicator (pictured right) Your words shape the lives of thousands.

Some points:

The word Tyranny is a very negative word. Does this suggest a very... depressing(?)... premise? Do I want a game that is depressing by design? No idea really.

Judge/Law/Overlords again suggests there's a limitation on player freedom, a sense that this isn't really fantasy but something altogether more claustrophobic. I suspect it won't be quite that bad but the word usage makes it sound like that.

Our words will shape the lives of thousands? Words? Not our sword/Fireballs then? Hmmm... doesn't fill me with a sense of excitement. Again, I'm guessing there are swords and fireballs? I dunno, maybe not. Guns maybe? How will it make me care about these thousands enough to give a rats if I click yes or no to an obnoxiously worded dialogue tree with little thought as I rush to the next sword/gun fight, if it has sword/gun fights that is?
Nov 1, 2014
Judges make judgments and these consist of words (otherwise they would be executioners). The ancient Greek word τυραννίς first and foremost meant a sole reign. As you see, words can be interpreted in different ways, you can even establish new interpretations or refer to older one's. Playing with common imaginations is an artistic devise. So I don't think nitpicking on press releases does lead anywhere.
Oct 18, 2006
Some points:

The word Tyranny is a very negative word. Does this suggest a very… depressing(?)… premise? Do I want a game that is depressing by design? No idea really.

Judge/Law/Overlords again suggests there's a limitation on player freedom, a sense that this isn't really fantasy but something altogether more claustrophobic. I suspect it won't be quite that bad but the word usage makes it sound like that.

Our words will shape the lives of thousands? Words? Not our sword/Fireballs then? Hmmm… doesn't fill me with a sense of excitement. Again, I'm guessing there are swords and fireballs? I dunno, maybe not. Guns maybe? How will it make me care about these thousands enough to give a rats if I click yes or no to an obnoxiously worded dialogue tree with little thought as I rush to the next sword/gun fight, if it has sword/gun fights that is?

Feargus once, 5 years ago, described the idea behind the game as "What if Sauron won?" I'll let decide if that is depressing or not.

Words = judgement.

There might be fireballs, magic exist in the setting going by the The School of Ink and Quill being composed of mages (info from the world section on the official website). Speaking of the world section, the names in that game are going to be weird. The Tiers? The Bastard Tier? Younger Realms? The Contested Lands, human population: 870…lol
Oct 13, 2007
I am not going to get to excited about this until there is a lot more information on this game.

Also though I did play POE on day one to completion, it would seem they are still working on making it a playable game. So maybe 2 years after release I will start to get interested in it.
Apr 2, 2011
I really dislike playing evil in any game, and that's the biggest reason stopping me from even looking forward to the game's release. Hopefully as we learn more they'll reveal if your choices will allow you to betray the tyrant god and restore balance in the world.
Apr 11, 2015
Not that interested. I hope Pillars of Eternity 2 gets announced soon. Simply put, I think these one-off RPGs aren't that exciting or epic. PoE 2 should be like Baldur's Gate 2; a huge, sprawing, epic RPG with over 100 hours of gameplay. I'm guessing this Tyranny game probably has like, 30 hours of gameplay. Just a guess.
Not that interested. I hope Pillars of Eternity 2 gets announced soon. Simply put, I think these one-off RPGs aren't that exciting or epic. PoE 2 should be like Baldur's Gate 2; a huge, sprawing, epic RPG with over 100 hours of gameplay. I'm guessing this Tyranny game probably has like, 30 hours of gameplay. Just a guess.

I am surprised that it hasn't been already, considering that have basically worked out all the bugs in the first one.
Apr 2, 2011
I would actually be okay if they used the same rules. Why? Why not try to make their rules the "new standard" or whatever, like D&D was? I want that epic ruleset and lore like we got from D&D in the past. We need a modern RPG equivalent to that, and it just hasn't happened yet.

Again, all these one-off games that claim deep lore have nothing on D&D. D&D is deep lore. These quick fix one-off games are cannon fodder.
The rules made character building too generic for me. But that was at release time. Haven't heard it's gotten any better.

Fair enough. I didn't notice that myself, but to each their own.

I do hope there is more variety in the skills/talents area. That area did seem a little generic now that you mention it.

I would make an RPG series and just copy D&D, lol. Yes, I love D&D. :)
3rd edition DnD as implemented by CRPGs hasn't been surpassed by anything since NWN / 2 / Temple of Elemental Evil.

I'd be very happy with a return to that rule set. :)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Can't be sure I'd be happy, but let's say I would - only if it's not Aurora "you can't return to the previous area" engine again.
Apr 12, 2009
PoE rules are already based on D&D. It's just 4th edition D&D, which is exactly where the problem lies. Granted, it's not based that closely but short of making a ToEEesque D&D 3.5 strict ruleset in a 2016 game you're not making a good D&D based ruleset game.
Mar 10, 2016
I got through about half a replay of POE, then heard patch 3.00 was coming and put it down. I am not sure if it was the rule set that made the game generic or how the story really died off half way though the game.

The lack of interactive characters though out the game also made me lose some interest. I did enjoy being able to do many quests without having to fight or fighting if I choice to.

Load times were also brutal and there was a lot of back and forth in the game.

So much time and energy seem to be spent on all the tomb stones writing that had nothing to do with the game at all.
Apr 2, 2011
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